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Arelith Gold Supporter
Arelith Gold Supporter
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Post by Ork » Sun May 01, 2016 12:48 am

Laying amongst a lonely library shelf rests a sizeable tome that has acquired a fine layer of dust. It's tattered cover gives the impression of age. Made of a dark leathery batskin, four ironwrought bosses have been interwoven at each corner of the cover, and two rusted metal clasps seal the folio.

In grasping the binding, the metal seals creak from age and open without much finesse. Aged vellum crafted of some otherworldly creature's hide fill the bindings to brim, and a majority of the ink has smeared upon page. Scanning through a few unreadable pages, the closest one that remains legible seems written in some poetic fashion.
  • "In shadow I find myself,
    melancholy threatens overwhelm.

    Arose from the mires of T'lindeth,
    iblith my former house and home.
    purchased by noble name,
    bound to a cause more righteous than my own.

    Why then am I forsaken?
    Savior, I have been returned to squalor.
    Is naut your way superior,
    and yet I am to suffer at the hands of false gods.

    In the face of evil,
    I will seek your ways.
    From new pain,

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