The lonely Crusader

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The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:07 am

The city smells badly. Streets overpopulated by humans. The drow wrapped herself in heavy cloak and sighed out.
While she finds joy in her mission, the other parts of it are annoying. Forever a traveller, she visited even worse place, or so she thought.

Looked down from the bridge into the underdark river. Suddenly, her ears caught a sound. Before could turn around, something stabbed her side.
She felt warm feeling spreading out, as blood poured from wound. Faintly raised hands to defend herself, but the attacker pushed her forward.
Her body felt over the railing, and soon dropped to the water. Dirty river sealed above her, armour tugging her down.
What ever you say, how ready to die for your faith you are, it comes different, when you are to die. The desire to live bursted, and female began to struggle, and fight for it. With problems she undone armour, and began to raise up. But too late it seemed, reaching the shore,
unable to move. The life was slipping out of her hands...and her mission turned into failure.
Almost empty eyes stared into the ceiling. Then someone stopped by her body. "Take her," ordered the voice and few hands picked her body up.

..five years later...
Strapped the armour on herself, feeling still the place where dagger stabbed her. Hands picked up scimitar. Raised the weapon up, while praying silently. She has failed. But the Queen offered her a new chance. With a loud sound of metal, scimitar became sheathed. First time in life, she felt tied to a noble. Those saving her were now claiming her sword for their house. It is against the vow she took in past, but she can do both for now..though when it comes to the end, there is no loyalty, no friends for a drow.

Only a murder.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:09 am

The Tournament and Patrons

Attending the small event of that male was a mistake. It meant to step out of annonymity. It went against all her survivalist instincts.
But the drow nature of competition could not be shut down inside. Weary red eyes examined the others within arena. In past, she used to fight
similar things, back at home. And the thing she loves it can take on noble inside arena. Whom to hate more than nobles, being common-born?
Especially those heretics? At first, as warm up, she suddenly launched charge at the male. Taken by surprise, she heavily wounded him, chasing him all over.
But as expected, house members rushed to his aid, and saved him.

Then the councilor split them up into teams. Decided to fight on her own. Could never stand side by side with heretic. The fight was quick, chaotic, and messy.
Kobolds did win. Then another round was set up. Individuals. As the thing was started, the drowess drank one of two last invisible potions, and rushed across
field, to change her position. Others began to fight. She charged one of the females, but she faced her and defended herself. The warriors quickly jumped off, rushing away.
"Dont get stucked in one place," sounded in her mind. Even after one hundred of years, words of her mentor were still present.

Rushing across, she came over that archer. Stabbed his side, and male tried to get away, to be knocked down by another one. But the female continued her trip over arena.
One of kobolds appeared in front. Cut. Cut. Cut. Kobold trembled, and she did not waste time on checking if its still alive. Another female, standing in the
blue colored fog. Did few swings, but she proved to be hard nut. Again, changed her direction, dodge few attacks, and caught up that kobold archer. He was
running away, but female furiously stabbed and swung at him, until he trembled and fell over. Finished him with hilt and looked around.

Only that female in fog remained. Quick use of last clarity, and..charge!
Locked herself in the melee, fighting with the female. At first, she dodged and blocked all incoming attacks. "Lloth, dont leave me alone in this!" prayed
warrioress. Suddenly, she managed to find a weak spot in defense. And another one. And another. Only three or four hits were needed to bring her down.
A moment stood over the fallen heretic. Panting. Slowly turned and walked in front of councilors.

The male handed over the price, adamantite helmet. Accepted it with cold stare, then left the arena. She did a mistake, could not control her desires. Lips smirked, because she figured out she left some damn impression. At least!

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:23 am

Head of the Human

For weeks she walked and ignored humans. Would you speak or other interact with insects? Hardly. Today, it had to be changed. A drow warrior got into a conflict with one of them, and that male was from the surface. She watched them argue, and even intervened. "If it comes to fight, i want their heads," said.

But the drow warrior began to back off! She could not believe her ears. Instead of demand to leave, he changed his conditions to just bow to her. She gasped, but the male put it in way she could not blame him, turning his conflict into enforcing obedience of humans towards her. "Coward," sounded in her mind.

But one human, the male, refused. With pride he charged the drow. Before she could engage he lays dead. Glanced to the dead body, just another idiot. Usually, she would turn and walk away. But the male and female claimed protection of second house. That house worshipping dead drow. This act taunted her so badly, inherent evil almost blinded drowess with rage, what is bigger pleasure than harming someone, proving, that nothing matters in their suffering? Without wasting time, drowess moved forward, and severed head of the body.

He did claim a protection. He tried to shield himself with other drow. Humans should learn finally, that drow cares not for rules. But she was disappointed, killing male
was not enough. It was not enough! That damn drow male shoved too much of good will!

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Sat Jul 11, 2015 2:10 pm

Events scale up

Still having that issue with Molgoth unsolved. But the female made impression on the archpriestess, good enough to become temple guard commander.
She gave a word that guard will be ruthless, brutal and giving no mercy.

Thus happened, a former slave aimed a gonne at the guard. She just walked in,
but this was a very clear situation. Drew sword. Grabbed shield. She recognized both females, their names barely known from others when calling them. The kobold
would be issue, but she seemed to hesitate.

"No!" shouted kobold.

The warrioress was moving behind the female with gonne, it was pure threath what would happen. But gonnist ignored it, instead fired it at the temple guard.
She hesitated not. Hilt smacked female into head, knocking her down. And then followed the stab. Blade sank into back of woman and as soon she hit the ground, temple commander faced the other one. "Do not even think of attacking temple guard!" snarled out. Male grabbed woman, death or dieing, tossing her on shoulder.
A few words were exchanged, then temple guards headed for temple.
It proved out that female, a slave, became a matron. Hilarious thing. The first matron saw to the issue, and soon ordered her to be escorted out. Warriores spent no time to think of any...gentle measures. Grabbed woman roughly, and simle tugged her to the doors, opened it and tossed her out, shutting it behind.

Yet the drama was going on a bit, her patron made clear she wants that male to command guards. Thats it, no reason to spill evil blood by refusing, so she became just the nameless warrior helping to the temple again.

Recently, the archpriestess called them in temple. "I want all theirs heads on the temple floor!" ordered. Further investigation showed that this group of drow wearing black and grey robes caused more deaths, even among commoners. That could not go unanswered. Everyone was alerted and soon information on their movement flooded them. Ad hoc hunting groups were set up, some with success some failing to find them.

The temple guard lead one hunt as well, but they got away. And later goblin Riago moved to save one of those males. The guard was on leave when the commander
announced to the goblin about being exiled soon. Now, thats the thing where they failed. Usually she would apply brutal measures and kill that goblin before it casted spells
and cut down any negotiation. But goblins were long termed allies to the drow in region, so it needed gentler touch. It did not pay off, when exile was announced, the goblin
attacked by magic, taking them by surprise. A lesson learned for the future.

However one failed combat does not mean a loss to the case. Any unknown drow wearing black or grey robe, or any robe at all, will face blades. Their travel habits became known, agents already knew them, and are watching them.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:08 pm

The Melee is formed

It was a long time, since the melee worked last time. Now, this is the serious attempt to resetabilish it and make it work.

"The recruits with no combat experiences, will be called just male or female, to make them advance faster..until they reach certain ammount of seasons of training..."

She stated when describing him the codex.

"If he passed number of tasks and reached the required training, then he or she becomes a warrior, name will be reserved if the warrior caught your eye,"
added while
her companion time to time has written down a note.

Then they discussed details on tasks and so on.

"Also, we need a patron. Selveterm would do well, as we shall strive for comradship while requiring hard training..." she then quated his credo and pointed out
the parts fitting them well, same as one of his names.

When they parted, they already had certain goals and plans in minds.

She was walking out of hall. "Tyyln, got to find him and summon him," thought. As for recruits. Rizlan. That Zak. And few others she has seen around.
Time to put a stop to lonely wandering males, arm them, train them, and incorporate them into society.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:38 am

The Allegience

It took time, for the - in that city - old drowess to fall into house politic. Even more for a crusader, or rather former one. Her savior was doing bigger and bigger impression on her, and in some ways, she began to serve her. Not fully involved in the house, but sharing same visions, same ideals, and same goals somehow caused that the warriores doing was friendly towards the first matron.

What did cause the impression? Maybe the never ending wisdom of that female, able to push her goals even in hostile enviroment. Her ability to steadily work on her goals, while others shine on the scene. The master piece of causing downfall of matron Lima.

How did she tell it to the temple commander? "What did Lima do, when got into troubles with Sabal?" He could not answer. She finished for him.
"She turned to humans. She allowed humans in city, because of Sabal," said. "That is why she fell," and the manner she stated it, it was like...nothing extraordinary would happen.

She served as guard on matrons meeting with the duergar merchant. While Lima was attacked by their thane on negotiation, quite contrary to that first matron made the thane - who came disrupting the meeting - leave. "Have i been strucked down by a duergar?" she asked them after, an evil grin on lips.

Soon the new matron replaced Lima. A former slave, a heretic for half of the devil. Instead of working on her respect, the first stuff she did was shouting at temple commander, like at some ordinary male around, for not bowing to her or so. Riduculous when those, worshipping minor and weak gods, require the llothite treatment.
But as long as shes matron, she needs some formal respect shown, as part of Melee-maghtere belongs to her house. And the drowess values lldan enough, to keep formal respect to his weird matron, just from respect to him.

The situation became pretty trapped. The focus is on the group, which members find liking in insulting and killing drow within city. The time though works against them, and in the end,
the devils drow will pile up their heads to feet of council. But that group works with the banshee house, fighting the sworn enemie of temple and foe warrioress hates a lot, deep in her heart of Llothite crusader.

Sabal. But how can you fight Sabal when damned humans, in numbers like rats, cause all the troubles? And beside, one person highly valued by matron and even by warriores herself,
gets help from Sabal against those humans...fighting undirectly that house whos warriors serve under Dirzva.

She pulled out the dust they found in the tunnel. Sniffed some and tilted head back, wicked, satisfied smile on lips, as the drug made her forget the screwed politic. After all,
kill them all, the goddess will sort them. The dust absorbed into her body, and knocked the drow out, leaving her unconscious some time, black screen covering her mind for a moment, easing all thoughts bothering her.

The time, afterall, works for her.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:36 pm

When We Stand as One

The group was re supplying and both, she and Vaavas were returning from Temple. Suddenly they met Ildan engaged with some female. Vaavas immedietly went on, growling. "Change the gold color," ordered her. She refused and he warned her he would strike her down. No matter how hilarious she finds that constant issue with colors, her ears perked up. The weaponmistress was about to intervene, as the priestess was nearby to sort the possible issue, but female raised hands up, and put down a prayer on Vaavas.

The ground shook and sharp light striked it, tearing it apart and hurting Vaavas badly. He trembled backwards and female chanted more prayers, warding herself and chasing him.
He dealt some wounds on her, but it was almost clear match now, after the surprise attack. Weaponmaster Ildan rushed after them, with intention to stop fighting, but Dirzva tightly
wrapped her sword...and charged in. Her blade sank into back of female, again and again, forcing her to retreat. Vaavas rejoined battle and soon female was on run. Dirzva stepped aside,
to let things cool out, but Vaavas pressed in, finishing her. Body fell down with arrow in neck and drow quickly approached it, severing head.

She had no idea, why he didnt wait for the priestess to be involved. He stated that it was ordered by first matron. More so, it was not first warning.
It did not matter after all, the message to all was sent. You cannot pick a single drow from the Devils anymore.

Second time she saved a temple guard.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:54 am

She stood and watched from around the corner. The male opened doors...and rushed in. The sounds of traps filled the hall and soon the drow was laying dead on the ground.
She frowned. She took all to pass their trials here, to see how they think and act in combat, and this was what she thought as main source of death toll on recruits.
It did not matter. The enemies now flooded into hall. She fought them off in blooded battle and then turned on spot, leaving the hall.
He knew what will hapen when he fails. Death.

She was about to quit through doors, when the other warrior entered. "Hows he doing?" asked. "You can see i am leaving alone," she stated. The drow sighed out.
That made her think. Looked at the warrior. "You may save him, but if you do this, he will go through the trial again, and if he fails, i will execute you," said coldly to the male. He pondered a moment, then set out. Later they rejoined her by the doors. She announced the conditions to the male and then asked him, when he is ready for the
"Now," answered. The other warrior just dropped hands down, in obvious shock.

After the trials, the group was later joined by senior and proceed to fight their way around. The combined brute force of all became impressive. If all finished
their training, the district would gain a massive brutal force in warriors.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:47 am

The House Hound

„Enemies are on you, and some doubt your leadership. You will return to house,“ said to her matron, once took her aside from the group. Dirzva did not remember, when she did join the house actually. Did it happen? But it was her, not her daughter, who is the real leader of Llothites around. „I will,“ answered her.

The process became even more confusing. „Your wizard sells items and refuses to give me a proper discount,“ complained the warrioress to the matron few cycles after. „Come with me,“ told her the matron. Took the soldier into the house of mage, and facing her, stated simple: „Go and arm my house weapon master,“ ordered. Dirzva quirked her eye brow. Whut?

Never joined the house, never took any kind of promise, but sworn her loyalty to Spider Queen only. And now, just out of nowhere, she became the house weapon master. The loyalty goes only to Lloth, but, noone can ever doubt the matrons faith or any doing. Neither Dirzva will.
When Sinithra complained to matron, she was told that female is not part of house, even more, told her to do her wishs. But then said to Dirzva, kill anyone who comes and take their heads, so i can pass them to Sinithra. The drowess hated when someone makes of something a thing of prestige. But this happened before she became on public a house weapon master. Not valid anymore.

Rolling down from the iron bed, she landed on all fours. Slowly got up. Weeks ago she told to Mebrith, if Stormwind causes more troubles or anyone from her group hurts a single drow, she will go and try to get head of her matron. She is responsible for her allies. This is how it works. You screw stuff, your friend suffers. Or your friend kills you. Mebrith laughed her back then and said its not going to happen in this time. She claimed that her house would be the first one hunting her.

The warrio r slowly pulled armour over simple cloth. „Where are your big mounthed proclamaitions now? A friend of Stormwind attacked a priestess of this temple, and your matron denies any responsibility. Stormwind herself was present there. Then your matron offered pitiful ammount of coins as fine. Just to witness myself the Stormwind is walking in company of attacker again,“ said the drowess more for herself.

That is not the real thing, which pissed lots of drow off. The taunting letter, telling them what Lloth wants, how to act for Lloth, and similar nonsences being told to drow and to the temple by a mere human female. A human female who had to escape her own home, and often live in Underdark.

Dirzva has passed two warnings to Stormwind. There is no third time when they meet within the city. Tied the weapon belt to herself, and frowned deeply. She is forbidden to attack Sinithra. Yet. But if they think, that Dirzva just speaks plainly, they are mistaken. „Unlike you, who worship false gods, or even damned gods of lawful side, i keep my word,“ whispered to the darkness in the room, and left.

She had met the Stormwind by a random. Delivering donated cloth to support sharps district, she encountered her. The human female stopped in her tracks. „Greetings,“ said Dirzva, trying to gain time. But Stormwind turned and began to walk off. She simple followed her up. „What the hurry,“ commented. But human wench was clearly trying to get out of reach. The drow moved forward and then suddenly from side, spinned on her heel and striked. And again. Before Stormwind could die, she disappeared. Poof! Blade passed through empty air. Thats life. „Another time then, dear friend.“

Later the warrioress was left pondering. Are all new generations somehow degenerated. Or is she just that old? Because no drow actually keep together. Crawling to humans for profit, or from fear of war with them, is quite common. Humans do a shit and their -allies- have to apology them and pretend nothing happened. This breaks any chance to stand united and makes not drow force feared outside of city. When a damned surfacer attacks a drow, they are not asking where the surfacer is, to hunt it down, but who -was- it. Not going to hurt their pitifull friends right? The question remains. Are they still drow?

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:42 am

The Juggernaut

Weeks ago...

The group was passing through the halls, battling devils with easy. Or she thought them to be devils. Self confident warriores advanced forward with easy, the group cutting down one by one.
Then one of them grabbed her, grinning. She raised weapon to strike at him, but then shivered. Not many things manage to scare her off. Suddenly saw her own, older brother kneeling in front of her.

The priest standing behind, demanding her to murder him. The scream of priestess, being sacrificed echoed once again in her head. Her nerves broke and she paniced. Turning on heel and running away, away from her memories.
Panting, hard fight to regain control over herself broke up inside. It took a lenghty time, before she figured it out.

Her brother is dead. She slained him. He would want her to do it, for her to survive. His priestess, who took them off streets and gave their lifes meanings, is dead too. And the heretics, who took over the fortress, are dead as well. The Spiders slained them all and she was part of it. Lowered head. They did not allow to put down body of her brother, the killan commander, from the temple gates he was pinned to.
"Failure is failure," said the leader of llothite crusaders. With lowered head, ashamed that own memories strucked fear in her, returned to the front linie. Matron did not say a word, but she could feel the stare in her back.

Entered the inner halls. Cleared it off enemies and matron ordered to lure enemies out, but the biggest thing. Of course someone had to screw it. The large thing, called as Juggernaut rushed forward. It targeted matron,dragging her back with it.
"Always stalwart in faith, Dirzva," told her twin brother once. Always stalwart in faith. She dashed onward. The high priestess is in danger, and the most important one. Female had no doubts, that this matron is one of few pillars keeping llothites around. While matron was fighting the Juggernaut to get away, the drow warrior was running over. Heavy steps, armour clanking at each time her foot hit the ground. She reached the thing, cutting it repeatedly into leg.

But too late, body of matron collapsed down. Blinded with rage, she drew the attention of thing. She expected others to carry matron off, while she sacrifices herself. But other drow got into the fight with thing too.
She took distance and sheathed weapon, tossing shield on back, again in run once more. The thing turned to face Dirzva, but she slid down on ground, grabbing body and picking it up. The Juggernaut rushed after her, but she became faster.
Adrenalin filled the drowess and she could hear every heart beat like a gong.

Slid out of the chamber, and secured that matron is breathing and safe. The momentary failure though seemed to displease Lloth, denying matron further prayers. "We track back some, and then we return for my house," ordered. Just now Dirzva
noticed they are the only ones getting out.

The back trip was harsh. The battle became three times difficult, and female gained several new scars. Regardless, she managed to escort matron to the desired destination. Perhaps it was this success, or Lloth just got moody and matron regained her prayers. She led the warrior back, to pick up rest of house. This house is not leaving their own behind.
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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:05 am

The weak matron survived attempt to assasinate her, just because of slave. And that slave got upper hands because of luck...again. It will take some time,to gain countermeasures against the style the slave is fighting with. Now, own matron was angry. The failure to kill the weak matron probably played a big deal in it. She approached her to punish her with divine power. But Lloth has proved she has favor with the female warrior, shielding her from the divine might. The high priestess of Lloth smiled. And Dirzva knew this is not end of it.

Her matron uttered a word and eart broke out. Heavy burst of divine power striked her down and instantly slained the warrioress. The Lloth has proven shes in favor, but she favors priestess more.

Her daughter however ressurected her. Sometimes you get valueble assests you obviously do not want to loose. But the female made the point. She never gives threaths. She says facts. And if she says she will come and try to kill you, she will do it.

Further disappoitment came, when matron accepted the bribe from old goblin witch and sold her Sharps. Having little interests in Sharps, she took several milions...into own pocket. Though these coins will probably be used to cover further Devils expanses. The warrioress liked the war state. She could walk out, attack and kill anyone she would like. Like Stormwind. But it ended sooner, than she got the chance. The bloodlust got trapped inside.

Few years after, Avuryndar tried to dissolve temple guards. Whispered lies into ears of temple guard commander, and made him prove either be fool or traitor, loosing his trust in temple
and priestesshood by proposing this. They came in number indeed to back his proposal up. A warrior, so called dragon arse licker, and female, who long ago confessed to heresy, and that her god saves drow from endless inner fighting. No wonder she was so agressive when idea was opposed by Dirzva. It matters not, Dirzva made sure everyone knows of her allegience. she gave threaths to take the proposal to the council of district.

Solaurak. Ah Solaurak. Where are you? It would never happen under your lead.

She would never give threath to archpriestess by council.

You would put her to sword where she stood.

Vaavas. The lost temple guards, whom can never be replaced. But Dirzva will always stand firm behind the temple guards and the temple itself, no matter who is archpriestess.

Words of her already dead brother came up. "We will resist and bite," he told. Soft smile appeared on her lips. Her twin would turn in grave, should he knew his sister became the hated noble. If he had one. From a street thug to religious fighter, than to nobility. She liked the former, no damned politic to look upon. Is that the hostile gang? Kill it. Is that a heretic? Put it on stake. The own seeress will always pick the unimportant details like lack of respect for titles, fully overlooking this female would walk down the street and slaughter for her. The nobles are nothing than arrogant fools who spend time and energy on irrelevant things. Is why Dirzva will never wear insignia of her position or nobility. She comes from the street. A mere commoner, whom nobles hate and fear, because can always draw sword at them being totally unpredictable. And Dirzva likes that.

"We will resist and bite, brother, that you can be sure of."

Practise. Train.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Sat Nov 07, 2015 9:05 am

The private meeting

Matron seated in the chair and leaning back, looked across to the second matron. They exchanged several words, when the other one nodded towards Dirzva. "Remove your wardings and please have a seat too," she motioned with hand.
"She is fine where she is," disrupted her first matron sharply. Dirzva stood with empty face behind her, warded, hand nearby weapon hilt. Relaxed, indifferent look in face which kept lowered down.
She could look absent, but carefully listened to every single word...ready to draw weapon and kill at any moment.

Matrons discussed daily buisness and when finally over, first matron tapped her fingers on the table.
"I heard someone says to remove me," said.
"Who would spread such rumours, first matron?" asked her companion. The first matron shrugged and is leaning forward.
"Someone who is such weakling, i do not care for it even," stated dryly. The impression of the other matron was hard to read. But Dirzva had to do a lot to stay calm.

She would burst out in laughter, as the person who said it was the second matron. She walks around telling these stuff to anyone. Had to push down her urge to jump on the table, and open her body from throad to the crotch with her scimitar.
Matron did not wish it, some damned reasons to keep blade away. Blooded politic.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Wed Nov 11, 2015 1:09 pm

The missions and treachery of the Drow - how heretics always try to undermine their own kin

Highpriestess Zesstra arrived to the third house, to attend meeting concerning the mission gave to them by first matron. She was to oversee it to be done.
Dirzva accompanied her along, entering the estate by her side, as usuall blade in hand. Assumed her place next to Zesstra, wordless. Eyes lowered down partially obscured by the hood,
she waited in silence in-combat-ready stance. Even when blade was idly touching and brushing ground with its tip. She proved no interest in conversation, however her eyes, if noticed,
were giving her out. The high intelect settled behind these crimson eyes made them burning brightly, when absorbing the news.

Mostly task was sorted, when, who and how. Then arrived the second matron and things began to concern usuall political crap. When third matron informed all of several enemies to Lloth dealing with sharpians, suddenly the second matron claimed she made the deal (so called trade one) herself too. It raised a lot of rage from all true faithfulls. The second matron was extremely lucky, that first matron arrived after her words, and her house members had no time to inform her on them. And only because the attention was turned towards the whining of second matron. Umrea set up the tasks for both houses, and Sinithra started to cry out like a child, that hers is too difficult and made her to fail. The task was tailored in way she could use all her human contacts.

It was relative easy task, and if not,any true drow could-would-will lie about result or shift it. Instead, Sinithra Auvryndar began to complain, whine, in front of part of first and all third house. Is second matron acting that way?
If that task was so extremely difficult, she should perhaps leave her place for the other house.

First matron was really disappointed. She even offered Dirzva as a guard to the second matron, partially a generous offer, partially a taunt. With a nose up, second matron and
her heretical lackey hurried off. As soon as they left, first matron turned to the third. "She says shes a merchant matron. Yet she sells nothing. And as a drow, she is nothing," she paused briefly, "she has no use for the drow or district."

Yet Dirzva was not allowed to slain her. Why? That stupid female walks around opening her mounth up. A sword should go up to it.

Much later the weapon mistress met her matron.
"Auvryndar are now demoted to the third house," said and when her warrioress asked why, she continued.
"I was dealing with Thane, when she knocked. I went invisible and she entered, did not even notice me," snorted matron.
"She approached Thane telling him she did deal with two surface factions against us. So i popped her from behind and she almost fainted. Tried to flee by lens, but we reached her in her house and i informed her of being demoted. Her house is replaced by Mortain now," waved her hand.

"A drow is dealing with outsiders to remove other house? To seize power and become puppet of her supporters? What sane drow would support this treachery?"
The weapon mistress
was really shocked. "Indeed. And we will make sure everyone knows of it," stated matron dryly.

Yet again, she was not allowed to kill Sinithra. The female began to loose to her own frustration. Why. Why ever being so merciful and forgiving.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Sat Jan 02, 2016 12:30 pm

Back in the fray

Tall female walked down the Hub, examining it. Suddenly the new archpriestess entered from the portal. Both women stopped and stared at each other some time.
"So you are back," stated archpriestess after while.
"You did recognize me after that time hm?"
"Hard to forget such statue," chuckled woman. Nodded towards her, asking.
"Dressed in the red. You heard of me needing commanders for temple?"
"The only female i was willing to follow is gone. So is time to return to serve the Queen directly," answered Dirzva.
"So...lets go aside and tell to your new commander, the Black Widow, whom shes to command he?" added with grin on lips, hidden under helmet.

Few people will fall off their thrones in shock, once they know of it.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:08 am

The Shift

The killan commander was leaning on the wall, listening to the exchanged of others. The drow in front was angered by visit of infamous Roland. She took it as insult.
While was discussing with archpriestess this and other stuff, Dirva was just doing random comments. Suddenly, the drow stated thing, which angered Dirzva.
"Most of the drow are loyal to Lloth, then why we have two matrons of three, who are heretics, to rule us?" Because the old elections, flashed in mind of commander.
She already knew most of district is against the two, so them having councilors seats mean nothing.
In linie was also chat about Sinithras allies. "She thinks with *censored* they are allies, but it is just her feeling," smiled the drow. Good, at least something.

The matrons council was incoming. While Sinithra could believe in upper hand...many factions of drow hoped her to die on, or during it. On the council she gave threaths to Viddora,
about her allies. But Llothites knew some of allies would ignore the call and if humans would just help their case, as those undecided would side with drow against hated Roland.
The drow came in force, strong contignent of temple guard, with some Fumas, and others. Though unsure of allegiance of several of them, achpriestess seemed to be confident with whom they are. Then the biggest disappointment has come. Dirzva hoped for hostilities breaking out. They would wipe them out. It did not.

They tried to push in drow Queen. Llothites opposed it, only Spider Queen can claim this title. Vascha said Udos had Queen once, but how it ended? Perhaps is why, why Udos fell.
An attempt to install a ruler over matrons was however twisted against them. When archpriestess was presented as the leader, they could not back down already.

Dirzva was then barely listening to the barking of heretics, but when they attempted, under support of Katara, to gain influence over temple guard, she had to stood up to it.
"Warriors are chosen by me, and approved by archpriestess, others belong to Phaeyr," said, but noone cared. In whispers she quickly agreed with archpriestess to deny all these suggestions.
Temple guard is no place for house politics. Later they would figure out, that Sinithra put restrictions on temple guard. They all forget now, the last word in everything has Zesstra, and that ALL matrons swore their loyalty to her. So they thought they are better when Dirzva told them, how guards are accepted, and ignored it. But Black Widow never speaks pointless things. Several hours after, she introduced chosen killan to Zesstra and she accepted him. Noone will tell them, how to run the temple guard. When heretics were leaving along with Del Orbb house, she rested hand on Zesstras shoulder, leaning in to whisper...but loud enough for everyone to hear.
"I am not so easily drank with milk from pretty words, i will stand ready watching, and follow you through the hell..."

When all left the meeting, archpriestess was summoned out. Dirzva turned to leave, with Sinithra ordering. "And now, you...get out!" growled. Black Widow stopped, looked over shoulder with taunting grin.
"I do not take orders from you. Enjoy your cycle."
I cannot even strike Sinithra now, because my sword would jump off my hand and run off, rather then touch that disgusting female, was running in her head while leaving.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Sun Jan 17, 2016 1:18 am

Humilation and retaliation, the breaking point

When you want to bully someone, and taunt him, you need to know how to do that, without causing fight. And especially you never do it over stupid, unimportant thing.
Second thing you have to have, is some buddy to back you up in anything would break out. Yes, that Phaeyr had. When stopped randomly passing human priest, and started to bully her over not-bowing. Dirzva, who never gives or requests any bow and even ignores humans, had no other choice then to back him up.
But sadly, her friend was called and while both had other buisness, Phaeyr simple stood there to continue.

She did not like the position he put her in. He was not suited for direct confrontation. When both humans proved their intention to fight, she sighed out and charged.
The fight was fast and humilation found on the end. As she expected, she was left alone against two...and found out her scrolls and potions are too deep in pockets, and got caught fully unprepared.

Few heavy wounds piled up to others from far past. The thing causing her most furious, was how pointless that fight had been.

Weeks were passing, and first temple guard meeting got ugly. First, while waiting for Zestra to arrive, some mad priestess suddenly summoned balor attacking them.
They striked down the creature easily, but then she opened the ground, trying to implode Dirzva. "Enough!" growled in mind and launched forth, knocking her down.
The meeting was going on then, with one more experienced warrior pledging his sword to occasional service of temple.
He had no idea how soon it would become real.

Archpriestess arrived and with Tharn, announced that blue dragon attacked her, but she managed to escape no matter his surprise moment. The reports, and spies confirmed of great support
towards him from Stormwind. In all drow hearts present flashed hatred. All past troubles with dragons and draconists were remembered at the moment, all cocky behave of Stormwind popped out.
"They must die," ordered Zesstra and noone would ever think otherwise. They began to discuss how to fight them, and then came up question when.
"As soon as possible, all postponed plans were always abandoned, and they rely onto it, that drow never do anything," claimed Dirzva determinated.

Tharn has scried Stormwind, and figured out shes in spiders web. Dirzva ran for the new guy, ordering him to ready for fight. Returned to rest.
"Are we going?" asked.
"Yes," said Zestra.
"Get ready for fight!" shouted and large gang of temple guard departed.

They were delayed, so missed Stormwind. But while discussed where to find her, spies located dragon. All entered but Zestra, who rather waited below.
The squad raced upwards, facing both.

"It is him, Zelshyr," stated.
The dragon corrected his name, but she paid no attention.
"The other one must be the male on T, the priest," said.
Moved over to others. "Do not let him ward himself, strike him first," ordered. Then faced them again. Nizzina moved to priest, as well Phaeyr.
"Excuse me, i need a moment," suddenly claimed priest. He walked off into room, followed by drow, who were shocked by his dare move.
He told something about rest. Phaeyr even told him to rest. And priest really went down resting...

No drow was so much stupid, to let him commune with god, to receive new blessings. "Kill them!" shouted loudly and all three launched at priests. Causing severe wounds, he tried to escape into sanctuary...just to fall down to ground to their feet. They rushed out from room, dragon surrounded by drow and not lifting a finger to help his buddy. The drow were first on that way, seemingly confused, never before fought for their case in such furious manner. Talking. Everyone was doing just talking, until now. "Kill him!" shouted again, and drow moved. Quick fight erupted, and dragon, overhelmed by numerous drow, fell to ground.

Two targets from three were acquired.

Archpriestess ordered to hunt down Stormwind. The gnolls joined drow force helping with search and ready to fight on their side. It took so many hours and so many scrying. No success.
The group stopped near bridge in west wheel. Dirzva was to disband them. When Seeress arrived. She proposed to scry. Last time. While Seeress moved off to add her effort to the case, Stormwind just walked out of inn.
All stood in shock, before quickly surrounding her. Total random, caused by waiting for scrying, brought her to them.
Dirzva spoke to her, but Stormwind again answered in that arrogant manner, causing drow be even more angry. Raised hand and twitched fingers to Nizzina, to knock her.
Nizzina failed, but all rushed to engage and Stormwind had to use timestop to get off them. Instead of running, turned around tossing magic missiless at them. It barely hurt touched them. She began to run, but Widow used scroll, stopped time, moved ahead of her, faced her, and together with others, slashed her down.

Third target was acquired.

As told to others, it is just beginning. They think they can bully drow, give threaths to their leaders, even attack them. They will try to bring more buddies, but the drow reached the point where is no back down possible.
Blood will flow, and Dirzva will keep fighting even if whole city was on fire.

And the more humans fight them, the bigger resistence will grow. No drow likes Stormwind. And almost every single drow has opened account with Stormwind and her buddies...

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Sun Apr 24, 2016 9:06 am

The Life goes on

Years passed. The great battle against Tiamatist, which resulted in draw and statue quo, was already history. Wheua disappeared through lens and former crusader spent hours walking around,
hoping for her to be mad to return, so her blade could sink in her. But even Wheua wasnt that stupid. The slaves left her company and went to attend their buisness. Rolled shoulder and sighed out.
She already gave up on chasing, but kept walking around city and surroundings more to make her duty done, then to chase that psychopatic fool.
Her only ear remaining intact lowered back in anticipation. Why, why she must in her age chase ghosts because someone cannot handle himself. Given how Phaeyr acts, she woudl expect this to be partially his fault.
Captain Rauvlin had some comments. Was not of Tyal and her deep respect to him, she would turn on spot and cut that whelp down. One day she will ask Tyal to look elsewhere, while she butchers his captain.
Where all the guards have gone? Commander Phaeyr, what have you done to the temple guard! Weary red eyes idly scanned surroundings.

Entered her room. Simple plain iron bed in the corner, no luxury, she stripped weapon belt and tossed it with sword onto bed. When Phaeyr taunts, combat happens and he looses. He boasts of his ability to strikefrom shadows. Yet none of these hurting him ever had some incident coming their way. He always tells others. He was supposed to lead shadowy side of Temple while she was to lead the swords.
Yet after time he pushed himself as the only commander, even ordering her. And worse, was making up archpriestesses orders which were never issued. Zestra stood there watching them argue, supporting neither side.
Is she leaving them that the better of them comes out of it? She felt tired. Tired of all this crap. In her age, there was left little patience for these ridiculous things, plots and other.

Eyes fell onto the hilt of weapon. Is this what the Spider Queen wishs from her? To end her life without responsibility? Part of her soul desired to grab it. To push it through. Her drow nature. But the other protested loudly inside against any kind of ties, responbility which comes with it. Sat heavily onto the beds corner. Can she critise others, while avoids any responsibility? Umrea wanted her to lead Melee. She did for short time, and few very seasoned soldiers were trained. But she let pass through Vezsgloth when he failed his test. Her reward was that guy has turned onto Lloth. Never anymore.

Breath slowed. She will watch the signs from Lloth. If she spots any...she will make her move, at any cost. Determination was filling her soul and wry smile appeared on lips.

The times where as part of crusader group roamed over lands, slaughtering heretics they came upon, murdering merchants on trips, raiding cities which proved to be weak in Her worship are gone. She wished them back. To be on constant trip, with weapon in hand, ready to slain anyone unhappy to cross them. Not locked in the damned city, full of political craps ongoing around.

This is the price of commanding–
You always stand alone,
Let no one near
To see the fear
Behind the mask you've grown
This is the price of commanding

This is the price of commanding–
That you watch your underlings die,
Sending women and men
To fight again,
into any desperate fight,
And never tell them why
This is the price of commanding

This is the price of commanding–
The failure that haunts your sleep
You hope Spider Queen would forgive
And so you live
This is the price of commanding.

This is the price of commanding–
That if you won’t, others will.
So take your post,
Stand with determination
Debt to Lloth to fill.
This is the price of commanding.
Always live alone,
This is the Price -- of commanding.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Tue May 03, 2016 2:59 am

Good and evil drow

Mirisha appeared in the portal and stepped out.
"Please, dispel your wards," asked her Widow.
The wizard obeyed and dispelled them. Dirzva glanced to archpriestess. Her face was not changing. She did not even give a single look.Has she fully obey the order? Bring her body to temple? She had to act now, and it was her decision how to proceed. In fact, should have
kill her as archpriestess requested. But Dirzva moved up these two stairs and faced female. Hand meanwhile drew out dagger attached to chest armour.
"Do you know me?", asked Widow.
"Only merely by your reputation," said Mirisha.
"Then you do not know me. Because if you would, you would know you attack an acolyte, and i come after you," stated and smiled. Her hand simple stabbed.
And again. And again. Thin blade went through robe, and each other stab wounding female heavier. She took her step aside and let wizard fell to the ground, blood everywhere.

"Do not bother to stand up," said coldly to her and wizard rather remained down.
Her matron and other drow watched with jaws dropped down.
Then matron recovered and began to snarl insults. Widow coldly answered some back at her. She never feels any bond to so called nobles or councilors.

Standing above drowess, slowly and coldly Widow explained, that if acolyte makes troubles, she goes to temple. Because if she hurts her, Widow will find her.Achpriestess let Mirisha to defend herself after.

...few days later...

A Fuma female arrived. She faced Widow. "You should know some were seeking your true name. Also asked if house is tied with you. To decide if they are allies or enemies, that you terorise her wizard," she finished and watched Dirzva in silence. Then continued. "Just letting you know we pretend you do not belong to us," nodded and left old female alone.
She tilted head back. Then laughed. And laughed long time. How many times told them, she does majority of things on an order? Now, Widow takes the hate and blame, while Zestra got what she wanted.
THAT is how guards should work. When they hate you, you do it right. When they like you, you are probably traitor or ignoring your duty.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Tue May 03, 2016 3:17 am

The Drow and Honors

The dragon growled out in anger. "I will take your head!" shouted and was after drow female, dashing out of hall.
"No you will not!" reacted Dirzva, who watched the growing conflict from aside. Ran out and took look around. She spotted dragon chasing the drow across district. Ran down and began her own chase. The dragon spotted his hunter and faced her. Drank quickly beer and both met each other. Armours and weapons clashed together, metal resonating across district. She felt magic filling her body, and striked the dragon down to the ground. Cut. Cut. Cut. His metal armour was whining under hits, blade sinking in and blood splashing all around.

But he managed to pull up. A divine potion or scroll saved him, recovering him. She furiously pressed her attack, wounding him heavily, and opponent has gone onto
defense. Eye of drow warrioress noticed the female disappearing among houses. The fight immedietly became pointless. She reached her goal.
Was time to go on defense too. This would be a lenghty duel. And expansive. She hesitated. If she stops it now, she spares her precious divine scrolls. Unlike others, she accepts
scrolls only from priestesses of Lloth. They are hard to get...and she needs them on other foes.
But her personal pride struggled inside, pushing her to further furious attacks. Hesitating allowed opponent to gain the upper edge and she was on the loosing side now. Body hurting and many wounds opened.
"Yes, he has some kind of honor," said one drow not long ago to her. She decided to spare her scrolls and place bet on his honor. Before could perform her decision, she spotted a heavy swing heading her way. Parried it but powerfull hit went through, and striked her fully. Fell to knees first, and world blackned. The ground was swiftly closing and she lost her consciousness.

When opened eyes, the pain made her body twist, and first thing she noticed, was him standing above. "It was close!" growled at him pridefully. "It was," answered. He helped her up. They exchanged few words, and then saw him leaving.
Watching his back. She likes that guy more and more. Such a pitty he is only a dragon. And tugs with wrong folk.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Tue May 03, 2016 3:52 am

The Nightmare

"Why are you molesting temples slaves, male?" asked, when saw male from Xunviir drag hand across hair of elven slave. She was to add some snickering remark about elves and drow males.
But the male looked back and his answer almost shook the ground below her. "I educate them to Lalaskara," stated.
"You..WHAT?" gasped out, eyes widened. "What did you say you do with temples property?" asked again.
"I educate them on Lalaskara. I may offer education to you too, mistress," told her. Gripped her sword and felt like heart attack is trying for her. He had to be kidding.
But male kept talking. He said he is now a temple guard. Her eyes sank into him, but male fully ignored the rage bubbling openly in her.

"Are you not from house Xunviir?" she forced herself into question.
"Former house yes," told her. "They worship Lalaskara, not Lloth," answered him. Every single word, she had to push out with force. Otherwise would jumped up and slash him until left nothing able to identify him.
"I worship both, Lloth and Lalaskara," mentioned, and then, added "i will serve in guard to ensure both are equally protec..." his words were already going past her.

She saw blood. "Come closer," ordered him. She was already decided to not let him go alive. Priestess Solenzara watched the scene from aside. She gave him some order but male fully ignored the priestess.
"I take moral values from both, my mistress," said. "Cannot you take moral "( :lol: ) values from another god too along your own?"The rage was taking her over. Is that crap trying to convert her in Lloths temple? HER? Come closer," repeated slowly.
He approached her. Stared at him. "Do you know what temple guard is?" She did not wait for his answer. "It is a fellowship of faithful, who stand side by side, willing to face any odds, fighting to death for Lloth,they never betray or fight each other," told him. He gave her confused look. "Even not when someone deserves it?" asked.
He was not getting it.
"All are faithfull and share only one goal, to serve the spider queen." stated.
"Now, tell me. How can you fully serve her when you serve another god?"
"How can i know you wont betray me or church in the favor of Lalaskara?"

Flooded with questions. Not only that male had no idea what temple guards are. He had no idea what life of such brings. And in addition. He worshipped another god. In addition god who opposes chaos the Lloth represents.

Has Zestra gone completely mad?

"You know," told to him and placed arm on his shoulder, "I am done with that joke of guard," and second hand simple run blade through him. He trembled back, and heavily wounded began to run off. Several quick steps followed him.
She stabbed him into back and then cut his side. Blooded corpse fell onto ground. "Fadri!" shouted. The slave hurried to her. "Take this body and toss it outside of temple. You may raise him but do tell him, if i ever see him in our uniform, or saying he is a temple guard, i remove his head, and nail his body onto wall in hub with guts hanging down," growled out.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Wed May 04, 2016 3:35 am

REPENT! And Spider answers

"Tell her that days of Widow are soon over," said priestess. Matron Xunviir did public statement. Widow was just now returning to the city. Her hope was only one. To find a Xunviir and send matron her own message.
In hub she came across orc slave with big axe. She fought him three times and each time beated him badly. "Up for fight?" asked him.
"Always!" said to her. "Would you do my bodyguard? You could keep heads of drow attacking me," her lips curled in grin.

No. Noone will declare on public threaths on her life and then get first strike. As archpriestess said, temple will stand aside of it. But her action was approaved. She benefits from it and Dirzva takes the crap.As it should be. Now just show everyone temple guard needs not archpriestess behind herself. From the very first moment Widow was determinated to sort this thing in her style. Lots of brutality, blood everywhere and number of dead drow.

They gathered for trip, and she decided to buy additional essences from Zestras shop. Accompanied by her guard, entered district. Peeked into shop, when a shout penetrated air and echoed within district.
"Repent!" echoed through it. "Enemie in bound," told to Orog and weary eyes stared around. She was already ready to fight. Scroll of true seeing and tried to find the culprit. Then she figured out. Why to waste scrolls?
Motioned slave to follow and dashed to Hub. "Someone shouted at me repent," told to Kel Var. Everyone had been already on the edge, expecting that.
"Then go, find them and kill them," answered. His magic attuned to her and she grinned. "I will!"

With slave returned to the district. She ran around, searching for suspious persons until found one by library. Stopped by her. "You!" shouted.
The person tried to sneak away, but magic was giving her out. "Hold!" stated. And again. But female tried to run. She stabbed her from behind and strucked her down by Inn, where the light footed woman managed to run.

When Mebrith awoke, Widow stood above her. "I wanted to do this for ages," smiled wryly down. "This big axe is my bodyguard, try to crawl off and he takes your head." said Widow. She had a lot to tell her. That archpriestess told Widow shes on her own.
But also informed Mebrith, that Llothites wont sit idle when they try to take on temple guard.
And then told her message for the Xunviir matron. She will go the place where she placed claim, and re call it. Or Widow and her associates will keep murdering Xunviir.
"Oh and i would forget. This message does not delay the killing. So your matron better to hurry up," smiled Widow. "Please, toss her out of cave. And kick her in Snuggybear while doing it," ordered to orog thing like.

Later, she returned from depths of Underdark. Some cheeky human faced archpriestess, bothering her. Someone mentioned it is another Xunviir puppet. Widow walked up. "Are you with Xunviir?" asked.
"I do know their matron, yes," answered woman. "We all do, we all do," mused Widow. Female ignored displeasure of archpriestess, and finally asked.
"You alone against house? That sounds unlikely," stated human.
"She is not alone," intervened Kel Var.
"Are you with her?" asked human.
"I am with Lloth," said necromancer.
"And I serve Lloth," wryly smiled Widow.

She moved close to the human, facing her. Archpriestess expressed her dislike from her presence already. "I do not like your face. Go." told to her. Woman took breath to say something. But necromancer ran out of patience.
Spells hit her disppeling wards. Suddenly everyone, drow and slaves alike, charged the female. She tried to escape but was caught up.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Thu May 05, 2016 3:46 am

Old Memories

Her twin was playing sawa game with Baenre priestess. She stood nearby, on guard. Finally, the priestess smiled and winked. "You have a great potentional," nodded slowly and leaned back.
"But i am not really sure about your sister. She is so much rebellious," stated amused and glanced back at her. "She has her bugs," answered brother. His twin gave him hatred look. Bored to death by standing on guard.
And that she had to listen to that crap they talked hours of. "Why do you call her Viper?" asked Baenre priestess. "When gang found us in street, one guy grabbed her, and she hissed biting him repeatedly into face," said, poured wine and leaned back to chair. Unlike his twin, he was dressed in temple guard officer uniform. She was wearing a simple garment of Baenre army.
"...since it they called her Viper, her most often response was hissing, biting, kicking, and that guy got nickname after missing nose," laughed out her brother. "Would she run her sword through my back, if you were not serving me?" asked curiously.
"Definately, she hates nobles," shrugged. Priestess looked to his twin and motioned her closer. "Do you understand sawa game?" questioned her. "Yes, priestess," nodded young female. Priestess pointed at board. "Your brother looses in two turns, can you find move
to avoid it?"
asked. Young female glanced to the board. "Of course," wryly grinned. "Then do so," ordered priestess.
Girl grabbed candelabra nearby, and smashed the board without a furthr word. Pieces of game shattered across room, rolling around on ground. "This is your game move?" gasped out amused priestess.
"I hate games. To hells with plots," stated female, and returned to her position.

"To hells with games and plots," sounded in mind of Dirzva when walked down the hill, draggin another Xunviir corpse behind herself. She has met archpriestess. Tossed the body onto ground. "Do whatever you wish with it. But make sure she understands i am serious, about promise
to her matron
," announced and disappeared within district house.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Sun May 08, 2016 2:57 pm

The Game on, catch the Widow!

Already being ambushed by Sencliff, and wounded in previous battle, the goblin messenger now was passing a message. That someone is waiting for her by portal.
But spies, temple slaves and all others were coming up to the temples door....meeting Widow just leaving. "Axe, join me," told him and nodded to others. "We go alone," said.
"I saw five humans," answered another. Widow paused. Far from mood to play a hero, waved at them then. "Lets go all then."

They emerged from temple heading towards the portal. There she walked into Andalous. He kept talking nonsences, and so on. Things were suspious, as hub suddenly full of humans. But
Widow is not backing off from a challenge. Focused onto the male who was showing a sword to her. His ridiculous doing was increased when suddenly hit her armour with it few times...causing nothing but few scratchs. The funny moment prevented her for a second to realize he is trying to kill her.

Then, counterattacked. Large battle opened, with humans joining in. Dirzva da Greyace kept chasing them and swinging at those coming under her blade. When Andalos retreated, Sethko came up. Switched targets over and over, then noticed several spell casting humans. Some wench in armour just passed by. Quickly stepped up to her, few stabs wounding her heavily and then another from Temples force striked her down.
Noticed second human, trying to the moment charged him dealing with him while others finished him easily. Then noticed the goblin.

Riago. That bastard. Should have taken its head and ignore the foolish Vaavas! Oil splashed below her slowing down the Spider Knight. Distraction caused by goblin was enough. Did not know who sent her to the ground, but it was coming quickly to meet her.

Heavily wounded after clash, watched their troops to lay down bodies of enemies. Noone but goblin escaped. He tricked Tyal into pretending to not fight. Gah that male is too soft.
If numbers of dead humans are price for catch of a single Widow, she will willingly play the bait. Xunviir have summoned two armies to pick on her. One was routed by temple like bunch of goblins drenched in own piss, the other fell to the last man.

Both battles had side effects on the city. Who would respect a drow house, who hides and calls humans to sort their problems? Also who would wanna ally those, who bring surfacer armies down? The support for Temple and Widow has come from even unexpected sources. That whiny matron earned a lot. She knew which side to take, and even refused exile for Widow and Kel Var from Sharps. Her determination to do things on their own, and loyalty to Lloths temple, gained instantly respect for her in eyes of Spider Knight.

The Widow has filled her part, and did her job.

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Re: The lonely Crusader

Post by dirza » Sun May 08, 2016 3:04 pm

When the civil war becomes religious

Leaning to the board, read upon the report. It spoke about killing the spiders over gems. Yes, these things happen and even in past, Widow and her companions killed several spiders when attacked. She was about to dismiss it as too hot-headed news from fresh priestess.
But forced herself to read further, and her mind has changed. The report spoke of demand of priestess to put stop to it, and the behave of Xunviirs accompanied by Fadri. They called spiders deserved it, basicaly laughed priestess out.

Finished reading and turned around to face priestess. She spoke with her briefly. And felt change. While llothites do abandon the basic pillarsof faith, to stay political correct, their enemies push on the religious things. They mock llothites in undirect acts and insults, to show how they hold the upper hands.

The brief chat with priestess Solenzara was refreshing. It set up fire within Widow, restored the flame of youth inside. This is no time to ignore the basics of faith, no matter how minor like ones. When left priestess alone, she was ashamed. No more spider killing. No more prayer ignore.

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