Cursed Items!

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Cursed Items!

Post by Ping14 »

Heya! Let's have some fun for a bit. If you're going to add a cursed item in the game, what would it be?

Here's mine:

  • All cursed Items have these properties:
    • Only the benefits of the items are shown via Lore ID
    • The Cursed properties are hidden unless a GSF Divination character casts Detect Curse
    • Upon equipping the item, it cannot be unequipped unless the curse is determined by a GSF Divination character using Detect Curse.
    • Casting Remove Curse after proper ID of it will automatically remove the item from equipment slot
    • When equipped after the remove curse, it will regain its Cursed properties and be bound once more
  1. Chrome Dome

    • Helmet: +3AC, 10% Bludgeoning
    • Light: 20M (White)
    • 2% chance of Blinding enemies in 20M after DC check of 10 (very rare, that's a 5% of a 2%, :lol: )
    • Your head changes to a bald one, even when you use -helm
    • Cannot be equipped by Monster races (Those races with no customizable bald head)
  2. Emperor's New Robe

    • Clothing: 0 AC, 4 DEX, 4 CHA, Epic Feat: Epic Reputation
    • The item is stylized in the inventory as being a pretty robe, but when equipped, you're actually naked.
    • Cannot be equipped by Monster races (Those races that always appears the same, with or without armor)
  3. Butler's Gloves

    • Gloves: 2 DEX, 4 Sleight of Hand, 4 Open Lock, 4 Disarm, 4 Search, Rogue's Cunning x1/day
    • There's a 20% chance that your typed language is changed to an archaic form of english [eg. Thee, thy, thou, hast... etc.]
    • Every swear words are filtered with ######, then you get a bludgeoning damage of 1d12
    • Requires Rogue, Chaotic neutral / evil, 70 UMD
  4. Exorcism Blade

    • Longsword: +4 Enhancement, +6 vs Undead, 2d6 divine vs undead, 1d4 fire vs undead, Death to Undeath x1/day
    • A 5% chance of spawning the last creature slain on hit, same creature, same stats, but as a ghost with undead properties
    • Has a 10% chance of casting Inferno on wielder when hit while fighting undead
    • 2% chance of saveless confusion on wielder when fighting undead, spouting nonesense as if possessed when afflicted
    • VS PC undead, has a chance to "God Save / Prays" instead of becoming resurrected as NPC ghost, no piety cost or god-save timer reset when it triggers
  5. Boots Made for Walkin'

    • Boots: 3 AC, 1 DEX, +4 Move Silently, Mass Camouflage x1/day (Runic), +20% movespeed
    • A 10% chance of typing -autowalk when autowalk is off (6 sec cooldown before run can be reengaged)
    • Cannot be Hasted
  6. Mocking Medallion

    • Amulet: -2 CHA, 4 INT, 4 UMD, 6 Taunt, 6 Bluff, Vicious Mockery at CL 30 infinicast (Works like a spellbound wand), Wounding Whispers x2/day
    • A 10% chance that the one you typed will be replaced with an insult. (Insert premade insult bank here!)
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Re: Cursed Items!

Post by LurkingShadow »

These are hilarious and rough! I Have no good ideas myself but I like em!

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Re: Cursed Items!

Post by Darkstorn42 »

I bet it's possible to make the emperor's new robes like a drug effect in the sense where you see your character clothed in a gown, but everyone else sees you naked.

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Re: Cursed Items!

Post by Ping14 »

"Woe is Me" Aegis

  • Tower Shield: +6AC
  • +2 STR, Feat: Alertness, 5% physical immunity, Stoneskin (7) x1/day, Modified DD defensive stance that is always ON!
  • Requires 22 STR base, increased weight
  • 10% chance per round of getting "shield disarmed" while in combat, the shield falling to the ground unable to be equipped for the next 30 seconds
  • 5% chance per round of getting a saveless slow on self cast while in combat. (A shield that big will surely break some toes should it be dropped)
  • When the shield is "disarmed", a cuss voice emote is made by the wielder of the shield. When self slow triggers, a help voice emote is made.
  • Autofail on every mount once the player starts to move. (Horse's back can break too you know! That thing is heavy AF!)
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Re: Cursed Items!

Post by Kuma »

Darkstorn42 wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 1:33 pm

I bet it's possible to make the emperor's new robes like a drug effect in the sense where you see your character clothed in a gown, but everyone else sees you naked.

This one... this one has legs.

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Re: Cursed Items!

Post by MuffinMan »

Boots of Sneakery
+2 DEX, +5 Move Silently/Hide, Imp. Invisibility 3x/day (15)
-Hidden check: walking 15% running 25% chance to input /s Squeak
-On squeak dispels invisibility/concealment, disable stealth (12 seconds), alert area enemies to your presence

It's Still Good (Best Before 75AR)
70/30 for either -/+7 stat (15) depending on the zoo potion consumed

Cold Water Ring
+4AC - Weight Reduction 50% - Resist Cold 50%
Creature has its size reduced by 1 category (Lerge -> Medium -> Sall -> Tiny)
Gains the benefits and restrictions of the new size category
Avatar height adjusted to scale

Coin of Cannibalism
Begins to consume the creature's gp at a rate of 1gp/minute
Doubles each in-game day the coin is not removed from the inventory
*Coin can not be put into the bank or donated to a Settlement/Faction

Dwarven War Axe of Abbathor
Bonus Feat Imp. Power Attack
+4 Fire/Cold/Acid Damage
0 Battle Damage (can't remember the exact text - gladiator weapons have it)
Will never produce a resource when used for gathering

Staff of Beaurocracy
Allows the wielder to vote in any election
Settlement's vote taker will request form 25B obtained from the settlement's resource handler
-To prove you're allowed to collect form 25B you're given warded package "letter of permission"
-Each subsequent item is also a warded package
Settlement's resource handler can't believe you're looking for a 25B when you need a 74C from the bank
Settlement's bank teller is aghast that you weren't sent to collect a 12Z only available at the Arcane Tower
Holsten doesn't remember what a form 12Z is, but Thoramind probably has one
Thoramind gives you form 12Z after a lengthy explanation on how the voting system works
Upon returning to the settlement's vote taker there is an npc line which can't be skipped
-Line progresses by 1 npc per two ticks
-If the character attempts to skip the line with form 12Z in their inventory it is removed
Form 12Z is handed in and the vote is counted

"In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.”
-Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies

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