Make the Blank books stackable.
Make it possible to craft blank books in bulk.
Make a "Remove 1, 2, 3, 5, 10" options in the book bags.
Make a printing press work with a stack of blank books.
Add a special sailing artifact which would work as an infinite blank book in terms of printing.
Blank books are mostly used for the printing process. Means you usually need lots of them.
Since the blank books are not stackable there is no recipe for their mass production like we have with a printing woodcut. Means you have to produce 1 book at a time. Means you have to stand next to the crafting station and for every book you:
1. Press "2" in the crafting menu in order to create an item by the ID (47 for the blank books). Sometimes you roll nat 1's and waste your godsave for 1 blank book;
2. Wait 3 seconds until the crafting windows closes and opens up again;
3. Press "1" then "5" to start the actual production and then to invest the points. 1 book = 1 CP even if you are a master carpenter.
Repeat N times. Usually N = 50+;
4. Then you have to pack the books you produced into a book bag, because there is usually not enough space in the inventory to carry so many blank books. So now you stand and "book bag+ctrl+blank book". Repeat N times and wait until your char packs up all the blank books.
Then you need to use the blank books in the printing process to print M books. In order to do that:
1. You open a book bag, find your blank books and click "Remove" M times (because there is no "Remove 2, 3, 4, 10, etc." options in the book bag. You may need to repeat the process if your inventory cannot hold the needed amount of blank books;
2. You put 1 blank book into the printing press M times.
In many cases you have to check if it is a blank book or a to-copy book, because the icon is the same. If your inventory is not well organised you have to switch between the tabs to look for those blank books.