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One of the Forgotten

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:03 am
by Emotionaloverload
Namil passed as quietly as she lived. I had a lot of fun playing a true spy but she didn’t start out that way. It took a tremendous about of effort by the people of Arelith to get my wild elf respectable and useful.

I hate playing characters for very long and Namil is by far my longest coming in at two years. So! I apologize for not being to remember all the names/name spellings. I will keep it to groupings but you all know who you are.

The Karaturans – They had the terrible job of teaching Namil some principles. I had a lot of fun working on her speech pattern once they taught her words. It was a huge part of her future interactions and really made a usually invisible/stealthed character stand out when she was present.

The Old Tower/ Sencliff Mages – The first people to see any potential in my barbarian and teach her some world skills. Watching high INT characters try to make something out of a low INT wild elf was amazingly funny. Without them I don’t think she ever would have gotten into spying.

The Knights of the Road – The long needed touch of goodliness that set the elf on the right path. I was very grateful to be able to have her included in something so respectable seeing has how she had no business to be there. It really helped keep the character social.

Rangers – There have been so many of these over so much time but each one made a terrific impact and kept Namil to her roots. Their wild madness was some of my favourite moments IG.

Informants – Namil always had the best information first and sometimes it was with help. I enjoyed gathering a massive network of information distribution which was entertaining to do with a character that can barely talk straight but everyone found ways to participate and include. Thank you.

Students – Oh, heavens, I had so much fun with her teaching ‘younglings’ to be spies. Some passed, some failed, others died (lots died…) but all were a great time.

Targets – Thank you to everyone that was up to anything. Namil was pathological and followed everyone and anyone that happened to be alive and passing through and I was rarely ever disappointed when glimpsing into island wide plots, secret lives or private dramas.

The Cossacks – When I had the most trouble trying to regain some socialness with her, I was rescued by the Cossacks. It was so wonderful to see the various dynamics of the group and to spy on her ‘kin’ whenever possible.

Lovers – Being a notorious philanderer Namil had a great many lovers. All of them caused some trouble or other which made a usually quiet spy existence very entertaining.


Re: One of the Forgotten

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:35 pm
by Kuma
Alpha says auf wiedersehen.

Re: One of the Forgotten

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:04 am
by P Three
Storm'd give her a proper sendoff. She liked Namil. Much as she likes anyone.

Re: One of the Forgotten

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:56 am
by msterswrdsmn
Awww. Namil is gone? :( Mifune really liked hanging out with her. Mangled speech and all.