Player log in suggestion

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Player log in suggestion

Post by Kaymon24 » Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:07 pm

Hello. So I have a been thinking about rules being broken like big brothering, muling, actions that require players to log on other characters to break the rules.

Whether it be to enforce rp plots by logging on other characters and ganging up on people (big brothering) or having multiple active characters in a faction, these are things that are against the rules and require a lot of work from the server dm's and administration along with resulting of people getting banned from the server.

My suggestion is this:

Have it that whenever a player logs on a different character away from one they are currently playing... they are compelled to play only that character for 10-15 days or 7 days. Whatever the team sees fit. This would decrease rules being broken as mentioned above or take out some of them entirely.

Maybe find a way to warn the players if they decide to play a different character they cannot play anyone else within so many days and are you sure you want to do this?

I don't know coding or how it would work to implement this on the server, but it's a idea that would save the dm's and admin's tons of work once in place and stop players from getting banned from the server from breaking these kinds of rules entirely.

Let me know what you guys think of this.

