Hello all,
Thank you to everyone who I have had the pleasure of RPing with, but Adimien is now dead. I had a massive unbelievable amount of RP on this character- the most in all my 13 years of Arelith, but sadly, or perhaps fortunately depending who you are, he has died .
Thank you, and kudos to everyone I have RPed with. I will list some who have especially stood out to me.
Osric Sternenlicht, Siegfried and Baldur Crane, Drakonus Mal'Korith, Arthur Jensen, Thomas Castemont, Asteria, Khara'gos Rivorndir, Alistor Sanctiford, Salvador Sanctiford, Zalata, Keela, Katheryne, Galliard Dundarrow, Gabriel Blackwood, Viridovix, Adelaide Petrov, Niffaniel, Juniper Oakley, Aberran, Donaldo Benthen, and so many others. I am super sorry if I missed your name, I am just trying to get this out there lol. THANK YOU to everyone, I really had so much fun with Adi, and I will miss him tremendously.