Kyle Frayer-Eldafire: A life in review

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Kyle Frayer-Eldafire: A life in review

Post by CragOrion » Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:21 am

This post has been overdue, but as Kyle has now been rolled, there are a lot of people that I want to thank who had a major impact in the life of this character.

Kyle has certainly had his ups and his downs, and while he started off pretty simple, he became a very complicated and difficult person to play, but it was always important to see him through to the end, and now that his journey on Arelith is over, I just want you all to know how much I as his player appreciate the part you played.

The Triad Gang:
Yall gave Kyle a place to play and be welcome and be the hero he always felt he was supposed to be.
Most specifically:
Daltanius Silverarms - You gave Kyle something to live up to and for that time before his fall, he was able to live his life and be the thing he was always meant to be. Including him in the order gave him the vehicle to do that.
Arcavius - After his first fall, Arcavius was the one who took him on as their squire help him find redemption. He gave Kyle that second chance and took an active roll in Kyle's life to try to help him get back to that place where he knew he could be. And the disappointment in his eyes when Kyle ultimately failed was one of the most potent memories in his later years.

The Old Cordor Gang:
I had a lot of fun in my old playground, and though I don't do a lot of govt/guard rp these days, back then, it was one of the most enjoyable arenas for me to play in.
Most notably:
Augdish (Augustin Dish) - Kyle's running partner. They were gonna save Cordor together!
Shade (Lairilwa Seel) - I don't know if I've ever laughed harder than I did when I realized your character was writing slash fanfics about Kyle and other guys XD

The Less-old Cordor Gang
I really appreciated you all allowing me to join you and play along with what you were building
Whether it was with the Ordo Cordoria, other govt jobs, or with the followers of Cordoria, it changed how I viewed patriotism in the game and how I would approach it going forward, and I really enjoyed getting to be a part of the movement, however shortlived it was.
Most notably:
Arael Laceflower - Your rp was masterful and beautiful, and it broke my heart to see that character bite it when she did. A great performance leaves everyone wanting more, and that is one thing you always do with your characters. Frickin bravo

The Manipulation Gang:
Even though you were the enemy, I cannot say nearly enough good about you two. You were such a big part of Kyle's roleplay at the time, and everything you did was just so well done.
Sarina Dragonsong - Noone strings'em along like you XD. She gave Kyle just enough to keep him trying, and knew when to make her move. And everything always came off as so sincere. Even though it drove me batty at the time, you deserve a lot of credit for the work you put over on Kyle.
Sabine - The mastermind behind Sarina's turn and exploitation of Kyle (or so Sarina would have us think!) My dude hated you to the ends of existence, but past that, you were such a gracious opponent and I always appreciated you immensely for that.
And the way you both duped Kyle to steal the Sword of Benwick from him was just amazing and so impressive, and I felt I had to take the "L" on that one becuause the RP was just top notch.

Anyone involved in the Cordor trial:
I appreciated you all so much for letting me play that out. Even though Kyle put himself in an unrecoverable position, you allowed me to really play out the consequences of his fall to complete a chapter in his story. Many thanks.

My dark years
I'm going to get real with you all for a minute, so please hang in there and hear me out.

There was a time while I was playing Kyle that I was not in a great place in my head. Life was tough and I was dealing with a lot of depression and I dove into playing Kyle far more than I should have because of the escape it provided. Due to that, I had gotten more invested in him than I should have been, and yet I refused to step away from the game, even though I knew in my head that it was the right thing to do.

Because of the place my head was in, I as Kyle made some very bad decisions in how I was playing him and it ended in lashing out IC and roleplaying him into a corner that would have serious and unescapable consequences. I have regretted those roleplay decisions ever since and let me just say from experience, if you are having a hard time in life, and having a hard time in the game, and things are getting to you where you are loosing actual sleep over the game, please please please, take some time and step away.

Give yourself a break and try to do something less involved and more fun. Give yourself a chance to breath, and let your scars heal. This game can be a great escape if life is not a happy place, but if you're not careful, it can also become a crutch and just end up contributing to the stress in your life. Always remember this is a game. We care about what happens to our characters, but don't let your characters rule your own lives. Don't play out of obligation or desperation (as I had done). Just play what makes you happy.

After stepping away for several years, I was able to heal, and (with the help of some others, I'm looking at you, GrumpyCat and Spyre) get my head on straight (or just less crooked!) and pick Kyle back up to try to finish his story.

Some people really went out of their way to help me complete this arc and I cannot thank you enough for humoring and entertaining me. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you helping me close the book on Kyle.
The Radiant Heart Gang:
Xalden Gantz, Alis Dionodir, Aerdrick Silverarms, and all the other RH members who gave Kyle the time of day. You guys are awesome and so much fun to play with. You're all beautiful.

The Church of Helm Gang
Byanca and her whole entourage. Thank you so so much. I don't know who you guys are, but the short time I played with you all was so meaningful and special. I'd love to do a dedicated Helmite character again at some point down the road and hopefully get to run into you all again.

Family and Friends:
Angela Amana - She's been there through all Kyle's ups and downs, and while they were at odds at one time, she came through for him in the end and stood by him at the tribunal, and spoke very strongly on his behalf. I was personally moved.
Siyu - Kyle's first love, and first heartbreak She remained a very important influence in his life even up to the day he was rolled. He still has her smithing hammer.
Akira Mirna - She was there for Kyle when he needed a friend, and helped him get through a hard time following his obsession with Dragonsong.
Tera'thiel Eldafire - The big baddass uncle Eldafire. My dude. He never forgave Kyle and always held him to task. Dude, you played this character to the hilt and I love you for it. Even during my hiatus, you kept him going and kept the Eldafire name known and relevant. I did not expect to have the family be relevant when I came back, but in every way you have played Tera, you have exceeded my every expectation. You, sir, are the shit.

Thank you, all

Celestia Silverarms
Karynn Eldafire

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Re: Kyle Frayer-Eldafire: A life in review

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:56 am

Whoa . . . I've read and written about your character over the years but had no idea he was still around (though not anymore) until this very moment! I always enjoy getting a glimpse into Arelith's forgotten past, and this is one such moment. Thank you for sharing your kudos and the glimpse it offered into the important story that was your character's life.

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Re: Kyle Frayer-Eldafire: A life in review

Post by Hyrland D~Kaya » Tue Dec 05, 2023 4:40 pm

Thank you for your engaging and brilliant role play! Kyle was a great, intriguing, and complex character. I loved the role play with Kyle, and I am thankful for Kyle’s instrumental role in the Sword of Benwick Quest. When I first introduced Sword of Benwick Quest as a holy grail for Daltanius, I could not imagine that it would be a part of Arelith for so many years. Our persistent effort as players in role playing the search for this then non-existent item won the DM participation and made it real. When Kyle finally found the sword and presented his discovery to Daltanius in Celestia, it was one of the most rewarding moments of role play I experienced on Arelith. Thank you, Kyle!

As each of our character is our creation, our role play inevitably becomes an expression of our personality, joy, pain, and aspiration. More we live in the skin of our character, perhaps hours each day, weeks, months, and years, an undeniably significant amount of our real life becomes that of the character.

The allure of Arelith is that the stories we weave become so involved and dramatic that the tribulations and trials feel real. Such a vulnerable authenticity fuels some of the greatest role play experience we could have at the cost of emotional stress. With that context, Kyle was a masterpiece! Bravo! Thank you, CragOrion!

Hyrland D’Kaya/ Bashagain
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Re: Kyle Frayer-Eldafire: A life in review

Post by Peachoo » Wed Dec 13, 2023 6:31 pm

CragOrion wrote:
Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:21 am

The Old Cordor Gang:
I had a lot of fun in my old playground, and though I don't do a lot of govt/guard rp these days, back then, it was one of the most enjoyable arenas for me to play in.
Most notably:
Augdish (Augustin Dish) - Kyle's running partner. They were gonna save Cordor together!
Shade (Lairilwa Seel) - I don't know if I've ever laughed harder than I did when I realized your character was writing slash fanfics about Kyle and other guys XD

Lairilwa Seel feel's like a lifetime ago. She was my first elven character, ever, and I had fun with her prankster personality. I am honestly shocked anyone remembers her... I was a very different person back then. Not someone that I am proud of today.
This character was played during a dark time in my life too, when I was going through a lot IRL- so while I do not look on it fondly, I am glad that my rp with you brought you some joy and humor.
Thanks man.

CragOrion wrote:
Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:21 am

My dark years
I'm going to get real with you all for a minute, so please hang in there and hear me out.

There was a time while I was playing Kyle that I was not in a great place in my head. Life was tough and I was dealing with a lot of depression and I dove into playing Kyle far more than I should have because of the escape it provided. Due to that, I had gotten more invested in him than I should have been, and yet I refused to step away from the game, even though I knew in my head that it was the right thing to do.

Because of the place my head was in, I as Kyle made some very bad decisions in how I was playing him and it ended in lashing out IC and roleplaying him into a corner that would have serious and unescapable consequences. I have regretted those roleplay decisions ever since and let me just say from experience, if you are having a hard time in life, and having a hard time in the game, and things are getting to you where you are loosing actual sleep over the game, please please please, take some time and step away.

Give yourself a break and try to do something less involved and more fun. Give yourself a chance to breath, and let your scars heal. This game can be a great escape if life is not a happy place, but if you're not careful, it can also become a crutch and just end up contributing to the stress in your life. Always remember this is a game. We care about what happens to our characters, but don't let your characters rule your own lives. Don't play out of obligation or desperation (as I had done). Just play what makes you happy.

These are very wise words, and it took a lot of courage to post about this publicly. I think that at some point, a lot of folks on this server use Arelith in an unhealthy way that is detrimental to us personally. I know that I certainly did, and it ended up affecting a lot of folks in ways I didn't mean for it to.

It sounds like you've come a very far way, and that you've been able to heal from the troubles you were facing.

I hope you are proud of yourself for the strides you have made despite the struggles you've faced.

Take care.

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