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More Major Races

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:08 pm
by The First Vicar

Cambion when?
Githyanki when?
Illithid when?
Eladrin when?
Dragonborn when?
Goliath when?
Aarakocra when?
Tabaxi when?
Warforged when?

I could keep going, but you get the point! It's also my personal opinion that some of the other races should be changed around, normals to greaters, greaters to normals/majors etc.

I think this would help to spice things up more often than not and would give some people who'd had rewards laying around in their vaults for months or years a reason to use them. It would also introduce new and interesting RP mechanics to the people who are playing as them. Introducing new races, and making them both 'hostile' or 'not acceptable' to the UD and the Surface would funnel people into using DIS (and DIS-like) and surrounding areas more. Sure, they can skulk about in disguises, but if I was able to just hang out in an open market as a Devil/Demon, I totally would.

Anyways, thats just my 2 cents on Major Races.