Near miss & Refuge (FL)

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Anime Sword Fighter
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Near miss & Refuge (FL)

Post by Anime Sword Fighter » Mon May 30, 2016 8:51 pm

Karolus Gervi, petty resident thief of Procampur. At least he was, until he made his way to the far-off newly-discovered island of Arelith. He found himself a resident of Procampur having escaped from a band of orcs trying to make him either into dinner or a slave. Not without good reason, because he nicked a small treasure and side-stepped them by the hair on his arms. That band is still out there though, looking out for him.

He used to be a part of a small band of hunters in the Vast, like-minded people just trying to get by. They weren't afraid of hiring themselves out to fight against the orc bands and opposing mercs, always bringing home a good amount of loot to share amongst themselves. Sometimes nobles from the towns got a bit too cheeky, and tried to create little oppressive kingdoms themselves out in the grasslands. Usually bands were hired to fight against that and create peasant uprisings. Karl (as his friends call him) thought that was the most rewarding job.

During his years in Procampur, Karl did much of the same to a smaller scale. Sometimes the local nobles might try to get a bit too uppity with the local townspeople, so Karl would steal a coinpurse and leave it laying around in a bar- free drinks for everyone that night!

Unfortunately those escapades attracted the trouble of the guard force, causing him to lay low and get out for a while. Hopefully it'll go a bit more smoothly on the island of Arelith.

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