Favorite Impactful Quotes

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Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by Eira » Fri Apr 30, 2021 10:39 am

Sometimes I'm blown away by lines that other characters deliver that stay with me for a long time after. They're just perfect for the scene, time, or whoever they're delivered to.

What are all your favorite quotes from others that really stuck or made you feel something? Context of the scene or who said it isn't needed, though if you want to share feel free.

To start (though I'll have many more when I have a moment to look through logs):

Locksryn Vista wrote: "There are times for anger, and there are times for calm. Fighting is never a time for the former. Not for us."

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Re: Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by magistrasa » Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:30 pm

I could write a whole novel out of the profound nonsense you people force me to read with my eyeballs. This one's kinda recent, but it stuck with me for a while.
There are some things communicated adjacent to words. Not in the words themselves, but in the method. In tone and expression, in the twist of lips and the clench of a larynx. Words, it seemed, were losing their usefulness in this conversation, being phased out for the meta-dialogue.
So it was not the words he said in response, the useless and pointless, "I know," that communicated what he wanted. It was the certainty in it. The recognition of what was below [her] own words. In what was beneath his. The ironclad, stolid certainty. The affection that drew it along...
...and the faith that was the foundation for it. It was a statement, plain and awkward, that would not be half as powerful anywhere else. But there, in the dwindling night, beneath the blot of starless sky that was the new moon [...], in the shadow of that [...] shrine...
...those words could say 'I am here for you, always', more than any congregation of eloquent syllables actually could. They were a promise, yes [...]. But they were also a taunt, a declaration of war to all the rest of creation. It was the hill he would die on.

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Re: Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by garrbear758 » Sat May 01, 2021 5:33 am

magistrasa wrote:
Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:30 pm
I could write a whole novel out of the profound nonsense you people force me to read with my eyeballs. This one's kinda recent, but it stuck with me for a while.
There are some things communicated adjacent to words. Not in the words themselves, but in the method. In tone and expression, in the twist of lips and the clench of a larynx. Words, it seemed, were losing their usefulness in this conversation, being phased out for the meta-dialogue.
So it was not the words he said in response, the useless and pointless, "I know," that communicated what he wanted. It was the certainty in it. The recognition of what was below [her] own words. In what was beneath his. The ironclad, stolid certainty. The affection that drew it along...
...and the faith that was the foundation for it. It was a statement, plain and awkward, that would not be half as powerful anywhere else. But there, in the dwindling night, beneath the blot of starless sky that was the new moon [...], in the shadow of that [...] shrine...
...those words could say 'I am here for you, always', more than any congregation of eloquent syllables actually could. They were a promise, yes [...]. But they were also a taunt, a declaration of war to all the rest of creation. It was the hill he would die on.
I love this. Serious Steven Erikson vibes
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Re: Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by BaRKyy » Sat May 01, 2021 7:17 am

If I had all the time in the world to go through all the old messages I'm sure I'd have an entire forum worth of beautiful quotes from amazing characters, whether they're paladins of Ilmater or clerics of Bane. This quote, however, stuck with me for a lot longer than it should have.
"There is nothing your enemies would love more than cause you harm by hurting the one you love"
When my character heard that in particular I'd like to say it shaped a lot of how they thought and acted going forward. A bit more careful, a bit more cunning. It only adds to the scene that I should say he was in a bathing suit.
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Re: Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by Waldo52 » Sat May 01, 2021 3:08 pm

"I freed them from their flesh prisons"

-Umar Moridin on skinning his parents alive. A friend's character, very quotable.

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Re: Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by Kuma » Sun May 02, 2021 7:14 am

"Harpoon guns exist to be used." - Sydney Harrow, 163AR

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Re: Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by Tim Burton Feature Presentation » Mon May 03, 2021 12:26 pm

This one from someone I recently played with:

"If you can't be a great person, you can at least be a good monster." Johnathan Rigsby
"The darkest minds are often peering through tinted glass so utterly dark that there seems to be no light left in the world."

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Re: Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by Opustus » Mon May 03, 2021 1:35 pm

This has to be the one that made the biggest impact on my life and sense of self: a snippet from Toni Morrison's Jazz wherein the protagonist, Violet, muses about her life to her young friend Felice. Felice is one of Violet's few friends in a pretty hostile city that has taken to gossiping about Violet and her tragic life. Felice and Violet share a mutual curiosity for each other's lives and pasts, and Felice uses Violet and her life experience as a mirror to understanding her own life. Felice helps Violet simply by listening and letting Felice think out loud, because otherwise she is too preoccupied with her work and relationship to think about her life.

In this passage Felice is telling the reader about her conversation with Violet. It's quite rich in context so reading the whole book (not a long one!) is advised for the total experience.
‘I messed up my own life,’ she told me. ‘Before I came North I made sense and so did the world. We didn’t have nothing but we didn’t miss it.’

Who ever heard of that? Living in the City was the best thing in the world. What can you do out in the country? When I visited Tuxedo, back when I was a child, even then I was bored. How many trees can you look at? That’s what I said to her. ‘How many trees can you look at? And for how long and so what?’

She said it wasn’t like that, looking at a bunch of trees. She said for me to go to 143rd Street and look at the big one on the corner and see if it was a man or a woman or a child.

I laughed but before I could agree with the hairdressers that she was crazy, she said,

‘What’s the world for if you can’t make it up the way you want it?’

‘The way I want it?’

‘Yeah. The way you want it. Don’t you want it to be something more than what it is?’

‘What’s the point? I can’t change it.’

‘That’s the point. If you don’t, it will change you and it’ll be your fault cause you let it. I let it. And messed up my life.’

‘Messed it up how?’

‘Forgot it.’


‘Forgot it was mine. My life. I just ran up and down the streets wishing I was somebody else.’

‘Who? Who’d you want to be?’

‘Not who so much as what. White. Light. Young again.’

‘Now you don’t?’

‘Now I want to be the woman my mother didn’t stay around long enough to see. That one. The one she would have liked and the one I used to like before…. My grandmother fed me stories about a little blond child. He was a boy, but I thought of him as a girl sometimes, as a brother, sometimes as a boyfriend. He lived inside my mind. Quiet as a mole. But I didn’t know it till I got here. The two of us. Had to get rid of it.’

She talked like that. But I understood what she meant. About having another you inside that isn’t anything like you. [My friend] and I used to make up love scenes and describe them to each other. It was fun and a little smutty. Something about it bothered me, though. Not the loving stuff, but the picture I had of myself when I did it. Nothing like me. I saw myself as somebody I’d seen in a picture show or a magazine. Then it would work. If I pictured myself the way I am it seemed wrong.

‘How did you get rid of her?’

‘Killed her. Then I killed the me that killed her.’

‘Who’s left?’

This drove me to accept myself as who I am to enjoy life instead of chasing some actualised image of myself. It's easy for me to want things and to chalk up my shortcomings to unfavorable conditions. I imagine myself as someone else accomplishing the things I always wanted; but the person in these imaginations isn't a truthful version of me. I've always been shunned and small; I've always been insignificant, dreaming of a great role in the world.

Now while that's harsh, it is the truth--but here comes the consolation: you can spend your youth on changing yourself to fulfill the fantasy of who you want to be, but Violet is advising you not to. In Violet's case this was white, light, and young again, but that ship has sailed and Violet wasted her life trying to be something that was impossible. She's a bit of a bitter old woman with a lot of baggage and regret. This led me to think about my relatives, many of them alcoholic, most of them deeply depressed and unhappy, not at all unlike Violet. The contrast between what you want and what's expected of you is enormous, and the dreams we have tend to be internalised expectations about our lives rather than realistic versions of ourselves as happy, functional and decent human beings. By resolving to change the world instead of herself Violet doesn't exculpate herself from responsibility for a good life (she owns up to it: I messed up my own life), but she acknowledges herself as she is instead focusing her efforts outward rather than inward; on other people rather than herself. This way she can remain young and light, or at least could have but now she must suffice as she is with all the mistakes she's made in life.

That's more or less my take on it. The way this hit me was massive, I can't fully do it justice how profound a change it made in me.
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Re: Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by xanrael » Mon May 03, 2021 5:48 pm

I've forgotten the PC's name as this was when I first joined the server many years back. My PC was taken under the wing of an warlock for a day and we were traveling from A to B and they proceeded to summon a little imp. After questioning them on this they said:
Why should I show my hand when I can have others underestimate me and thus gain advantage over them?
What really drove it home was a bit later an epic level character did see us and as they already knew my level was in the single digits from a prior encounter and the other PC only had an imp, attacked us. They were quickly decimated by Ice Storm+eldritch blast.

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Re: Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by Freshest Prince of Hell-Air » Fri May 07, 2021 6:41 pm

- Rylie Kingsley

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Re: Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri May 07, 2021 6:50 pm

My favs are super old.

"Life is suffering. Lets see how much life we can get them to live." -Sando Saikoro

"War? Pfft. Just send us in when everyone is asleep. A few stabs and we'll be back in time for pizza. War over." -Siriril Holie


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Re: Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by Drowble Oh Seven » Sat May 08, 2021 1:20 am

'You can chop with anything, with the right attitude!' - Sydney Harrow

She's just very quotable.

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Re: Favorite Sydney Harrow Quotes

Post by magistrasa » Sat May 08, 2021 1:57 am

"Skulls are shrapnel waiting to happen."

"I will leave the consequence of violation of those terms to imagination, except that they are Lurid and Spectacular and Obscene."

I wish I had saved more chat logs from that awful woman.

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Re: Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon May 10, 2021 3:35 pm

"A clever woman knows her greatest foe is not a villian in life, but a mirror in hand."

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Re: Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by Seven Sons of Sin » Tue May 11, 2021 1:45 pm

"Blessed paths."

Still have not come across a better goodbye. And I shamelessly stole it.
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Re: Favorite Impactful Quotes

Post by Hazard » Wed May 12, 2021 2:05 am

"Greeterlings." - Satherial

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