Kudos from Vanna Orthae

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Disaster Lesbian
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Kudos from Vanna Orthae

Post by Disaster Lesbian » Tue Apr 02, 2024 2:14 am

And just like that, Vanna's story came to an end. She's become a Human Shade; now to terrorise Toril.

I've never done a Kudos thread before; so forgive the rambling nature of it.

I never expected my little Sharran to get as far, or do just as much as she was able to. From her start as a slave to buying her freedom, to becoming Keeper of the Arcanum and the first non-Drow leader of the Devil's Table. It's been a unique experience, for better or worse - and there are so many people I have to thank. I don't think I can do it justice by going into detail over exactly why I want to thank all of you for helping make Vanna's story so vivid and interesting - but, from the bottom of my heart, thank you

DM Starfish
Faeris Orthae/Xun'viir
Moira Orseeva
Johnathan Rigsby
Dibgub Vensurai
Lilith Vensurai
Tokina Chinami
Lavok Xun'viir
Cadelys Glest
John Salamander
Ssunat Shadowclaw
Tzik Shadowclaw
Azuu Shadowclaw
Kilikka Shadowclaw
Szordrin Sh'yvala

There's a lot of people I know I'm forgetting (Or afraid I'll mispell your name) - but genuinely, thank you. Love from Imogen Vanna Orthae-Orseeva

Player Of:
Veisha Calan - Active;
Vanna Orthae-Orseeva - Rolled; Has become a Human Shade
Liliana Elossa -Rolled; Fighting Fiends in Avernus
Szol Shadowclaw - Rolled; Gone to rend kneecaps
Sariah N'landroshien -Rolled; Has become one with the Hag

Coolguy McMagic
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Re: Kudos from Vanna Orthae

Post by Coolguy McMagic » Tue Apr 02, 2024 4:40 pm

Vanna was fun to be around and will be missed. All the best with your other characters!

Second Breakfast
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Re: Kudos from Vanna Orthae

Post by Second Breakfast » Wed Apr 03, 2024 12:29 am

Vanna was stellar. There were many fantastic scenes I had with her, and I am quite glad Moira could play such a large part of her story. Best of luck with whatever is next!

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Moira Orseeva - The Conductor of Souls {FIN.}

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Re: Kudos from Vanna Orthae

Post by silverpheonix » Wed Apr 03, 2024 12:36 pm

Dib's best friend has left :(

Vanna was a wonderfully played character. I look forward to what's next with you.

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Re: Kudos from Vanna Orthae

Post by Cthuletta » Wed Apr 03, 2024 12:43 pm

I really adored Vanna and playing with her, I'm glad to have been able to be part of her story for even a short while!!
I'll miss her and look forward to seeing the stories you do next!!

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Royal Blood
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Re: Kudos from Vanna Orthae

Post by Royal Blood » Thu Apr 04, 2024 1:37 am

Vanna was a neat character! It was great to be able to interact with her. It's also so cool to see her long plot come to a conclusion like that. Thanks for all the rp!

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Re: Kudos from Vanna Orthae

Post by perseid » Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:55 am

I'm pretty late to posting this but I just wanted to take a moment to return the kudos. Vanna was a great character both in terms of being interesting to interact with and as far as feeling like a real person with a real personality that evolved in response to the people that interacted with them.

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