From Brolg, with love

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From Brolg, with love

Post by Ork » Sun Nov 30, 2014 7:28 pm

I have spent a lot of years on Arelith as various characters of little import, but have always returned for the stellar roleplay that persists in this place. I admit, when I first joined many years ago there was a callous assumption that the Underdark roleplay was inferior, filled only with powergamers or lust-filled teenagers. I tossed all those assumptions aside when I joined as Brolg and I am glad that I did. The Roleplay in the underdark is dark, morose and thick with intrigue. A place where every player must be on their toes. And I [redacted] love it. I thought to celebrate some of the great roleplayers that exist down there, and though I haven't met everyone who deserves kudoes, I can try my best to meet them.

House Xun'viir
From the moment I joined, I was met with a crucial decision in Andunor. Join with the outcasts of the Sharps, or serve the Drow at Devil's Table. While I am jealous of the freedom that Sharps players have, I never regretted this decision to join a Drow House after meeting Xun'viir. Despite Brolg's lesser status, the roleplay between inferior and Drow is so tantalizingly delicious that I always have to ask: "Is today the day Brolg's going to have to slap a Drow?"

¤ Va'sarra Xun'viir: Our glorious Matron and most feared person in all of Andunor (from my perspective, of course). I was ambivalent to join under Va'sarra for the peculiarities that persist, but that vanished when I discovered that she has done her homework. The lore and history that this player has composed to justify her means are without equal, and it adds to my immersion. Without Va'sarra, Andunor would be a dull place. Threats from other drow houses, attempted assassinations, constant upheaval. Thanks to her, Andunor's a pretty dangerous place — which makes it so exciting!

¤ Talyrrae Xun'viir: First Daughter and second only to Va'sarra, Talyrrae's player has become a rolemodel and inspirer for me in the realms of emotes. She painstakingly denotes such detail in her emotes that the character practically comes to life. As a character, Talyrrae is definitely the more ferocious of the two, and Brolg takes special care not to invoke herwrath.

¤ Strythio Xun'viir: Finally! A military man worthy of Brolg's admiration at arms. I was so happy when my Orc got a militant leader. Strythio fills a void that once was lacking: military discipline. Brolg is hard to adapt, but the Weapon Master is persistent in making his life a crucible to forge him stronger. Strythio's steely resolve is only matched by the player's lightheartedness and penchant for dramatic flare.

¤ Mebrith: A cunning member that disarms you with feelings of security only to have them ripped from you. I've had the pleasure of traveling with Mebrith often and am always glad when I can spare a moment for she and I to grow our characters amidst the endless hordes of the Underdark.

¤ Taz'aufein: A frightening drow if I ever saw one, and not in the manner most assume. The character's docile guise only gives way to a more sinister nature! I can only speak of one word to describe it: bunnies! I'm always glad when I get to roleplay with Taz. Brolg never knows what to do with the Drow: slap him or flee.

¤ Kel'var: House Mage bears a heavy burden, one in which our infamous Qu'el'faeruk bears easily. Loyal to a fault (or so he wants us to believe!), I always fear at the slightest provocation that he'll disintegrate me!

¤ Other Members! I haven't had the opportunity to roleplay with a number of the others that bear the Xun'viir emblem, but in the future I hope to.

In a city full of miscreants, outcasts, bastards and badasses, it's hard to count all the great roleplay shared. Amongst Andunor's citizens, there's an almost unspoken rule: "Don't tread on me" and it usually comes with the implications a threat of similar action if you do.

¤ Kiya Ashclaw: Brolg's battlin' buddy and his voice of (morally ambiguous) conscience. Kiya's player puts a tremendous amount of effort into her character; both in personality and appearance. Despite Kiya and Brolg's numerous adversive confrontations, they some how mend those wounds by slaughtering others instead.

¤ Stormwind: I can usually spell your first name correctly, but for some reason I'm having a massively hard time now — for good reason! This dragonblooded human has been both adversary and ally on numerous occasions and every time I get the chance I try and go out of my way to have Brolg insult her in some manner ( ha! ).

House Vira'san
Stalwart ally or cunning foe? I know one thing for certain with this other Drow House, these guys know how to appease an Orc's bloodlust!

¤ Katarina:: Matron and fierce cleric of her faith, I have seen this character progress from a fledgling L3 to the titan she is today! I always am glad to adventure with her, and know I'm in good hands as I explore the more dangerous reaches of the Underdark.

¤ Kha'Zix: Loyal second to Katarina and a crazy blade-wielding badass! You make me regret going sword & board. Duel katanas are a sick combo, and seeing it in action is like watching any Zack Snyder movie: slow motion, gruesome bloody action.

¤ Rammus: Obligatory monster servant of house Vira'san and cunning businessgoblin, Rammus is a goblin I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. Despite his green skin, he's proven a ruthless diplomat! Of course, a dagger at anyone's neck would make them think twice before refusing the goblin's terms.

¤ Khai: A warrior amongst . . not warriors. Khai and Brolg share a similar fate: being bound to a Drow House despite being free. It's an awkward place to be in, but one Khai takes with grace. He remains a dependable soldier that Brolg can respect!

¤ Nix: Eccentric fish monger to some, batshit crazy to others. Nix is a hilarious character that continues to impress. Without her avid oddities, exploring the depths of the Underdark would be a dull affair!

¤ Lazarus: Brolg hates/respects this Drow for making him eat sand at the Arena, but I feel like they share a brotherly bond that all those other magic-weaving curs can't understand: the bond of battle!

Kivvil Scum!
Brolg's had the pleasure of meeting so many great roleplayers on the surface, and I can't name them all. There are a few that prove a consistent rival for the Orog, and all of them stellar roleplayers.

¤ Vida: There aren't words that can do this player justice: I love her character. Gritty, real, and mysterious: Vida is one of those characters that just bleed realism into the setting. I'm forever grateful that she's come to the Underdark (not like she had choice, bahaha!). Brolg's mistreatment of Vida grows sweeter only with the advent of her balancing the scales and I can't wait for the day Brolg finds himself at her mercy!

¤ Ahriman T: Cossacks kick Snuggybear, and Ahriman is amongst the greatest of them. Since he descended into the depths, Brolg has found a consistent nemesis to push his skill to greater heights! If any of you have played Shadow of Mordor, Brolg's response is very similar to the Uruk when he sees Ahriman. MAN FLESH!

¤ Stath: I was very fortunate to get a chance to roleplay with this character one on one recently, and he left a lasting impression on me. Brolg's a ill-tempered son of a squig, and Stath doesn't recoil from him — a true challenger! I can only hope their rivalry continues, and the depth of their subtle animosity deepens between the two.

If there is one thing sorely lacking in my life, it is the presence of Orc in Andunor. Despite the low playerbase, there are a few that I always cherish to get an opportunity to roleplay with!

¤ Garrux: Spewing challenges to Brolg's might, and standing against the Orog's cantankerous perona, this Orc emulates what true Orcish roleplay looks like. "You think you're stronger? Prove it." Brolg and Garrux bashed heads at their first meeting, and have been friends every since.

¤ Mah Skirge: Brolg's most hated of Orc — or is it just sexual tension? Who knows, but Mah provides a nemesiarial role that I cherish despite our characters' conflicts. This chainsmoking, ugly, son-ova-squig is one badass that consistently pushes Brolg to be better. I'm always excited when the characters cross paths!

¤ Sluurg: First Orc to cross Brolg's path, and they had it out immediately! It was a good show to see the two battling against eachother as true Orc ought, and I miss the character dearly. I hope to see his return.

Without your contributions, the world of the Underdark would begin to feel monotonous and routine — but throw a DM into the mix, and a standard dungeon crawl becomes and EPIC tale of survival.

¤ DM Hephaestus: An innocent genocide of the Duergar Kingdom suddenly becomes a battle for the survival of the world! and we're happy to see it burn, hah! We all had opinions on what Hephaestus was cooking up as we descended into the dungeon: release of the Illithids, uncovered Balor in true LotR style, or discovery of some unknown magical artifact down in the valuts! We were all wrong, and had no idea what the Duergar built was something so nefariously badass! As the plot persists, I can only say thanks for the depth and patience this DM has put in to the story.

I know I missed names that deserve due credit, but I want to say this last bit for everyone else. I am eager to see the development of tensions between UD and the Surface, and can't wait to meet you all in one capacity or another! I have never found a greater lot of roleplayers than here.

Thank you.

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Re: From Brolg, with love

Post by KarlaFatehart » Sun Nov 30, 2014 9:14 pm

Brolg is like an ultra-violent pit bull on a frayed leash sometimes! Mixing the orc words with common breathes a level of life into character (and makes it fun to try and figure out what he's saying!) while concise and detailed emotes easily paint a vivid picture. Especially when Brolg drools on captives, which is always something that helps add a comic spin on the dark and brutal life we lead in the dark.

All these people deserve some major kudos and you put it best, right here.
"By this point, some of you might be wondering how drow society has survived at all.

The truth is, it can't. Drow society is absolutely and utterly nonviable."

-Drow of the Underdark, pg. 26

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Re: From Brolg, with love

Post by Stath » Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:28 am

I absolutely love Brolg! It's great to have a brawny, thick headed counterpart. All I can imagine one day is

"Hey man, did you touch my drum set?"
Ork wrote: *who filters sexy elven fun times, really?

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Re: From Brolg, with love

Post by DirtyDeity » Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:38 am

Climibin' in yo' windows, snatchin' yo' peepo up. Hide yo slaves ;D

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Re: From Brolg, with love

Post by Ork » Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:57 am

DirtyDeity wrote:Climibin' in yo' windows, snatchin' yo' peepo up. Hide yo slaves ;D
Haha, that one encounter was a MASSIVE double-take. "Wha. Wait, what?"

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Re: From Brolg, with love

Post by Rorin1979 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:44 am

We love you too man.
"Save your fork, the best is yet to come"
-Baptist Proverb.

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Re: From Brolg, with love

Post by High Primate » Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:12 pm

Some builds I've worked on (not recommended):
Charisma Battlecleric
"E-Dodge Brycer"

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Re: From Brolg, with love

Post by DestroyerOTN » Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:45 pm

Brolg is quite actually best orog.

Please keep playing him!
"Playin' nobody, no how since AR 112"
Griefmaker wrote:Personal choices regarding RP which[..] limit a character in some way[…] should in no way be an argument for changing something on the server

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