The Boy and His Shadow

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun Feb 17, 2019 6:32 am

[What's Cookin'?]

Rupert sat on the ground, against the wall in the kitchen. The floor was scattered with broken glass, seeped in blood. He clutched one of his wounds shut.

“You have to get up.” The familiar voice muttered. He lifted one of the over turned chairs. “Your father may come home. We have to clean this up.”

Roo's shoulders sagged. Somehow, Cordor was much harder to get used to than Myon.


Rupert drew in a concerned breath, quietly. He set his sketchbook on the kitchen table before the Collector. One of his many sketchbooks. He smoothed a hand over it, hesitating a moment, before doing a brisk flip through.

The images caught the Collector off guard; the expression flickered over his face before he settled. He didn't jolt back. He didn't scream or fight. He looked up at Rupert.

“How much?”

The boy stared back at him. People generally didn't approve of his art. Almost no one had ever wanted one. Let alone to pay for one.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Wed Feb 20, 2019 8:07 pm

[Blinded by the Light]

The light twisted around the Monk's face like a large disk. Rupert rubbed his cheek. He has seen this before on Amadeo.

“He is lying.” He mutters.

“Of course he is lying. You are the only idiot in this room that seems intent on being heartfelt and honest.” The familiar voice whispered to him, eyeing each other from the opposing wall. “I know you're untrustworthy. YOU know you are untrustworthy. Why are you surprised if he knows it? Don't you dare play the victim on this. No one else did this. /You/ did this.”

“Is everything okay?” The Monk peered at Roo.

He answered with a small smile. “Yeah, of course.”

Its a trap! A TRAP. The nearby candle gave out darkening the area, allowing the whispers through. It had been so long, he thought.

The feel of the whispers against his ear forced him to hide. Just in time. The door opened and Amadeo entered.

He sees you. He SEES /you./

The lights in the room grew brighter; the colours more nauseating. “They are teaming up. You need to get out. Go home. Go now!” The familiar voice muttered, touching his shoulder.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sat Feb 23, 2019 5:16 pm

[Cold Water]

The boy trailed after Amadeo. The thick mists of the rolling hills surrounding the forest distracted him. It sounded like music; sweet enough to lure kind hearts to the edge of the woods. It was quiet but not pure quiet. It was different notes of quiet. Each ringing in a delicate song.

The feeling of peace swelled in his chest.


The pair entered a cavern. The air felt damp like hundreds of cold tendrils flicking at him, licking at his boots. The feeling put the boy on edge.

Come to the dark. The Dark. Dark. DARK!

Rupert almost lost his footing coming down the slope. The massive lake seemed as though it looked at him; eager and waiting. Amadeo's voice began to fade as they made their way to the statue of the woman.

Rupert. Rupert~ /Rupert/.

He would swear she moved toward him like a watery ghost made of viscous black liquid. When he looked again, she was solid and a little worn from the elements.

He stumbled back toward Amadeo, trying not to lose track of him. In an instant, the pair pushed through the barrier into the Underdark. The ground itself seemed to strike the boy like lightening causing his ears to ring before erupting into that familiar, head splitting headache.

“Home.” the voice muttered, tugging at his leathers. Rupert barely seemed to know which way to go yet he followed Amadeo again. Such a rookie mistake.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Mon Feb 25, 2019 8:51 pm

[Run Boy]

Rupert burst through the doors in a sprint. He was adorned with a hood and mask to disguise his appearance. Right on his heels three warriors and a mage chased after.

The glaze of alcohol that coated his eyes was vanquished by the sudden need to flee.

“You're an idiot.” The familiar voice chimed from nearby. “Left~”

Rupert took a hard left and with thundering steps escaped outside of the old gates with flaming arrows whizzing past his head, slamming into the stonework.

The little light that there was bent around him, trying to obscure him but it wasn't enough. The mage pointed her staff in his location on the distant slope and the warriors charged.

“Run, boy!” the voice yelled. In an instant the heavy sand shed from him, forming a figure in its place. Rupert took off across the hills. He glanced back to see the figure fighting with two of the warriors while the other breezed past. Their weapons cut him down briskly but long enough to give the boy some head start.

Rupert rushed across the fields. He could feel the snaking sand start to restore on his coat. The boy rushed around the corner, searching for the door. His eyes prickled with the sound of casting. Before the spell could reach him, the sand, wet and heavy, erupted from his coat to create a shield around him to defuse the spell.

Roo ran headlong into the barrier before another spell could be cast. He rushed out onto the cliffs of Sencliff, grinding to a sudden halt to avoid the edge. The sun was slowly starting to peek across the horizon. Finally, light.


The room was thick with the smell of wine, drawing coal and blood. Rupert laid in bed, half asleep.

A sudden boot met the frame of his bed causing him to jolt awake. The figure stared down at the boy. “Sober up, get dressed. You're going to be a productive member of society today.”

Rupert groaned, rolling away from him. Away from everything.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Thu Feb 28, 2019 4:30 pm

[Web of Lies]

Rupert stepped in beside the guard. Across from them was a Lady in Red and a group of males. They whipped back and forth even before he arrived. The boy barely relaxed into his stance before he saw the light around the woman change into sharp edges.

“She's lying.” He muttered to the side.

The feeling of tendrils flickered over his shoulders, around his ears. Its day time, isn't it? It seemed dim for midday. It seemed only to get dimmer.

There is nothing worse than a bad liar, he thought. Except perhaps a /lazy/ one.

“Worthless creature.” the voice licked against his ear. “She is making a mockery of the craft. A weak attempt. A weaker deflection.”

He tucked his hands in his pockets, glancing at the guard beside him to check that he was still there; still real.

“You must get her secret. Get the secret. THE SECRET.

Without another thought, the light bent around the boy, obscuring him from sight. And with that, he was gone.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun Mar 03, 2019 3:43 pm

[Birds of a Feather]

The dark tavern was littered with up turned furniture and scattered bottles. The Witch sipped at her wine. The bones hanging from her person rattled with every movement. She peered at Roo past the veil.

“Are you familiar with the Cardinal Bird, Mister Silveroak?”

He shrugs. “Sure.”

She tilts her head a little, eyeing him intently. “It is a bright red bird. It uses its colour to attract other Cardinals. You are a yellow Cardinal, Mister Silveroak. You may be able to fool them with your song from a distance but once they fly too close, they see what you are.”

The Witch rocked the wine gently in her hand, staring down at it for a long moment. “I am curious... how hard it will break you to wear those red feathers so I am more than happy to help you do that.”

Roo's jaw tightened to withhold a frown. “Great. I'd appreciate the help.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Tue Mar 05, 2019 4:45 pm

[Be Good, Damnit]

The Witch took one of Rupert's hand rolled cigarettes from the case as she sat up from the bed. Bones hung from the fixtures around them.

“You have some of the worst restraint I have ever seen.” She teases, peering back at him.

Rupert smirked, sitting up to pull his shirt from a nearby skull. “In my defence, you hit me with the soft voice...”

“That's all that it takes?”

“It takes a lot less but I'm tryin' to be good here.”

She laughed.


Rupert huffed a few breaths. His cheeks were bright red and the tips of his ears were pink; a rare look of blush on the boy. His eyes were bright, wide and affixed on the thin Wizard that stood against the wall.

The smell of blood lingered in the closed room like smoke, driving up the feeling of ecstasy. His tight grip on the whip loosened a little.

“Your father will be home soon.” A familiar voice muttered. “Time to wrap this up.”


The masked boy pressed against Temple wall. Two drow males crept around in the dark with their weapons draw, searching for him.

His entire frame tingled, fighting against patience. He only needed to wait for one of them to try the door so he could slip past. Just wait. How hard could it be?


Rupert sat on the roof of the house, watching the distant water. He took a swig of wine from the bottle. The outer city was quiet at this hour with only a few merchants passing by to get ready for the day ahead.

“You are the worst at this.” The figure settled in beside him.

“I'll do better next month.”

“Will you? I'm not so sure.”

“Absolutely. How hard could it be?” Roo flashed a smile.

“Apparently /devastatingly/ hard.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Thu Mar 07, 2019 1:19 pm

[Millionaire Playboy]

Roo carefully plucked a King's Crown flower from the bush and tucked into into a special pouch for safe keeping.

“Greetings, Cursed son of Erevan.” The Witch said, resting the butt of her staff on the ground as she came to a halt.

“Could you...not?” Rupert winced at the title.

“Hm. Do you fear the truth so?”

“Yeah, absolutely. What about me suggested I was all about the truth?” He opened armed shrugged, incredulous.

“Mrn.” She grumbled. “Come along.”

The pair made their way to the ruins before heading underneath. Rupert flopped down on the old bed.

“I feel as though your father has taken every opportunity to spoil you which, I suspect, is normal for a Silveroak and their money but you cannot be a millionaire debauchee your entire life.” She sat down beside him.

“Why not? Workin' great so far.” He flashed her a smile. It rolled off her like water off a duck. She stared.

“I believe you should join the guard in your city. I would have recommended the elven guard but you have made it clear you wish as little contact with them as possible.”

Rupert groaned. “Agh. The guard? You can't be serious. They have orders and paperwork and /the law/. AND you have to wear a uniform. I can't do it.”

She frowned at him. “You do not play well with others, unless so inclined, and you lack discipline. Your private tutors have taught you how to be deadly in combat but you are emotional in a fight. It reflects in your technique.”

He draped his arm over his eyes with a loud sigh. “I can't do the uniform.”

“You cannot dig into your soul for enough willpower to don clothes that do not agree with you?” Her brow lofted in question.

“No.” The youth shot back. “Come on, teacher, the guard is the worst. You want me to go out there and uphold the law. Seriously?”

“I cannot teach you if you will not make some sacrifices. You would benefit from a stricter hand and, truly, most hands are stricter than your father's.”

“Can't we work our way up to it?” His features cringed at her.

She sighed, a long tired sigh but the day had only just started.


“Come on, Dad.” Rupert said with a smile. “Its only ninety large. I make that in an afternoon.”

Giogi grinned. “You're very persistent about it. Alright. I'll buy it.”

It was just another day with Silveroaks and their money.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Tue Mar 19, 2019 1:42 pm

[Growing Pains]

Rupert's hands met the floor suddenly, shaking. He struggled through every breath; sweat dripping from him onto the dusty stone floor.

“Shall we go again?” The Witch hissed at him. She turned her staff in her hand, readying it toward him.

“No.” He murmured weakly.

“What? Rupert Silveroak can't take it? I don't believe it.” She prodded him sharply with the staff causing him to fall before planting the butt of her staff against his chest.

The youth stared up at her with cloudy, pained eyes.

“Now do you see how easy it is for you to be 'got'? Now do you see how much work you truly have to do?” She leaned her weight onto the staff to drive it into him. Rupert hissed a breath through his teeth from staff but his frame was already spent.

There was no back up coming. There had never been any back up coming.

The black sand slowly rose from his coat, hardening around the staff's end, threatening to break it. The Witch yanked it back quickly with a huff.

“What is it they say at the Den? “You'll learn today”? She scoffed.


Rupert eyed her as she approached with the blindfold. “Uh, I'm good thanks.”

The Witch frowned at him. “Its not for /that/....Sometimes the simplest solutions can be the best.” She raised it up around his eyes. The youth's frame stiffened but not for long.

Rupert lowered his head a little, taking in the sudden quiet of the blindfold. His shoulders fell, relaxing from their usual high tension. “Hm. How'd you do that?”

She smoothed her hand over his covered eyes. “It was just a lucky guess.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Thu Mar 21, 2019 11:42 pm


Rupert leaned against the tree watching the elves. The cold mountain air made everything fresh and distinctly Guldorand. He watched them talk; the light around their faces shifted and swirled. It churned his stomach.

“What are you doing here again?” The familiar voice muttered to him from the tree.

“You're talking to me then, are you?” Roo muttered.

“I am always talking with you. You just choose not to hear me. What are you doing here /again/?”

“I don't know.” The youth rubbed his cheek with a soft sigh.

There was no need to hide himself. He pushed himself from the tree and simply walked off.


Amadeo stared at the boy, expectantly.

The air licked at him with thick, sticky tendrils. A breath caught in his chest but he held it there to hide the overwhelming and oppressive feeling of disgust. The shadows cast by the surroundings seemed to howl, trying to crawl toward him.

Rupert stared right back at Amadeo. “Let me know how it goes. I'll catch you later.”

The light around Amadeo's face shifted. Perhaps it was doubt, the boy thought. Thankfully, the monk disappeared as fast as he appeared. Rupert exhaled softly, combing a hand over his hair.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:16 pm

[Guilty Pleasure]

Rupert struck the Wizard. It was a single hit but that was all that was needed. The moment he was floored, he bound the Wizard's hands.

He could feel a quaking in his ears as if the air was pushing back at him. “Stop”

He climbed atop the Wizard as his hand went for his weapons. His gloved fingers brushed against the hilt of his short-sword. Rupert almost drew it but the quaking only grew louder. “Stop”

Instead he opted for the dagger.

“Stop! Stop!” The familiar voice yelled. It sounded so distant. Roo's eyes focused from the sudden cry. He looked to the Wizard's face; terror and doubt.

“You're trying to kill him! Back down!” The voice called to him.

Was he, though? He could scarcely remember how they got here.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Wed Mar 27, 2019 5:15 pm


Rupert stepped back from the fighting as the Monk and Wizard went at it. The Wizard was spiteful and selfish, as always. The Monk was regretful and sad, as always. Even in a room full of freaks that were crazy enough to have this domestic dispute on a volcano, the youth stood alone.

The cave seemed to darken. He could feel the tendrils lick against his pointed ears. “Look at the Pedigree boys fighting.” The voice hissed at him from the shadows; the sound heavy and wet.

Rupert quietly turned his blades in his hands. He tried to focus on the arguement, on the pair. The voices fluttered in his ear. The effort only seemed to make the boys more distant from him.

“Why are you here? These aren't your friends. You're just a bunch of misfits trying to get by. Do you think this is the extend of your company? You don't even have this. You appall them. You've seen it on their faces. You've seen it on every face.”

“Use your words.” Rupert called to them, making some effort to participate.

“All they do is make you weak. You can never learn, can you? You pitiful creature. Always searching for 'friends'.”

As quick as it had started the fighting dissipated. Rupert followed them out.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:36 am


The Priestess stepped forward and hugged him. “Thank you for coming.”

He flashed her a smile “No worries. I'm happy to help.”

The youth flourished in a crowd where the eyes were attentive but never attentive enough.


The Warrior hopped through the sandy road toward him, running right into a hug. “Thanks for coming!”

Rupert smiled. “No worries. Happy to help.”

He was starting to get the hang of linking mentors and mentorees. It allowed him to remain in the background.


The Druidess stepped out from around the corner. “Roo!” She ran over and hugged him.

“Why does everyone keep doing that?” A familiar voice muttered from around his coat.

“I don't know.” Roo smiled at her. He was getting good at that innocent boyish smile.


Rupert closed the door and rested his forehead on it.

The figure's face pressed out from the nearby wall. “You can't keep doing this. You need a new teacher.”

“I think I'm doin' great.”

“Right so that bit with the Underdarkers was you doing great, was it?”

“That was one slip up in a tenday.”

“One slip up every tenday is what people tend to call a /habit/. Get a teacher.”

Rupert groaned softly.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun Apr 07, 2019 3:49 pm


A shudder overtook Rupert causing his steps to faulter into a stumble. His skin crawled with sicking anticipation.

He's coming. Just wait. Just wait a little longer. A little longer to FEED.

His breath hitched in his chest at the sound of the gate. But it wasn't food, it was Amadeo. Rupert's jaw tightened as his stomach churned with disgust.

The boy's mind grew foggy.

“You are ill.” The Monk's voice echoed at him as if distant.


A growl tickled his ear. Rupert's breath halted in his chest with excitement. The big bad ranger stepped in behind the elf.

“Hello, boy.” His voice practically hissed at the youth.

“You are such a degenerate.” The familiar voice muttered at Rupert with exasperation.

It was going to be one of /those/ days.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:13 pm


Rupert sat on the stone floor of his new luxuriously large room, shackled to the floor. His eyes wander around the dimly lit space, bored and tired.

A knock came from the stone door frame. Beyond the curtain a voice called “Are you ready to behave today?”

The youth remained silent. He frowned to himself.

A sigh. “Fine. I'll be back in a few hours.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun Apr 21, 2019 5:54 am


Young Rupert stumbled into the large room with his art supplies pressed to his chest with one arm. His clothes were crumbled from the /long/ night before.

“You are late, Mr Silveroak!” The teacher called out to him with a notable Cormyrian accent. The teacher was a pudgy gentleman. He stood on the edge of a large circle of easels and students that focused on the nude model and object display in the center.

Rupert hurried to an empty easel, setting himself up. Of course, he spared a moment to flash a smile to the model causing her to smile; the students all protested with sighs and huffs at the movement.

The teacher slowly circled around the classroom as the lesson rolled on. He occasionally stopped to offer some harsh pointers to the students. He finally halted behind Roo, looming for a long moment.

He huffed lowly and begrudgingly moved on without a word. Rupert pressed his lips together to fend off a smile.


Young Rupert sat in the large classroom, eyeing the dark haired Sembian woman in the center. She prattled on and on to the gathered students.

He laid his elbow on the armrest of his chair and his cheek on his fist while drawing in the margins of his book with the other. He drew a chubby dragon with small wings that was trying to eat the exaggerated form of the teacher.

As he was in the middle of adding some flames when a shadow cast over him before the teacher leaned forward to peer at the doodle. Rupert straightened out a little.

“Mr. Silveroak....I see that you have no interest in colour theory. Would you rather go?” Her voice hissed at him.

“Uh, no. I-I'm listening.” He nodded rapidly. Rupert straightened out in his chair completely to look attentive.

She hummed in displeasure as she took off back to the center of the room.


Young Rupert eyed the paintings before him. They were 'classics'; portraits, landscapes. They were expected. They were /encouraged/. He sighed softly, glancing over his shoulder at the other students. Each standing at their gathering of paintings with their parents, proudly showing them off.

“Hey, kiddo!” His father's voice called out. Giogi entered with a large half orc beside him. He rapped the half orc on the shoulder. “Look who I found wandering the lobby!”

Rupert grinned broadly at the sight of them. “Uncle Steese!”

Steese Silveroak grinned lopsidedly at the boy as he came in for a hug. “I wouldn't have missed this, kid.”


Rupert sat on the carpet in the open study with sketches strewn about. He was fussing over Miranda's order. He sighed. The sound was like a Dad-alarm.

Giogi called from the kitchen. “How's it going in there, son?”

“...Its going.”

“Take a break for some drinks soon!”

“Sure thing, Dad.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Tue Apr 23, 2019 4:51 am


Rupert walked through Arelith Forest. His boot knocked a small pebble drawing his eyes downward for a moment. As he looked up, he was in Minmir. His frame tensed as he turned, looking around.

The sound of tiny laughter was heard disappearing into the distance.


Roo hurried ahead to catch up with his Dad. “Hey you.”

“Hey, kiddo.” Giogi smiled at him. “Drinks?”

“Yeah, absolutely.” The youth smiled back. The pair walked several steps on together. In a blink, the wind brushed against Rupert's face. He was in the graveyard.

“Hilarious~ guys.” He muttered into the universe. He was met with tiny giggling.


Nel attempted to set some material into the basin. It exploded, vanishing. “Uh, Rupert!”

A few paintings lifted from the walls, taking off on their own. Rupert frowned gently. “Its fey!”

Nel warily set down some candies for the fey. A sylph jumped out from the nothingness and snatched them up with a chuckle.

In a moment, the basin was restored and the fey vanished.


Rupert stepped out of his room as a book slammed into the wall beside him causing him to jolt to alertness. Two pixies spun around the study, hurling books at each other.

“Hey! Whose gonna clean this up?” He yelled at the pair. In a sparkly puff of air they disappeared with laughter.


Rupert thrashed awake on his bed. His breathing quick and short and the bedding drenched with sweat. Thankfully the sheer size of the house made it impossible for anyone to hear him.

He eyed the curtain to his room for a moment, just in case. In the corner of his eye he spotted tiny worried eyes in the nearby flowers. The moment he sets his eyes on her, the tiny creature gasped and hurried back into the thick of the flowers, out of his sight.

Rupert sighed softly.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri Apr 26, 2019 5:07 am

[Head Hunting]

Rupert set his hand against the cold stone of the Black Tower before his frame slouched, sinking his head forward to rest on the wall. The vivid noise, the sickening pain melted from him. There was only quiet; nothing.

“My, my. What do we have here?” A woman's voice pierced him like fangs.

Rupert jolted to attention. The woman carried a skull-topped black staff and flowing black robes with a veil. His frame stiffed with caution.

“Why don't you come inside, dear boy? I could show you around. You look like you are /dying/ to come inside.” She said. He could hear the smile in her voice as her words churned with a serpentine hiss.

“I'm good, thanks.” He murmured, stepping back. She was between him and the obvious exit back to the prime.

“You don't look good. Are you sick, child? We have so many inside that will help those that have lost their way.”

The familiar voice whispered in his ear. The whisper low and strained this close to the Tower. “Run.”

Rupert took a swaying step away from the Tower with a small smile. “You know what, sure.” He walked toward her, to join her at the front door. Once he was close enough to the slope, the youth activated a darkness and fled through the barrier.


Rupert walked through Arelith Forest with his hands in his pockets. It was a lazy, quiet afternoon.

“Pardon me, sir.” A cheery man called to the boy. Rupert's brow furrowed gently having been spotted.

“Uh, yeah?”

The man had on a large black coat and a chubby backpack. His features hidden beneath a mask but his voice was bubbling. “Would you like to purchase a mask? They are quiet wonderful.” He opened the coat to reveal a series of costume and ball masks hanging within.

“You sellin' these in the woods, are you? Not a lotta parties to be hard here.”

“I'm a travelling merchant. Does one catch your fancy?”

“Nah, thanks. I tend to make my own.” Rupert offered a lazy shrug.

“Ah, that is a pity.” He closed his coat and started off. “Perhaps next time, Rupert.”

The youth tensed. “Hey wait!” He chased after the fleeing merchant. After several moments Rupert had been turned around. The forest hardly looked the same anymore. It seemed dark and misty.

“Uh, hey guy?” He called out to the woods.

“Yes?” The masked man stepped out of nowhere. Rupert jolted, drawing his weapons. It was rare for his eyes to lose track of someone.

“There is no need for that, Roo. Or is it Daniel? I hear you go by Theodore as well.” The man's voice thinned as he smiled beneath the mask.

“What do you want?” The boy muttered, casting a glance around for a way out.

“Always straight down to business! My, you are~ a Silveroak. I do like that about you. I am merely a representative, a headhunter, if you will. It seems to me that you're already on my team, Rupert. Why not reap the benefits of truly being on my team? Join me for a tour, its not far, and we can discuss it.” The masked man gestured back down the road.

“You know, I don't make a very good team player.” The youth muttered, reaching into his pocket to crack a lens and vanish.


Rupert smoothed his hand over the statue to brush back some dust on the portion he was working on. It had taken months to get this far. It had taken sketches and models and more sketches and research and examples and even field research but it was close to finished; the statue of Titania.

The boy rarely worked in stone. There was such finality about it, such commitment. As such it was only reserved for special occasions, for the greatest of muses.

It had to be /perfect/.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:03 am


The old butler pushed the door open with a tray of food in hand. “You didn't eat your food, Young Master Silveroak.” He said, lifting the untouched tray of lunch from the bedside table and replacing it with dinner.
“I'm not hungry.” The youth complained. Rupert laid on ground, chained to the floor. The shackles secured under his bed on a short line.

The butler offered a quiet hum in response before exiting.

“Hey, champ.” Giogi said as he entered. “Want to play some cards to pass the time?”

Rupert sighs softly and sat up. “Sure.”


Rupert burst through the front door, stumbling forward until he met the wall. Jenkins, the butler, came around the corner at the commotion and hurried over to close the door.

The nearby light burnt his eyes. The wood in the house flared in his nose, churning his stomach. The sound of Jenkin's tunic shifting as he approached caused the boy to recoil. Rupert pressed his head against the wall as if it would do anything for the splitting pain. The feeling of the butler nearby was enough to make his teeth hurt.

The youth sunk into the nearby corner to wait it out. Surely it would pass. It always did.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun May 05, 2019 12:51 am


Little Rupert tensed up and grabbed Giogi's tunic. “But I don't wanna go!”

Giogi's features softened. He took a knee beside the boy. “Why not? Last month this party was all you could talk about.”

Little Rupert was just that; little. He lacked his signature wide frame or his bulking strength that came with age. On lookers might mistake him for a thorough-bred. “Everyone....feels like their crushin' me. I can feel the heat comin' from them! I'm gonna melt, Dad!”

“You're not going to melt, son.” Giogi muttered, planting a small kiss on the boy's forehead. “Dad, can we borrow your coat?”

The elderly hin, Gordon Downyfoot, stood in the doorway, watching the pair. He smiled. “Oh, yes. Course you can, my boy.”

Giogi took the large brown leather coat from the coat rack. He put it on Little Rupert; it was oversized for him and hung low. “This will protect you from all the people and the heat~”

“It will? What about Grandpa!”

“Oh no, lil'one.” Gordon said, stepping up. “Grandpa has his belt.” He tapped his belt buckle. “Its magic. It'll protect me until you get a coat of your own. I promise.”

Rupert stood before the mirror and tugged on his large black coat. “You ready to go?” He called out to the other room. Giogi could be heard shuffling in the distance.



Rupert sat on the edge of the bed, waiting. Giogi popped his head out of the storage room.

“All fixed!” He smiled, extending the pair of black deerskin gloves to Rupert as he approached.

The youth slipped them on; the cuff on the gloves was extended to hide beneath the coat sleeve and conceal all skin. A small wolf's paw was stitched onto the top of the left hand.

“Thanks, Dad. These should do just fine.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Wed May 08, 2019 12:56 pm

[The Pendulum]

Giogi burst into the room causing the boy to jolt awake. Even in the dark, the wide eyed look of Giogi was readable to Rupert across the room.

“Dad?” He puffed out the word, breathless. His tunic clung to his chest from the sweat.

“Are you alright?”

In the distance, behind Giogi, Jenkins and his lantern approached.

“Yeah. Yeah, of course.” Rupert combed his hand over his damp hair. “I'm fine.”

“You were screaming.”

The youth signed softly. “I didn't mean to wake you. Sorry.”

“Its okay. So long as you're okay.” Giogi smiled faintly.

“Shall I make a snack, sir?” Jenkins muttered to Giogi.


The rest of the words didn't even need to leave Giogi's mouth. Rupert already climbed out of bed. It was snack time, in the kitchen, to help everyone forget all about the night.


Without his headaches, he could draw again and draw he did. The prospect of an Art Fair had him working in earnest. Sketches littered his room.

It was not all canvas and colour. The clarity came at a cost. That feeling rose up in his chest. That hungry feeling. That burning feeling.

Rupert rolled his shoulders restlessly. The room seemed to dim just a little. Then just a little more.

They'll lock you in here forever if you /eat/. The words licked at his ear like sticky, cold worms. His jaw stiffened, exhaling. His skin tightened from the hot feeling. Baking. The heat seemed to twist around his spine.


Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun May 12, 2019 2:14 am


The drow rushed past the boy, chasing Teacher with weapons high. Rupert pressed back against the wall. They surrounded Teacher and cut him down promptly.

There was no panic in the youth. No fear, no concern for the fall, no sense of urgency. There was nothing.

Teacher's failure had gotten them in. They were /in/. That was all that was needed. That was all there was.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Wed May 15, 2019 7:07 am


The Silveroak nanny, Madam Portillo, was a stern woman that always wore a fitted dress with a vest so no one could confuse her for someone fun or less qualified.

The sound of laughter drew her to Little Rupert's door. “Young Master, this is not how a noble be--”

Her speech was cut short as she opened the door revealing Giogi and Roo wrestling on the bed. “Master Silveroak!”

Her words were enough to freeze the pair. Giogi winced at Roo but his eyes were filled with amusement. He cleared his throat. “Is there a problem?”

“Yes! He has been put to bed. It is /bed time/.” She pressed her back against the door, holding it open for Giogi to -leave-.

Giogi briskly tucked Roo in with a kiss on the forehead before hurrying out. Madam Portillo grumbled at him as she closed the door behind them.


Giogi exited the kitchen with his glass of water. His attention was drawn by Roo's open door. He peered inside. Rupert sat on the edge of the bed looking tired.

“No luck, Kiddo?”

Roo shook his head faintly. “Nah. Not tonight.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri May 17, 2019 12:18 pm


The Shaman stood before him with her pale features and bloody markings. Her lips tightened into a thin line. “I cannot heal you, Rupert, because you are healthy. I cannot ask my patron to return you to your natural state. This is your natural state.”

He stared at her, speechless. It was no small feat to render the boy silent.

“We have options but...there is no cure.” The Shaman placed her hand on his shoulder before moving in for a reassuring hug.


His grip tightened. He could feel the hilts of his blades in his hand. The cool spray of salt water carried on the wind. When did they get here?

The familiar voice called to him; distant and vague. “Rupert, come back to me. Stop this.” It had been so long since he heard it at all.

“Rupert, st--”

“This is dangerous you're not t---”

Snow crunched under his boot. Snow? When did it snow?

“I know you're upset. Turn back you're not---”


“Let me h-----RUN!”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun May 19, 2019 8:20 pm


Amadeo touched the surface of the water. “You must add salt to it, enough to make you buoyant. It will do what you are doing now only on a grander scale.”

Rupert sighed softly, drawing the blindfold over his eyes as he laid back into the water. After a few moments the world died down to a hum and then /silence/.

You have to leave letters for the city officials about the problem guard. It is easier to cut out your own liver than catch anyone with a speedy. It has been ages now and no one is moving on this. No statements. No one trusts the guard to post up incident reports unless you make them. Everyone is too preoccupied with the 'big' evil to focus on mundane city work. They didn't even bother to speak with Bendir. You have to speak with Bendir again. You need to make sure others are safe. Its only a matter of time before this guard runs someone through. You need to speak with the Grove. There have been no notices or warnings about the dangerous yarrow. They must be short staffed. We need warnings before someone gets hurt or sells something tainted. You need to speak with Myon. If they have changed, they will need some outreach. You need to speak with Nel. The Den needs to set a date for both events. They need to hire people. The two of you aren't enough. You need to do that trade paperwork. You can't keep working off of dirt cheap prices. You need to speak with the Wizard about the party. You need to speak with your Dad about the fair. You need to--

Rupert jerked out of the water with a gasp, tugging his blindfold off. Jenkins stood beside him, arm outstretched looking a little shocked at the suddenness.

“My apologies, young Master, but you've been in there for hours. I was growing concerned.” He said.

“Hours?” Rupert combed his hand over his wet hair. “Yes, thank you, J.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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