What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by Emotionaloverload » Thu Sep 09, 2021 4:12 pm

Party in the forest at midnight wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 12:40 pm

I don't think that will even fix it. The people doing a wider variety of antagonistic/villain/evil RP all went to Andunor. The Erudite Arcanum is absolutely amazing to RP with any time I've been able to interact with its members. Why would anyone ever consider making a necromancer or warlock for the Arcane Tower, if the Erudite Arcanum exists?

The problem is so bad I don't even have a good catch-all term for the character types impacted by it. I hate saying "evil RP" when not all characters are evil. Villain RP isn't right either. Nor is antagonistic, because not all will be antagonists. Not all evil characters are meant to be hidden either, such as Banites, who also may not be evil.

"Surface evil" certainly exists, as on a character sheet. But it's a very limited thing, held back by people who argue "just keep it hidden."
Party in the forest at midnight wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 3:56 pm
My experiences vary significantly from yours. I find it absolutely impossible to drum up any interest in things with surfacers, it's always underdarkers who end up interested. And I don't like OOC coordinating with people to make characters to form a group, which seems to be how other people do it.
I completely agree with both of these as they are my current experience. It is tragically hard to find any surfacer willing to do remotely 'evil' stuff. You have to stay hidden or its over for you and not all characters can go to the UD because of their race being a restriction.

That said, there is at least one surface mage guild that is accepting studious evil types so warlocks of that nature will have somewhere to rp. Obviously, there is still a lot of restriction because of the overwhelming, and downright oppressive surface sentiment.

The new Tower rules have been great for protecting 'evil' type characters as having a place to play. I just wish they were enforced better so that you wouldn't need to defend against pvp constantly in the Tower if you're not on disguise (if you've made the dire mistake of being remotely outed).


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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by kinginyellow » Thu Sep 09, 2021 9:32 pm

magistrasa wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 1:44 pm

To answer the rhetorical questions I quoted, though: The reason why an evil surface wizard joins the Arcane Tower, or the reason why an evil rogue starts a gang in hyper-authoritarian Cordor, is the same reason why they play an evil character to begin with. You want to experience conflict. The conflict is the entire point. Someone playing a warlock makes their character anticipating being found out, and probably even looks forward to it. Drow disguise themselves and sneak up to the surface hoping to get spotted. Nothing is more exciting! And that's an experience you can only get through interaction with the Surface.
I agree with this statement, which is why I used to make evil characters on the surface. However, and not to go too off topic into the Surface Evil PVP thread again, when it comes to warlocks specifically (or necromancers), you're in the unique position that you don't get to choose when to make the heel turn and actually carry that out. You have a sword of damocles over your head the entire leveling process where if you get caught your quality of life is going to be drastically reduced.

I'm all for the RP of eventually being outed and possibly driven underground, but when it happens at a low level its not fun. You lose access to shops, you lose access to peddlers, and you lose access to every settlement except Sibayad (assuming people don't hunt you down there too, which can happen).

And if you do inevitably go underground, as a warlock/necromancer, you're running into the problem of Faezress. You're a surface caster. I hope you enjoy the 60 damage sonic backlash 50% of the time you cast a spell and the stun followup. It becomes incredibly difficult to operate outside of Extended Hub Loitering or Surface Raids.

This is why I've stopped doing it. I'll still make surface evil characters on martial characters or divine casters because for the most part no one's going to point at me and scream that I'm evil when my class mechanics work the same regardless of alignment. They'll only do it when I've prepared to deal with the fallout and do the heel turn.

Now you could criticize this as promoting the idea that RP starts at level 30, but unfortunately for evil aligned characters on the surface, that statement is 100% true. Because unless you're the greatest social manipulator of all time and all your conflict is purely done through networking and puppeteering people into doing what you want, you're not going to be able to deal with the good aligned orders on the surface that will look to stamp you out.

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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by xanrael » Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:07 pm

Think part of the issue is the whole "Why doesn't the high level quest NPC solve the problem themselves instead of sending some inexperienced adventurers to deal with it?" taken to the logical extreme.

Often on a Persistent World the paladin organization isn't going to send out their squire as a test of their ability to deal with a report of an evil warlock prowling about, they're sending the big guns and putting it in all the papers. Same with the powerful warlock often personally dealing with a threat. There isn't a sense of gradual escalation.

With a PW involvement is more closely related to whether you're online at the time or not so it is easier to tilt towards disproportionate levels of response. I don't have a good solution to offer up, just people maybe being more mindful of the challenges of D&D on a PW and consider that the easiest and quickest solution to something isn't always the most interesting from an RP perspective.

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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by yoimtide » Fri Sep 10, 2021 4:01 am


Roleplay sometimes makes me nervous about encountering meta gamers because the world is more in depth and nuanced than mechanics/systems allow and this discussion thread about warlocks is good

Part of the concern for me as a relatively new player is that feeling that meta information is being used to justify IC responses. As far as civilized societies go, is it really 'good' behavior to kill a suspected warlock when the evidence you have is "I saw them use 9 casts of grease when arcanists can only cast up to 7"?

I'd be nervous as a civilian or caster character to be accused of being a warlock when a trial is circumvented by straight up killing with seemingly no repercussions for the aggressor because as a player I sometimes feel like it's coming from a meta place. I feel like it could make for far more interesting and compelling RP if you had to prove someone was an agent of darkness before murder-hoboing in the name of goodness. I guess that's not as fun as getting rid of a threat when you see them, but it might cause less OOC conflict. It wouldn't only apply to warlocks too - it feels that by killing a threat straight up you're both terminating the RP early, and taking away any chance for that character to experience any redemption.

OOC everyone has information at their disposal to figure out what class a person is but IC it should be a lot harder since you don't have a list of all the available classes and systems in your inventory. You could say that your character studied the inner workings of pact-magic to the point of being an expert - but people won't always believe your expertise. In a perceived world where death and resurrection is treated as a mechanical inconvenience rather than cosmic force, killing another person seems more like an OOC show of strength over them rather than a conclusion to an interaction.

At some point, it's also taking away the potential RP for assassin characters to eliminate a problem when someone else might have no faith in the law, or no evidence to support their actions. Or to hire a private investigator rogue/lore skill character to dig up dirt on the alleged 'evil'-doer.

I feel like it goes both ways too. Suspicion from goodly aligned persons because your evil character did something anti-social/evil is completely natural.

I think it's always important to consider that roleplay shouldn't be competitive - it should be cooperative. I hate the idea of me vs them in RP - it doesn't feel like it has longevity. I want immersive, long-lasting RP.
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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by Skibbles » Fri Sep 10, 2021 4:38 am

Party in the forest at midnight wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 12:40 pm
I don't think that will even fix it.
I didn't mean to give the impression that any one thing could fix this problem. Personally I think the problem may take as long to fix as it did to metasticize to where it is now; part of why I tried to give emphasis to a light touch.

Example: What if, instead of outright removing the Outcast tag, the Outcast Tag only appeared when the outcast was in a large Settlement like Cordor (this seems like it would play nicely on the often-said 'NPCs whispering and shunning you', etc). This way when an outcast is climbing a mountainpeak in a blizzard at 2am on a FR-Thursday it might not be so obvious they're mega-evil-purge-bad because an outcast being so far from civilization is... kind of the point isn't it?

Things like that. Changes that don't really change the core of its purpose, because we have to acknowledge the reason it is there in the first pace, but allow for more breathing room that tacitly says 'Hey, chill the heck out', similar to how "Disguise" didn't change how disguises worked but still felt so much better. These changes aren't airtight but I think they have a slow-burning positive impact.

To try and stay to the OP and not become a Tag Thread I'll shotgun a quick list of ideas to contribute towards ambiguity that I genuinely feel could introduce more nuance into RP but not be directly impactful on the original concept or break any 'build-meta':

[*] Players can choose their weapon VFX. There was a huge update like over a year ago with tons of awesome looking VFX and nobody seems to be able to use them. If people can't be responsible then it can be removed, but I have faith.

[*] All casters can infinicast scaling cantrips. Never able to outperform real magic, and maybe hardly ever used, but the possibility itself casts less certainty to determining a mage's source of power.

[*] Warlock eye effects only become active in epic levels similar to hexblade weapon/monk.

[*] Recap: Character tags are only displayed in relevant settings where that character is likely not supposed to comfortably be. IE: Polite Society. Bonus points if actual NPCs grumble and emote towards outcast/pirate characters. Double bonus points if that's the actual 'tell', "No funny business, pirate."

[*] Experimental: All casters (warlocks included - specialist wizard excluded) get basic vanilla summons that either aren't affected by conjuration feats or actually summon one power level downward. So instead of only being able to summon Lord Kitten-killer of the 876th layer you can still summon a basic dire-puppers at middling efficiency.

That's all I can spitball for now, but I hope it at least spells out what I'm trying to get at.
magistrasa wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 1:44 pm
If a member of civilized society is able to read a description, or look at VFX, and see plainly that a person is Evil with a capital E as if they have a glowing neon sign over their head, the only sensible thing for that member of civilized society to do is ostracize the evil individual and meet them with hostility and revulsion. The utter lack of ambiguity is ruinous to nuanced storytelling.
This establishes my thoughts better than myself. While I haven't personally witnessed much of what is going on - it's hard to believe all of it is explicitly bad RP or meta gaming - it could very well be that people are working with the tools we're given and maybe the tools are more at fault than the player in some cases.

I had a chance encounter a few weeks ago on the surface far from any city that I know of, and was asked to leave. It went something like: "Hey we both know you're not supposed to be here, so get lost or bad things might happen." (Paraphrased).

This was pretty shocking for me because I'd just come back from a break for a few months and was very surprised anyone could recognize the character. It wasn't until about half an hour later that it suddenly dawned on me that they were reacting to my Outcast tag; until this revelation I was utterly confused and trusting the other players were being faithful - which they absolutely were.

I use this example because nobody did anything wrong. These are the tools we're given. Visual indicators, tags, weapons, vfx, are going to be number one when it comes to interaction - so we should focus on adjusting the tools (possible) rather than the players (probably not possible).
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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by AstralUniverse » Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:37 am

Party In The Forest is spot on. I felt it as well when i tried an evil rogue on the surface and when I played a necromancer on the surface. When people *realize* what you are on the ooc level they tend to just... avoid interactions with you so they dont, god forbid, find themselves in moral dilemmas IC later on. I tried very hard, I really did. And where I was successful in the past in creating RP and on-going plots, it was 100 times more difficult when my character was an evil class/summoner, regardless of my actions in game, regardless of whether or not they knew IC.

But then if you go to Andunour, you suddenly find plenty of RP in that avenue, effortlessly too... which is a bit sad. There's plenty of evil existing on the surface in this setting, and the fact we dont have a real way to role play that is a clear evidence of strong win-mentality.

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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by mourisson1 » Fri Sep 10, 2021 12:57 pm

AstralUniverse wrote:
Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:37 am
But then if you go to Andunour, you suddenly find plenty of RP in that avenue, effortlessly too... which is a bit sad. There's plenty of evil existing on the surface in this setting, and the fact we dont have a real way to role play that is a clear evidence of strong win-mentality.
I'd also point out that it's a strong evidence that giving evil personas their own safe city doesn't really create as much RP, stories and potential, as having those evil doers trying to find their place and live on surface.

Because mostly people will choose the easy way, and they will just live in the city where no one bothers them, and they don't have to put in any effort to stay hidden, conceal their skills and such. And the other thing is that mostly if there is evil city, players with evil characters who are lets say new to server, or something, will just start there, and then they wont even get to experience the good feeling of trying to keep their secrets. I've tried playing in Andunor, and honestly, the city is very boring if you want to be an evil guy, because in the end you are just....normal, like everyone else around you.
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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by Amateur Hour » Fri Sep 10, 2021 4:11 pm

I think a lot of the issues here are simply unavoidable when it comes to a world with Manichean good and evil, which is a backbone of the Arelith setting. Good and evil will form camps that oppose each other, Neutral will be in the middle keeping their head down and working to survive. And unfortunately, when we consider this suggestion from DM Monkey:
If you find out someone's special IC secret, maybe you have other options than 'outing' them right away. Blackmail, dark friendships, squeezing them for favours, all kinds of things can happen in that situation.
A lot of that isn't really an option if you're a Good. Blackmail is pretty evil. Squeezing people for favors is pretty evil. But you know what is an option?

Hope for repentance and redemption.

Now, we as players know that people tend to not make evil characters unless they actually want to make them evil and thus the chance of successfully redeeming a baddie is extremely limited, but our Goodly characters don't know that! Our characters can have hope, our characters can have mercy, our characters can try to reach out to convince the baddie to change through sheer power of Goodness. I've actually been lucky enough to be part of two, arguably three surface-baddie-redeemed plots, and it can be a lot of fun for everyone involved if the baddie in question's player is amenable.

I'll fully admit that I don't know enough lore to know whether FR warlocks abandoning their pacts is possible (or whether that's something the homebrew side of Arelith wants to address, since Arelith already homebrews that pacts can only be taken with full knowledge and consent), but I have to believe it's quite reasonable for some characters to believe that warlocks could be redeemed away from evil pacts, thus leaving it open as a potential avenue for non-aggressive RP.

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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by Party in the forest at midnight » Fri Sep 10, 2021 4:44 pm

I'm going with the angle that my character has seen how shoving absolutely everyone into Andunor creates giant anti-surface alliances that are much more harmful than what would happen otherwise. He's telling people, let warlocks be in the Arcane Tower. Keep them out of the forest or places that can be corrupted, but let them exist in the weird magic place as long as they're not crazy murderhobos.

I'm hoping to see new and fun RP come out of it.

I guess most of all, I'd like to see people punished for crimes they actually do, rather than what class they are.

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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by Aradin » Fri Sep 10, 2021 4:47 pm

Amateur Hour wrote:
Fri Sep 10, 2021 4:11 pm
I'll fully admit that I don't know enough lore to know whether FR warlocks abandoning their pacts is possible (or whether that's something the homebrew side of Arelith wants to address, since Arelith already homebrews that pacts can only be taken with full knowledge and consent), but I have to believe it's quite reasonable for some characters to believe that warlocks could be redeemed away from evil pacts, thus leaving it open as a potential avenue for non-aggressive RP.
I can confirm that warlock redemption on Arelith is certainly possible through great roleplay and effort on the player's side, with DM oversight to eventually (assuming success) remake the character as a new class.

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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by Killer on the drive home » Fri Sep 10, 2021 5:30 pm

Party in the forest at midnight wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 12:40 pm
"Surface evil" certainly exists, as on a character sheet. But it's a very limited thing, held back by people who argue "just keep it hidden."
The destruction of Wharftown was effectively the worst thing that has happened on the server in my opinion.

To be honest, this felt more like the wielders of the setting striking back, than player action changing the world. And besides that, other people have attempted to get projects going before. A dozen groups over have attempted to 'restore' Wharftown.

I don't know how many of the players in this thread were actually around for Wharftown, but for those who weren't, it was proof that evil could work really well on the Surface. While the policing of the community was lacking, and therefore it had some problem players, it has a lot of my favorite memories, and it made for a very interesting setting that had tie ins with the Underdark.

I think Sencliff has been worked towards this, but to be honest, playing a pirate feels like being trapped on an island a lot of the time. If you go and get involved with actual piracy, you can say goodbye to your ability to move freely without trouble. I don't think a setting in which pirates inherently start their characters and decide how the streets are policed is exactly an enticing 'dynamic Surface evil' location like Wharftown was. I think it's just, like, why haven't we blown this up again? ...An NPC said something about women and children?

Actually, there is some world lore backing in that the pirates provide a privateering business. But the in-game setting provided by pirates does not generally feel like this. Thankfully, players cannot affect the setting-sometimes.
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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by Eters » Fri Sep 10, 2021 5:34 pm

It seems the discussion drifted from being about warlocks to "evil on the surface" in general.

I just want to say that before the update, warlocks were a thing, they're not a recent addition that people suddenly react to but an old class that got a revamp. Now there is a spell craft check so your average Joe will definitely not know the difference between an eldritch blast and a scorching ray, but the other "things" that made warlocks recognizable in the past didn't change (infinite casting, glowing eyes..) . Now to briefly note the omens, I do not know if they were meta leaked or a DM event, but through in character investigations (it took me 3 RL hours of various interactions with various people to figure the crux of it) But I reached the conclusion that it's related to warlocks and pacts. Don't be so quick to throw the "meta" blanket on any character with a modicum of insight on the situation.

On the subject of "infinite magic" in Arelith. True, one could argue that in FR as a large there is many ways to justify infinite magic. But in Arelith there is far few, and characters will often more than not react to the things they experience in the daily rather than that one exception listed in a dark corner of the Forgotten Realms Wikia. There have been very few instances of "infinite" magic present on Arelith. Weave Masters, which are practically extinct by this point, Favored souls (the grandfathered edition) which are also pretty much gone, True flames, which are offensively driven and cannot cast buffs, and Warlocks. The restriction of magic being finite is not only a "meta" thing, but also a reality characters will experience EVERYDAY in the world. Them calling you out for having an infinite pool of magic doesn't necessarily mean that you're being metagamed, you may simply be questioned by a character that sees you as the exception to a rather well established fact in the Isle.

What I see is Warlocks fully wishing to bask in the "perks" of their class without being put into question by anyone that happens to see them. To make yourself "believable" in your bluff you must also approach the way you bluff with some logic. Just typing -disguise doesn't magically make you immune to any form of scrutiny unfortunately. Think about the things that make a Warlock's magic SO different from the usual magic one may see and try to conceal those differences as best as you can. Use your eldritch blasts carefully around people, fake running out of spells and needing to rest and prepare when surrounded by people, roleplay carrying a spellbook that is effectively just a copy of the Lusty Andunorian Maid. Don't be quick to call meta when you're also leaving far too many trails for people to ICly question you.

Now to the point which was discussed few posts above, about the "evil" in surface. I just wish to say, being an EVIL CHARACTER in the surface is very possible, not every evil person is a villain after all. I've played and seen people play surface evil plenty, they were parts of established factions and hell, at least one of my evil characters was daily interacting with goodly aligned people. Often, the debate was about "the means to achieve a certain task". There, "practical evil" can at times outshine "Idealist good", and such nuances is where evil on the surface can truly exist.

Evil is a big word that hides within it, a plethora of concepts and many of said concepts CAN survive on the surface. Hidden agendas to work an evil master plan? Possible. That one messed up mercenary with a clearly "efficient but not so moral" way of thinking? possible. The Warlock that ultimately needs power to save someone dear and the only way to do so is to turn to the dark side and now he has to live on the surface forever hiding the mark of his own sin? Possible, etc ...

Anyone that is far too brazen and obvious about their evil and push directly towards the lines of unavoidable conflict are the ones which may find themselves quickly ousted from settlements. And while there is a place for such villains in the narrative, they must understand that they'll not be welcomed with open arms once their colors have come to light.

Also one last point, some faiths have different weight on the narrative, while the wiki will say for example that "X faith have been allowed and survive without issue in A, B and C city." you have to look at the history of the X faith within the narrative of the island, for that X faith which isn't so bad in Forgotten realms Wiki, could be, through the older generations of players and the narrative they drove, seen in a far more dangerous and hateful glance by the people of the Isle.

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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by CNS » Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:32 am

It might be nice if the knowing stuff skills weren't always mechanical must takes.

Lore and spellcraft are both very high in the list of skills almost every build wants to take anyway.

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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by Deryliss » Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:20 pm

Metagaming will always be a difficult thing to deal with. Think of it like money laundering.. once the RP has been 'metagamed', it becomes increasingly harder to trace back to the original event to figure out what's metagamed and what isn't. Once metagamed information has gone up on notice boards or traded in whispers, it becomes established fact.

I even had this happen to one of my characters back in the Nelanther Isles server decades ago, where I messed up a text command (which then showed up in-game as speech), which got picked up by a player nearby. I played it off as an 'I need my coffee' type moment and laughed it off. One month later my character had been outed as a dragon cultist because that player told someone else about the weird encounter, who told someone else about it, who then went to an oracle (a DM-controlled NPC) to find out what was up with my character, and eventually they found out the whole thing.

I bring up this old example just to explain that while some of the stuff here is arelith specific (class-specific VFX, new-released-classes meta and reactionism, andunor vs surface), a lot of is just a symptom of a shared PW where some people play antagnoists or dodgy characters.

I honestly think the solution has to come from a different place. Forgotten Realms is pretty much a place where outside of idealistic settings and settlements built around paladin orders, you have to *live with* the presence of evil in some form. You can't kick every Beshaban out of town because your entire populace knows that's the best way to ensure decades of bad luck (which, let's be reminded, is REAL in Forgotten Realms, its not a superstition or confirmation bias, Beshaba is a REAL ENTITIY). You could kick out the small Banite mercenary group that for the most part keep to themselves, but that would be a surefire way to guarantee a swift and decisive response from a much bigger Banite army elsewhere in retribution. You could meticulously hunt down every single witch of the woods around the king's forest, but those are often the best source of occult and eclectic knowledge of curses, poisons and diseases, such as the one that just coincidentally befell the king after you kicked out all the witches out of his wood.

I'd like to live in an Arelith where the first response to someone being outed as a possible or even probable warlock isn't a literal witch hunt, which thanks to yoinks and portals can mobilize instantly with overwhelming force from anywhere. But changing player culture will take time and effort, far more so than a few messages on an announcement discord channel that is seen by a fraction of the playerbase.
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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by Duchess Says » Sat Sep 11, 2021 6:38 pm

Eters wrote:
Fri Sep 10, 2021 5:34 pm
What I see is Warlocks fully wishing to bask in the "perks" of their class without being put into question by anyone that happens to see them.
That's really not it. I don't believe it's an issue of surface warlocks and other evils wanting to be free to use powers without repercussion. I believe most accept that being an outcast and pariah is something that will happen eventually. But this is also a game and a big part of the game is leveling and building the character and if the community goes overboard stopping these characters when they're young they become undesirable to play except by pretty hardcore players.

I believe the biggest problem is most non-pirate surface evils try to (or are forced to) go it alone and have trouble making connections. I don't even think it would even take that much, just a better way IG for them to find each other. It's much easier to do these concepts when you have some support.

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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by Seven Sons of Sin » Sun Sep 12, 2021 5:13 pm

Shaalira the Younger told my first character 10+ years ago it is better to mingle and convert a Banite/Sharran/Abyssal/[placeholder] than to smite one, because you +1 Team Good and -1 Team Evil, whereas smiting just -1's Team Evil.

And on a more meta-fun, it's way more inclusive and fun. It's something I think is the closest I've ever received in terms of "absolute Arelith wisdom" and something I wish was more widespread.
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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by malcolm_mountainslayer » Fri Sep 17, 2021 11:32 am

Flower Power wrote:
Wed Sep 08, 2021 1:57 am
I mostly just thought it was really funny that people were saying they knew the names of the five newborn Elder Evils the IG day after the event started, despite the fact that they'd literally just been born a day ago and had never interacted with the Realms before. But that's mostly just me.
Arelith warlock changes is recent but that doesn't mean beings were born yesterday and never given out pacts before.

That being said public posts and IG knowledge is kind of weird as my starpact warlock isnt even going to know name(s) to his pact(s)

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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by Talexis » Mon Sep 20, 2021 10:38 pm

The lore on the Elder Evils is that they aren't really known at all. Very few beings in the planes would know what they are or what their names are. So yes it is very weird that people are spouting off their names. Even weirder if they know those names and aren't afraid to mention their names. To me this is on par with the lack of fear of death, you wouldn't want to usher the names of these creatures and risk gaining their attention. Unless you are some insane person I guess. And I mean completely insane. Some Elder Evils created new races by beings just being in proximity to them and getting twisted into a new race.

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Re: What is with all the meta on warlocks right now?

Post by Drowboy » Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:29 am

Players who insist on their characters knowing about the far realm and elder evils and players whose RP ends up just being an FR-wiki copypaste, who won't take the (dubious) L of having a character not know the 100% true canon answer for the sake of telling a better story are usually the same people and you can spot them pretty easily.
Archnon wrote: I like the idea of slaves and slavery.

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