The Boy and His Shadow

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri May 24, 2019 5:25 pm


Rupert turned the wine glass on the table as he went on and on about the guard's behaviour. They refused to put up a warning. Even a diplomatic one. They refused to announce their investigation. They were scared stiff of the Palace.

Emily smiled faintly. “How would you like to handle it? You could be my Minister of Diplomacy.”

“Uh, alright.”

The familiar muttered hastily to him. “You idiot. Its a trap. She is pawing this off on you so she doesn't have to do it! How dumb can you be?!”

“I'll file the paperwork then.” She said as she rose from the table. Rupert rose promptly.

“Sure. Yeah. I'll sort it out.” He nodded at her as she left.

“You are an idiot. You didn't even ask about the salary. This is going to be a mountain of trouble.” The voice muttered.

“I'm pretty sure you don't get paid to work for the city otherwise they wouldn't call it civil 'servant'.” Roo shot back.

The voice sighed lowly.


Rupert sat before the statue of Titania doing his Ministry paperwork. The papers were littered all around him. Two days straight. Barely any sleep. Dozens of meetings.

It was as done as he could get it.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Wed May 29, 2019 4:18 am

[#1 Dad]

Little Rupert practically hung from Giogi's arm, eyeing the other children. The kids ran around playing various games and generally having a roaring good time. A few adults, in charge of the game day, hovered nearby to monitor the crowd while the parents all sat in the nearby gardens enjoying food, drink, and most importantly, the company of other adults.

Giogi laid a gentle hand atop Rupert's head. “Go ahead. It'll be fun. I promise you'll do fine.” He smiled with encouragement.

Little Rupert drew in a big, serious breath before charging into the fray.


Young Rupert stood in the line of dancers backstage as they all waited their turn at the audition. His partner was in the wings, fusing over the last minute errors of her dress with a tailor. A sudden but kind hand clasped on Rupert's shoulder.

It was Giogi; he smiled at the boy. “Break a leg out there. I know you're going to kill it.” He said in a hurried whisper. He gave the shoulder a gentle squeeze as he smiled.

Rupert smiled brightly. The nervous energy in him relaxing a little. The dancers were ushered along, further up the line.


The youth was knocked back a distance, meeting the dirt floor with a sudden thud causing Giogi to rise from his seat.

“Dust yourself off, Silveroak~” the instructor barked at him. Rupert rose, leaving the arena with some effort. Giogi came around to meet him.

“Are you alright?” He muttered softly so not to disturb the other students. Giogi instinctively dusted Rupert off a little.

“Yeah, he is just way faster than me.” The boy muttered. His size seemed to always teeter between a gift and a hindrance in a fight.

Giogi offered a small, loving smile. “Well, you're stronger than him. I know you really love to train. Don't let this stop you.”

He hugged the boy briefly, as discreetly as possible.


Rupert stood surrounded by, what was surely, all of Bendir and their friends. He eyed Miranda. When was it okay to cut in? Could you cut in? Would it be insolence to just stop her? Why doesn't she call on him?

He shifted his weight, struggling to contain his energy. Was it going badly? Was it going better than expected?

Giogi lifted his shoulder to tap against the boy's vaguely. Rupert glanced at Giogi. Giogi smiled. He smiled that encouraging smile.

Miranda nodded toward Rupert.

He stepped up.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri May 31, 2019 3:34 pm


Rupert punched the dummy mercilessly. It helped with the urges. The /need/. Not a lot but, coupled with city work, it kept his mind off it. For the most part, anyway. With each punch he tried to dispel the screaming Wizard from his mind. The thought of the Wizard's panicked sweat causing his curls to cling to his forehead. The fear in his eyes.

It was breathtaking.

The more he battled against the /need/, the more hollow he felt. He felt hungry; starving. Everything tasted like ash on his tongue. All the wine was bitter. All the laughter was grating. All the flirtations were offensive.

And yet, in spite of all his good behaviour. In spite of all his efforts, he was in more trouble with guards than he had ever been when he was being 'bad'. This just proved his point; good was dumb.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Tue Jun 11, 2019 5:09 pm

[Shadows Standing in the Light]

Rupert eased back into the couch, setting his attention on the Elven Commander. His skin was growing hot from hunger. The shadows that danced along the Commander's face caught his gaze. How rare it was to see one not basking in light.

This was going to be a problem.

The boy finally left with the Ranger. “Are you happy with how it went down?”

“No. No, I'm not.” The Ranger puffed the words at Rupert. Well, at least people didn't need eyes like his to see the same thing he saw, he thought. Sort of, anyway.


Rupert's mind raced in the tank. He went over the various meetings he had had and those that he still needed to have.

A heavy knock on the tinted glass caught his attention. It was Jenkins. Time was up. It must be morning already.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:00 pm

[The Void]

Being inside the tank was like being in another world. The youth would just float in the vast nothingness. It was freeing. It made the constraints of the world even more obvious. The problems even more clear. The deceptions or the subtle spin placed upon concerns fell away. Everything was bare and real.

Rupert thought about Cordor often inside the tank. He would race through the events of the day in perfect detail. He wondered what it must be like to work in Guldorand or Myon where everyone was always on the same page. They all worked as a community. Surely it was bedlam.

The boy often thought of Cordor like the Underdark. Everyone was divided. Everyone was competing for something. Most weren't on the same book, let alone the same page. He liked to compete; to see who could be the most efficient.

The banging drew his thoughts away. It was a shallow, concerned knock. It must be Giogi. It must be time for work.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:09 pm

[Feel the Burn]

Rupert was pressed up against the wall watching /her/. The elven wizardess with her soft features and her quiet, polite expressions. She was arranging the trade ministry's paperwork on the board. There were no guards in this room. He could tear her open before the clerk even came across the counter. If the clerk would even bother to try to stop him.

His swords felt heavy in their sheathes; they weighed him down. As she turned to the table, she brushed right past him. She didn't even notice. Would it even be worth it if she didn't notice? Maybe it was enough to see her surprise turn to shock when the life pooled from her eyes.

There was no voice calling him back. No tug at his coat. There hadn't been for months now. The silence was deafening. Would it be such a burden to his life to replace it with screams? Those trill screams that sounded like music to him.

His frame frozen as the door opened. Giogi walked in; his face lit up when he saw her. The look of love.

Rupert slipped out. He slipped away.

-A note on Giogi's pillow read: Needed a break from work. I'll be back in a month.-


The hunger was no different in the wilds. It was maddening. Yet the setting made it that much less sane.

The youth returned from camping with his pack slung over one shoulder. A courier raced up to him at the gates. “Minister! Minister, elections have /just/ been called.”

Rupert signed.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri Jul 05, 2019 8:14 pm


Even standing beside his Mistress made him feel normal. The world seemed to stop spinning. The stars aligned. The sun came out from the clouds. She was welcoming like a hearth. He missed her so much more than his vocabulary could express.

The boy would just stare at her as often as possible. Her light seemed to come from somewhere else and lit up the edges of her face like a halo. Yet he could hear her music. It sounded tumultuous and pained. Gut wrenching even.

He hadn't drawn in almost a year now but there she was vivid and loud. His Teacher. His Mistress. His Muse.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:30 pm


The smaller elf hugged his arms around his bare chest. His eyes welled up with tears and his features were frozen in fear. He stumbled back as Rupert approached until his slender form hit against the wall.

Why do they always cry?

The kitchen door was open. Rupert had to clean this up before his Dad came home. At least he managed a little bit of fun before going back to work.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sat Jul 13, 2019 5:56 pm


Young Rupert sat in the audience seats, staring at the empty stage. His Teacher walked up to his row. Her cane clacked dully along the carpeted floor with each haggard step.

“Monsieur Silveroak, what can I do for you, hm?"

Roo smiled faintly. "I don't think I can do the part."

"No? Why do you think so?" She settled into the empty seat beside him.

"I don't....feel it the way the others do. Sarah said I'm like a golem on stage!" His shoulders sink.

"Ah. But you do not have to feel it, hm. You only have to know what feeling it looks like. You need to know the character and lie for the rest. You can lie, no?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Then you can dance." She says with finality.


Rupert stood before the mirror, buttoning up his tunic. He smoothed a gloved hand over his hair. You know the character. He tugged his coat on. Now lie.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Tue Jul 16, 2019 12:22 am

[Meet the Silveroaks]

Mary Downyfoot handed off the wet plate to her older son, Steese. The pair had spent the rainy day cooking and cleaning together. He would help with the heavy or high things and she would waddle about making sure everything was in its place, just right. They would talk about everything, like all Silveroaks do.

Steese peered out of the closed window. “Is that...Giogi?”

In the pouring rain, Giogi hurried toward their house with his jacket draped over his front, protecting a parcel from the rain.

“Gord!” Mary called as she paddled to the front door to meet her son. She pulled the door open just as Giogi landed on the porch; he rushed inside. His green hair was hanging around the edge of his face, dripping. He smiled brightly at them. His frame was visibly sunken, tired.

They exchanged quick hellos. Giogi pulled the jacket back carefully to reveal the tiny baby boy in his arms. Mary's eyes widened. Steese stepped closer, bewildered.

“Its....mine.” Giogi muttered.

“Gordie!” Mary called into the house.

“I'm coming.” A voice called from the other room. Gord came into the kitchen rubbing a rag on his soot covered hands. He stopped dead at the sight of son and baby.

“Wheres the Mother?” Steese offered gently to Giogi.

Giogi looked around at the family. “I think, everyone should sit down.”


Mary fussed over her garden; checking the soil, the bugs, the leaves, the flowers, the shade. She would point to each of the flowers or fruits and explain them to Baby Rupert. He stared at her with big eyes filled with fascination. Was it the botany lesson or was everything just really bright and colourful? Did it matter? Not at all.

They were best friends. They even shared the same favourite flower; Tulips. Now Mary might have thought this because it was the flower that Roo had tried to put in his mouth the most but it was reason enough.


Giogi crept into the dark room. “Roo”

Little Roo shot out from under the covers. “Yeah?” He whispered.

“Come on~” Giogi muttered. The pair snuck out back. Giogi knew Momma hid all the good treats in the cellar which could be reached from the outside. It was a warm night. It would be the perfect time to dip into the stash.

The pair quickly moved around the house but promptly stopped. Two figures stepped out of the open cellar door; Steese and Gord with cookie jars in hand.

The criminals stared at one another for a solid moment. “Porch? Drinks?” Gord muttered to Giogi.

Giogi nodded. It didn't take long for all of them to gather at the front with milk and cookies. They traded jokes, told stories and just enjoyed the quiet of the night -together-

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Wed Jul 17, 2019 9:23 pm

[Feed Me]

Every time she opened her mouth lately, his stomach churned. He HATED a bad liar. It was disgusting. He tried hard to remember what Teacher had said about centering and discipline. He let the others talk. He pulled back, he slowed down.

“Come to me when you're hungry. We will work on it together.” Amadeo said.

The boy couldn't reach him by speedy. He couldn't call for help, for back up. When did they end up in Guldorand? It was difficult to focus. He knew the rules; don't take the bait. It was so damn hard. He would swear his skin was burning. All he could think of was that day in the Tower.

Rupert tightened his hand around the Sorceress' throat. Her eyes went from trusting to surprised to fearful in a matter of moments. She squirmed under his grip. She clawed and gasped and struggled.

The thought of it was smothering. When did they get home? He finally got into his room, alone. Rupert laid his hands on his tank. Was it safe to go in? Could it clear his mind or would it get worse?

Why was it always so difficult?

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sat Jul 20, 2019 3:25 am


Amadeo stared at him from across the table. “The good man is not one that has never been tempted but one that faces temptation and rises up to say 'No'.”

Rupert signed softly. “I know.” The boy had had a talk like this with all of his Teachers and his confidants; goodness always had to be stressed. As if not doing so would plunge the youth back into darkness.

Every time. Every talk. Roo expected it. Even then, it was repetitive and, at times, annoying. Was this really the way to treat someone on the cusp? It must be. Its been working for them so far.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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