A Letter in The Dark

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A Letter in The Dark

Post by Dunisbane » Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:58 am

The man sat in the dank cave, next to a desk made of petrified wood, ink quill in one hand as he ran his other through his dirty and coal smeared raven black, shoulder length hair. So much happening, more than even he could control. "Survive."That is what the priest told him before. But at what cost? His hand clenched hard at his own hair, pulling at it in a fit of stress as he wrote the beginnings of the letter...

It has been a good several years working with you, now. We've seen the trade grow and prosper together, but this letter is a warning, my friend.

The writing stalled, the man sweating as he sat there alone, only soft lights from the crystalline in the room illuminating the man. "Why would they betray me?" he thought to himself. "No, they hate my kind, we are tools to them. I thought -she- might have been different. They've tried to trap me twice now. Had their minions deface my property as they spoke over -misunderstandings-. They cannot meet me alone to discuss things properly... bringing the entire district to meet one man. They -fear- me. I will not be the dog they turned the other man into. I am a wolf, and the alpha of my pack." The writing then continued.

I would warn you, that it is only a matter of time, slavemaster before we all wear the clamp. They've sought to deal with me, as my work has been unparralled in late years. Yet 'they' seek to put me down, when I have been nothing but loyal. They fear the over successful, Brachus. And times are getting bad.

"I will not be a collared dog. And.. I've sent those of my pack that can't defend themselves away. They will not be prey this time. They will not be targets for when they are too afraid to confront me. Noone on the surface would care to save me or mine... not anymore. But there is one path left. One chance not to be backed into the corner."The words ushering from his mouth, echoing in the empty cavern room.

Things are getting progressively worse, my friend. But there is a chance at something else. Something that is building. The chance for us to return to the light. A chance for us to ply our trade outside of the grasp of those that would take slaves without asking, to those that would mutilate them to the point of uselessness. Those that would make our trade in essence, without value. Regardless of what happens soon, and which way things go I would advise laying low, perhaps even outside of the city if you have a good place to hide. Sincerely, the Most Successful Slaver in Aundunor.

He nodded to himself satisfactorily as he sat the quill down and folded up the letter. "If I am wrong, and was mislead then in a few days this should become clear.. if not, it seems as though I will be forced to choose a side in this coming conflict afterall. I can only hope the Matron sees reason."With that the man went off to deliver the note, before slipping away for the next tenday.

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