Morkhav (now gone) kudos

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The Man of the Moon
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Morkhav (now gone) kudos

Post by The Man of the Moon » Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:33 am

EDITED: Now Morkhav is really gone...

After make some donations destined to the orphans of some cities... as some support to some adventurers, he took a sail to the mainland.

Rumors rose about some remnants of a recent wreckage of a ship sunk in the trackless sea... and some personal documents signed as M.W. related to drafts of an Arelithian map have been found in the western beachs, but the most important documents were not found yet as neither the mortal remnants of Morkhav...

My truly thanks to all those who shared RP and adventures with him!

The Man of the Moon wrote:Morkhav is now almost missing, but someone could spot him time to time keeping restocked his shop.

You could now find him exploring indomitable jungles and drawing his map in unknown ruins... Or more easily, catch him during the small moments I log on him to restock his shop in Wharftown...

Since he went almost out of scene, I wanted to cast a Kudos to the following great players/characters who were an important piece of his current life in Arelith.

Melaa Ni'Else (Lady Rose of Myon)
She gave to Mork some of his more memorable times, in RP meanings as in player support. Never thanks enough to her. I have to words for the charm I experienced the first time I was invited to see Myon, the "legendary" floating elven city... That was my first magical moment on Arelith and I think the root of my interest to make a map.
Some day, I will make an elven character just to have the chance to meet and RP with Melaa more often! (and hoping she will never sacrifice her!)

Broind Keghlighter
As Melaa, this player/character gave (and still giving) a big support and brilliant RP to Morkhav... as much that he was trying to learn both, elvenish and dwarvish (getting some sucess) to maybe become some day as an embassador between both kin: Myon elves and Brogendenstein dwarves.
There are four dwarves I consider legendary in the server (sadly because I didn't met more of them in deep I think) and he is one of them!

Doili Troff
The first awesome player/character I met in Arelith, who gave me big support and great RP, making me feel so comfortable between the Brog's dwarves. Loor to the former Thane of Brogendenstein! A player I would like to meet more often in my Arelithian time!

Shale Plowman (the Tempurian "Sandor Clegane").
A rude and byzarre Tempurian who was supporting the Morkhav progress for a long time, providing me many advices and awesome adventures and amusing me with his great RP that aproached him as much to the character of Sandor Clegane "The Dog" of Game of Thrones, but nicely adapted to FR and Arelith that made me find myself with a wide smile as player.

As Melaa, another sample of kindness between the usually arrogant elves. Just a lovely fellow for your adventures!. If you never met her, try to if there were a good excuse to meet her IG and you will never regret it!

Often the partner of adventures of Ceridwyn, as recomendable as she is as great fellow of adventures! I will look forward you to join your hunts with my next character if posible bro!

Manobi Van Aelios
This weyrd (in apearance distracted) Archimage of the Arcane Tower is a box of surprises and kindness... Keep caring on him with an always opened eye!. A pleasure to RP with him, but don't expect to get any lore from him XD... the arcanist dog will keep always silence about!

A great friend of Morkhav and of myself as player. Kind and Funny! (He plays on Bilbert the hin too, so you surely know how funny and kind he is as player). I shame the few chances we had to meet more times, because I always enjoyed our shared time. I will look forward to meet you more times if posible!

Gar Greybeard
Another sample of what an awesome dwarf character is expected to be!
Was great to keep the feeling of be before a true Brogendenstein legend when meeting him.

The Blue Bard (Aritous?)
I can't recall his character name, but his usual disguise name. One of the Guards of Cordor while Morkhav joined them as recruit during his forst experience on Arelith.
An awesome guy in both: character and player sides!

The most weyrd, sad, odd and mysterious elven I had the chance to meet. I loved the small chances I had to RP with him, because made me think of some kind of Merlin in his cave in Guldorand... I missed to have more chances to RP with him.

Old friend of Morkhav during their earlier and "younger" time... Was a pleasure to share adventures with you, with independence of the anger feed with our expedition to kohlingen and the troubles with keldray (I will never understand too much wth happened there as player while Morkhav, never gave a about that neither)

Another epytome of what could be considered a mysterious character in the Arelith Universe.
And again, one which one I could been preferred to expend more time that the one I already did.
He will have a spot in the Arelith map :P due his lucky 5% roll making him a...[FOIG] as well RPed that I though he deserved it.

Kouto Wenbleden
Another "mage of the cave" in Guldorand, a lovely character that I had the pleasure to meet. Sadly, I left Guldorand just when it became to turn in a better way under her direction and leadership!

Weyrd and odd Warlock (that Mork never noticed to be as that, but thinking she was a sorceress) lol... A great and interesting character in the same line as Kouto. I loved her too.

Amana Tarrynth
My relations with the mayor of Wharftown were never relaxed, as I was always in tension with her... First because she was an aged so strict leader, later because Mork never felt really any warm from her to him, despiting how many duties (some heroic) made Morkhav for Wharftown...
but: with independency of that, I must recognice that Amana developed an awesome job leading Wharftown untill she became overhelmed by the many/several issues coming on Wharftown and the Waymen, the I guess burned many of them and definitively to her (as I guess- just my own opinion that could be wrong-).

I was not in the best of shapes in my RP with him, as for some odd reason I was never neither with Amana or Robert Brimstead (now I think I was never comfort in Wharftown with Morkhav).
BUT: I must declare Balthur's lpayer is absolutely a great player and always developed not only a shiny RP as character, but was also always a supportive player.

Robert Brimstead
Same can be applied cocerning Amana and Balthur... I had weyrd RPs with them. (Even now, I can't point which one was my problem) ...
BUT: The player developed a great RP that I admired and liked... I could dislike how he managed sometimes the Waymen (as character, while as player I have not objetions) but he did in a elegant and sucesful way and was a big lose for the Waymen to lose their Admiral.
As player, he deserve aswell a BIG kudos and I will try to meet Ossian Crofter or at least, to take a view on what he does, because I am pretty sure all that will be a qualified and qualitative entertainment ^^ I am loving the Undertaker concept he picked in his new character!

Wesley, the Weyman
A good fellow while Mork was in the Waymen, always excitated to help everyother. His brilliant duties were only darkened by his painful skill with the greasword. A truly butcher!

Silina Hall
She gave me some small moments of enjoyment and peace with our short meetings... Kudos to her!

Mondero Starker
A villain with secrets... secrets... and I can't say more but recomend to have chances to RP with him, because you will enjoy that.

Torvas Harlan
The paradox of evil between the current character players... The Public Enemy Number One :P
I hate his character as much as I like how the player does!
I got defeated by him once within a while group, once he terrified all of us and declared in a laconic mood that he was going to kill all of us... I recovered in time to fight him a bit... unluckily I (the player) got nervous (lol) and forgot to use a heal potion to replenish once he recovered from the fear, with a 30% of his life... I forgot aswell to use expertise while trying to smash Torvas hahahaha... Then, I was afraid expecting a dishonorable death with the body destroyed or left in any wild area... (because I was as immersed that I expected the same kind of evilness from the player that the character did) But guess what? The player was extremelly gentle and developed so all we could be araised in a far place from his bloodly feast...

We had some cool adventures before our diferent alignements made us spread directions in our affairs... All what I have to say about him, is that was always fun and interesting how he developed with his character and also amusing how he did when I only had far news about him. he made a quiete interesting story! Kudos.

Also Kudos to the following characters. I am sad that I never had deeper RP with most of them while I was more active with Morkhav:

Devin; Mnumn the gnome; Stath, Croft and the Waymen gang; Kaxandra Gegner; Ser Giddeion; Syrion (aka Shadow); Kaliyah Serafine; Balphor Ardant; Jenna; Euclio Cartan; Elzi; Layla

My apology if I forgot to mention someone who had any short feedback with Morkhav... I am pretty sure I forgot someone, but my memory is not as great. I will update if needed to add anyone who I missed!
Last edited by The Man of the Moon on Wed Dec 17, 2014 7:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Disclaimer: All what I write are simple opinions of a player and always with honest intention to contribute constructively and from respect, but with a poor knowledge of English.

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Re: Morkhav (almost gone) kudos

Post by Manabi » Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:26 am

Morkhav has been a pleasure to RP with on so many many occasions and many times I have considered dedicating a whole Kudos thread to him. An honest player with incredible gamesmanship paired with an awesome character like Morkhav made this server shine for me.

Morkhav will definitely be missed by me n' Manobi! Though our playing times rarely aligned, I enjoyed every moment I spent with this character IG. Great RP, lots of laughs, and many memorable moments from a character who was truly involved and dedicated to his role on the Island. Yup, Manobi is a distracted old fool who has his heads in the clouds, but Morkhav was one of Manobi's greatest allies and another of his good friends that has left/leaving the Island. Maybe it's time to give Manobi the ol' "-delete_character" and start all over with something else.

Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to whatever you decide to cook up next!

EDIT: Whew, reading over this list has really made me miss the good old days when I first got on Arelith. So many of the characters that died/left are part of my first memories of Arelith. Had a bit of nostalgia there.
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Re: Morkhav (almost gone) kudos

Post by Dalek Caan » Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:51 am

Oh, I got a mention! :D

I can really only return a humble bow, I enjoyed the time we got to spend together. Your dedication to this major map-project is really remarkable and I am very, very excited to see thef inal product!

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Re: Morkhav (almost gone) kudos

Post by Winter83 » Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:17 am

Never get disheartened, mate!
Your toons are given much thought and you do fine job making them a living, breathing character.

*Thumbs up*

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Re: Morkhav (almost gone) kudos

Post by Arctic95 » Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:06 pm

What encounters Torvas had with Morkhav were very enjoyable; from when he was working for Gully trying to recruit Morkhav into the watch as well as when he turned on them and ended up attacking Morkhav and co.
He'll be one of the last Aeyl'kin supporters (aaaall that time ago) to depart, which'll make me miss him all the more!
I'm sure you'll have just as much success(if not more-so) with your next characters. :)

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Re: Morkhav (almost gone) kudos

Post by MissMay » Sat Oct 25, 2014 7:25 pm


We have had lots of fun together and I look forward to seeing your doodles xx

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Re: Morkhav (now gone) kudos

Post by The Man of the Moon » Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:16 pm

I did it... bye bye Morkhav... He gave me good times (and also some disapoints as he took some of his player's ego)

Thanks to everyone who contributed to enrich his brief story (three Arelith years maybe)... And thanks to DM_Ironfist and DM Titania he was allowed to do something relevant in the history! (and collect the last blow on the Zhentarim Liteunant and the Lady of Light... Specially with the Lady of Light was awesome after all the suffering that the Army of Light gave to some of us during the whole year that Ironfist plotted the event.

As for certain players, whose RP and interactions were amazing (see above), like with others I had a poor RP that gave me some shadowy times with Morkhav... But most of time was an awesome adventure.

And for the Arelith map, that I RPed I was doing with him, to later draw it IRL... Don't think I left the project at all... It is that just I need to find time (and stop playing) to be allowed to start drawing the map, once I completed all the previous explorations, drafts, planning etc. :D

Morkhav, my first epic character is now gone once he tooks a ship to sail to the mainland...

Thank you fellows! Kudos to all!
Disclaimer: All what I write are simple opinions of a player and always with honest intention to contribute constructively and from respect, but with a poor knowledge of English.

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Re: Morkhav (now gone) kudos

Post by AEJDR » Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:05 pm

Markov, may he rest with his gods, Be an exmaple for those who he left behind,
Tanks for being a part of his RP!

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Re: Morkhav (now gone) kudos

Post by The Man of the Moon » Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:46 am

PD: Normal reward hahahaha... I started to dream IRL with dragons! (more characters to sacrifice to Tiamat, Bahamut and Garynx are coming...)
Disclaimer: All what I write are simple opinions of a player and always with honest intention to contribute constructively and from respect, but with a poor knowledge of English.

Thank you

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