'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

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'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by Cthuletta » Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:22 pm

Juniper has been a character for quite a long while now, and with her stories and progression coming to a close, it's time to put her up on the top shelf! As Juniper herself would often say, 'It's not goodbye. It's 'see ya later'.'

The Family/Friends

Minto Cloudpaw - Juniper's best friend! Once they met, it was an almost instant kinship, and they went from friends, to family, to her working for him in not just one, but two settlements! The best part about Minto is his communication and understanding, she never doubted being able to trust him, and will always love him like a brother. He also never judged her, even when she was acting erratic!

Griffy Cloudpaw - The Girfle Pickle. While he and Juniper didn't always see eye-to-eye, Griffy's honesty and ability to say what needed to be said regardless of personal affiliation or feeling is what endeared Juni to him. You need a harsh truth? You go to Griffy. He also knew how to make time for his friends, especially when they needed him. I'll never forget how Griffy pulled Juni out of her deepest depression, and they spent time up on one of the Lodestar Towers.

Aeron Enyai'vilja - What a whirlwind romance! Aeron is an adorably goofy sea-elf (by his own admission), and it's funny to think he started his journey on Arelith without smiling at ALL, yet now is one of the funniest people I've had the pleasure to RP with. It was a joy to see him come out of his (sea)shell, and even moreso to have him and Juni become as close as they are.

Zalata Reva - ZALA SHUMIIIN! Juniper's sister in faith, but also in life. I'm really happy to have helped bring Zalata to Arelith, and to see how she's grown into her own. From a wee NWN noob, to a fully fledged character with extensive lore and a passion for her craft. Zalata is by far my favourite healer-type character, with room for a variety of 'cures', and allowing one to play out their injury. Zalata knows magic doesn't cure everything, which is a wonderful trait. I hope to play with her again.

Iliquen Y'nalo - Uncle Iliquen. The Man. The Myth. The Legend. Not many people have the capabilities of being able to tell Juniper what to do... and she'll actually do it. Iliquen is one of those rare few. He gave her her first staff, when she was fresh off the pier, and then many years later, gave her a new, much more elaborate staff. He's probably her longest friend on Arelith, and he's one of those characters that you're never QUITE sure what he's doing... but know whatever it is, it's probably for a good reason!

Ren Moonbriar - They came, they saw, they turned into an anime meme. Ren was definitely Juni's dark and protective brother, while Juni herself was more like a bright optimist in contrast. Sometimes they argued, or got annoyed at each other, like any pair of siblings do, but no matter what, those two would die for each other. If ever Juni was in trouble, she knew exactly who to call. (And yes, the cassil plant was being used, he doesn't need to CHECK IT!)

Meriam Fuzzypaw - Grams! Or was it Gran. Sadly, Juniper could never remember, and usually used the names interchangably. Either way, Merry very quickly not only became family to Juni, but also her mentor. Whenever in doubt or unsure about something involving her druidic path, Merry was the first one she'd go to.

Dram Oakley - Another of Juniper's brothers, her wee baby bro! Heard of his sister's exploits and went running to Arelith. I wish we had more time to play together, as their dynamic was very indictitive of teasing siblings. Also not knowing which traits Dram would have on any given day, given his path of changing between the various Spirits was always a fun time!

Aera - Sunshine has been given physical form within Aera. You're not likely to meet someone more sweet and happy, or someone who gets into as much trouble, as Aera. From trying to get her free from the UD, to letting her pet a baby kraken, to finding a BEEFALO in the Barracks, there is no shortage of fun times with her cousin Aera! Plus the player is a hoot. <3

Flynn Merrick - BL'OOP FLYNN! Or LongFlynn. I didn't get nearly enough time with you, man. Your character is a total joy to be around, and I didn't expect to become so endeared to him so quickly. Keep it up, man, Flynn is wonderful!

Luevia Karmayn - Luevia and Lord William!! At first, Juniper wasn't sure what to think of Luevia, but she always loved Lord William. It's strange to think your familiar is what brought Luevia and Juni to be such good friends, and was also one of her hardest goodbyes. Luevia is a fantastic character, with so many different facets. I enjoyed being around her, and how they also bonded over their mutual values.

Flynn Moonbriar - What a strange path these two had! From new friends, to close friends, to in-laws! My favourite trait of Flynn is how he's able to see the bright side of things in most cases, and even though he's had some rough times in the past, his resilience and inclination to keep going is something Juniper has always admired about him.

Cinders Char - Greetings, yes. These two once hated each other and bickered like an old married couple. But over time, Cinders became one of Juniper's favourite and most trusted people. I'm going to miss his dry humour the most... and the volcanoes.

Ywynna Skalari - The BEST Senior Gunnery Officer ever. Hands down. And also a kind spirit. Ywynna is one of those characters that is just good to know. She exudes comfort, calm, and peace, and having her nearby always helped Juni keep a cool head.

Ginny Rivorndir - What a character!!! Ginny has probably one of the most interesting stories of any character I've played with. Juni never knew if she could trust her, if she was good, if she was bad, but no matter what, she was a friend. Even if she confused her. There's so much I could say about Ginny, but I highly recommend to anyone to play with this chick. The twists, turns, and personality are all so well done. Huge kudos.

Khara'gos Rivorndir - JUNI MADE HIM SMILE AND THAT IS ONE OF HER BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENTS. Khara'gos is that grumpy Uncle in everyone's family, who for some reason... you can't help but adore. Though they were never particularly close, Juniper has high respect for Khara'gos, and because of Khara'gos, also came to learn about and respect Kossuth in a whole new way.

Sion - 'Nods'. Juniper's shadow friend. Their friendship mostly consisted of nodding at one another, given Sion is very rarely seen.... by anyone else. Someone she knew had her back, and she had his, I'll miss Sion and their strange at-a-distance friendship.

Khardar Goldenbeard - How these two met will never fail to make me smile. A maiden voyage, Juniper's first time at the helm as Captain of the Leviathan.... and up washes a bunch of dwarves. Since then, the two bonded over their shared trials as Navy Captains, and even joked about the 'Captain's Curse'... until Juniper broke it! I'm gonna miss Khardar, he's a wonderful friend and someone you could always count on to bring about a good time.

Daaksgusting - You might have won the Insult Contest, BUT- I'll remind you, you won with a compliments Tie-Breaker!! Daak is the best dwarf, from the belches, the Belly of Holding, or slapping his gut as he bellows in drunken laughter. 10/10, would RP with again.

Brumdir Kagain - Another dwarf who washed up on deck! Brumdir and Juniper have one very odd thing in common, and I think that's partly what endeared them to each other to start. From unexpected allies, to pushing Brumdir at an elf, to accepting Brumdir as family, he's one of my favourite characters to have seen grown and adapt in this crazy make believe world we play in.

Thomas Castemont - From hesitant strangers, to an unlikely pair of friends. Juni and Thomas' relationship has grown very far from what it was. One of the first things Juni told Thomas, when they met, was 'I can't control what I am. I can only control what I do.' and I like to think over the IG years, they came to a mutual understanding that isn't well defined, but also irreplaceable. Thomas is a very interesting character, and I look forward to seeing/hearing about how his story progresses!

Luc (Totally Not a Noble) - A chihuahua given human form. That's the best way to describe Luc. Having adopted each other as cousins no matter what the situation ended up being, Luc and Juni have what I would describe as a 'Comedically Chaotic' relationship. They've been through so much together, and while they stand strong, arm-in-arm throughout it all, they'll be bickering the whole time. It's rare to see such a dynamic, and Luc is one of the best characters for this.

Grymmiirn - Grandpa Grymm! Aside from one or two others, Grymm is one of Juni's longest friends. He taught her how to introduce herself as a jotunkin, built her a throne as his Granddaughter in Jotunhold to sit at his side, and never failed to make her feel protected and loved. Just like any good Grandpa, he didn't always understand her, but he was always there for her none the less.

Sili Aseph - Okay okay okay, so the Spirits are weird. I know that, you know that, but it will forever be a point of contention for these two! None the less, Juniper would run across the world if it meant helping Sili out of trouble... or maybe just to pop her upside the head. Either or. Sili is a wonderful character, strange, and somehow wears her intention on her sleeve without getting in (big) trouble. How does she do it? The world may never know.

Gone But Not Forgotten

Maríangel Inès Rafaela del Eduardo Silva y Ascención de la Toledino - I hope you know I've had that name saved in my Discord for a LONG time. Mariangel was someone Juniper always looked up to, and aspired to be like. She became a Captain and sailed through Shipkillers, to make Mariangel proud. She's gonna name her first daughter Mariangel, and that's never been negotiable! She's left a lasting impact on Juni, and I love her for it.

Urshak Dragonskin - Uncle Urshak!! He taught her many valuable things. How to fight, how to stay alive, and how to listen. No matter what, Juni knew that Urshak would listen to her concerns, and not pass judgement on them. He was one of those characters that was able to maintain peace between so many differing opinions and voices, and was one hell of a leader. He's sorely missed, and will be remembered for years to come.

Providence - Whaaaat a woman. Sortof. Half a woman? The other half was metal. Hard to say! But what's easy to say, is just how interesting she was, and how much impact she had on Juniper's character. Having found a way to grant her sight back without the use of unnatural materials or metals, it opened up a whole new world... only for her to immediately witness the most gruesome death ever, of the woman who restored her sight, a week later. Providence is the only character who both gave Juni unending hope and happiness, and terrifying trauma, all at the same time.

Desmond Forgaca - He's here, he's hot, he's- .... gone. Desmond was a treat, always quick to make me laugh as a player, and I've missed him since he departed. One of my favourite memories is of Desmond climbing into the Crow's Nest, only to shriek with joy in the middle of a storm, egging on the gods to 'Come get me'. ... How he didn't die at sea is a mystery to the world.

Shanty - DING DING!!! Best kenku, hands down. She learned Kenku specifically to be able to communicate with him, and not a day goes by I don't think of Shanty. Juniper never did tell his secret... but you and I both know what that secret is. ;)

The Frenemies

Fenrik Chault - Who even knows how these two ended up the way they did. Are they friends? ... Dunno. Are they enemies? ... Dunno! Would they back each other to the point of death if the other asked them to? YUP! A strange relationship between the two that teeters between friendly and not-so-much, but somehow always able to know how to support the other. Even if it's done behind the other's back.

Seitera Colds - Juni didn't know if she wanted to slap Seitera, or hug her sometimes. But one thing is for sure, this character is hard to not know, and even harder to forget. She has these grand and interesting ideas, and unique ways to implement them. I really enjoy your creativity!

Dib - What do you get when a goblin and a hinling share a passion for abberations, and darts? An unlikely friendship that makes them both nervous, that's what. Dib is fabulous, and a very fun character to know.

Bengus Madbeard - You love to hate him. A grump. Rude as anything. And also secretly... a teddy bear. Bengus and Juniper had a strange respect for one another, no matter how much they fought or insulted each other.

All These Awesome People

Cale Frostwalker - DO THE CALE SHUFFLE! I've never NOT smiled, seeing Cale.
Zemys - Evil Blind Hin, says the EVIL SHADOW HIN.
Phyrra - If a rainbow could manifest itself into an elf, it'd be Phyrra.
Dain - Big Winged Goth GF. Also one of the people who's always been so kind to Juni, no matter what.
Mocla - She might not have liked bats, but the bats liked her. Especially her food! Mocla should also have a stand-up act, but that's personal opinion.
Ravnhart Tir'enfein - Fashionable, intelligent, and a redhead. No wonder she was so dangerous!
Varfogar Arrellanes - He taught her to dance when she was blind, then she taught him the meaning of friendship... or... something like that.
Ward Kross - I didn't get nearly enough time with this guy... but I'd put money on him doing some amazing things in the future!
Thrisk - Tall, can't fit in a hall, hits his head on the doorframe and can't stop the fall.
Ymmstrid - If Juniper had any advice for Ymmstrid, knowing her, it'd be to keep a cleric on standby.
Alaina Voclain - She has some of the BEST outfits, and also the BEST food descriptions. I loved seeing Alaina around, especially to fawn over the pretty pixels.
Malx - The wisps never failed to make me laugh, and I always felt a bit special or honoured when I got one!
Vittoria Veleno - YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID. Thank you for all the fun stories and mysteries. <3
Valeria Veleno - 'Don't talk to me unless you got money, honey.' is the aspect of Val that never fails to make me laugh.
Khorin Cinderstone - He made Juni feel better when she was a slave... and then made her quills on the cheap. Heck of a guy.
Carmellia Fairlen - 'Friendly' doesn't even begin to say it. I hope to interact with her again, and see what else she decides to do!
Abdiel Calisur - Walking proof that you can have beauty AND smarts.
Callibrae Argent - A sweetheart all around, and also someone who knows how to throw one heck of a party!
Salasker Dusk - I've always enjoyed Salasker in any situation where I've had the honour to interact with him... however, I need to know how old he'll get before he changes his name to 'Salakser Dust'.
Arlo - The trip our characters have taken is a long and confusing one - but I'm glad these two remain friends even still!
Maya Fuzzypaw - Living proof that you can be wise, you can be old, but you can still be a kid at heart. Plus she was the only one who always knew exactly who that bat without the eyes was.
Mia Fuzzypaw - It took you three tries, a dozen buffs, and a new set of gear to sneak past Juni... BUT I'LL GET YA NEXT TIME.
Peppin - I'm not sure if I ever want to try Rhubarb Peanut Butter biscuits IRL, but Juni still craves them none the less. One of my favourite leaders of the Hawk'in!
Imor - 'If Imor cooked it, I'm eating it.'
Bash - You're welcome for the Arena. I hope you still use that thing!
Izora - Those weaklings can't handle the hotness. But Juni and Izora sure can!
Lefric Ruston - I love this guy. ... But she never DID write that report he told her to write.
Flamma Od-ata - She might be small, but at least she can handle the spicy noods.
Araphel - I didn't get enough time with this dude, but every interaction held something new and interesting. They were a strange pair of friends.
Roffin - The IRONLORD! With a will that matches his title.
Albet Lianlen - One of my favourite druids. One of the very few Juniper talked about druid secrets with, and she holds a lot of respect for Albet.
Maev Anorvathul - Maevy she stole my sweetroll. Pretty sure she did.
Lydia Darby - Our time to RP was brief, but enjoyable... Juni adores Lydia for the simple fact she actually listened to her advice.
Max'zolarix - That was an eye-opening event you gave Juni. ... Get it? Cause he took her eyes? Thanks for being so awesome and helping her on her progression journey!
The Blustroms - My favourite pirate crew!! The postings, the taunting, everything about them made sailing and the PvP involved fun!
Drachbor and the Underdark Raiders - Well put together raids, was captured, or sent as a 'message', and I love that you guys did more than arrive, fight, and leave. Kudos for the in-depth interactions!

I'm sure I missed some folks since my memory isn't the greatest with names... but, I'll see you guys around on the next toon! Be kind to each other!

Juniper Oakley - A Little Bitey

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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by Power Word, Haste » Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:59 pm

Cthuletta wrote:
Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:22 pm

Drachbor and the Underdark Raiders - Well put together raids, was captured, or sent as a 'message', and I love that you guys did more than arrive, fight, and leave. Kudos for the in-depth interactions!

Thank you, it means a lot to all of us. Juniper was fun to run into.

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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by Eira » Tue Sep 19, 2023 8:44 pm

From the first moment Juniper and Luevia met, Juniper has been obviously such a prominent part of Cordor, bringing life to the city just through being present and an absolute joy. I can't wait to see what your next character is like!

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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by Emotional Support Shaman » Tue Sep 19, 2023 8:57 pm

Zal will keep the lantern lit while Junpr Tale is gone. She taught Zal how to give sass back.

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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by Toukaze » Tue Sep 19, 2023 11:04 pm


Did not expect Shanty and Juniper to be bezzies, but their love of mischief and shooting cannons overcame all odds. She's always going to be part of his flock, no matter how far their stories take them. Smell ya later, pund pund.

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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by Edens_Fall » Wed Sep 20, 2023 12:13 am

We only had a chance to RP a bit as my PC wasn't much into naval concerns, but I did enjoy those rare moments we did. Look forward to your next PC and story!

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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by Rogaku » Wed Sep 20, 2023 3:46 pm

Ywynna is going to miss Juniper dearly, but looks forward to the eventual time where she will come back. Who knows what will have happened in the interim , but we shall see!

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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by MintoCloudpaw » Wed Sep 20, 2023 4:16 pm

Juniper was always such a loyal and true friend to Minto. They almost always got along well, and had a great mutual respect for each other. It was always refreshing that Minto could be honest with her without any worry about her taking it poorly. She was like a better sister than his actual sister!

That halloween party where she dressed up as Minta Cloudpaw, and the appreciation party will stick in my mind as two of the sweetest things someone has done for a character of mine. I'll cherish the memories of our times together. In our case it's a goodbye; but at least the two will meet up again off isle!


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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by PowerWord Rage » Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:16 am

You're awesome. When Juniper first debuted as Navy Captain, we're caught unaware and i've to use ship len to send us back to sencliff to mark the first defeat of my crew. To defeat her, we've to use both bait and taunt to prepare ambush across several quadrants and despite that, we're unable to actually sink her. It's definitely memorable, kudos to you!

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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by Aeryeris » Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:52 am

Awh! Thanks for the shout-out.

Going to miss Juniper. I was so happy to see her take up the challenge of the navy. It's seriously a lot of work and you did great with it. I hope I'll get to be a part of your next adventure!

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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by D4wN » Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:11 am

Juni left Thomas feeling quite sad. They were in the end friends and people who respected one another. Her leaving him without saying goodbye hit him pretty hard. But Juni was an emotional rollercoaster so it suits her perfectly. Leading a faction is really hard and very time consuming. I wanted to thank you for your hard work in that and doing fun stuff with the Levi. No doubt I’ll see you around on your next character.

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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by Gaal » Thu Sep 21, 2023 3:01 pm

Cthuletta wrote:
Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:22 pm

Juniper has been a character for quite a long while now, and with her stories and progression coming to a close, it's time to put her up on the top shelf! As Juniper herself would often say, 'It's not goodbye. It's 'see ya later'.'

Ahh.... That's to bad. I will always cherish when you caught me in your place.

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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by Ellisaria » Thu Sep 21, 2023 3:39 pm

The true caliber of a player can always be seen in the kudos that they give to others. Hope your next RP experience rewards you just as much, if not more, than this one!

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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by silverpheonix » Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:48 pm

Juni is a great character, and nothing about that relationship made any sense. When they first met, Juni had been freshly blinded. Dib joined in the easy picking-on of the blind guard slave and asked her if her tail wagged when she was happy. He's pretty certain she doesn't remember that.

He'll get that darts rematch one day.

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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by Illu » Tue Sep 26, 2023 8:18 pm

I enjoyed how Juniper backed up Albet's pranks in the square a few times. She will miss having another mischievous city druid around, for sure. They didn't interact much, but it was always fun when they did. Albet will do her best to help the farmlands in her stead!

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Re: 'See ya later!' - Juniper Oakley Kudos

Post by BiglySmalls » Wed Sep 27, 2023 6:28 am

Callibrae here! I'm sad to see Juniper gone, she was one of my favorite characters that I just never quite got the excuse to hang around with more. Right when I felt I had it was time for you to go.

Also my first Kudos in almost half a decade! Means a lot to be included. I hope to get the chance to RP with you more whether as a friend or an enemy. Either Best wishes on whoever you play next, or damn them to the Hells!

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