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The small things that make you smile

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 5:32 pm
by theCountofMonteCristo
Every time I go into the Hawk's Nest Inn and see Prith and Darar, I always get a small smile inside over seeing them together and old. I absolutely love that small detail.

What details do you find in Arelith that make you smile?

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 8:18 pm
by Durvayas
Not a detail on the module, but something that does make me smile, is when I've got my smith at her smithy in the hub, and I see a warrior decked out in full plate come up and pay my PC for her rock bottom 50gp-per-point repairs when I know that said PC can almost surely do the smithing themselves.

Its nice to feel useful and have people play along with providing a service 50% of the server can easily do themselves.

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 9:14 pm
by Seven Sons of Sin
A few things,

Definitely the shrine of Tempus up in the Crags.
The fact that "Northern Lights" fixture in the Spires still there. Man, it's old.
The "old" parts of Arelith Forest.

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 9:20 pm
by cptcuddlepants
The cat in the Hawk's Nest Inn.

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:32 pm
by Individual Thought Patterns
Talking to NPCs is actually really cool.

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:36 pm
by Romeo and Jubilex
That little spot of sunlight in the UD is neat

Also the whole sailing thing, I love it

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:40 pm
by HindianaJones
Finding little secrets on the server. Tiny transitions that lead to unique places, that sort of thing. Occasional loot jackpot moments also!

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:19 pm
by Rugnar
Deleting characters and not telling people until a week after.

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:34 pm
by Hunter548
Lake Minmir
The cat in the boat on Kohlingen

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:15 am
by If Valor Were Inches
Corrinne Dapple.
Every time I see a pony or horse.
Myrtle the immortal cow.
Every time Honeybunny logs on.

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:20 am
by Iceborn
The tears of my enemies.
New characters bonding.

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:35 am
by Romeo and Jubilex
Iceborn wrote:"Sharpsdaddy".
when is arakh going to tweet "stay out of Bendir" and then executes a magic missile strike on Bendir so we can do this

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:37 am
All the old history accounts. On boards or in books, etc.
Finding new fixtures I've never seen before.
Finding that some of my own fixtures haven't been blasted away yet.
The cathartic feeling I get when I pk someone and take yet another digital life.
The also cathartic feeling I get when I grind to level 26 only to roll the character. :^)

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:38 am
by Hunter548
that cathartic feeling when i have a very dramatic but sudden death scene and roll my character to make people cry

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:38 am
Hunter548 wrote:that cathartic feeling when i have a very dramatic but sudden death scene and roll my character to make people cry
I hate you

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:49 am
by Hunter548
Hunter548 wrote:that cathartic feeling when i have a very dramatic but sudden death scene and roll my character to make people cry
I hate you
is something wrong

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:52 am
by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia
Iceborn wrote:"Sharpsdaddy".

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 3:12 am
by Nekonecro
Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia wrote:
Iceborn wrote:"Sharpsdaddy".
Got a feeling I'll be apologising to someone if that catches on further.

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 3:39 am
by The_Queen~s_Rebuke
I really actually love so much about this server, so excuse me a bit for gushing:
  • The exploration system right now is something I absolutely love. I just love being able to find and explore areas I've never been to, out of character, to fill out that little mini-map and be able to make my own and become actually oriented with the landscape. I've done it about three times now with different versions of the Underdark, and the exploration of the module is at least 70% of my enjoyment mechanically.
  • I REALLY love the new rest menu? holy CRAP y'all, you don't need Books to decide deities or tradeskills anymore (I mean, you do in the beginning area, but that's it!). That's innovation right there, and honestly, I am so hype that it's come to us. Wow!
  • The option not to have your helm show. This is so great for RP, especially, so we can just type '-helm' and emote the character putting it on, or making use of that wonderful '-hood' command instead? Wow wow wow wow wow wow wowo wwowo
  • sharpsdaddy
  • I actually really love a lot of the fixtures I find in most areas. Being able to give the things you made names and descriptions, for me, was one of the best things that happened on Arelith, and I remember how thrilled I was when it was put in, way back when, then immediately found a helmet called 'Helmet with Puppies and Kittens Duct Taped to It'. Good times. Even so, if you see any of my characters stopped somewhere and not responding for a while, in all likelihood, I'm caught up looking at a fixture, or reading a player-made book. You all are so darn creative, it's great.
  • The ability to plant and farm. * u * I suggested it so many years ago and it's so nice to see it finally come to fruition (heheh) and be considered a valuable asset.
  • -Yoink is one of my favorite commands, and I love knowing the way it started.
  • Westin the Apprentice growing old while just down the road, the boy in the Mayfields' kitchen hasn't aged a day.
  • The Harper area is so cool????
  • Andunor is so???? cool????
  • The new Burrowhome area is SO COOL?????
  • white deer spawning around the temple of silvanus heck
  • you know how if you go through that one kuo toa area that you can access by boats there's a like trapped area with a dead body off the path and there's like arrows you have to follow really specifically or take a butt ton of damage but it's just a simple 'follow the arrows' thing that almost doesn't quite make sense HOLY CRAP i love that sort of thing in dungeons HRRG
  • Honestly most of my deaths in dungeons are pretty hilarious.
  • The fact that snakes are still some sort of hyper-strong killing machines that show up at random points across the isle because, and I'm just spitballing here, I think Jjjerm was very afraid of snakes?
  • The character background customization! I love being able to determine all sorts of things abt my characters. You can bet that if there was a VTMB-esque 'decide what your character would best be by doing this quiz' beforehand, I would throw myself in there.
  • The fruit-seller lady still being imprisoned. Why is she there still. How old must she be now? Emma is eternal.

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 3:42 am
by Mithreas
Jj isn't afraid of snakes... he grew up in Louisiana and has plenty of stories about hacking his way through mangrove swamps seeing of snakes with his knife :-)

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:02 am
by Romeo and Jubilex
The_Queen~s_Rebuke wrote:[*]you know how if you go through that one kuo toa area that you can access by boats there's a like trapped area with a dead body off the path and there's like arrows you have to follow really specifically or take a butt ton of damage but it's just a simple 'follow the arrows' thing that almost doesn't quite make sense HOLY CRAP i love that sort of thing in dungeons HRRG
holy frick i LOVE the arrow puzzles, all dungeon puzzles are so sick!!

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:04 am
by gilescorey
The_Queen~s_Rebuke wrote:I really actually love so much about this server, so excuse me a bit for gushing:
This post is so happy I just want to pet it like a lil dog

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:30 pm
by Dr_Hazard89

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 4:22 pm
by theCountofMonteCristo

Re: The small things that make you smile

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 5:59 pm
by Cuchilla
The two Cordorian art "lovers" in The Logjam, Guldorand ... try to talk to them.