Dogma of the Seldarine

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Dogma of the Seldarine

Post by daimon_d_heart » Sat May 25, 2024 3:10 pm

The Coronal & Queen

Corellon Larethian the Coronal of Arvandor

The people are both wardens and sculptors of magic's endless mysteries. Through Art and Craft, bring forth the beauty that envelopes and let the spirit gambol unfettered. The song of joy and the dance of freedom shall ever soar on the wings of those who dare take flight. Guard against the slow death of stultifying sameness by seeking out new experiences and new ways. Ward against those who seek only to destroy in their inability to create and commune with the natural and mystical world. Be ever vigilant in force of arms and might of magic against any return of the banished darkness, and also be strong in heart against the corruption from within which allowed the Spider Queen to foment the chaos and evil of the Crown Wars.

Angharradh the Queen of Arvandor

Through unity and diversity there is strength. Be ever vigilant against She Who Was Banished and work together in defending the lands of the Fair Folk from those who would work evil. Celebrate the One and the Three for their collective purpose and individual expressions of life. Through the melding of widely different skills and interests, creativity, life, and artistry are nurtured, and new ideas are discovered.

Sehanine Moonbow the Lady of Dreams

Life is series of mysteries whose secrets are veiled by the Luminous Cloud. As the spirit transcends its mortal bounds and new mysteries are uncovered, a higher form is achieved, and the cycle of life continues. Through contemplation and meditation, communion with the Lady of Dreams is achieved. Through dreams, visions, and omens revealed in sleep or the reverie, the Daughter of the Night Sky unveils the next step along the path and the next destination on the endless journey of mystic wonder that is life and death.

Aerdrie Faenya the Queen of the Avariel

The ever-changing reaches of the sky are the great gift of the Winged Mother. Take flight into her windswept embrace, and gambol amidst the everchanging clouds. Honor those who dwell with the Lady of Air and Wind and cherish the birds who dance on her tresses. In change there is beauty and in chaos there is the birth of new life. Ascend, soar, glide, dive, and ascend again and relish in the freedom that the Winged Mother bequeaths. The air is the breath of life.

Hanali Celanil the Heart of Gold

Life is worth living because of the beauty found in the world and the love that draws twin hearts together. Nurture what is beautiful in life and let beauty's glow enliven and brighten the lives of those around you. The greatest joy is the rapture of newfound love and the tide of romance that sweeps over those wrapped in its embrace. Seek out and care for love wherever it takes root and bring it to its fullest bloom so that all may share in the joy and beauty it creates. Always give shelter and succor to young lovers, for their hearts are the truest guides to life's proper course.

The On High

Alathrien Druanna the Rune Mistress *

Let your hearts be filled with insatiable curiosity in the pursuit of knowledge. Solve the mysteries of runes by delving into ancient texts and unraveling their secrets. Embrace the power of runes, for they are the needle that threads the very fabric of reality. Inscribe them with precision and let their intricate patterns shape the forces of conjuration. Through study and weaving, you shall unlock the true potential of the art. Engage in spirited debates, challenge one another's theories, for the collective wisdom of the fair folk is a beacon of enlightenment.

Araleth Letheranil the Prince of Stars *

Darkness hides much evil that would do harm to elven communities; be the light that illuminates and repels that evil. The beauty of the stars brightens the night even when the moon is dark, and guide wanderers and travelers to their destinations. Revel in the beauty of the night, but always be vigilant for the dangers it hides.

Deep Sashelas the Lord of the Undersea

Swim the great currents and the shallow seas. Exult in the everchanging beauty and life of the bounteous Undersea. Revel in the joy of creation and increase its myriad aspects. Seek not to hold that which is everchanging, but instead love the change itself. Seek out fellow swimmers who honor the ways of the Lord of the Undersea, and ally with them against those who see only the darkness of the deeps. Follow the way of the dolphin. Promote the use of the seas by all reasonable folk for all time to come; fight those who would hoard its riches or pollute its depths.

Erevan Ilesere the Evershifting

Change and excitement are the spice of life. Live on the edge, unbound by the conventions of society in a spirit of constant self-reinvention. Puncture the self-righteousness, sanctimony, and pretension that pervades orderly society with mischievous pranks that both amuse and enlighten. Inspire laughter and happiness, giddy silliness, and welcome release from care so that the routine of day-to-day existence does not become worn so deep that it grinds all the joy from life. Celebrate the spontaneous, and practice random acts of helpfulness.

Fenmarel Mestarine the Lone Wolf

The world is a harsh and unforgiving place, with uncompromising demands on those who would forge their own path. Rely not on others for protection, for betrayal comes easily, but on your own skills and those taught to you by the Lone Wolf: the skills of camouflage, deception and secrecy. Follow the way of the Lone Wolf, for his is the path of self-sufficiency. Fear not hard work, for the fruits of your labor prove your worth to yourself.

Kirith Sotheril the Prismatic Sorceress *

The gift of magic is a powerful tool to reveal truth. It can cut through the mists of deception and obfuscation to show reality. Imbue objects with enchantments to protect the lands of the elves and use charms to turn antagonistic forces into supportive reinforcements.

Labelas Enoreth the Sage at Sunset

The march of time is inexorable, but the blessings of the Lifegiver enable the children of Corellon to live long and fruitful lives, unmarked by the passage of years. Record and preserve the lessons of history and draw lessons from that which has unfolded. In the end, the sun always sets before the next day dawns anew. When you follow Labelas's teachings, time is on your side.

Melira Taralen the Patron of Bards and Minstrels *

Spread the teachings of musicianship always, for it is through music that we connect with the divine. Music is the most precious creation, so encourage its preservation at all times and in all ways. Awaken a love for song in all those you encounter and shun not those lacking in experience. Never cease in your own pursuit of new melodies, techniques, and instruments to master, for the beauty of music lies in its boundless creativity and endless exploration. Embrace friendly rivalries and celebrate the shared passion.

Naralis Analor the Watcher of Souls *

Pain, suffering, and death are anathema to the elven love of life. Cure the sick, heal the injured, and ensure those who cannot be saved pass with dignity and without pain. Honor the fallen and conduct the rites to guarantee they reach Arvandor.

Rillifane Rallathil the Leaflord

The Great Oak draws energy from all the living creatures of the world and nourishes, sustains, and protects them from outside threats. Live in harmony with the natural world, allowing each living being the opportunity to serve out its natural purpose in life. As the Leaflord's countless branches, his faithful are to serve as his mortal agents in the natural world. Defend the great forests from those who would ravage their riches, leaving only destruction in their path. Contest both the quick and the slow death of Rillifane's bounty and hold strong like the great oaks in the face of those who can see only their own immediate needs.

Shevarash the Black Archer

The greatest enemy of the Seldarine is Lolth, who sought the corruption of Arvandor and the overthrow of the Creator. The greatest enemy of the Fair Folk is the drow, the debased followers of the Spider Queen who long ago were enmeshed in her dark web. Redemption and revenge may be achieved through the utter destruction of the drow and the dark powers they serve. Only then may the joy of life begin anew. Hunt fearlessly!

Solonor Thelandira the Great Archer

Walk in harmony with nature and oppose the efforts of those who would disturb her delicate balance. Preserve the wild places from excessive encroachment, and work with those who would settle the land to preserve the beauty that first attracted them. Hunt only for sustenance, culling the old and the weak from the herd so that all species may prosper. Like an arrow in flight, it is difficult to arrest the consequences of an action. Choose your targets carefully, for an ill-considered action can have a long-reaching impact.

Tethrin Veraldé the Master of Blades *

The art of swordsmanship is a natural gift of the elven peoples; take that natural skill and work to bring it to a masterful level. Learn the intricacies of all manners of blades and use that knowledge to benefit the elven nations and peoples. Show all the deadly beauty of the art of swordplay. Mastery of blade and spell led to the creation of bladesinging; encourage the learning of this art and always use it in the defense of elves.

The Allies +

Avachel the Quicksilver *

Enjoy sharing stories and songs with those who appreciate such things, regardless of the listener's race or background. Tyrants, even well-meaning ones, serve no purpose in life, so have little patience for their ilk and even less for those that partake in cruelty or bullying. You must be free of restraint, whether real or psychological, in order to freely express your opinions. Live your life to its fullest no matter how long or short it may be, and take pleasures in pranks, both the giving and receiving, in order to avoid depressive monotony.

Khalreshaar the Forest Queen *

Intelligent beings can live in harmony with the wild without requiring the destruction of one in the name of the other. Embrace the wild without fear, because the wild ways are the good ways of all life. Do not allow trees to be needlessly felled or the forest to be burned. Live in communion with the forest rather than make war against the land. Walkers of the Forest Way must protect forest life, defend every tree, plant anew where death fells a tree, and strive to keep the balance that indiscriminate fire-users and woodcutters break. As you live in harmony with the woods, teach others to do so, and punish & frustrate those who hunt for sport, not food, and practice cruelties upon wild creatures.

Sarula Iliene the Lady of the Lake *

Embrace the gentle currents and the tranquil shores. Rejoice in the everchanging flow of rivers and the vitality of the bountiful lake waters. Do not seek to possess the life-giving waters of nature, but instead cherish and protect them from defilement of the careless. Seek kindred spirits who uphold the ways of the Nixie Queen, and forge alliances with them against those who seek to horde nature's bounty. Follow the path of the graceful swan. Advocate for the harmonious use of lakes, rivers, and streams by all who respect their sanctity, throughout the ages to come.

Yathaghera the Winged Queen *

The Pegasus soars as the embodiment of freedom, joy, adventure, and creativity. Life's tapestry is woven with laughter, cherished and savored. Embark on quests fueled by audacity, for impossible dreams are to be fervently pursued. Within their pursuit lies the exhilaration of boundless potential. In the enchanted realm of imagination, creativity dances with moonbeams, paints rainbows on the canvas of possibility, and whispers secrets to curious minds, transforming ordinary thoughts into extraordinary wonders. In the presence of rapier wit and unrestrained bliss, evil dissolves like morning mist, for the embrace of freedom is more precious than a life enslaved.

The Memory

Mythrien Sarath the Watcher over Mythals *

Embrace the responsibility of protecting the mythals, for the balance of the realms depends on your watchful gaze. Study the ancient arts, master the spells that shield and preserve, and let the essence of protective magic envelop your being. Seek out the followers of demon lords, those agents of chaos and darkness, and face them with unyielding courage. Strike them down, for they threaten the harmony of the people. Hold close the knowledge of the hidden shrines, perform the sacred rituals with reverence and precision, for they fortify the defenses that keep the ancient darkness at bay. Though my power and memory may fade, let my teachings guide your path.

Non-Canon to Server

Vandria Gilmadrith the Lady of Grief *

Be watchful, wise, and let not the flames of war consume unabated. Seek to prevent strife with diplomacy and understanding, for peace is the truest victory. Ever carry the shield of vigilance for the times when war is inevitable. In every wound, in every death, embrace the weight of sorrow, for it is through grief that strength is found. Carry the memories of the fallen, for their sacrifice shall not be in vain. Harden your hearts and fight without mercy. Possess the power to endure, to rise above carefree natures, and face the darkest of times with grim resolve.

  • Official dogmas could not be found for these deities & greater powers, so I either used unofficial ones I found online or created ones that I thought suited them.

  • Avachel is the male elven aspect of Hlal. Khalreshaar is said to be either the elven name for Mielikki or a human druid that died protecting elven woodlands from the encroachment of civilization. Yathaghera is said to be the daughter of the winged unicorn god Eachthighern or the appearance that Lurue takes when on Evermeet. Sarula used to be part of the Fey Pantheon, but switched to the Seldarine after forming a connection with Rilifane. She is said to be fond of Deep Sashelas and purposefully gathers and brings the rains of Aerdrie Faenya to the sea.

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