Aska Le'te'te'dwa

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Aska Le'te'te'dwa

Post by daimon_d_heart » Wed May 15, 2024 6:29 pm


Full name: Aska'lay'lynn Le'te'te'dwa
Race: Copper Elf
Sex: Female
Date of birth: Eleint 9, 1220
Place of birth: Eerienne Village, Tangled Vale

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Patron deity: Hanali Celanil
Profession: Artisan
Classes: Sorcerer/Other [1]

Primary language: Elven
Secondary languages:
Celestial - Beginner

Physical description:
Height: 5' 6"
Eyes: Emerald Green
Hair: Coppery-Red
Build: Curvy

A soft smile is always readily offered from this elf maiden's lips. Her light copper skin has a soft glow that looks golden in certain light. Though average by human standards, other elves would find her rather well endowed. Some minor scars might be spotted along the sides of her head, but her hair covers most, and they can only be seen with a close inspection.

She seems to favor light armor in combat and often carries an elven blade with no shield. She holds the blade with her left hand as the right remains free. She always wears a golden, heart shaped pendant with a ruby at its center. She also carries a second elven blade on her left hip but never draws it from the scabbard.

Psychological description:
She exhibits a kind and gentle disposition, often embodying compassion and empathy towards others. Her quiet nature reflects a preference for introspection and observation, as she attempts to perceive the needs of those around her. Despite her reserved demeanor, she possesses an unwavering dedication to her own people, consistently placing their welfare above her own. She has no desire or need to be the center of attention, happy to allow accolades to be passed onto others. However, she will speak her mind when strongly motivated, especially when it comes to those that seek to cause senseless destruction.

There is shadow that lies over her heart in that she deeply desires to become a Bladesinger. Unfortunately, she is unable to master the elegant style of the Bladesong due to it being incompatibile with Sorcery as well as her lack of great intellect. This weighs heavily on her mind as she holds a deep desire to be a paragon of the elven way. She has pondered the possibility of changing the style to better suit her abilities as a sorcereress, yet there are elves that believe the Bladesong was taught by Corellon Larethian himself. Any attempts to change the perfect style of the Father of Elvenkind would at best be seen as a wasted effort and at worst a blasphemy. No master would knowlingly teach an apprentice that sought to do so.

Religious views:
"I am but a humble servant, guided by the lady's divine grace as I strive to embody the virtues she holds dear. The Heart of Gold beats within me as I embrace a kind and gentle disposition that must flow with humility and understanding. I endeavor to understand the needs of those who grace my path. In the spirit of the Winsome Rose, I seek to perceive the beauty and harmony that surround us, and in doing so, I am better equipped to bring joy and love to others. The welfare of my people occupies the forefront of my thoughts, for Lady Goldheart guides me to place their needs above my own. I need not the sun & moon nor seas & stars nor land & air to dwell within my palms, for I find fulfillment in guiding them to glory. Yet, when the call to action resounds with a righteous cause, I will not shy to answer:

Life for my people,
My Soul to the Seldarine,
All to elven way."

A nymph that went by the name Emerald Rose in the rare instances she used it. The name may have been given to her due to her emerald eyes and rose red hair. She dwelt in the forests of Cormanthyr many millennia ago and mingled with the ancestors of Aska's father. Neither Aska nor her father know of this ancestry.


Parents are listed under Earlier History. She gave birth to three daughters and two sons between the ages of twenty and forty. Her daughters were named Ama'ond'ash, Itae'deth'asha, and Nerenia. Her sons were named Ik'sael'thas and Elebrandir. Aska'lay'lynn raised Ama'ond'ash and Ik'sael'thas until they reached maturity. Nerenia and Elebrandir were adopted by the chieftain's family and conscripted as Owslafa[2] after she was excommunicated. Itae'deth'asha was slain by a band of orcs during an unfortunate incident on Kythorn 9, 1262.

Birthplace History [3]
Nearly all Sy’Tel’Quessir (Green Elves), which include[4] the Or'Tel'Quessir (Copper Elves), and the Ry'Tel'Quessir[5] (Jade Elves), in Cormanthyr can track their heritage back to one of four clans of the Emerald Vale: the Audark, Kevanarial, Moonglamaer, or Selorn clans. These were the largest of the green elf clans dating back to the Crown Wars and the founding of Cormanthyr. With the coming of Venominhandar in −982 DR to the Tangled Vale (as the Emerald Vale was now called due to his magic), a large number of the Selorn clan were slain in the dragon's initial attack. Survivors of this clan fled to Semberholme and Elven Court, and few returned to the forest of their birth.

Located deep within the heart of the Tangled Vale, Eerienne was founded by those few in the years since the reign of Venominhandar was ended in −206 DR. This village became a haven for Or'Tel'Ouessir who, still disillusioned with the leaders of Cormanthyr, wanted nothing to do with the other elves of the land. Many Or’Tel’Quessir thought that if Venominhandar had attacked Myth Drannor or Elven Court and not their homeland, all of Cormanthyr would have come to fight the dragon. They believe that because it was in the land of copper elves, the haughty gold and silver elves didn't care.

These members of clan Selorn became isolationists, and only Or’Tel’Quessir and the nomadic Ry'Tel'quessir are now welcome in this remote village. Members of other elf races are stopped at the village borders and asked their business. Members of non-elf races are attacked if they seem hostile or are watched closely by the copper elves, who do not reveal themselves and their home to such beings. Eerienne is a well-hidden tree dwelling village, secreted among the twisted treetops of the vale. Experienced elven scouts find it difficult to locate Eerienne even during the winter months, and during the summer solstice it is nigh impossible. The village is surrounded by snares, pitfalls, and other dangerous traps to ensure privacy.

Earlier History
Aska'lay'lynn was born in the village of Eerienne over a millennium after its founding. By this time the clan's name of Selorn was all but forgotten. Since their isolationist policy would not allow the presence of the traditional gold or silver families, every member of the community was either descended from the Selorn founders, outside coppers that settled in the village, or jades that passed through. Therefore, the usage of the clan's name fell out of practice and was only used by the Chieftan and his immediate family.

However, due to the often-amorous nature of elves, several naming conventions were adopted by the community to distinguish lineage. One of the more popular options was to give offspring a birth name that included a part of each parent's name. This part might be an abbreviation, alliteration, or some other form of word play that would be recognized by their relatives. Aska's mother was a copper druid named Lyn'eilrahd and her father was a jade sorcerer named Lae'lathanyll. And so, their child was given the name Aska'lay'lynn, daughter of Lae & Lyn.

To say the two greens were in love would not be true. Aska was but one result of the many couplings that occurred after a nomadic jade tribe settled in Eerienne before the start of winter in 1219 until spring in 1220. This is how most offspring were born in the village as it was the best time to find partners that were not of the same blood line. The nomadic Ry'Tel'Quessir traveled all over the realms and each year would bring a different tribe to the isolated Or'Tel'Quessir village. It is for this reason Aska'lay'lynn was raised by her mother and only knows of her father. However, she did not lack a father figure for she had many older male relatives that fulfilled that role.

- - -

Aska'lay'lynn, like all Sy'Tel'Quessir, matured at the same rate as humans. Growing up with the influence of elven culture, she likewise adopted the polyamorous lifestyle after reaching the age of consent. This continued until she gave birth to her last daughter in 1260 DR and formally began her training as a druid under her mother's tutelage. This came to an end twelve years later after Aska'lay'lynn failed one of the final rites. This resulted in her becoming a fallen druid and being excommunicated. Copper elves hold druids with the same esteem as priests and her actions were perceived as anathema to their way of life.

No longer welcome in Eerienne, Aska'lay'lynn arrived in Tangled Trees on Flamerule 6, 1272 DR. While mostly destroyed by the dragon after the death of his secret mate when the village was yet known as Faelorin, it was making a steady recovery as it had become a haven for young copper elves inspired by their ancestors' sacrifices for their families. The community of Or'Tel'Ouessir warriors gladly welcomed Aska'lay'lynn. As they were not as xenophobic as the village of Eerienne, she began to have her first encounters with gold and silver elves that stopped in the village for rest and supplies.

- - -

Interactions with the Ar'Tel'Quessir proved to be difficult due to their prideful natures, but the occasional quarrel was not unheard of as the other copper elves had similar grievances. However, Aska'lay'lynn recognized the gold elves' tendency to be very knowledgeable in various lores and came to an understanding of their ways, slowly recognizing that ignorance could be found in the copper elves' perspective of history. They also educated her on all the divine of the Seldarine and helped set her upon the path of new faith. She also began to take a deeper interest in the art though had difficulty grasping the complexities of wizardry.

Things fared better with the Teu'Tel'Quessir. Far more open and friendly than the gold elves, the silver elves played an important part in opening Aska'lay'lynn up to not only the other races among their people but beyond. Their genuine warmth and enthusiasm created an atmosphere of acceptance and camaraderie that drew her out of her shell and encouraged an embrace of new experiences and connections. This was especially so when a silver bard came to stay in the village and introduced himself as Eladan Felaadan. He was the first to recognize her latent talents and guided her in awakening her sorcery.

- - -

Time passed and Aska'lay'lynn met Celorfin Le'te'te'dwa, a silver elf from a humble family of marble sculptors. Celorfin had been inspired by the tales of Myth Drannor when it was yet a kingdom of splendor. He left his family and had spent the last century traversing the ancient kingdom. He was one of many that took it upon themselves to ensure Myth Drannor was safe from brigands and "adventurers" that yearned to plunder. He also culled the beasts descended from the army of darkness that sometimes wandered too far from the ruins of Myth Drannor.

As the winter of 1280 drew near, Celeorfin found himself wandering east along the River Duathamper. He was led to Tangled Trees after an encounter with an Or'Tel'Qussir hunting party. There he met Aska'lay'lynn for the first time. Celorfin found her disposition enchanting along with her beauty. She likewise came to admire his dreams, hopes, and wishes for the future as he spoke his secret desire to see Myth Drannor as it was of old. They spent many days walking together beneath the falling leaves and many nights gazing at the stars from the treetops. As the winter months passed, Celorfin proposed to the elf maiden, and she accepted.

- - -

When spring came, Celeorfin was seized with a desire to look upon the ruins of the great city at least once before settling down for marriage. Confident in his skills, Aska'lay'lynn bid him well as he departed and patiently awaited his return. That time never came, and the years passed slowly. Though other guardians of the ancient kingdom would pass through the village, no report of Celeorfin could be brought to her. A token at last came one cold day on Tarsakh 3, 1285 DR.

As Aska'lay'lynn drew water from a stream that branched off the River Duathamper, she noticed something glinting faintly beneath the waters, enmeshed in the bed. Stepping into the stream, she slowly withdrew it as she brushed away the gravel and sand. It was a mithral blade scorched by fire, and it quickly fell from her quivering hands. Though it may have lacked the ornate designs of a high noble houses, though it was now far more worn than it had ever been, she knew every mark from her many times looking upon it all those years ago, and that Celeorfin walked the mortal lands no more.

- - -

Aska'lay'lynn went into mourning and could not be reached by any in her grief. A full phase of the moon came and went, and some began to wonder if she would pass from sorrow; however, she at last rose, ate, and wept no more. Without a body, there was nothing left to give Celeorfin his final rites except his sword, but she would not part with it. Instead, she crafted a stone memorial in his memory, engraved with the lyrics of a simple song.

Two hearts meet, entwined,
Two souls complete, love's design,
Eagle and dove shine.

Recognized as a Teu'Tel'Quessir warrior, the memorial was taken to the Vale of the Lost Voices and set within a quiet glen [6]. With no body to bury in a fine silken robe with elegant jewelry or precious gems, the stone itself was set to gaze upon the night sky. The grave rested alone as the Le'te'te'dwas were not of Cormanthyr, thus Aska'lay'lynn took the name Le'te'te'dwa in hopes of one day earning the right to rest by his side.

Aska'lay'lynn left Tangled Trees at the end of Tarsakh in that same year. She journeyed southwest to Harrowdale using what remained of the Halfaxe Trail to begin her life as an adventure to uphold the vow she had made. Despite being under her first century, she made a name for herself while helping the Harrans before she headed south and began to journey westward.

Recent History
The last year has brought Aska'lay'lynn near to the shores of Arelith; however, her intended arrival was delayed when the ship carrying her ran afoul of the ice near Skal. Yet she has chosen to remain on the cold isle despite multiple opportunities to move on. Something on the isle has made her decide to linger in the frozen realm.

Future Goals
Her primary focus is the care of the Grove of the Seldarine. She has taken a great interest in the elven ruins south of the village of Skaljard as well as the Erin Stone Prophecies.

Personal Items [7]
Tel'feteath: "The Ending Fire," the name given to the mithral blade once held by Celorfin Le'te'te'dwa. Though its fire has been quenched, the blade itself was restored with great care over the century. It now rests in Aska's possession. She has never drawn it for combat as the blade is too precious to her. She is ignorant to whatever history it may have once had.

Aillesel ath Hanali: "Blessing of Hanali," the heart shaped pendant Aska always wears. She is never seen without it. It seems to be very precious to her.

Kerradunes'imil: "Promise of the Heart's Desire," the silver engagement ring presented to Aska by Celorfin Le'te'te'dwa. "Kerradunes" is also the name given to sixth rank priests of Hanali Celanil.


  • Extra Notes & Sources

    1. Aska's first four levels should technically be Druid; however, it is only noted since it's impossible to take Druid with her current alignment of Chaotic Good and it would render her caster level nigh useless. This is explained in her history section.

    2. Owslafa is borrowed from Watership Down, a novel written by Richard Adams. I decided to incorporate some of the Lapine language to come up with elvish sounding titles for the village's watchmen. Owsla was the name for the captains and officers that ran a warren, while Owslafa were their subordinates. So Owsla will be the tile for a "Ranger Captain" while the Owslafa will be the title for their subordinates.

    3. Steven E. Schend and Kevin Melka (1998). Cormanthyr: Empire of the Elves. (TSR, Inc), pp. 98-102. ISBN 0-7069-0761-4.
      This book was created before Wood & Wild Elves were introduced into the Forgotten Realms as distinct subraces. I have made adjustments to the lore to better distinguish them.

    4. Steven E. Schend and Kevin Melka (1998). Cormanthyr: Empire of the Elves. (TSR, Inc), pg. 19. ISBN 0-7069-0761-4.
      "Green Elves A.K.A. Sy'Tel'Ouessir, sylvan elves, wood elves, forest elves, wild elves." I am referencing this because it makes more sense for Wild and Wood Elves to be two cultures within the same subrace rather than having Wood Elves pop in out of nowhere as later editions would revise.

    5. Ry means Jade in Espruar. I created the word Ry'Tel'Quessir (Jade Elves) to represent the Wild Elf culture among the Green Elves.

    6. Steven E. Schend and Kevin Melka (1998). Cormanthyr: Empire of the Elves. (TSR, Inc), pg. 104. ISBN 0-7069-0761-4.

    7. These are story items that do not exist in game, though enchanted items may be presented to mimic them.

Last edited by daimon_d_heart on Sun May 26, 2024 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The Erin Stone Prophecies

Post by daimon_d_heart » Fri May 24, 2024 12:50 am

Authored by Aska'lay'lynn Le'te'te'dwa

The following are the prophecies engraved onto the Erin Stones at the top of Dun Erin on the isle of Skal. The translation of the Draconic & Jotun scripts was completed by Hephocrates.

The Draconic Prophecies


And so didst come the children of sommer lands, who didst bask in golden dawn and by their sanguine song the land was shaped by their hand. What was and was not changed unto that which should ne'er be as was the world wheel's turn halted amidst those sommer days.


And so didst cry the world its choler song as this defilement wrought, as didst send it forth its hoarfrost fang to kiss the wounds so wrought. And yea, so didst the kind blacken, so didst the owse grow withered, for all so touched by their hand was returned unto the wintry spell.

Interpretation: The land fought back, and sent a terrible winter blizzard. Cows and oxen died, the city was scraped by wind, and all they accomplished was brought to ruin.

The Fading

And as didst pass dawn and dusk unto dusk and dawn, so was road forgotten, so was path made myth, and in mem'ry failed doth eyne turn unto mem'ry found to find anew that which shalst be the knell of winter's rue.

Interpretation: As time passed, story turned to myth, what they were was forgotten, and the roads buried, and people became curious about the myth and began to start to return to learn more.

The Common Prophecies


As seasons turn from green to brown, the old must pass in number - and with their deaths, the Laird of Lairds, rouses from his slumber.

The Drawing Down

The silent army march beneath a rotted, gore-stained banner - their enemy; your very breath, your heart and all its clamor. Will history repeat itself?

The Rotting

A darkness grows beneath your feet, slowly yet - still incomplete. The shadow of a sickly hand searches up and down the land, for the one that vanquished him.

The Jotun Prophecies


And from the east didst rise a golden star, and by its gleam didst shine the iron lights of glint of sword and whence did its light fall was blood split, brother turned upon brother as blade begat blade beneath the grey winter skies as oath was sundered and trust made soured.

The Claw of Winter

And from the north didst come down unto the lands made weak a howling cry, a shriek of mighty beast whose maw brought forth the winter winds and yea, so was borne it upon the winds whose howl didst howl blood as it came from norther fangs onto southern shores to feast upon the flesh of dead.

The Claw of Sunsets

And so doth stride by their wooden steeds which doth strike the seas asunder the sons of winter, and yea, by their maddened cry they didst bellow, and so heard they the howl of northern fangs and so bore they their axes in kind to see the beasts riven asunder, and yea the rivers didst run red with crimson, the glacial plains were bade red with blood, and so didst the peoples stand betwixt these peoples and didst know woe.

The Sylvan Prophecies

The Claw of the Storms

With flowers rise and spring against their frozen, a fouler cretin breaks free of prison! Hark, flee, and carry abandon, she turns hungry eyes towards the sun! The Sun! The Sun!

The Melting

Drains life from all, a sickly hand that chokes out green and smile from land! By rod and staff, by ice and soil, the splatter-red turns isle to turmoil! Never again, never again! Wheat from chaff!

The Time of Flowers

Paranoia, fear of fears! The frozen crone will never disappear! At wits end with pact and murder, only the brave can triumph against her! Lair of lairs, hidden below!

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Worldroot Parietal Paintings

Post by daimon_d_heart » Sat Jun 15, 2024 11:34 pm

Documented by Aska'lay'lynn Le'te'te'dwa

This book contains copies of the parietal cavern paintings that can be found within the Worldroot Path for historical preservation. The originals were drawn on the walls in ochre and charcoal and depicted early life in the tundra.

This scene appears to be little more than random doodles, and abstract symbols. Their meaning is anyone's guess.

This specific scene depicts a litany of beasts, their faces cascading right to left. At the top of the hierarchy appears to be serpentine snouts, followed by an abominable ape-like creatures, then beaked monsters, ursine maws, feline faces, spikey insectoids, various canines, husky bovines, antlered stags, great eagles, squat badgers, and finally, some small rodents.

Surrounding this collage of animal life, there are various stick-figured humanoids. Some have horned heads, and imposing size, others are smaller, yet still horned. Finally, others still have no horns at all. Each of these three groups seem to be clustered together with their like kinds, yet despite their segregation, they all bear the same posture. Each bears arrow-like spears that point towards the animals.

This scene is covered in incoherent spirals and patterns, drawn in every color available to the ancient people who drew it. A thick pillar rises up from the ground to divide the scene in half, and a horizontal line cuts through its center further dividing the scene into four quadrants. The pillar itself resembles something like a tree, or maybe mushroom, that branches at its height and extends into a mess of symbols and shapes. Faces can be made out in the midst of all the squiggles- happy faces, sad faces, mouths and eyes wide open, or both shut solemnly. These pictorial branches all slope down to where they meet the horizontal line. There, below the horizon, upon the land, various stick figures are drawn, and all of them display activity. They dance, run, or hunt around curious archaic symbols. A splash of earthy orange depicts what is surely a bonfire, and it is encircled by figures in celebration. A dark blue curve winds through the picture, and it bears a wealth of crude fish. A majestic white elk is pierced by arrows, while being chased by bow-wielding humanoids. Crude black stones are stacked to build some sort of structure.

Yet, if one steps away from it all, and studies the scene from afar they notice something too ironic to be coincidence. Each of the four quadrants of the scene curve together to make the vague outline curve of insectoid wings.

This scene shows a humanoid figure, taller and more colorful than all the other figures that kneel or lay at its feet. The face of this imposing presence resembles a winged insect. The moth-like marks on the lower wings form its eyes, and a crude smile is drawn beneath. Chiseled marks radiate out from this strange face, though what they were meant to portray is hard to say. Murky whites, ochre yellows, and dark blues all come together to give this drawing a stark contrast with the pool of muddy red that this strange figure stands in.

This scene might seem damaged at first, but upon closer inspection, its entirely possible that the pocks that mar its surface were intentional aesthetic choices. The scene depicted shows a harsh life out on the Tundra. Animals fleeing from the humans, serpentine maws swallowing them, horned beasts impaling them, and all with snow-like pocks marked across the landscape. However, at the center of the scene, it seems to show a tree that bears massive spiraling roots. The humans evidently take refuge there, following the roots down like a staircase, so that they might escape the harsh reality above.

At the bottom of the spiraling roots there appears to be a winged insect. Its wings, dotted like eyes, would suggest some manner of moth or butterfly.

This mural is composed entirely of painted hands. It seems the people that painted these caverns wanted to leave a signature of sorts, littering the wall with dozens of hands.

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