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A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 10:17 am
by FrozenSolid
It was cold outside. The vibrant colors of fall had long since passed leaving the city to exist in a state of perpetual witherd grey. Grey skies, grey streets, grey people. The dead had began to pile up and as Ellie and her mother made their way through the streets the guards were busy collecting the bodies of the recently deceased and burning them in heaps. A solemn task, but one that had come to be a common chore for the cities dwindling defenders...
Almost three years ago the conflict that created the plague had erupted between the two city states. It was a simple matter, the opposing city state had sought to free people from Banite rule. Ellie was never sure why. Her father was a banite and a soldier, for as long as she could remember he was good father, and the banites maintained absolute order.

As the conflict went on, the uniformed and well trained Banites were crushing the opposition and victory seemed assured. But in a surprising move, a cult of Cyrists that had long been a thorn in the side of the banites united with the opposition. In a desperate attempt to stop the Banites in their tracks the Cyrists and opposing city state unleashed an unfathomable plague.

The plage moved quickly, eradicating villages and soon, most of the active military. Panic and chaos quickly ensued as cities rushed to close their gates and wait out the plague. In true Cyric like fashion the plague did not only decimate the Banite held territory but also the very same people who had sought to use the plage as a weapon. The only ones that seemed to be immune to the plague wete those who joined the church of Cyric.

Ellie lived in the central city, the largest and most densly populated. At the first tidings of the plague the city had promptly sealed their gates not letting any Into the city who were noy already within. A city built to be sieged they had provisions to last for months. For most the summer and into fall the city had evaded the plague. Any who even seemed to have symtoms were killed or thrown over the walls. The brutal tactics almost worked. But almost only counts in horse shoes and fireballs.

Now, most of the city had barricaded themselves within their homes, the wealthy and nobles had moved towards the center of the city, quarantining themselves away from the common people. Death seemed inevitable, and Ellie's mother Dalriah, couldnt bear the thought of seeing her daughter join the cold grey dead...

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 10:45 am
by FrozenSolid
Ellie tried to keep her eyes on her mother. The sunken faces and cold eyes of the dead had been giving her nightmares for weeks and she had no desire to add new faces to the congregation of corpses that tormented her dreams. "Where are we going? Shouldn't we be inside like everyone else?" Ellie asked her mother with considerable concern as she was dragged by her hand through the streets by her mother.

"Inside?" Her mother began "Inside didn't save the Hermonds, and it won't save us. I've heard rumors of someone that can save you Ellie. We can't wait anymore." Her mother continued on, jaw clenched.

Ellie frowned as she was tugged along. "What about you? Can't it save you too?" Ellie asked.

Her mother kept moving. She didn't respond.

It took nearly an hour for the pair to weave through the deserted streets of the city. Manuvering around heaps of corpses and guardsmen congregated around lone glowing braizers for warmth. The hour long walk left much to be desired. Ellie wished she could close her eyes and ride on a cart instead. But none of the carts were running, of course.

As they reached the perimeter of the city the walls came into view. They had travelled towards the outskirts and turned to head into the slums. Ellie hated the slums. All the disfigured, or mentally sick were left to exist in an area of the city that was mostly a dump with poorly constructed houses doubling as garbage storage and residence for the slummers. Banites didn't waste time coddling the weak.

The slums were mostly empty now. The soldiers had thrown most of the slummers out when the plague started any that wouldn't leave ended up dead or boarded themselves into their homes and the soldiers decided not to waste their time. Ellie's mother seemed to know where she was going as she weaved between houses and trash heaps tugging Ellie along with her.

They arrived at their destintion. A wooden shack tucked inside an alleyway hidden by the taller more Impressive buildings. The shack's roof was slumped awkwardly, the door was half hung open and the windows were stuffed full of what looked like charms and other nick nacks.

"Ingrid!" Ellies's mother called out "I'm ready, I brought my daughter!"

It was silent for a moment, save for the erie creaking of wood and occasional distant shouts from deeper within the city. As Ellie looked around for Ingrid she caught sight of movement by the door to the shack. The shack door suddenly flung open and Ellie gasped.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:33 am
by FrozenSolid
A creature emerged through the door that Ellie would hesitate to classify as human. The Hag was a poor shadow of what may have once been a lovely woman. Crooked back, hunched over with waifs of soup yellow and white tufts of long greasy hair. Her skin was wrinkled, blotched, and blighted and it seemed she was missing more than a few teeth. The most distinct feature, atleast to Ellie was the long nose that seemed liable to jab someones eye out.

Ellie watched the hag hobble towards them while her hand tightened its grip against her Mother's. Ellie's mother seemed unphased by the hideous nature of the creature coming towards them and instead manuvered herself in front of Ellie.

The hag paused just a few paces from the open door to the shack "Well don't just stand there!" The Hag's harpy like voice scolded "There's a plague going about! Come in come in!" The hag said, then promptly turned to hobble back inside leaving the door open to invite them in. Ellie would have rather not been invited but once more her mother's forceful hand tugged her forward.

As they neared the shack the scent of smoldering herbs and other unplaceable smells filled the air. The interior of the shack was shrouded in an uncomfortable mist of smoke. Ellie and her mother creaked up the shoddy wooden steps of the shack and entered. The shack was filled primarily of shelves that stored a trove of oddities Ellie could not even begin to identify.

"Sit her down over there." The hag said gesturing to a bed. Ellie's mother guided her to the bed and Ellie sat, wide eyed. Ellie's blue eyes wandered towards her mothers a question hidden within her expression. "What are we doing here?" Her features asked. Ellie's mother simply turned away.

The hag had disappeared temporarily and re-emerged with a small box and a stool. She set the box out on a nearby table then patted the stool top twice "You sit here." the Hag said to Ellie's mother. She went and sat without argument.

"You swear to me this will protect her?" Ellie's mother asked

The Hag replied with a sneer as she scuddled about to her shelves grabbing herbs and smashing them into a bowl as she went "Of course it will. It's protected me, hasn't it?"

Ellie's mother issued the hag a tight lipped frown but found the reasoning sound enough. The plague was moving quickly and there wasn't time to debate or argue.

The hag was busy mashing her herbs together when she moved towards Ellie. Ellie was surprised how nimble and swiftly the hag moved and frowned as she came near.

"What a lovely young lady." The hag said appraisngly as she looked over Ellie with beady eyes a moment of Jealousy perhaps? Ellie couldn't tell. She maintained her frown, and tried to focus on glaring at her mother who still seemed content to avoid eye contact. The hag turned away, reapproaching Ellie's mother and the table where she set her mashed herbs down.

"I see no reason to delay then lady Howlsong. I will give you one last moment to speak with your daughter then we will begin." The hag said, then moved away to rummage in a back room Ellie could not see into.

Ellie's mother was a middle aged woman with an oval face, soft complexion and long black hair that draped down her back. Her eyes, blue like Ellie's settled on her daughter as she spoke. " I don't know what to say, Ellie, perhaps there is nothing to be said. " Her mother paused for a moment then continued. "You are so young, the thought of your life ending here? Another corpse to be burned and forgotten? No, that cannot be your fate." Her mother paused, rubbing angrily at her eyes to rid them of stray tears.

Ellie watched her mother, a numb sensation washing over her. Her mother continued "I don't know where your father is, I fear he won't be returning. So I have to do what I must. To save you. You won't understand, but you have to trust me. Do you trust me?" She asked Ellie

Ellie stared too afraid to speak. Eventually her head nodded slowly.

With a nod back Ellie's mother continued "Good, I have a backpack with everything you'll need. You'll want to leave, immediately, there's a map, follow it and get as far from here as you can." Her mother's words were cut short as the Hag hobbled back in. She went to her table, sprinkled something within her her bowl then placed the bowl onto a metal frame that held it above a glowing candle.

The shack fell silent.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:57 am
by FrozenSolid
Ellie stared at her mother as the silence lingered. There seemed not to be anything to say. Ever since the plague had broken into the city Ellie had found herself in a constant state of fear. Would she die like the rest? She was fourteen, and she had contemplated her exaitance as a mortal and made peace with the idea of death. And now, her mother had found a way to save her? But if she was going to be saved then why was her mother crying? A pit of emptiness settled in Ellie'a stomach.

The Hag then turned abruptly towards Ellie after she retieved her herb bowl that now seemed to be radianting some aroma. Without a moment of hesitation the Hag approached Ellie.

Ellie felt a boney but suprisingly firm hand slide behind her head and through her hair to hold her head in place. The hags other hand brought the herb bowl to Ellie's nose. "Breathe!" The hag commanded. Ellie held her breath her eyes came to focus on the wretched hag . The hag sighed with annoyance.

"Ellie, do what she asks." Her mothers voice said. Ellie's eyes flicked to her mother and lingered there as she took a long breath. Filling her nose was an unusual aroma that was sweet and bitter all at once. To her horror, Her eyes began to grow dark and her thoughts muddled. Ellie flinched, trying to jerk away but found the Hag'a grip to be like steal. Ellie involuntarily breathed in again. A moment later, Ellie slumped forward, passed out.

The Hag grinned wickedly as Ellie's body went limp "It's like death." The hag mused out loud. "But I can still feel that warm lite heart pumping away." The Hag chuckled to herself but it held no warmth. Across the room Ellie'a mother watched "You will have your price from me. Let us get this over with" she said

The wicked smile linged on the Hag's lips as she lay Ellie down on the bed and tugged a ratty blanket up to her waist. She turned then to regard Ellie's mother. "As you wish, lady Howlsong." She said.

The hag moved back to her table setting down her herb bowl and grabbing the box she had brought out from before. She opened it to reveal a selection of fine daggers and knives... The Hag paused trying to decide which to use, then having mad her selection she removed it from the box and turned to face Ellie's mother.

With a wicked sneer the Hag asked "I hope your daughter is worth all of this."

Ellie's mother looked over her sleeping daughter. She would do anything to save her.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 9:07 am
by FrozenSolid
Ellie's eyes opened slowly. She felt as if no time had passed at all. Her senses groggily kicked into gear as her eyes came into focus. She was staring at the ceiling of the Hag's shack squinting to see through the same hazy mist that seemed to exist perpetually. She was laying down, on a scratchy bed covered by a scratchy blanket. As she squinted her mind began to clear.

"Mother... What happened?!" Ellie's mind raced as she jerked into a sitting position and looked around the room. She was alone, atleast that's how it appeared to be. As she sat up she shivered, it was cold and Ellie found that she had been changed into a simple white undershirt replacing the coat and other garmets she had worn before. She scooped the ratty blanket up to cover herself then slid quietly out of the bed.

Her feet were still in her boots. "Good" she thought "Then the Hag didn't steal everything I own... What was mother thinking?" Ellie frowned as she adjusted the tattered blanket around her shoulders. Her eyes eventually setlled on the stool where her mother was sitting when Ellie was put to sleep.

The stool sat there, much like stools often do unless enchanted. Ontop of the stool was a hefty sized backpack. As Ellie's blue eyes looked it over she saw a rolled up scroll that she assumed was the map her mother mentioned. Also attached to the side of the bag was a curved scabbard. Spotting this Ellie immediately strode over to the stool and pack.

She had recongized the design of the scabbard immediately. It was her fathers. As Ellie approached she let go of the ratty blanket and went to reach for the scimitar. As soon as her fingers found the hilt ahe tugged the blade free.

The scimitar was heavy, balanced, lethal. The sharp blade edge shimmered in the dim candle light. As Ellie examined the scimitar a final realization dawned upon her. "He's never coming back, is he?" She said outloud though the only ears to hear it were own. Ellie released a sigh then slid the scimitar back into the scabbard.

Ellie was curious about what was in the rest of the pack but a sensation of forboding danger had been growing since she had awoken. She looked back towards the bed, saw her coat and remains of her cut up shirt. She grabbed her coat, fit it on then grabbed the pack hefting it onto her shoulders... She gave the shack one final appraising look.

"Where is my mother?" Ellie thought, and as she did, ahe heard a dull thud come from beneath her feet.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 9:29 am
by FrozenSolid
Looking for the source of the sound Ellie's eyes darted around the shack. She found what appeared to be a cellar door that led presumably into some basement. Ellie chewed her lip nervously as she eyed the cellar door. Stories had taught her that basements were more often then not bad news. As she stared at the door she heard a nudge, then a thump as the two doors flung to the side. Ellie jumped with surprise, took a step back, but did not move any further.

Emerging from the cellar was the Hag. As she came out the Hag coughed into her hand then wiped her hands onto a ratty brown apron. The apron, as Ellie saw, was stained dark crimson with blood. As Ellie eyed the apron her eyes slowly made their way up the figure of the Hag finding her beady black eyes.

The Hag seemed surprised. "You're up early." The Hag said casually offering an unsettling would be toothy grin if she had any teeth to be toothy with. Ellie frowned... "Where's my mother?" She asked the Hag.

The Hag smirked at the question then replied "She is... Away." The Hag said cryptically.

The answer didnt appease or impress Ellie as she quickly asked a follow up question. "What's in the basement?" Ellie demanded.

The Hag cackled at the question. Her laugh was a disgusting nasally combination of snorting and sounding as if she were choking. As her cackled subsided she replied "Nothing that a pretty young lady would want to see."

Ellie's frown deepend, having received no concrete answer she found that her temper was flaring. It burned inside of her as she reached back and yanked the scimitar free from its scabbard. Armed with the scimitar Ellie approached the hag.

The Hag chortled then raised a boney hand in the air towards Ellie and commanded "Stop."

Ellie froze.

"Silly girly, if I had not made a pact with your mother I would kill you now." The Hag explaibed tsking as she lowered her hand. "You ought to becarful, your new enchantments can make that temper flair up. And that's not very lady like, is it?" The hag teased.

Ellie was absokutely furious. As the hag had commanded her to stop her muscles simply defied her. More shockingly, she felt the desire to do as commanded even though she had no reason to. What happened? Her mind thundered with questions as she watched the Hag and soaked in her words.

"What did you do to me?" Ellie managed to ask between gritted teeth.

"I saved you from the plague." The hag replied with a sly smile. "Now, you should be going. You're rather troublesome to have around. " The hag said then began to turn away from Ellie. As she turned she have a dismissive flick of her hand towards Ellie.

Ellie found herself suddenly flying backwards. She flew right out of the shack landing on her backpack on the cold snowy stone of the courtyard. And as soon as Ellie had gone through the door of the shack the door slammed shut with a loud thud!

Ellie simply stared at the Shack. She didn't know what to think.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 8:40 am
by FrozenSolid
Ellie sighed... Her cloudy blue eyes rotated upwards to look into the sky. Grey. She squinted, then noticed the snow. Another sigh. Ellie moved into a sitting position then pulling her coat back enough to rub at an irritating spot just beneath her collar bone it burned and itched. As she rubbed at the spot she looked around the courtyard. She was alone, and the city was quiet. She spared the sky another glance, it was mid-day, the sun would go down soon, she needed to find shelter.

As Ellie prepared to stand she frowned, the burning and itching hadn't passed yet and it was really bothering her. She glanced down at herself then her eyes widened. From beneath the collar of her shirt and from her coat was a red glowing. Ellie quickly pulled her coat off then tugged the collar of her shirt back. To her horror she saw something that was new. She let out a shout of surprise then tugged the other side of her shirt collar and noted the same change.

On each shoulder, running beneath her collar bone and arching together were pure red tattoos that looked like blood. They made some sort of symbols she couldn't recognize and almost seemed to dance on her flesh. The Tatoos were burning, itching, and glowing eerily blood red. Ellie released a worried groan she felt the same itching and burning spread down her back and upper arms.

Reluctantly Ellie tugged her shirt up, she found the same markings ran from her upper biceps, to her shoulders, down her back and across her collar bone. Gritting her teeth now, Ellie released her shirt to let it fall back down and scrambled over to a pile of snow. She scooped it up in her bare hands then shoved it onto the burning tattoos. The snow sizzled, melted, but it brought Ellie no relief.

"Gragh! Come on! What is this!" She shouted out loud to her self shoveling snow onto the top of her shirt desperate for relief from the burning and itching. As she worked herself up she found that fear gave way to anger. She was grinding her teeth, mashing them together! She was furious! After finding no relief from the snow Ellie simply surrendered to the burning and itching and soon her mind grew numb to it though no less annoyed.

In her fury, she breathed heavily, blood racing. She reached back to her pack, tugging her Father's scimitar out. She gripped it tightly, her hands were sweating. The weight of the blade gave her comfort. Her eyes focused on the shack. She could kill the hag, gut the wench! Then perhaps the curse of these markings would pass.

As Ellie's mind plotted revenge she suddenly felt the same sensation she had before. Influenced in some manner she couldn't comprehend she found herself slowly sheathing the scimitar and moving away from the shack. Her heart pounded. Angry, furious. She wanted revenge. But her mind decided otherwise as it moved away from the shack.

Ellie grabbed her coat as she walked and fit it on. She found herself leaving the courtyard and stepping into the main street. Once she did the effect passed and she felt she had control again. Ellie gritted her teeth together. How was this happening? She looked over her shoulder, she considered trying to return, once more, and found that she simply didn't have it in her.

"Okay- I get it! Revenge isn't an option!" Ellie shouted into the street. She felt her muscles relax further, she had full control of herself once more.

Ellie closed her eyes tightly. She wanted to simply sit down and cry. But what good would that do? She felt different. More... Confident. But not a confidence she had found on her own. A confidence that resided in anger. She was still fuming on the inside. So angry that giving up simply wasn't an option.

Set in her angry confidence Ellie looked up and down the streets. They were barren and many of the houses were dark, no one lived in them. Most were dead. "I can't get sick" she said to herself. "But I need to get away from here." She sighed, then chose a direction to walk. She moved briskly hoping the distance between her and the hag would prevent her loss of control.

As the sun began to set across the grey city that was quickly becoming a stone graveyard the Fourteen year old Ellie Howlsong made her way down the gloomy and dreary streets of the city shielding her eyes from the blowing snow and finding that as time passed, and her anger lessened, the burning and itching of her new tattoos subsided.

If only the burning wasn't replaced by bitter cold and chilling winds. Ellie was miserable.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:28 am
by FrozenSolid
The wind howled with considerable strength and anger. Cold bitter air and stinging snow smotherd Ellie as she struggled through the dark streets. In her haste to distance herself from the Hag Ellie neglected paying attention to the weather or time. "Hells..." Ellie muttered as she shieled her eyes with her arm. There were houses all around her, near all of them dark and devoid of candle light. That's when an idea struck her, a disturbing idea, but one she was willing to indulge given her circumstance.

Ellie marched towards the nearest house she saw. Most of the people of th city were dead. That meant their houses would be unoccupied. The idea of staying in a house that wasn't hers bothered her, especially when she knew the owners were likely perished. But those thoughts began to mean less and less as she grew colder. If she didn't find shelter she'd be dead too, and that didn't do anyone any good.

As she arrived at the first house she gave the door a shove as she unlatched the handle. The door flung open with a loud thud as the wind howled into the house. Ellie half tripped half walked in then struggled to close the door. After she secured the door she leaned against it panting. The howling cold wind couldnt touch her here. As she caught her breath her eyes drifted to examine the house. With limited lighting it was nearly pitch black but she could make out general details.

The house seemed quaint. To her right was a large window that would catch the morning rays of sunlight and provide a view into the streets. Sitting before the window was a modest sized oak table and four chairs. There were various stitched carpets, and further back Ellie could see a large fire place with a nearby kitchen counter and two big chairs facing the fire. In one of the chairs Ellie squinted there was something different about one of the chairs but the low light made it impossible to tell what.

Having sufficiently caught her breath Ellie pushed herself away from the door and approached the table where she had spotted the outline of a lamp. She fiddled with it for awhile then found a mechanism within to light the oil. It seemed to be low on oil so she set the flame to be dim then collected the lamp moving towards the fire place.

As Ellie approached her eyes locked onto a big pile of logs. She relished the warmth she would soon have and she began to wonder if anyone still lived in the house? "No," she thought "If they did they would have kept the fire running." Ellie arrived at the fire place and quickly grabbed the logs and placed then within. A flint and tinder was nearby as was some easy to light shavings. She started the fire then smiled as the warm orange glow filled the eriely dark house.

As Ellie admired the flames and soaked in their warmth she slid her pack off. "Perfect." She said to herself. Then she remember the big chairs just behind her. She turned with a smile looking forward to cuddling in one.

Ellie was hard to frighten. Most of the time, she simply didn't care enough to be scared. It wasn't her style one could say. But as Ellie turned she discovered the meaning of fear. She screamed louder then she had ever screamed before. A shriek of sheer terror as her eyes widened in absolute horror.

Sitting in the big wooden throne like chair was the incredibly sickly husk of a man. His bloodshot and greenish eyes were plastered open and his skin was sunken, with disgusting greenish and black blemishes. The man released a moan, he reached out for Ellie but found he lacked the strength. All he could do was stare with wildly fevered eyes.

Ellie was frozen in terror as she looked at the hand that had reached for her. Her mind raced then, action! Ellie ran towards the door flung it open and fell face first down the stairs landing in a pile of snow. She scrambled away from the house then stared at it.

The frozen air and snow pelted her once more. Her coat did little to protect her and she was quickly losing heat. Her mind continued to race as she began to make a plan. She didn't like it, but today had been full of things she didn't like. She swallowed hard, then slowly made her way back into the house.

As Ellie creaked back into the house going at a snail like speed she began to talk to the man. More for her own comfort then thag of the mans. "H-Hey... It's cold out, and... I need your house." She said shakily "So... I'm just... Going to put you ouside." She gulped.

As Ellie came into view the man didn't move save for his sickly eyes. "It's... Cold outside, atleast you won't be sick anymore." Ellie said, the only plus side she could see to what she was about to do. She tugged the man out of his chair. He hit the floor with a thump. She then tugged him out towards the door and pushed him down the steps. After throwing him out she slammed the door shut and latched it. She was breathing like a horse thag had just run a race, or twelve.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:51 am
by FrozenSolid
Ellie slowly caught her breath. What had she done? Her thoughts berated her, then she realized something. There was four chairs at the dinner table. Ellie's eyes reopened in fresh horror. Ellie scrambled forward grabbing the oil lamp. She ran up stairs, let out another shriek of terror then pushed the upstairs window open followed by a thump in the snow as Ellie had pushed another body out the second story window. She desperatly searched the house, found no more bodies, then ran down stairs to draw all the curtains shut. Finnaly content that she was alone, she sunk to the floor in the middle of the first floor room and cried.

This day had been horrible. The worst of all days. Worse then the day she found out being a girl guranteed her a monthly dosage of misreable cramps. And even more worse then the time she found out her crush had no interest in her what so ever. Those things seemed meaningless now, they paled in comparison to the trauma and pain this day had brought. Ellie's entire body ached, as her warm tears rolled down her cheeks. Eventually, she became numb. A cold far more frigid then that outside had rooted itself in her heart. And no matter how close to the fire she got, it wouldnt thaw.

Utterly exhausted Ellie fell asleep curled up in her coat at the foot of the fireplace.

Eventually Ellie woke up. She felt better. The house was pleasantly warm and the howling wind had ceased. Golden sunlight peaked through the closed curtains. Ellie stretched outwards looking at the ceiling. Her mind relapsed on everythjng that happened last night. She decided she didn't care. She couldn't let it bring her to tears again.

As Ellie's mind pondered thoughts her stomach had one focus. It was hungry and it let Ellie know by rumbling and sending her a sharp pang of hunger. Ellie frowned at the sensation but decided eating was a good idea. Now what to eat? She thought.

Ellie pushed herself up off the floor and quickly found the pantry. It was stuffed with food. She gathered everything that caught her eye including breads, jams, cheeses and crackers then with an arm load of food she sat down in the other wooden throne chair that hadn't had a body in it.

Ellie sat and watched the fire as she stuffed her face with as much as she wanted. Today, Ellie was staying in the house. She'd look through the pack her mother left her and examine the map then maybe tomorrow she would leave.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:41 am
by FrozenSolid
Ellie carfully opened the curtains of the main kitchen window. Immediately golden rays of morning sun streamed in warming Ellie and illuminating the house. Ellie squinted as her eyes adjusted then she carfully leaned forward to look outside.

The city streets were covered in a thick layer of snow. The snow fall was so heavy that Ellie couldn't even tell she had thrown two bodies out of the house. She was relieved by that. She loathed the thought of looking at their frozen dead faces.

With that pleasantry out of the way Ellie moved back to collect her large pack and plop it down on the table. She tugged the map out first, set it aside then tugged opened her pack to see what else was within. She began pulling out each item. First, a small box, it contained gold and some of her mothers fine jewelry. Ellie admired the contents of the box then set it aside. Next she pulled out bundle of food, survival tools, like a knife and flint. Then clothes, simple clothes meant for travel and other personal items. And at the very bottom she found a note.
Dear Ellinore,

I know you hate having your name written out like that but It is your true name that your father and I chose for you. No matter what pronounciation you use, I hope you are proud of it.

Your father and I love you a great deal. We never said it enough, perhaps we all took our love and life for granted while we had everything? We are both proud of you, and I wish we could see the woman you become. I sorely hope you find yourself a pleasant husband and have plenty of kids. I realize you have probably wrinkled your nose at that and stuck your tongue out. If being a warrior is truly your desire then I guess my final attempt to persuade you may fail. I suppose such skills might serve you well.

You probably have questions about your tatoos. I realize telling you how you got them might help you remove them when the time is right but I cannot bear to explain nor has the Hag explained it all to me. Just know that you are safe from the plague, you are not a slave to any power, and I hope you do not hate me when you discover their origin.

Follow the map and leave the kingdom. Trust no one but yourself and always follow your instincts.

You're a smart, beautiful girl Ellinore make a better life then the one you were forced to accept with this war.

Bane protect you,

Love Mom and Dad.
Ellie set the note down. She began to sob, she was surprised by how strongly she felt about the letter, the sobbing racked her as she slowly sat down on the floor. The weight of the past few days crushed her and she cried. Hours passed, she had cried herself to sleep again and lay amongst her wet tears that had soaked into the floor boards.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:32 am
by FrozenSolid
Ellie awoke feeling rather groggy sometime later. She was laying on the floor looking up at the ceiling and noted that the sun had set. she let out a tired sigh. After taking a moment to gather herself she pushed herself off the floor and repacked her backpack placing the note safely in the box with the gold. She then unrolled the map. It was a large map spanning multiple kingdoms and lands. To her surprise the route had her weaving through the Dales and arriving at a city called Arabel that was just within the Cormyrian border.

"Huh..." She said then shrugged folding the map away. She knew how to get out of the city and she figured that the roads would be easy to find. She decided then thag she would set out in the morning, in the mean time, she placed fresh logs into the fire place and raided the kitchen cupboards.

Sitting as happily as one can sit given the environment Ellie enjoyed her meal while lounging in the wooden throne chair. As she tore off another pie e of dried meat she heard a sound one should not be hearing when most everyone is dead.


The sound of a door being broken open was easily heard from within the house Ellie was in. She got up with her plate of food and rushed towards the window. Outside she spotted a group of men and several women. They were clothed in miss matched garmets and had sacks full of loot presumably from other houses they had robbed. As Ellie wacthed wide eyed she realized two important details.

1. Her house was the only house with smoke coming from its chimney
2. With her face pressed against the window and the back light from the fire place she was easiy visible from the dark streets.

These facts were not lost on the group of thieves as one of the more percpetive women pointed towards the sky having noticed the nearby houses smoke. A second thief followed the pointing and in doing so spotted Ellie.

Ellie watched as one of them gestured to her pointing rappidly as a group of five in all then spotted her and began running towards her house. Ellie panicked, dropped her plate and rushed to shove the table against the door. As she did so she gathered her pack and fit it onto her back aswell as grabbing and drawing her scimitar.

Her instincts told her to run and hide. But hide where? They would find her. But she had to do something! Ellie's eyes darted frantically around hoping to find an idea as she heard the crunch of boots on snow. That was followed by a thump as someone tripped outside the door.

"What in the hell!" Came a mans voice
"You tripped" said another male who clearly had the makings of a proffesor with his astounding observational skills
"I know I tripped!" Bellowed the first voice "Tripped on what!"
The sound of snickering and snow being shovled aside with ones hands
There was silence for a moment, then five screams in unison
"That's a body!" Proffesor obvious declared outside
"By the gods! It's frozen!" Came the shriek of a woman
"Ye think it's the girls family? Or ye think she just killed 'em?" Said an unidentified mans voice.

There was silence after that and during the thieves delay Ellie had come up with a plan. She moved to stand ontop of the big oak table and brandished her scimitar. Her plan was to use a hopeful height advantage and choke point of the door to face just one opponent at a time. She hoped this and a combination of flailing wildly with her scimitar would be enough to thwart her attackers.

"Alright, well let's find out? I'm going to break the door down!" The first
Man declared. There was a pause then.. Thud! Thud! Thud! The door began to splinter. Ellie's table scooted backwards across the floor.
Thud! Thud! CRACK!

The door split into pieces.

The first thug Ellie saw was a man with red hair scraggly beard, beady eyes and wearing enough garmets to clothe an orphanage. Ellie wasted no time lunging at the man then chopping with her blade. "Look out! She's attakin'!" The man said as he scrambled to get away but was to slow as Ellie's blade slammed down on the mans shoulder. Luckily for the man Ellie wasn't strong enough to cut the man through the immense padding of all of his clothes. All the same he dramatically fell backwards into the snow as if he had been slain.

The second thug was a mountain of a man, presumably the one that had broken her door dow . The man came forward and kicked the edge of the table with the flat of his boot. The force sent the table skidding backwards. The jerk of movement in turn sent Ellie tumbling forward off the table and onto the floor with a dull thunp and clatter of equipment.

Mountain man smirked. He too was dresssed in many garmets and was bald save for a single long braid of blobd hair and an impressive beard. He strode into the house then looked down at Ellie.

Ellie rolled over and found herself face to boot with the massive man. She swallowed nervously slowly sitting back and looking up at the man.

He simply smirked down at her leaving Ellie with an uneasy sensation.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:53 am
by FrozenSolid
"That were a good try." The massive mountain like man said to Ellie as his four companions pushed into the house behind him. Ellie sighed, good try wasn't good enough. She looked from the first man taking in the features of the other four. There were two women and three men.

The man directly in front of her was the one that was best described as a Northman. Ellie was temporarily attracted to his massive muscles them shoved the thought away scolding herself mentally for being so distracted in a dangerous situation.

The second was a more lithe man, the one with the red hair. He was scowling at Ellie and nursing his shoulder. Ellie figured she must have atleast managed to bruise the man which she counted as a small victory even though her intention had been decapitation. She looked behind the man and spotted one of the women

She had brown hair, it was shoulder length and looked like it could use some bathing. The woman looked mature but still young. She was carrying a quiver and a bow was slung around her back. Ellie wondered where she came from, she hadn't seen many archers. She looked to the next.

This man was short, closer to Ellie's height and perhaps even shorter. His hair was covered by a big furry hat with flaps on the side and he had a giant nose. She figured he was a half rat given the beady look of his eye. He had a short sword and seemed to be wearing pouches all over. Ellie looked to the last of the grouo then.

Ellie had seen her kind before, an old lady that used /way/ to much make up to try and compensate for what Agr had taken away. Her hair was whitish blond combed down into an odd shape. Her lips were ruby red, eyebrows clearly drawn on, and her faces skin tone was several tones lighter then the rest of her skin though it was hard to see. She was covered in jewels and gawdy clothing. Ellie sighed. She was a lot to take in, she refocused to the mountain man.

"Nice place ye got here girly, you take it off those poor sods outside?" He asked as he pushed Ellie aside with his foot and moved by to look around the house.

"No!" Ellie declared then reconsidered a moment later "Well... Yes, but they were sick! Already...
Too sick." She tried to explain.

Make up lady moved by pattinf Ellie on the head "It's quite alright darling, you probably put them out of their misery" she said then pinched Ellie's cheeks before following mountain man. Ellie blinked at the touch shaking her head as the rest moved by.

"So little lady, how long 'till you keel over with the plague? Ye already got the cough?" The mountain man asked

Ellie shook her head. "No." She replied "How... Are you all not sick?" She asked giving the group and apprhensive look.

All five gave out a hearty laugh then bow girl replied "Wees met ups with them 'ollowers o' Cyrics ans they saids that-" Bow girls terrible common was cut off by red hair as he bellowed out "By the gods Keirina what did we say about talking! DON'T!" He bellowed. Bow girl frowned as her cheeks turned red.

Mountain man patted bow girl on the shoulder then continued "The church of Cyric blessed us against the plague so long as we looted for them." He explained. "And -you- girl? Are ye also looting for the church?"

Ellie paused... She was by all means a banite, her father had taught her to hate cyric, but in this situation she decided a lie was a good idea. So in response to Mountain Man's question she simply nodded her head yes.

Mountain man eyes the girl then gave a slow nod.

Ellie frowned wondering if she should do more but her thoughts were cut short when suddenly Rat Eyes came up behind her and tugged at her pack trying to open it while he also began sniffing her. "Whats in here? Quite a big bag!" Rat Eyes said eagerly

Ellie yelped in surpise them clumisly swatted back at the man with her scimitar but before she made impact Red Hair lunged at her, grabbing and twisting her wrist until she released the scimitar. "Ah... Hahaha... I think you've had enough fun with that little lady." He said snagging the blade.

"Let her go" Mountain mans voice rumbled towards Rat Eyes. The man responded immediately releasing Ellie and backing up while repeatedly bowing. Ellie watched this- and rubbed at her sore wrist as she turned her head to scowl at Red Hair whonhad stolen her scimitar.

Red Hair was twirling the blade around, Ellie spotted a similar blade at his side. The rest of their group continued exploring the house. Ellie sighed... She would have preffered to be alone, but running wasn't an option with the deep snow, and that red haired man had her weapon.

After the mountain man had finished exploring he came back to find Ellie still seated on the floor looking sour. He grabbed her by her backpack and hoisted her up moving with her out the door. "Ye picked a nice house little lady, unfortunately I broke the door. We'll go to the house across the steet and rest up, loot and eat then get on our way. Welcome to the crew by the way." He said

Ellie blinked in surprise as she was moved along and apparently adopted. She didn't know what to say, so she said nothing.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:46 am
by FrozenSolid
Ellie's time with the group of missfit thugs was an unusual one. Afraid of having her new companions turn against her she assisted them in their looting campaign and naturally accepted her share of the spoils from such ventures. As Winter passed Ellie and a small population of a predominantly dead city survived to spring.

The core of the city, where the nobles lived, survived the plague with brutal rules and laws about sickness. So as spring came around and all those who had contracted the plague had wasted in the winter the nobles and living guards fanned out into the city to see what was left. The return of the guards prompted Ellie and her companions to depart the city and they did so promptly.

If they had stayed only a week longer they would have found that the city would soon be empty. The frozen plague bodies, though the hosts were dead, still retained strong strains of the plague. Just as the nobles thought they were in the clear the plagues vile bite caught them and ruined the rest of the city the only survivors being those protected by dark magics or those who denounced bane to be blessed by Cyric and spared.

An ironic victory, the enemies of the banites had liberated the people from Bane's rule and also liberated them from the terrible chore of living while also managing to eradicate themselves by the same method of liberation. The only one delighted by the mess was Cyric himself. This was the last time anyone in the region trusted Cyrists to do anything.

On the road the small band of Outcasts had no idea where to go. Luckily Ellie knew where she wanted to go and suggested they head to Arabel. Not knowing of anywhere else to go they all agreed. Besides, Arabel was a thriving caravan city where work or plunder could be found in abundance.

By the time they reached Arabel Ellie was fifteen and a half. Her time with her new found curse had been annoying and stressful. Bow girl, which was what Ellie had decided to call her forever, became her friend. She was the only one of the group to know about Ellie's tatoos and together they kept the secret. Ellie was relieved to have another girl to reside in and despite Bow Girls terrible common, Ellie found they communicated on a mental level that surpassed words.

Once they arrived ar Arabel their little band slowly seperated ways but not before Ellie, with the help of "Bow Girl" stole Ellie's scimitar back. Ellie and her friend wasted no time in hitching a ride on the next caravan that took the pair deeper into Cormyr.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:25 am
by FrozenSolid
For Ellie, the jourmey through Cormyr was incredibly exciting. Ellie was a city girl, she had never been outside the walls of her home. Her entire world revolved around her old city it was all she really knew. And now? She had visited multiple cities, villages, and met a variety of new, interesting people from nobles, commoners, and adventurers.

With her friend "Bow Girl" The pair continued to follow Ellie's map that was slowly taking them towards the coast through, what Ellie determined was not the quickest, but appeared to be safest route. As they travled Ellie experimented with her markings. She found daily that her postive emotions felt surpressed, like they existed but she couldn't enjoy them. On the other hand, sadness, anger, emotions that were generally negative were amplified making Ellie's responses to situations sometimes overly dramatic as she lacked control.

Regardless, Ellie managed and found that blaming her emotional outbursts on her age and gender were suffcient cover up for what was really influencing her. And perhaps, part of the exscuse was true, amplified even more so by the unknown curse.

For Bow Girl these situations amused her. To her, Ellie was a bit stuck up, a pale city girl who had just enough muscle to carry her pack and walk but hardly enough to wield that scimitar she had. Watching Ellie practice with the scimitar was akin to watching a wet noodle try to swing a blade. It made her laugh, but she saw her friend transforming. Week by week, baby fat was replaced by lean muscle. Her features were becoming more defined and she was skilled in other ways Bow girl wasn't. She decided Ellie was an alright companion, and looked forward to what she would become.

In the mean time, Ellie helped her learn common, and she did most the bartering for supplies or communication in General. Bow Girl found that she was simply awkward in social situations and was glad to have Ellie to make up for it.

The pair primarily got by performing minor adventuring tasks at each city and town they stopped in. Bow girl handled most the fights, and more then once Ellie found herself being the bate to lure out some goblin or orc that Bow Girl would ambush. Plans like these worked, usually.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:52 am
by FrozenSolid
One day, at a village on the border of Cormyr where the next phase of their adventure would begin, Ellie and Bow Girl accepted a mission to slay a local orc who had been demanding tribute and eating out the villages supplies of food.

According to the villagers the orc was old but too strong to fight hand to hand. They were apprehensive to let the two young ladies try to slay the orc, but when they looked to their near empty store house? They decided why not. At they very least, they figured, the orc would have two meals and would leave the village alone for awhile.

With the mission accepted the two devised a comically simple plan.

Ellie would walk out into the forest acting like an ignorant village girl while eating a large haunch of salted meat freshly cooked as to attract the orcs attention. When the orc revealed himself Ellie would run towards a nearby grove of trees. The plan was that the orc would be dead by the time he got to the trees if not, they had a spike trap set to finish the orc off.

With such a masterful plan, how could they fail? They wasted no time in preparing and then at dusk Bow Girl set her trap and climbed into a tree, while Ellie wandered into the forest enjoying her haunch of meat and hiding her scimitar behind her back and under her shirt.

"Mmmm this sure is tasty" Ellie said in a monotone voice that dripped with sarcasm.

"I sure hope no one steals my meal!" She said outloud

The orc was in fact on his way to his cave when he caught the scent of a human and cooked meat. A simple creature he was drawn by simple desires and quickly found the source of the smells. "A lone girl? And a delicious haunch of meat..." The orc thought as he spied Ellie from the bushes.

The orc made as much noise as a caravan of horses. So Ellie was well aware she was being wathed. She turned towards the orca hiding spot trying to act oblivious as she bit into the meat haunch and tore a large chunk off.

"Mmmmmmm!" She hoisted the meat haunch into the air.

The old orc could not contai himself. Eyes dead locked on the haunch of meat he burst from the bushes barreling towards Ellie. Ellie gasped in surprise then took of running drawing her scimitar as she went.

Bow Girl, from her tree perch insantly began releasing arrow pegging the orc repeatedly. But there was a problem, the arrows seemed to be doing very little to the orcs thick muscles form. Bow Girl continued firing all the same desperatly pulling her bow back as far as she could to fire her arrows.

The Orc was at six and a half feet, blue skinned and rippled in muscles with shaggy gray hair and red eyes that had lost their youthful fire. He wore simple leathers, and as he ran her pulled out an old rusty longsword. As the arrows peppered him he howlrd in pain, but nothing was going to keep him from that haunch of meat.

Ellie ran as fast as she could looking over her shoulder at the orc who wasn't slowing down. "Damnit" she muttered feeling her markings begin to glow. She had reached thr grove of trees spotted the trip wire and jumped, turning to face the orc as it charged.

Over a dozen arrows protuded, or had fallen from the orc but he didn't care. He was so close! He ran forward in a blind rage triggering the trap that sent several spikes flying up into his gut. The orc paused... That hurt.

Ellie's eyes were wide as she looked at the orc just feet away from her. She hurled the haunch of meat at the orc, it hit him with a dull thump. The impact seemed to bring the orc out of the daze of of pain the trap causef him. Furious, he decided he would eat the tricky girl first, and find whoever had that bow and eat them next.

Ellie swallowrf nervously, then got intk a fighting stance with her scimitar

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:00 am
by FrozenSolid
Ellie had swung her scimitar at all sorts of dangerouse creatures. In her head... Her real combat experience with the blade was decidedly limited but just about face to face with an orc Ellie didn't have much of a choice. She hoped in her sub concious mind that this fight would play out like all the ones she made believe in her head. Her gut told her this was going to go badly.

Bow Girl watched in shock as the Orc seemed to absorb the spikes. It clearly hurt him, but not nearly enough to stop him. The orc was close to Ellie, she had to do something, her noodle armed friend didn't stand a chance. Bow Girl reluctantly tugged her knife out of her belt after fitting her bow onto her back. She had tremendous doubts about her ability to take on the orc but was hoping leaping from her perch in the tree would give her an advantage.

The orc clutched at his gut, seeing his own red blood inffuriated him. An old blood lust the orc had not felt for years swelled inside of him. His angry eyes rose from his stomach and settled on Ellie. A wicked grin touched his lips as he let out a howl and charged for the girl. He reached out with his left arm as his right rose with his sword and arched intending to slam it down on Ellie.

Ellie watched in horror as the orc lunged at her. Time seemed to slow. She watched the orcs muscles flex and ripple. She saw the red blood drip from his stomach. She noted the fingers grasping out to grab her and the sword about to slam down on her. Don't think. Move!

Bow Girl wasted not a second more. She lept from the tree with a howl and managed to land on the orcs back wrapping her arms around his neck while also stabbing wildly in a desperate attempt to bring the thing down. She found she couldn't get the knife all the way through his muscle but she did feel it tear flesh so she continued.

The orc howled in surprise at the thing on his back. Nearly being tugged backwards by Bow Girl's drop the orc had to balance himself. He spreqd his arms to the side to avoid falling then stopped to buck his back trying to throw Bow Girl off.

Ellie didn't move. If Bow Girl hadn't intervened she would have been as good as dead. But now she saw her friend was in danger and the fear that once rooted her in place passed and turned to anger. Her markings flared an angry red beneath her shirt as the raw emotion sent tingles through her skin. Without a moment to lose Ellie rushed forward brandishing her scimitar in a novice like hold. Luckily wether you are a master or a novice when you strike something with a blade the blade always does the same thing. It wounds.

Bow Girl went flying off the orcs back crashing through several booshes as the impact knocked the air out of her. Her mind told her she had to get up and fight but she only managed to flop around on the ground like a fish gasping for air. During the impact her knife was jolted from her hand, but this detail became minor when she saw Ellie charge the orc.

Free of the vermin from his back the Orc raised to full height only to find the previously fear frozen girl had thawed out and was rushing him. He muttered a curse in orcish and sloppily swung his blade at Ellie hoping to simply rend her in half with sheer force.

Ellie might have had noodle arms but she was fast. Or atleast, fast enough to evade an old orc. She closed the gap between them causing the orcs sword to sweep uselessly through the air. Ellie on the other hand swung her scimitar at the orcs wounded stomach. Her scimitar impacted and a well sharpened blade made up for her lack of strength.

Bow girl had managed to get to her feet and watched with an expression of increased awe as she watched her friend impact the orc. The scimitar cut the orcs stomach open, the result was an obvious killing blow that would have satisfied even a barbarians lust for blood.

The orc was a simple creature but in the moment of his death he had a thought that would have left even the stoutest of warriors teary eyed. Life is like the flame of a candle. It burns brightly and strong until the wax runs out or the flame is blown cold. He looked at Ellie. He thought she was pretty. In a moment of clarity the orc wondered why he had ever considered killing her. Perhaps-

The orc was dead. His lifeless body fell forward much to Ellie's displeasure as the body flopped onto her knocking her over. Ellie struggled beneath the corpse trying to push it off. Her entire body was shacking. She had never felt more alive and as she struggled she called the orc all the explotives she could think of including "dung brain" "horse arse" "Son of a balor" among many other colorful word choices.

Bow girl smirked letting out a huge sigh of relief. She trotted casually over to her friend then say down ontop of the orc to keep Ellie pinned as she smiled down at Ellie "Good swing" she said. "Everything went as planned" Bow girl said with a confident nod and as a big dumb grin spread on her lips.

Ellie stopped squirming and gave Bow Girl a skeptical squint then she grinned aswell feeling a surge of genunie happiness rushing through her. Ellie's markings responded to the emotions by flaring up painfully until Ellie had reduced her grin to a thin smirk. This annoyed Ellie but she ignored it. "Hey, come on get this thing off of me!" She Said to Bow Girl.

Bow Girl smirked back at Ellie then slid off the dead orc helping to push it off her friend. Then, after collecting their things and the orcs head the pair, covered in blood, sauntered back to the village to show off their kill and claim their reward.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:31 am
by FrozenSolid
Hoisting the orc head up into air the Bow Girl proudly declared "We killed it!" To a gathering of dumbstruck villagers. They weren't sure if they should be impressed or afraid. How did two small girls best an orc? Several men in the crowd quietly exchanged small bags of coin to the presumable winners of some bet.

Bow Girl tossed the head towards the crowd with a proud smirk. Ellie's features matched her friends as she took in the various expressions of the crowd. Ellie's pride was so abundant that the strong rush of emotion caused her markings to begin to glow red. Her shirt torn from the battle easily displayed the markings and were soon noticed by an old woman in the crowd

"WARLOCK!" The woman shouted at the top of her lungs while thrusting her boney index finger accusingly towards Ellie.

The crowd gasped then turned to look at the woman then to Ellie

"What!? Am not!" Ellie retorted crossing her arms as her mood instantly soured.

"That's what all warlocks say!" Some man, clearly the village genius shouted back

The crowd agreed in unison

"Proove it!" Ellie said gritting her teeth. And as she spoke Bow Girl nudged her hard "Your shirt" she muttered to Ellie. Ellie blinked in surprise then quickly tugged her shirt up her face flushing red.

"You're glowing! We all seen it only warlocks glow!" Another woman Bellowed

The crowd broke out into angry shouting as Ellie and Bow Girl slowly began to shrink away but found themselves surrounded.

"Siiiiiiiilence!" Came fhe voice of a man who shouted above the crowd. A fat man in a priest like brown robe stepped forward. "I know how to proove if she is a warlock!"

All attention turned to the priest as the crowd grew quiet.

"As we ALL know a warlock would wilt away at the power of my god, Ilmater, the great healer!"

The crowd nodded. Ellie smirked "Go ahead, heal me!" She said

The priest promptly nodded then stepped forward. He made a rather large show of waving his arms around and calling upon Ilmater then when his display was over the spell was cast. A moderate healing spell.

The sensation felt cold. Like ice water enveloping Ellie's skin, then all at once, searing pain. Her tatoos lit up bright red and Ellie's eyes widened as the pain overcame her. She tried to hold in a scream, she tried to act natural but the pain exploded through her until she began to cry and fell forward on her hands clawing at the dirt with her fingers until the pain passed.

The crowd stated wide eyed. Even the priest had stumbled back in shock.

As Ellie's watery eyes cleared she looked around. Ellie couldn't believe what had happened. She wasn't pacted. She wasn't evil! As Ellie's eyes took in the horrified features of the crowd she saw her friend Bow Girl slip away her own face one of horror.

A man who found his courage stepped forward and declared "Kill the warlock!" He bellowed breaking the shocked silence. The crowd erupted into shouts of agreement. Before Ellie could react a boot kicked the side of her stomach, a staff cracked across her back, and another kick hit her ribs.

Ellie felt herself beiing lifted onto her feet as a staff smashed against her cheek and skull causing her vision to go black.

Biw Girl watched the crowd from a distance. She heard the dull thumps of kicks, punches and beatings impacting her friends body. Was she really her friend? She knew about Ellie's markings but Ellie told her it was magic cast by a mage to keep her safe, nothing more then a magical ward. But now it made sense...

When the mighty warriors of the village had satisfied their anger and prooved their might by beating a young girl the crowd seperated and went home. Ellie was tied up by those who remained then sat down to endure the night tied to a horse hitching post.

Ellie was unconcious, her face was bloody and purple from bruises. Her clothes had mostly been torn to shreds leaving her in her underclothes and displaying the bad bruising around her ribs amongst other painful injuries.

The sun had fully set by the time Bow Girl returned to find Ellie. She had gathered her friends things and stopped in front of Ellie. She felt a tinge of sadness, Ellie was a mess. As Bow Girl stared Ellie had managed to regain half her conciousness and noted feet in front of her. Ellie raised her head to look at her friend.

Bow Girl met Ellie's eyes. The cloudy blue was blood shot and tired. Ellie began to cry, but it hurt too much so her eyes simply watered. Bow Girl threw Ellie's pack towards her then approached tugging out a healing potion. She carfully tested it to make sure Ellie wouldn't react poorly, then seeing it work, Bow Girl poured it down Ellie's throat. She then leaned in close to whisper...

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:04 pm
by FrozenSolid
"You didn't tell me you were a warlock." Bow Girl murmured to Ellie. Ellie was taking slow deep breaths as she concentrated on the effect of the healing draught. It felt like cool water easing terrible burns. But it wasn't enough to fix everything and it left Ellie yearing for more relief.

After refocusing on her friend Ellie muttered back "I'm not" her voice came out in a croak, her throat dry. Bow Girl was knelt in front of Ellie, the answer didn't impress her so she simply grunted. "I can't travel with you like that. Besides, you won't make it out of here like this." Bow Girl pursed her lips as she looked her broken friend over "If I untie you and make a distraction, can you run?" She asked Ellie

Ellie wasn't sure if she could run. But she wanted to be free, so she nodded her head yes. Bow Girl replied with a nod of her own then moved around back to untie Ellie. While she did so she whispered into her ear "I didn't steal anything from your pack. You have food and water, now all you need is luck." Bow Girl said managing a slim smirk. Ellie sighed in response her blood shot eyes focused on the satchel.

"When I get this knot untied sit here like you're still tied up and wait for the distraction, you'll know it when you see it." Bow Girl whispered as the last of the ropes went slack aroubd Ellie's wrists. Ellie nodded in response but did not remove her gaze from her satchel. "Done, good luck" Bow Girl said slipping away.

Ellie waited. It was mid summer and warm out. Crickets and other insects queitly chirped in a calming chorus. Maybe she would just fall asleep here and accept her fate come morning? As Ellie's mibd wandered a darker road she was snapped back into reality as she sae the roof of the local church erupt into flames. In the same instances she saw a lithe figure begin running away, Bow Girl had thrown alchemist fire then retreated.

Ellie wasted no time theb. She got up, found her legs weren't entirely keen on working, and fell flat on her face. After murmuring some obscene explotives Ellie found feeling in her legs, scrambled forward to grab her pack and took off running.

As Ellie departed the villagers slowly crawled out of bed after hearing the shouts of the village watch that was apparently asleep up until the fire began. In a flurry of movement thr villagers worked to put the fires out paying little attention to heap of ropes no longer holding their Warlock.

Some hours latet once the fire had settled one of the villagers who had keenly been looking forward to killing a warlock noted that Ellie was gone. Upon making such a discovery he began to declare to the entire village that the warlock had escaped. Naturally, the late night watch was blamed but they quickly made up a wild story that went something like this...

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:48 pm
by FrozenSolid
"Well... You see..." The first man began slowly scratching at his neck. The second was looking up at the clouds thinking that if he didn't look at the angry mob they wouldn't look at him. The two men were assigned to the late night watch and had fallen asleep waking only after the fire had started.

"You see it happned like this!" the first man repeated

"We was standing watch right? doin' our patrols n' keepin watch. And I was like 'Ey Frank let's make sure the Warlocks all tied up. And Frank were like..." He looked to Frank. Frank yanked his eyes from the clouds wincing as he saw the angry scowls of the crowd "I was like... uh yeah, let's check on the warlock and... Break 'er legs so she don't run off.. And... And break 'er fingers so she ain't able to cast." Frank nodded then looked back to his partner who picked the story up.

"Yeah... So we get over there right? And the little wretch is lookin' all sorry and pouty and I'm like I ain't fallen for yer tricks. We's gunna break yer fingers!" The crowd looked skeptically at the pair but seemed to be buying it. "So Frank here gives her a few smacks with the butt of his spear to soften her up and all of a sudden she just... Just..." Frank stared at his companion quite surprised at the story being told. As he began to stammer he lept in. "And she burst right into flames!"

The crowd gasped! Frank continued "So she burns her ropes off and Joe and I were like "By the queens nose!" Then she starts chantin' and shoutin' and Bam! A demon spawns!" Frank said energrtically. The crowd listened, their eyes wide. "So then Joe rushes over to the demon and starts stabbin' and fightin'! Then I were like, I got to slay the Warlock! Back in my fighti' days they told us the only way to stop a caster is to get right on 'em and start attackin'! So I did! I rushed the little wench and thrust my spear at her!"

Most the crowd listened on in astonished shock, a few rolled their eyes and went home. Frank continued "So I stab the wench right into her side and she starts howllin' like a babshee! But she starts floatin' into the air!" The crowd holds their breath. "Then poosh poosh poosh! She's flingin fire Pufferfish all over the place, Joes stabbin at the demon and there's blood everywhere and fire is raining down from the sky like the whole world is goin' to explode!" Frank was talking faster now as the story became more wild. "So I hoist my spear up. And I aim it right at that warlock, and while there's fireballs flyin by me, screamin and hollarin' and my old soldier calm comes over me and I whip my spear witg all my might!"

Some of the crowd is looking around eyeing the grass that is strangley free of burns and blood. Most the crowd remain captivated by the story. Frank continued "So! My spear came hurlin' at her and it just skid past her stomach givin' her a big ugly wound. Then she gets so angry... I mean real angry! So I grab Joe and pull him away from the demon and we run to the church hopin' it'll save us and as we run through the door! WHAM! A big ol' fireball hit the church!" Frank declared with a bellow!

One lady faints, several of the other men snort. Joe leaps in then "Aye! So there we is, takin' shelter under the lovin' arms of the gods. And they shield us as we hear that warlock screamin' and howlin' in pain she's flyin' away!"

"Right!" Frank said "That's when all of you woke up and came to help us put out the fires!" Frank smiled proudly Joe grinned aswell.

Most of the crowd squinted at them skeptically. A few of the more easily guilible ran forward to huf and thank their heroes. The majority of the village was certain the majority of the story was false, but they needed an exscuse as to how a warlock escaped and this story would sound good to tell to travellers

As the days went on they even burned their own grass and wiped deer blood on the grass to make thr battle scene more realistic. It didn't take long before half of Cormyr had heard about the horrible warlock that was captured by a local village then attacked. Luckily most described Ellie as much uglier then she actually was, each re-telling of the story described Ellie as more horrible and wretched then she was ever cappable of.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 10:44 am
by FrozenSolid
As word of a rampant Warlock became the talk of every village tavern Ellie had made her way out of Cormyr and continued towards the coast. She had a fair amout of coin and traveled from Caravan to Caravan occasionally following troops of adventuers as they journeyed from place to place. She'd stop from time to time to sleep in a proper bed at a tavern and explore the local towns. She also kept up with a regular work out routine which was a good time killer as she made a point of being alone and quiet as often as possible.

Another year elapsed Ellie was less of the young noodle armed girl that had left the Dales and took on the appearance of a more confident young lady. Seventeen years old, she had endured enough for a life time. Each passing day she found her thoughts had grown darker. She found that she simply didn't care about the well being of others, if it didn't affect her personnally? Then it wasn't a problem.

Influenced by the tragedies of her past and her mysterious markings that fueled her negative emotions Ellie maintained herself as an easily annoyed, disinterested girl that did as she pleased and had little time for anyone else.

Being at her age another problem cropped up. Ellie was attractive in her own way that stood out from most commoner girls. Her female features like soft hair, and cloudy blue eyes all placed against soft tanned complexion easily passed the visual qualifications of attractive. Then there was her demeanor. The uncaring and disinterest was often interpurted as a challenge to young men as if Ellie was some hard to reach lofty prize and if they could only impress her enough she'd be theirs forever.

Ellie was often surprised by moments like these, some of them even managed to make her blush. She found a certain amusement in watching the gentlemen try to impress her and if they really did she'd feel the slightest tinge of guilt because she knew she wasn't going to stay. All the same, some were rewarded with quick kisses or perhaps even a second date. Ellie found most of them to be rather stale in personality but spending time with other people eased the ache of her heart she could never quite shake. She always left before things got too intimiment and moved onto the next town.

Of all the young men who quested to claim the elusive dark haired girl, There was only one that ever came close. She met him at a coastal city where Ellie had been preparing to leave the mainland. His name was Theodore, a squire to a knight, Theodore had mastered the art of combining street like swagger with honorable knighthood in a combination that intrigued Ellie...

They met at a local club where fighters of all sorts placed bets and tested their might in a mostly friendly competition.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:37 am
by FrozenSolid
"Ladies and gentlemen the next match is just about to begin!" Bellowed the announcer. The announcer was a gnome who had an unbelievably deep and booming voice for one of his kind. He never failed to attract the attention of the crowd and as he continued they gathered around the sand circle surrounded by wooden fencing.

"Our next match is Theodore! Squire of sir Abraham! Versus Gromthrok The mighty half orc who... You guessed it! Wields a massive axe and hates clothing!" The crowd laughed. Ellie was amongst the crowd tonight aswell, and though she didn't laugh she did smirk. She enjoyed watching events like these and tried to imagine herself in the ring and how she might respond in combat. She had gotten a lot better and even had her own armour and shield to match her fine scimitar.

Ellie leaned against the wooden fencing. She had a great view of the arena and had so far enjoyed the matches. She wondered what kind of dork had the name Theodore... Then considered her own name which was in full, Ellinore. She stuck her tongue out in distaste at her own thoughts. Then blinked back to reality as she noted the competitors had started to enter the arena.

The half orc Grumthrok entered first. He was green skinned with a massive barrell like chest and muscled arms. He was only wearing a pair of torn up wooly pants and belt. Grumthrok made a point of roaring making several of the audience jump in fear. Grumthrok was amused by this and he smiled a big dumb smile. His tusk toothed face looked simple, his eyes lacked the sight of abundant intelligence but Ellie had a feeling he lacked none of the primal instinct of his orc blood.

After Grumthrok had his time to show off Theodore entered the arena. He strolled in with his long sword on his shoulder in a casual fashion. He was tall with close cropped brown hair that made him look like a soldier. Theodore was also smiling, a faint teasing smile that suggested he had a sharp wit. His eyes were brown like his hair and they settled on Ellie seeming to alight with interest. Ellie peered at him. Theodore bowed to her givibg her a wink. Ellie thought she felt her heart flutter but made a point of rolling her eyes at Thedore. This only made hin smirk before he turned to face Grumthrok.

"Last call for bets! Pay now and gather around!" The gnome shouted as he left the Arena and stepped up into an annoucers box thag overlooked the modestly sized Arena. The crowd was buzzing with activity. Ellie could hear more then a few men boast that the bet was easy and the only logical choice was to bet on the Halforc.

While the last bets were cast Grumthrok and Theodore went to their respective ends of the Arena. Theodore bowed towards his opponent, Gromthrok laughed heartily then turned his arse towards Thedore bending over then letting loose all the gas he could. The sound seemed to shake the building. Everyone turned to look at the halforc. Gromthrok was so amused by his antics that he fell to the ground laughing and slamming his fist. Some of the crowd laughed, others looked like they were gagging.

Theodore let out a sigh and tried to hold his breath until the smell passed. He spared a look at Ellie while the Half Orc settled down. Ellie was frowing, she eyed the half orc wondering how large his brain was. As she happened to shift her gaze back to Theodore she caught his look and felt the urge to smile at him. She didn't, instead, she narrowed her eyes at him. It seemed to amuse Theodore as he looked back to the halforc with a new smile.

The announcer began again "There we have it folks! All bets are made and it is time to BRRRRAAAAWL!!!" The gnome shrieked at the top of his lungs. The crowd cheered. "Contestants! You know the rules! First one to knock their opppnent out or hurl them over the fence is the victor! Please try to avoud killing yout opponent as there are children here!" Gromthrok laughed. The crowd settled down to watch.

"Let us waste no more time! On my count of three you shall begin" the gnome shouted. Gromthrok suddenlly looked confused as he rubbed at his head "Uh wat is..." Gromthrok began to say but was cut off as the gnome started counting. Thedore took on a battle stance blading his body and hoisting his blade up. Gromthrok rubbed at his undesriables looking lost.

"One!" The gnome shouted...
"Tw-" The gnome hardly had a chance to finish as Gromthrok let out a roar and charged Theodore. This seemed to surprise Theodore and he readied himself. The crowd gasped! "It seems the half orc does not know how to count! The fight begins!" The gnome shouted though was grinning wildly.

The Half Orc barrled forwards towards the smaller human. His axe was held over his head as he clearly had little intention of being gentlenor conservative with life. As he approached Theodore moved hos boot back then kicked a boot full of loose sand in the halforcs direction. The sand grains peppered the Half Orcs eyes as he let out a roar but continued his now blind charge.

Theodore simply walked to the side as the Half Orc charged forward. Those on the other side of the fence cleared a path as the Half Orc barrled straight into the wooden planks. He cracked them apart then as his axe came forward the weight caused him to fling over the side of the fence half way.

Not wasting a moment Thedore ran forward and placed his boot squarely on the Half Orcs arse pushing him the rest of the way over the fence. The fence cracked, then the half orc fell face first over the side. It was silent for a moment, then the gnome shriekd "WE HAVE A VICTOR!" The crowd shouted out in shock and praise while some of the betters groaned. Theodore bowed in every direction giving Ellie a wink as he bowed towards her. Ellie looked surprised, her mouth was agape and as she caught Theodores wink she returned it with a smirk.

"Thedore moved onto the next round!" The gnome announced as the crowd cheered.

The night went on, Theodore won several more matches giving Ellie winks, bows, and smiles all the way through. He was however, finnally bested by a spear wileding man who was able to use strength and technique to keep Theo's longsword at bay while also jabbing him. As Theo Fell he glanced at Ellie. She looked neutral and gave him a "it happens shrug."

The gnome declared! "A shame! Our young fellow has been bested. Perhaps that pretty girl he has been courting all night will see to is wounds." The crowd Oooood as all eyes went to Ellie. Ellie blushed madly and wished she could turn into a turtle and hide... She made her way out of the crowd then, making for the exit

Theodore watched her go then got to his feet, slowly, bowing to his opponent then hurrying out of the Arena as he meant to pursue Ellie.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:23 am
by FrozenSolid
The streets of the coastal city were quite busy despite the late hour. Warm weather and plenty of entertainment kept the city churning at a nearly 24/7 rate. Ellie had exited the arena building and slowly made her way through the waves of walkers. She hadn't yet made it out of eye sight of the arena building when she felt a firm tug on her shoulder. Ellie turned with an insinctive scowl reaching for her scimitar

"Woah there, I've had enough combat for one night." Theodore said with a smirk as he raised his arms in surrender. Ellie's scowl faded, she felt her cheeks heat up, she released her grip on her scimitar. "Oh... S-Sorry" she stammered then cursed herself in her mind for acting so dumb. "So, what did you think of the fights? I did alright?" Theodore asked with an easy smile as he focused on Ellie. Ellie, feeling timid as ever gave him a shrug in response.

Theodore gasped "What? I only get a shrug? I was four matches from winning the whole thing!" Theodore said but his smile grew a bit wider. "Sorry for embarrassing you, I suppose I over did it with the winks?" He said. Ellie managed a smirk at that "Oh, you were doing that towards me?" She said with mock surprise. Theodore squinted at her trying to deduce the sarcasm then nodded "Well the gal behind you was taller then me and looked loke she had a better beard, so yes that was to you." He grinned and gave her a testing but playful shove.

Ellie stumbled a step back at the shove but found herself smiling. She focused on Theo then trying her best to ignore the crowded street of people constantly brushing past them. She stared for a few moments to long, things were getting awkward but she didn't know what to say. Sensing the awkwardness Theodore spoke up "Soooo... After all that fighting I'm pretty starved. You want to head to a tavern? I know of one closer to the edge of the city that won't be packed." He said then offered Ellie his hand.

Ellie gave a genuine smile and accepted his hand "That sounds great." She replied. Theodore nodded in agreement "Extra great even, I have a full sack of coins from my victories." He hefted the modest backpack he wore with a proud smirk. He led Ellie through the crowd towards the perimeter of the city. As they walked Ellie stared at Theodore. Her was a few inches taller, muscular but not overly so. His closely shave hair and just the starting stubble of a beard were equally attractive. Ellie found herself gripping Theodores hand rather tightly.

They arrived at the tavern after a short walk. The streets got easier to walk through while they drew away from the center and coast of the city. The tavern looked clean, it was named "The Angry Badger" and as they stepped inside the warm smell of fresh stew filled their noses. Theodore grinned and led Ellie over to a table pulling a chair out for her then sitting himself. "So.." He began adjusting his gaze on Ellie "What's your name?"

Ellie blinked... His eyes were so bril- "My name? Oh- I'm...Ellie." She nodded. Theodore nodded back then tested the name out "Ellie.... I like it." He smiled. "So where do you come from, Ellie?" He asked. "The Dales" she replied.

Small talk continued for awhile as a maid came by to collect their orders. The pair talked for hours, enjoying their food then talking more. As they moved on to drinks they departed the inner tavern and moved outside to climb up the tightly packed buildings and sit on the roof of the tavern watching the stars as they shared stories.

Ellie was utterly infactuated with Theodore. He had certainly captivated her and as they had finished their drinks the inevitable happened. They kissed. The kiss was long, and happened repeatedly, for Ellie it was nice, warm, comfortable. Theodore pulled Ellie into a close embrace as his hand slowly went up her back and then -

"Theodore! By Tyr if you have a girl up here I am going to make you shine my armour for the next decade!" Came an older mans voice and several thumps as whoever was clearly climbing up to the roof. As sir Abraham's head popped up to the roof Ellie's eyes widened. Theodore let out a sigh slowly parting from the soft lips of his companion "Sorry..." He muttered to Ellie sheepishly. Ellie gave him a smirk and scooted out of his lap as they both looked to Sir Abraham who was just pulling himself onto the roof.

Sir Abraham was an older man perhaps in his mid fourties. He was balding but had most of his hair which was a light tan speckled with gray that also formed a welcoming beard. He was dressed in simple trousers and loose shirt.

"Aha... Just as I thought! And who are you fair lady?" He asked stepping closer. "Ellie." She replied to him smilling sheepishly. "Good... Well met Ellie, and I see you've met Theodore..." He said scoldingly glaring at Theodore.

As Abraham got closer he noticed something rather odd... "Where is that red glow coming from?" He asked as he rubbed at his aging eyes. Ellie's face went ghostly white she looked down at herself where the markings wete illuminated brightly, the infernal letters crawling across her skin in their usuall pattern. Theodore and Ellie hadn't noticed, pressed tightly together the glow was hidden, but now it was plain to see.

"Theodore! What devil has ensnared you? Come to me now!" Abraham shouted. Theodore was staring at Ellie wide eyed then quickly scrambled backwards. Abraham marched forward and before Ellie knew what was occuring she was being lifted by her shirt. Abraham tugged the collar of her shirt aside just enough to properly see her collar bone then let out a gasp. "How is this? I can detect an evil presence but For you..." Abraham stammered then shoved Ellie back.

"Those are infernal markings Theodore! Are you under any sort of spell by this hag?" Abraham barked to Theodore while drawing his blade "What? No- I don- she tasted nice..." Theodore stammered. "Damn you boy! Get off this roof I cannot trust you. I'll deal with this wretch." Abraham declared as his long shimmering longsword was unveiled.

Ellie had gone from fair lady to hag in a record amount of time. She was still dumbstruck by everything that was occuring. One moment she was being embraced and kissed and the next she had a longsword at her throat. "I don't know how you ensared my squire but he shall not fall victim to you!@ Abraham declared.

Ellie just stood there, her mouth opened and closed but no words came out. She started to cry. Abraham raised his sword... "Do not let me falter. I must not give in. It is a trick! Her tears are fake." Abraham coached himself as his blade was at the ready to swing.

Ellie sat down resigning herself to being slain. She felt disgusting, horrible, and lost. And as she waited for the knight to end her life she found her emotions began to change, slowly- then in a rush of adrenaline anger coursed through her. Her markings began to burn. Her tears promptly dried up and she looked up towards Abraham and his longsword

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:54 am
by FrozenSolid
On the coast the weather can change within moments. And as the knight Abraham stood above Ellie his sword perched ready to strike, the wind of a storm began to blow with hard gusts. The streets beneath began to clear and lights were blown out as a slow pattering of rain began.

Ellie's black hair whipped violently in the wind despite being tied back. Abraham was struggling with the sudden gust of wind. It sent him off balance for a split second. As Ellie noted his the anger within her flared. She wouldn't die. Not here. She lunged at Abraham.

"Back you vile witch!" Abraham shouted in vain as Ellie collided with him sending the pair thudding against the roof as Abrahams sword was jarred from his hands. Abraham looked up to see that Ellie was ontop of his chest, her face was illuminated by the evil red glow of her sinister markings. Ellie was furious, she felt the hate surge and give her strength of will to do the unthinkable. Her fists began to slam into Abrahams face.

Abraham cried out as he raised his arms to try and block the blows while also trying to throw Ellie off. He failed and continued to endure the beating, the blows splitting his lip, blurring his vision and bloodying his nose.

Like a good squire Theodore hadn't listened at all. He was just out of sight of Abraham and As he heard the fight break out he scrambled onto the roof. Seeing Ellie ontop of Abraham he rushed at her. Ellie was too focused on trying to hit Abraham to notice Theodore until the boy impacted her knocking her backwards as they both went sprawling.

Thunder illuminated the sky and roof top as Theo and Ellie traded punches and kicks their fight devolibg into a furious trading of blows. Abraham slowly got to his feet right as the rain began to splatter in heavy drops against the city roof tops. He hobbled over to his sword, grabbing it then looking to the fight.

Ellie had managed to place her knee into Theo's chest knocking the air from him. She followed this by several hard punches to his face. Ellie tasted blood in her mouth as Theo's fist crashed against her upper lip. Despite the blow Ellie managed another hard kick that sent Theo flopping to his side. Wasting no time Ellie scrambled up and pinned Theodore unleashing atirade of pubches on the young man, her fists bloody from the fight.

Abraham looked on in horror as Ellie struck his squire. He approached then briskly and drew his sword back to rub it through Ellie's back and into her heart. But right as he was to strike the lightning flashed and the wind blew hard against him sending the blade astray. As he thrusted it impacted Ellie through her back and just beneath her ribs missing vital organs but sliding all the way through.

The pain caught Ellie off guard. She stopped punching and looked down to the sword sticking out of her.

She cried out in pain but the sound was lost as a strong gust of wind blew once more making her cry nothing more than a howl in the wind.

Abraham slipped when the wind blew against him and fell to his side.

Ellie was screaming in pain as the blood drizzled out of the wound. The heavier portion of the sword being left to hang free send the blade falling backwards. The blade cut her flesh like butter then slid out her back. Ellie cried- screamed, howled- she stumbled onto her feet and let the adrenaline numb the pain as she took off running and scrambling over the edge of the tavern building onto the roof of an adjacent smaller building.

She ran blindly, falling, running and falling again. She blocked out the pain. Blocked out the emotions. She ran until time lost meaning and she blacked out.

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 11:42 am
by FrozenSolid
The sailor eyed the black haired girl he had found laying in the streets while he was trying to run for cover to escape the rain. He picked her up and brought her to his vessel where he laid her out on a sleeping hammock and quickly noticed the blood draining from her back. More then that, the girl had odd glowing markings that danced around the flesh of her upper arms, shoulder, back, and just beneath her collar bone. They made him feel uneasy but the girl herself looked innocent enough so he decided not to throw her over the side of the ship and instead bandage her.

Nearly a day had passed and the girl hadn't awoken. No one came looking for her. The sailor's name was Brundhen and he was the captain of a modestly sized trading vessel manned by a crew of only ten. As a second day passed his vessel was fully loaded and ready to sail. With the unconcious girl still aboard the captain decided to set sail for Arelith.

By the morning of the third day while the vessel sailed towards Arelith Ellie awoke swaying gently in her sailors hamock below the deck of the ship. As her eyes flickered open her first reaction was to groan. Everything was incredibly sore including the hole that had been cut through her by Abraham's blade. As Ellie's eyes came into focus she peered around the dimly lit cabin and sniffed the air. She frowned.

As chance would have it the tired captain was coming below decl to check on Ellie and as he entered the sleeping area he noriced she was awake. A smile of relief touched his features as he strode over to her.

Ellie watched the captain approach but was to tired to react so she simply frowned and followed his movements with her eyes. As the captain neared her hammock he spoke.

"I ain't gunna ask what 'append to ya, or 'bout them fanceh tatoos ye got on yer skin, but I figured what... Or whoever attacked ye in the city might still be prowlin' about so I brought ye with us!" The captain said

Ellie scowled as her memory slowly recalled the event that left her so terribly wounded. "And... Where are we?" She asked, her voice a croak from her dry skin.

The captain leaned forward to offer his waterskin tipping it to Ellie's lips "Well lass, another day and we'll be docking at the port of Cordor on the island of Arelith."

Ellie sucked down the water then raised her eye brows as she let out a relieved sigh "Arelith? That's where I wanted to go! I guess atleast one thing worked out..." She said with a frown.

The captain stepped back as he eyed the girl then gave a slow nod "Aye? Well then, lady O' Luck be with ye." He said.

And so Ellie Howlsong arrived on the island of Arelith with not much more then a dirty sack of old gear and her few personnal possesions. As her time on the mainland concluded her time on the Island of Arelith had just begun.
The End

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 11:30 am
by FrozenSolid
Only a year ago the campsite was filled with hundreds of proud, strong soldiers. Men and some women born from a variety of backgrounds and upbringings all united under a single banner. But all of that had changed. The campsite of soliders were surely united but under a different banner. And that banner was death.

The plague struck the advancing soldiers especially hard. Poor sanitation, tightly packed ranks and sleeping quarters, it all added up to a quick spreading of the plague that would do what their enemies blades, magics, and arrows had failed to. Eradicate them.

Laying beneath a grey sky was an equally grey body that was atleast partially preserved by the cold temparture postponing mother nature from consuming the corpse back into the earth. He was wearing the armor of the Banite legions, a sergeant, determined by the gold trimming on his armour. Unlike most this poor sod had stumbled out of his tent and died with his head tilted towards the sky. Perhaps when he died he could see the stars and they gave him comfort.

Examining all of this was a poor shade of a man. He was no better then mud, a being so disspacable he was unworthy to even be called human. He was vermin, even the term rat was to great an honor to bestow upon him though he may have looked like one. He was huntched over by the amount of gear he was carrying, but he was a fool for all the armour he held was common. Then when he saw the Sergeant he paused, for even a fool knows the value of gold. The filth dropped all he carried and rushed towards the dead man.

He quickly went through the Sergeants pockets taking what he could when his hands grasped something different. It was leather, a book? He tugged it out with a hurried motion then grinned wickedly. The filth decided he was hungry, so he collected the journal from the Sergeant and made his way back towards the command tent which is where he kept a warm fire glowing and had stashed any half eatable food that he could.

The filth wasn't always a filth and he knew how to read. As he sat comfortably in the large chair within the command Tent he oppened the first pages of the journal. It amused him to learn about the dead, who they were. It delighted his demented mind and as he bit into a nearly rotten fruit he began to read...