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New Deity; Evening Glory.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:43 pm
by Disaster Lesbian

I suggest the addition of a new deity to the Arelithian list, Evening Glory.

Evening Glory was added into 3.5e, through the publishing of the Libris Mortis handbook, of which also denotes her (At the time of such publication) within the Forgotten Realms setting. She wasn't a part of the Ravenloft setting until 2016's Curse of Strahd - which should mean she is still able to be venerated within the current history and setting.

To quote directly from the Libris Mortis "Evening Glory teaches that desire is all that matters, and the desire for the love of another should never be allowed to fail through the depredations of age. Those whose love transcends life should seek life everlasting through the grace of undeath. The perfect preservation may freeze love forever. While the resurrection of tragically slain lovers may do for some, nothing can stay old age’s imperious final call—nothing but the embrace of undeath."

Evening Glory would allow for additional nuance, being a True Neutral lesser deity, and given she attracts those who seek immortality, lovers, and even the Undead overall - and feel as though such an addition would further enhance RolePlay.