Holly Oak [Craobh Thuilm]

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Holly Oak [Craobh Thuilm]

Post by CrystalRL » Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:15 pm


I am Holly Oak of the Circle of the Cat Star. Like our namesake, we are wanderers. I have only recently gained my Name, and thus, my rights to practice. The archdruid of our circle gave me the blessing of Oak, in hopes that I would become strong, and fight against those who intrude upon our Plane. My mentor gave me the blessing of Holly, for my hardiness and protective bite.

For now, I continue to use the name I used as a street rat, until I know how this land treats wildwalkers. I've seen a few, but I've yet to find out if there is a city circle, let alone wandered far enough to find menhirs for the more traditional circles.

I have come to Arelith after passing through Waterdeep, like many have. An absurd land, where the less savory often escape to, I was told. Certainly worth exploring...

The strangest aspect is how thick the ley runs here. Primordial power breathes down my neck, even as arcanists pull at it. It has changed the people who live here, and no one is ignorant of its effects. At least, not for long.

I must be careful. I have already had to put down a sister who had lost herself to a call she could not handle. The land weeps, and will return her to the cycle.


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Re: Holly Oak [Craobh Thuilm]

Post by CrystalRL » Mon Aug 03, 2020 11:21 am


There is a man who pursues me as amri. It makes me uncomfortable. I can handle being spoiled - as a young woman, that just happens if you're not fighting against such - but I believe the path I walk will eventually end with divergence. I do not want to hurt him.

Another slain. Someone who was once a stormcaller, but turned when his god became more important than the Balance. I am sad, but it had to be done to preserve those who had lived. Those I traveled with will hopefully open up to me to so I can learn.

The largest local Circle has not reached out to me yet, though my letter has sat on their boards for a month. Maybe they have hit their limit, and I should look elsewhere. Perhaps below? I can now grasp at the ley, slipping it into the runes I read, but while my understanding has deepened, my call itself has not. I need a mentor.


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Re: Holly Oak [Craobh Thuilm]

Post by CrystalRL » Sun Aug 16, 2020 3:39 am


Much has been seen and heard these last few tendays.

Andus. A brother, of higher standing, but knowledge of operating within the stone nests. He spoke of Burin, as did Arn, but I don't trust anyone who builds a statue of themself where they live.

Many villains, if I bothered being the fighting type. Pops Gene (Air) of the "Red Prince", probably some breed of infernalist or diabolist given that naming convention. Tom, a soul-wielder (Death). Not my concern. There's a reason wildwalkers only get Lesser Restoration. A fair arm regardless, though Tom'd find more strength by avoiding the shortcuts.

A field trip through the planes. Amazing how people get jumpy when you call Celestia what it is - a cold, lifeless place. Also visited the Plane of Water, Arborea, Plane of Air, and Limbo. Those tiny cows were adorable! But planar travel isn't my deal. I mainly did it to observe the mechanics in action of the Astrolabe. The way it harnesses ley is beautiful... I wish I could understand it better.


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