RP bonus

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RP bonus

Post by datboitodd » Mon May 08, 2023 11:43 am

Hello, I've been playing arelith for about 10+ months now. I usually play mobile. (Yikes lol)

But I was wanting to request an evaluation to have my RP bonus bumped from 10. It has been this way for over 10 months now. I've made several mid level to high level characters. I role-playing when available. Sometimes I initiate my own.

The only thing is I don't always walk. Unless I'm specifically Role-playing with others.

Thank you for your time. Hope my request can be fulfilled 8-)

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Re: RP bonus

Post by EnigmaticSpirit » Mon May 08, 2023 12:19 pm

A reminder to all this player's buddies that -recommend exists.

They'll get to it, my guy. Only so many DMs to go around and a lot of players.

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Re: RP bonus

Post by Amateur Hour » Mon May 08, 2023 1:25 pm


You can put a request for RPR Evaluation here. Simply pick the character from your list (if you have more than one) that you think shows off your roleplay skills the best, select "RPR Evaluation", pick 20 from the dropdown, then in the Additional Details section you can write out a brief thing about why you think you fit the description; you can basically copy-paste what you wrote here.

I've found the ticket system to be really effective for getting these administrative things taken care of.

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Re: RP bonus

Post by IAmSwampFoot » Tue May 23, 2023 7:32 am

I approach RPR by just role playing and hope some one takes notice.

I recently got an RPR raise without realizing it until I was standing around doing nothing and noticed my xp per tick went up.

Just continue role-playing and don't worry about your RPR. If your RP is memorable someone will -recommend or the DMs will notice and raise your rating. Asking for a raise sounds like "Are you not entertained?". When the real question should be "Am I entertained?"

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Re: RP bonus

Post by Autumn Wind » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:55 am

Meaning no great criticism of our very hard working volunteer DM staff. I have made a number of recommendations using the -recommend command and to my knowledge none of those people ever received a bump. Its a waste of time. I will not be doing it anymore.

Again I am not criticizing the DMs. There are what 1,000+ players and 10-15 DMs? Its just not a good system.

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Re: RP bonus

Post by Hazard » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:28 am

I don't really take the RPR seriously and I don't recommend others do either. There are low RPR players that have been there for many years and should be much higher, and there are high RPR players that should have been lowered.

I wouldn't take it personally. It is in no way a reflection of the quality of a player's roleplay, it just has the potential to possibly be in the best of scenarios and is the best system we have ATM.

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Re: RP bonus

Post by Eira » Sat Jun 03, 2023 6:20 am

As said above, the support page is your best bet. DMs actively request you do so, as there are far too many players for them to possibly see all the time. For RPR higher than 20, anyone is welcome to send a message on the forum to active DMs to request it.

-recommend is mainly for 40 and 50 rpr players to bump 10 rpr to 20. That happens instantly as the command is used.

While, yes, anyone can use recommend, it is something that would be referred to in context when that player is noticed through other routes, or when they apply for an rpr boost. The more people who use it for one person, the more likely it will have an effect, but one person hitting recommend is just the first step.

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Re: RP bonus

Post by Eyeliner » Sat Jun 03, 2023 6:22 am

Hazard wrote:
Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:28 am

I don't really take the RPR seriously and I don't recommend others do either. There are low RPR players that have been there for many years and should be much higher, and there are high RPR players that should have been lowered.

I wouldn't take it personally. It is in no way a reflection of the quality of a player's roleplay, it just has the potential to possibly be in the best of scenarios and is the best system we have ATM.

I agree, though I have a friend who's been stuck at 10 for over a year and a half and has no luck getting their RPR raised to 20 to use epic sacrifice even though their RP seems solid and they've even led a faction. I've seen other complaints about this on Discord too. Maybe bumping players from 10 to 20 might need to be a bit more of a priority than it is.

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Re: RP bonus

Post by magistrasa » Sat Jun 03, 2023 10:17 am

When I asked about how DMs process recommendations, this is the informative response I was given (emphasis mine):

DM Raven wrote:
Tue May 02, 2023 12:18 pm

The -recommend command is used often enough that we get good feedback from it regarding players' RP and performance. There is a log of all the recommendations we get but we don't exactly track numbers. Having said that, we often don't miss recommendations because the system is relatively important to how we review story building efforts.

If a player impresses you more than once on separate occasions and you feel they warrant another recommendation then please feel free to give them one. We always enjoy seeing players having good RP experiences with each other. While not an exact science, when we notice a considerable amount of recommendations for certain players, we do consider bringing them up for RPB reviews.

[...] However, the -recommend system is not intended to replace the formal submission of RPB reviews. If you find yourself thoroughly engaged in RP with a certain player or certain players, please feel free to send messages to the DM team recommending them for a review. Rest assured that the recommendations do serve as good supplements throughout the process.

If you're really concerned about your or someone else's RPR, send a message to the DM team explaining why you think a review is warranted. Before the -recommend feature and during a time where the RPR gates kept you out of some races and classes, I was locked at 20 for YEARS despite leading some very active factions and contributing to the server narrative, and it wasn't until I went out of my way to ask the team for a review that I finally got a bump.

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Re: RP bonus

Post by MissEvelyn » Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:15 pm

I wish that people who were bumped from 0 to 10 and then from 10 to 20 would have gotten an automatic +10 RPR increase, when the change went in for new players to automatically start at 10, instead of 0.

But I'm totally biased in that wish :roll:

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