The retiring of my latest characters

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The retiring of my latest characters

Post by 2cwldys » Fri Sep 17, 2021 11:59 pm

Some music to listen to as you read


Beldrin Xun'viir
House Magus


Blood Commander of the Deep Legion

Personally, this thread has been long overdue to be made, so figured it's about time that it shall be done.
I don't make these often, and when I do- I want to make them as orderly as possible; and take as long and as carefully as I can to substantiate everyone in this thread, that has left an impact of some kind upon my character(s).

I've had such an amazing and pleasant time playing these characters, and there are stories told and remarkable actions taken that will never be forgotten. After rolling them, and undergoing deep reflection, I've noticed how much of a pivotal impact they've had in certain places within Andunor. I've had a rather unpleasant and difficult time throughout my life recently. These characters, and everyone involved has made me muck through thick and full, and kudos should be due where kudos is due.

I would like to commemorate some players that I had a pleasant time interacting with, prior to rolling; apologies if I have missed you!


- The entirety of the Deep Legion
The Deep Legion is one of the very few places on the server where the players actively care about you as a -person- outside of the game, get to know you; and build a sense of comradery alongside the sequence of game events. This is a rare thing, as most people try to play with a rather noticeable disconnect, in the legion this is not a case, and I really enjoyed every moment with these players. Taurus single handedly recruiting numbers that the Legion has not seen in years, has brought some really good friends that I play even other games, and characters with; they've been an integral part of my Arelith gaming experience as of late.

- Arak, the Black Unicorn
Arak is one of my favorite players and characters on Arelith, hands down. He knows what it means to run a proper district, staff it, combat wars, and manage district holdings and properties all simultaneously. Out of character he is a stand-up guy who takes time out of his day to call and check up on me, because he knows things have been rough with me lately. He's joined on many other character concepts with me and generally is amazing to be around. I couldn't be ever more thankful for the experiences provided, and the chances allowed by this player for me to excel greatly at my character and bring them forth to the pedestal that other groups sometimes can be adverse towards doing. He puts himself, and his character at risk to uplift others with shared responsibility. The character however, I admire and enjoy strongly. Pissing off a bunch of Honor-Bound and Angry Orogs is not something anyone should be keen on doing, and this is enforced into full effect by the likes of Arak alone and the dedication he has provided towards the sharps district, staffing his kin, and general success.

- Lupercallia Xemitra, or "Tythendar/Lexx"
This player I am extremely thankful for, for passing knowledge of general wizardry- and arelith specific mechanics, to be used to full effect. After playing a handful of years you figured you'd know just about everything, but this amazing player has surprised me to this day with things I haven't known. Arelith has a massive treasure trove of knowledge, and vast in-game mechanics; and is partially why I enjoy to keep on digging. Lupercallia is a wonderful character, a general rags to riches story that is to be admired, as well as the character's perseverance and business sense. They've made themselves an integral character to the foundation of modern Andunor, equipping new player-characters, and providing them wards to ensure success- and ongoing business. Their contributions keep on giving, as well as the funding of the rebuilding of the middle dark outpost, Saltspar. Their achievements appear to be limitless. I look forward to seeing where their character's story goes from here, and interacting with them on future characters.

- The Pontiff, or "Tempedius"
I first met Tempedius when I was a wee noob on Arelith, in late 2017 or 2018. I didn't have a single clue of what I was doing, and he was the first among the Starglows to give me the needed perseverance. He has put up with my annoying questions for years, and it is something that I am eternally thankful for. The same questions I've asked him, others ask me; and I am ever grateful to pass on the knowledge. My interactions with the Pontiff have been limited on Taurus, though extremely enjoyable with the succorsheen DM arc. It allowed me to see parts of the Freth citadel I've not seen before, including their purgation troopers- and gave overall a fun experience for the Deep Legion. My interactions with Pontiff on my Iron Vice infernalist leader was crazy great, as the triumvirate of the sharran-banite-infernalist alliance is what kept pulling strings and keeping things interested in Andunor, operating on a global scale. It has been the largest amount of players working together in collective, villanous collaboration that I've never seen the likes of before on Arelith and am so happy to be a part of. This player is amazing, and is a cornerstone in the community I firmly believe, and honors everything I think a player should dream and aspire of becoming. Big kudos to you, Papa Gelberath! :D ;)

- Saslae Xun'viir, or "DominantDrowess"
This player has been an integral part of my character development for Beldrin. Their standard of roleplay is quite high, and something I admire and even look up to. Their player conduct morals are on-point and they've taught me some unique insight to roleplaying that I haven't considered before, and always pushed me to do my best and to explore all possible options for my character. They were willing to teach me settlement mechanics before the uneventful end of my character, and I cannot be thankful enough. I thank you for the roleplay during the time I was pursuing his story; and to our unique friendship. :geek: :D

- Alyx'triina Xun'viir, or "Wrips"
I've only got to RP with this character for a short time, before you took a break, but you were a pivotal role in Beldrin's backstory. They both came to Andunor, he as her consort. I've enjoyed every little interaction and hope you certainly enjoyed that Bard/Loremaster build. I hope to see more of you on Herrik, wrips! <3 :D :lol:

- Char'lyrii Dhaun'aered
This character was enjoyable to RP with on Taurus, they are all things a drowess of their kind should be. Temperamental. That is something of this character that I will never forget. The interactions they've had where they were at odds with another I will never forget, and added to the unique experience of me playing Taurus. They never came to blows, but surely did they hold a lot of grudges with one another. Thanks for the RP, and hope to see where Char goes from here! :D :D :lol:

- Jhaamdath Xun'viir, or "(DagonLives)"
DagonLives single handedly helped me with the pivotal creation of Beldrin. I wasn't happy with the character Avelyn, at the time that was in Xun'viir. Build was mechanically sound for the RP I wanted to do- but they suffered in virtually every other way for me to explore my character to full effect. We discussed Game of Thrones, Trek, every possible fiction and way to add flair to my newly awaited Xun'viir magus. I method acted a lot with this player and he practically prep-talked me into making this character the very best I can. This level of coaching is something I think is overlooked, and should be more prevalent on Arelith. Arelith is not all a resource grab, a competition, or a warzone, but it should be more of a roleplaying friendly place and this player seems to exhibit all the fine qualities that you should expect from typical players. The roleplay in how our characters met was quite enjoyable and amazing, the contrast between my character, and his was astounding. From silver spoon in hand (Beldrin), to interacting with a rugged commoner and mercenary who earned his nobility in murder and blood. The clash of ideology and philosophy was great between the two, up until they earned a unique mutual respect after fighting alongside one another in battle. I believe a lot of players misunderstand him, and seem not capable of dissolving the fine line between character, and the player behind the screen. He is remarkable, and quite capable of portraying all diverse manner of characters; and this I commend you and thank you for all your time!

- Ciara Corra, or "Impish"
Our interactions were brief, but very straight forward and to the point. I've enjoyed your character. They were very servile as any other retainer would be of Xun'viir- but something stands out about you. You were willing to help my character through thick and full, no questions asked, nothing pretentious. Your character did their duty and for that I am super thankful. You showed up to help me in a lot of tough spots, particularly that chainbreaker Beldrin was dealing with, thank you! I wish that I could have got more out of your Yuan-ti. I enjoyed your time as well, when you played as the Iron Vice cult's commander and second-hand to Maddie Ayloud. <3 :D :D

- Siri'ana Xel'vraxa, or "Cyaniris"
We've only had a few brief interactions, but I enjoyed scribing scrolls for you. Your character is quite great honestly, a youthful drowess and scholar looking up to older, more experienced wizards to continue their training. I look forward to seeing where your character goes in the near future, keep it up my friend! :)

- Sokoya'solen Xel'vraxa, or "Anatheme"
I've enjoyed the interactions we've shared on Beldrin, they were quite fun! Honest! However brief at times, we really got to explore the comradery and friendship with (then-retainer) Khael'dar, all the way up to sharing with him at the top, being Patron of Xel'vraxa. You both were integral to Beldrin at certain times and I thank you both especially for your contributions to Beldrin's story! (Psst, thanks for joining me on my red wizard!) <3

- Adelyn Belle'rose, or "EdensFall"
Our interactions were very short, but my toon got to find out interesting things about you from a honest mistake with one of his class abilities. From that on outward, the reaction of "stay the hell away from me" is what made all that RP great. We grinded together a fair amount in the crinti spirits, but aside from the idle RP amongst one another. I thank for all you've contributed. I look forward to seeing more out of your characters, and to have more fun together! Cheers! <3

- Celitha Starstride, or "Oria"
I've had an amazing time being your character's slavemaster. We have communicated effectively all along the way, and I believe respect is due to you playing and portraying a slave character so properly. It is unfortunate my character retired in the end here, but I have enjoyed every little RP interaction I've had with you- including back when I played in House Ssambra. You play a rad drowess! (Screenshot, see below.) :lol:

- Ambros, or "Elak"
Thank you for everything, honestly, the RP we've had between the toons have been quite great. I apologize for leaving you dirty work to clean up for my noble, but as far as the RP goes we've had an amazing time I'd wager. You helped me a lot OOC with wizardry mechanics, tactics, and even our future concepts of wizard-duoing. I really appreciate you, lots, honest! I hope to see more of you soon and to see where Ambros goes from here! <3

- Ilphaeryl Xun'viir, LichBait or Charon's Claw
I couldn't be any more happier with this player than the day I've met them. I knew they were going through some hard times of their own and I couldn't help but try to check up on them every so often. I am eternally grateful that I was allowed to play a character in such a cornerstone and pivotal house in Andunor; and to portray them and give them my best. House Xun'viir is truly a legacy of player agency on Arelith, and Charon's Claw properly holds onto, and bestows their legacy. The RP with the character is quite stellar, they are in all ways how a proper matron should be. They are cunning, above the typical "nonsense" and typical street fights. They hold orderly meetings, and are quite regal. The little interactions my character(s) have had with them, from my Iron Vice infernalist leader, all the way to playing house members- they've all been insightful and leaving me a desire for more. The character is sparse in appearance and makes them "harder to reach" which adds to the enigma of someone fulfilling a matron role. Spectacular, keep it up! :) :lol:

- Theodor Helbrecht, D4wN or "Dawn"
My interactions with this player has been nothing but amicable, we send music to each other often and we enjoy talking about all manner of things. Timezones can make playtime a bit sparse for one another, but I am grateful for what I have seen exhibited from them thus far. I personally enjoy the effort they put into their characters and making them substantially unique. From the little interactions I've had of my Iron Vice Leader, to roleplay in House Xun'viir; I've been graced with seeing their growth of character and power from within Andunor, and I hope to see more from them and where their story leads.

- Khael'dar, or "Zan"
I enjoy the little talks when I have them as I can with this player. From Khael'dar's humble beginnings as a ranger and retainer, to all the way of being a House Patron and Wizard. His growth has been noticeable and substantial, and I applaud him. He has been quite helpful in my pursuance of settlement politics, though they never held fruition. I cannot be thankful enough. Our talks of wizardry mechanics, tactics, and general RP around the latter was something that I don't get often with other players- and hope that we get to have more of. I look forward to seeing where your character leads in the near future.

- Nemerarie, "La Villa Strangiato" and House Athol
I've had the pleasure of meeting this player back when I was graced with playing in House Ssambra, the player is very nice towards me and I enjoy every little interaction I've had with them. Their sportsmanship is stellar, as well as the rest of their house- provided our characters were at odd-ends with one another at one point. Though, I must say, I got some amazing art out of it at the end there! :lol: :lol: :D (See below.)

- Roselyn Kingsley, or "TooMuchDog"
I've enjoyed the interactions we've had, however brief, and at odd-ends on my character, Taurus. Respect where respect is due, your character held their ground and my character surely did. I like how we perpetuated the whole "Infernalist vs. Abyssalist" vibe and for that I am grateful. I look forward to seeing where Roselyn goes next! :geek: ;)

- Omugug, or "JerrBear" .. "Carl Wheezer the Woman Pleaser" :roll: :lol: :lol:
I am thankful for the friendship that I've held with this player, through the interactions on Taurus. They have always been one of Taurus' right hand men in the Legion, and he has came to look upon them as brothers. In every fight Taurus has been a part of, universally, Omugug was right there with him, and I cannot be thankful enough. Since then, I enjoy playing the pirate characters with you, and playing other games such as 7 Days.

- Gorfiend, or Thandril Irongut
The interactions with this player has been nothing but amicable, and I enjoyed every moment. Gorfiend was looked upon as a brother by Taurus, and he was always present in eachother's battles.. hub staring contests, and through thick and full with Omugug as well. I cannot be thankful enough for the unique friendship we hold, and I look forward to playing more with you. Orc players are so amazing, honest. :D

- Sarek, Varelas, or "Notorious"
I admire this character on a unique perspective, taking into account what little I know and have met of Duvain, (WhereTheFragileThingsAre) - and their hardships into becoming one with Andunor. Everyone knows that being an elf, and integrating into Andunor is no easy task, and demonstrated through the roleplay we've held. They've stood at odds with one another, threw verbal insults, but never came to swinging a single blade or fist. I believe the interaction we've had in the abyss, and the hub, is one that I will never forget. I honestly am proud of you, and your character, and they have now became an integral part of Andunor. I'm glad to be one of the perpetuated trials and stepping stones into securing his success. Without great adversity, you cannot overcome great obstacles. Keep on scoring and playing amazing characters, my guy! :) <3

- Zafine Orobyx, or "Dine"
I have enjoyed the little interactions I've had with your tiefling. The time may have been short lived, but they were the closest I think out of any and every character to become known as Taurus' companion. I thank you for all the scrolls, wands, potions, and more importantly- the roleplay. Honestly, infernalist or insidious devil tieflings is something that Arelith rarely sees, but got to see perfected from you. I hope to see what other characters you pursue on this server and am always willing to duo again if need be. (Screenshot, see below.)

- Gorlug, or "iNerdGasm"
One of the most unique builds and characters I've seen in the legion. He was never far from offering Taurus a snack ( :lol: :lol: :roll: ) that dripping.. bloody meat sack on his back and the constant humor and banter with the character is something I don't think I'll forget. It's a shame that we all go our seperate ways, but I hope to see more of you soon here at Arelith. Thank you for the little insight you've given me of your character, and all your contributions to the Deep Legion.

- Gorehound, or "Arigard"
I've enjoyed my interactions with this player and character, back from the Razuuh Dynasty to seeing this bad-arse Gnoll and his svirfneblin Onyx! The enigma around the character remains behind his martial prowess. He's been a great admiral of Andunor's finest navy and the Dreadnaught, and I enjoyed what little interaction I've had with them on Beldrin and Taurus. Keep on going with the amazing builds, and character concepts my guy! (Screenshot, See below.)

- Inosi Serif
This character and player got to meet the temperament of my noble drow. They made up over a glass of wine, that no doubtedly my character placed an encircling scale on to drink, which broke her out into widely grinning. It came to a conclusion in-character that both the toons are quite smart, and dubious. After allowing a unique insight into his anger, and usefulness, I'm glad that they made up over that little bout and conflict. Leaving afterward with head shaking laughter and a mutual respect for one another, but perhaps a dagger held behind their back. This player is truly a great drow player, and really contribute well to the overall quality of UD roleplay.

- Kize, or "Luma_1783"
Out of everyone in the Deep Legion, I think you were one of the greatest people I've came to meet and call my friend, we put the game aside and became closer friends outside of it. Which is something that many people rarely do, to such degree, taking real life to account. Your character was amazing, and after seeing my character's confrontation in the hub against such mass opposition, you came to him and wished to pledge allegiance to the Deep Legion and ally yourself to all of their goals and virtues. I loved your character and thought they were an extremely proper, and well played drowess. Hope to see more of you again and here soon, and what other characters you bring to the table! <3

- Tal'Shalee, or "CountryGurl"
I appreciate your company always and forever, you are a great friend to me and for that I am eternally grateful. You and I have became close friends over the past two years of playing Arelith and we connect on levels not many players do. We are brought up in the same and similar hardships in life and for that we've bonded and grown to hold a unique perspective of it. I am always willing to do duo-concepts with you, and if you ever need anything from me, just say word. Tal'shalee was always a great addition to the roleplay when Beldrin was around, joining in his aspirations for Greyport and learning settlement mechanics. Unfortunately my rolling of the character cut that short, but there's always other times! :) <3

- Morkhamera, or "potat"
This character is amazing, truly, you portray an amazing orog. The battles we've shared, the RP we've told, and all the places we've explored is what makes you really memorable for me. The ride has been truly great and I'm glad that you've got to be a pivotal part of it, all the way back to the beginning of when Taurus was just starting and being harassed at his lower levels. Morkhamera was probably the only character that kept Taurus from outright unleashing hell on certain toons that he was at odds with, exercising him caution. She also helped Taurus in clearing up some odd-ended RP with the warchieftain Arak and her orog husband Ozok, giving them all a further unique perspective and mutual respect upon one another. She never did join the legion, and that never bothered Taurus, it led him to respect her company more as a non-conformist, who walked her own path. Despite not joining, any conflicts the Legion was a part of, she was always there to defend him and her kin. Thank you for everything, and the roleplay alongside him! I won't forget it! <3

- Mordana, or "ScroDerion"
This character we've had a lot of interactions on, and they were one of the only humans I believe interested in serving within the Legion Auxiliary that I wanted to create. It allowed for more diverse roles in the sharps and was my solution to being more inclusive with the district under Arak's supervision as Blood Commander. Your RP was quite great, as well as your story, and I am glad that we were able to share in your story, and character with the whole Deep Legion. I don't know the status with her, due to the warlockery changes, but I hope everything is going OK with you in life and hope to see more of you! <3

- Arachne, or "Spellglade Gaming"
This character is pivotal to the early beginnings of Taurus, as his grinding companion and pacted ally. His opening was quite shaky, and him alongside Arachne got into bouts with the Xel'vraxa house. Getting him, and her put on their butt in the dirt by a drow monk within said house. This RP is quite amazing for a few reasons, mostly being that Taurus' quick ascension in power allowed him to eventually meet that monk another time, and the rest was quite bliss. I'll never forget them, even though they weren't around for long, there's a neat contribution that Arak still holds onto that's held in your legacy and honor. (See below.) :lol: :lol: :D

- Mae, or "Calad", "Salad", or "Caladwen"
This character was quite enjoyable to roleplay with, the player even more so. They were quite pivotal to the early beginnings of Taurus' ascension to power. She was looking to get into the city and have protection, Taurus needed allies- so they pacted. She was among the very few that Taurus pacted with. Throughout everything, his vows to the legion, all his other obligations, those he pacted with he held in unique and high regard as a divine champion of Bel; and their working relationship was even more unique. I won't forget this character, and unfortunately the warlock changes likely iced them, but they were really really memorable for me. Hope to see more from you Calad, and look forward to your future characters! The pacted RP was quite great!!! :)

Additional, however short and special mentions for reasons unrelated to this thread:
- Gryphoth (Cameron),
- Echohawk,
- Dendromorphs,
- Deac0knight,
- Daybreak,
- Hedgehog,
- Archer,
- Lewtzy,
- Netrial,
- Lakhena,
- Valandil,
- SamuraiDuck,
- Dubhwulfe,
- Talexis,
- Thron.

(Ya'll have been a big help, love the tight groups we've got going <3)

If I am missing anyone, I am truly sorry, PM me a message and I'll bawl at your feet! :lol: :? :|


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What's in store for me next (?):

I am currently playing a duergar that I am enjoying the hell out of, and will play them for the foreseeable future.
Aside from that, I have a halruaani wildmage that I play on the surface- and frequently enjoy. The perspective I've had from playing Beldrin inspired me into making further wizards. My vault is so filled with LV 30 wizards that it's nuts. Taurus was truly, a unique thing for me to test and enjoy. Having never played divine CoT melees up until that point.

Applying and playing for a Freth Diabloist (Wizard), or Weaponmaster has crossed my mind. I might pursue that when my number of characters dwindle in the coming months. The house and their homebrew lore is something that I enjoy and believe could use an additional character to help make their house look 'alive'.
Last edited by 2cwldys on Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:06 am, edited 24 times in total.
Login: Fetch My Wine Jean-Luc

William Waynolt
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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by Lexx » Sat Sep 18, 2021 12:25 am

What can I say but thankyou for the kind words. Both characters were a barrel of fun to interact with and I look forward to see what next you bring to the plate!

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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by Airport Proximity Jesus » Sat Sep 18, 2021 12:26 am

Always enjoyed playing with you! I hope we do so in the future again, and I'm sure we will!
8-) Cool kids wear shades during the endless night 8-)

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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by JerrBear » Sat Sep 18, 2021 12:48 am

Right back at you. iv had nothing but enjoyable interactions and look forward to what you bring next

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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by Edens_Fall » Sat Sep 18, 2021 1:02 am

Thank you for the Kudos! While we didn't have a chance to go in-depth with anything, the mild chatting and light-hearted back and forth was an enjoyable break from all the intense plotting.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!

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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by La Villa Strangiato » Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:03 am

ONCE AGAIN I'm pretty bad at receiving compliments, so the best I can offer is; thank you! You've always been a treasure to RP with on your myriad characters, and I've got some fun memories with a bunch of them.
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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by dominantdrowess » Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:22 am

Always a goblin away. ~<3

Going to miss Taurus; a literal warrior god. <3

Also, 'cause a friend sent it to me, and I was going to share it with you anyways:

Last edited by dominantdrowess on Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by 2cwldys » Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:39 am


Last edited by 2cwldys on Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Login: Fetch My Wine Jean-Luc

William Waynolt
Ashard Brinsbane
Rognar Hellbelch
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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by Wrips » Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:40 am

I remember running away from grimlocks shouting "AAAAAHHH" on Alyx. Even if I didn't play her much, it was a welcome change of pace from my other characters, which are usually brutish thugs! She was certainly not easy to deal with lol

Thanks for the kind words.

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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by Skibbles » Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:14 am

I feel like this kudos post is so high effort it needs a kudos itself.
Irongron wrote: [...] the super-secret Arelith development roadmap is a post apocalyptic wasteland populated with competing tribes of hand-bombard wielding techno-giants, and strewn with the bones of long dead elves.

So we're very much on track.

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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by FingerVacation » Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:52 am

Hey buddy! It's been a lot of fun playing with you. Keep being creative!
It's going to be fun to see what sort of character you're doing next.

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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by Lack_of_imagination » Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:54 pm

Not that we really had a whole lot of deep interactions, but each time we stumbled on one another has proved pretty fun and interesting.
Thanks to you for playing your character while also minding to add to other player's own stories and, I believe, the short "casual" interactions often also bring reflections on what's really inside one character or inside the setting as a whole, enriching it.
I hope everything in your RL gets even better from now on and that you'll also get to enjoy stress-free fun on the server!

See you IG!
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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by fulminea » Sat Sep 18, 2021 10:04 pm

Taurus really helped shape my character Morkh and it was great to see him evolve. I was sad to hear you rolled him. Looking forward to interact with your duergar more :)

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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by LichBait » Sat Sep 18, 2021 10:23 pm

I'm also bad with accepting praise. Suffice it to say, it was fun and thanks! <3

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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by Sindaglin » Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:23 pm

As Always my man it was amazing to have Taurus within in the Legion the Lightning Rod he amplified was insane to see he undoubtedly is one of they most influential in the Legions history and I am grateful to have been at your toons side in Arelith and Life we are and forever Friends .

* Brings his Fist to chest Adamantine Sparks Fly from his brute strength , He speaks in a deep guttural tone *
" Blood and Honor , Blood Commander Taurus. "
“ Brothers , what we do in life echoes in eternity “
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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by D4wN » Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:03 pm

Thanks so much for the kudos! Much appreciated. Hope you enjoy your new character

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Re: The retiring of my latest characters

Post by 2cwldys » Mon Sep 20, 2021 10:18 pm

I love and thank you all for the kind replies, it was a great honor being part of your Arelith journey. Enjoyed every moment. :)

Been enjoying my new duergar thus far!
Login: Fetch My Wine Jean-Luc

William Waynolt
Ashard Brinsbane
Rognar Hellbelch
Teclis Vyshaan
Avelyn Xun'viir
Beldrin Xun'viir
Maddie Ayloud
Benny Wiselot
Xadrin Ssambra

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