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Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:10 pm
The masochism I've brought upon myself by making an epic enchanter.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:14 pm
by ActionReplay
- Summons
- Inficasters
- Cordor
- Circlegrinding a bit too much (There's a limit ppl!)
- Surface in general
- Summons
- Getting a bug reported when I know for a fact it has worked flawlessly for years and probably the result of another Dev ;)
- ^ I do it too!
- "Balance this, balance that, my EXP ratio, git gud, OP"
- Watch players clear out a dungeon. Tweak spawns, that should teach them! Watch players clear dungeon again, np. Tweak spawns some more. No one vists the dungeon anymore. My work here is done.
- Return to same spawns within the week and boost EXP and nerf spawns. Conflicted.
- ToDo list keeps growing and I forget stuff to fix because I'm le bored and want to make a new Area instead.
- Path of the Giants. It's been over a year Irongron!
- Summons
- Arelith A.I
- Why can't I make a creature hostile to a single PC? Because Arelith A.I.
- Make super secret areas, no one finds it.
- Going over old UD content
- Making spawns
- Getting raw files from Toolset module to Arelith repo
- When stuff work 90% of the time but the other 10% you have no clue as to why, ignore it for now.
- Fey
- Fey should be removed
- Player Dragons? Really?
- If I want to play as an Ogre or a Kuo-toa I should be able to without a 5% roll. If we had Rakshasa, Dragons, Fey (Ugh)... then an Ogre at least seems to fit way better into the server.
- Lacking NWN default content
- If we only had more Spell Visuals in different element coloring then Archmage Path!
- Looking over old code and thinking "Wtf happened here?!"
- Looking over new code and thinking "Wtf happened here?!"
- Summons

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:31 pm
by Nekonecro
The near constant nerf this, buff this, change this threads that have been going on recently.
Can't we just play the game a bit instead?

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:34 pm
by Iwanttobethegirlwiththemostcake
Nekonecro wrote:The near constant nerf this, buff this, change this threads that have been going on recently.
Can't we just play the game a bit instead?
I second that.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:34 pm
by Peppermint
Nekonecro wrote:The near constant nerf this, buff this, change this threads that have been going on recently.
Can't we just play the game a bit instead?
Please nerf this post.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:38 pm
by Dean
ActionReplay wrote: [Various Mechanical Things]
You cracked me up, thank you.
Nekonecro wrote:The near constant nerf this, buff this, change this threads that have been going on recently.
Can't we just play the game a bit instead?
This too, haha.

My list:
-Low Will Save
-My inability to play most characters beyond level 5
-Dying to user error
-Trying to remove the 'game' from Arelith
-RP builds being hated by Power-builders
-Power-builds being hated by RP Builders
-"Its an RP server, not an X Server!"
-People that pick on lowbies
-Level Drain
-Poor Banites
-Sand, it is course and gets everywhere
-Sand Storms
-All the talking NPCs in Mayfields.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:06 pm
by Borgian Oligarchy
What grinds my gears: Abyssal Drow Edition

1. Getting advertisements for Celestial Lessons in the mail.

2. Pairs of paladins in shiny armored suits coming up to the citadel and asking if we'd like to know more about Torm.

3. People constantly asking "Can I pet the demon?" No. He's a Service Demon. He's not a pet.

4. People who want to learn abyssal constantly saying "Talk abyssal talk abyssal." Then when I do, "That's the ugliest language."

5. People telling me I'm going to Hell.

6. People assuming that I automatically hate Infernalists. No. I automatically hate EVERYONE. It's just varying degrees.

7. Dry heat - no one sells lotion or conditioner ANYWHERE.

8. Isril organizing the citadel so now I can't find anything!

9. Not being allowed to sit in Bel'or's throne. (I sit in it when you're gone).

10. Paush dropping by asking for a cup of sugar after he's killed me -- like I'm going to loan you anything you big douchecanoe.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 10:22 pm
by susitsu
Borgian Oligarchy wrote:What grinds my gears: Abyssal Drow Edition
4. People who want to learn abyssal constantly saying "Talk abyssal talk abyssal." Then when I do, "That's the ugliest language."
you know they're not wrong. on that note.

The color and the whole cipher or whatever for Abyssal. It literally looks like sh-snugglybear, and it looks like you're speaking...well, this post would get removed if I said it.

But you're all thinking it.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 10:36 pm
susitsu wrote:
Borgian Oligarchy wrote:What grinds my gears: Abyssal Drow Edition
4. People who want to learn abyssal constantly saying "Talk abyssal talk abyssal." Then when I do, "That's the ugliest language."
you know they're not wrong. on that note.

The color and the whole cipher or whatever for Abyssal. It literally looks like sh-snugglybear, and it looks like you're speaking...well, this post would get removed if I said it.

But you're all thinking it.
*Tips summing circle* M'gooee.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 10:43 pm
by Cortex
Peppermint procrastinating.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 10:47 pm
by Nitro
Melee mobs hanging out on a transition ready to kick your scrawny wizard Snuggybear before you even get to think about using player tool 1 to make the elemental take the aggro.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:07 pm
by Ork
Horse model is too large to use taunt effectively

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:30 pm
by gilescorey
susitsu wrote: you know they're not wrong. on that note.

The color and the whole cipher or whatever for Abyssal. It literally looks like sh-snugglybear, and it looks like you're speaking...well, this post would get removed if I said it.

But you're all thinking it.
Where the succubi women at

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:43 pm
by Manticore
Managing the %*%#@$^ rest/food/water meters. And then getting laughed at via tells when I inevitably fail to and wind up flopping on the floor and/or dying mid-conversation.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:48 pm
by Aodh Lazuli
The specific individual that changed the spawns in the boss room on Red Dragon Isle. Whoever you may be, I will make a character with EDR, acid sheath and amazing heal skill, and curse you to forever punch said character.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:05 am
by Phandros
What really grinds my gears is running out of gear oil.

Like... damn.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:41 am
by JediMindTrix
Infinite casters and infinite-nerf threads

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:46 am
by earthsong309
Making an infinicaster only to learn that everyone hates infinicasters.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:13 am
by Iceborn
Toll keepers.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:18 am
by Nitro
Iceborn wrote:Toll keepers.
That stupid six hundred HP door next to a certain tollkeeper too.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:21 am
by Commissar
Changing my cloak and accidentally nuking my spell slots.

Changing my hotbar and accidentally nuking my party.

Adding a certain key letter to the word sit, and inviting people to do things that are best not done in public.

Forgetting to type /w and consequently WHISPERING.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:22 am
by Iceborn
Mmm... I just realized a very good reason to keep destruction scroll always ready and handy.

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:22 am
by DarkDreamer
Meaning to type /w to whisper something important NO ONE must here...and typing /s so everyone hears >.<

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:34 am
by lyublyu
rubber bands and unit collision

Re: Things that really grind your gears...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:50 am
by earthsong309

- Trying to click on a character's portrait in the chat but clicking the ground, causing my character to suddenly sprint diagonally away from conversation

- The model of gnomes. Seriously, those legs.

- The summon XP penalty. Why? I'm a warlock. Why punish me for using my main mechanic? :S

- The fact that there's only 1 female shirt model (#17) that isn't either ugly as sin or pointlessly skimpy. Seriously, why does #1 have those random strips cut out at the breasts? Why do all the non-skimpy ones make my character look like a walking juicebox?

- Getting stuck on doorways when in detect mode

- No dark skin color that doesn't look like asphalt

- The fact that I can't come up with a viable "jedi"-like build

- The fact that Travel Domain is seen as such a necessity for clerics

- The word "would" being used in emotes. What do you mean your character "would" bow slightly? Am I not good enough?