The NWN Volunteer Development Team

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The NWN Volunteer Development Team

Post by Irongron »

Not our team, but those still working on improving NWN, and reason we had yet another update the other day.

It's no real surprise that this was covered by PC Gamer, as it's a pretty special situation. As a NWN Server developer, I lived through a lengthy period where the game was entirely unsupported, back then, in the late 0s to mid teens it seemed like a pipe dream that NWN would never be an actively developed title once again, and now with Beamdog no longer active in its commercial development, it continues still, thanks to them.

I hope that team knows their efforts aren't taken for granted, by myself, the team here, or our players.

No NWN server, including Arelith, would be where it is without their continued work.

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Re: The NWN Volunteer Development Team

Post by Iceborn »

It's unreal, truly, that a privately owned game would still receive updates after its development ceased.
Imagine how the discussion would go if you told any other company that you wanted to push a sanctioned, global update to their game. Even if you are willing to go completely unpaid and that you are doing it with the best intentions.

You wouldn't even get an answer.

Here we got something unheard of going on. Both the people willing and capable to work, and a company willing to let its community keep working.

Don't click weird links, kiddos.

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Re: The NWN Volunteer Development Team

Post by Edens_Fall »

It's really a beautiful thing witness. Creative people brought together by a shared passion to work on one of, if not the only, platforms left in modern times to create worlds with. NWN when first released was a wonderful thing. Now, years later and with the aid of players and volunteers it has become something so much more to so many of us today.

I hope they understand how greatful we are for everything they have done and still do.

From myself, I offer a personal and heartfelt. . . . Thank you

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Re: The NWN Volunteer Development Team

Post by The GrumpyCat »

Yeah, this feels like it's realliy special. So much praise for all involved.

This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)
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