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The Journal of Garon Quickstride

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 12:18 pm
by ForgottenBhaal
Entry 1
Returned from relaxing in Guldorand. Happened upon two elves speaking elven infront of a crowd of humans. Reminded them it was rude. They got angry.

Left Cordor. Met a dwarf that was a stonelistener. It became a bear. Stalked by one elf, with a horse and a golem.
Fought undead upon the fields of battle. Was a good day.

Re: The Journal of Garon Quickstride

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 10:55 am
by ForgottenBhaal
Entry 2.

Been traveling abit around the Arelith Forest. Filled with Ogres and the like. No one is keeping the roads clear. Doing my best, but sometimes there just are too many of them.
Keep meeting people whom claim to be "Nature walkers", but all I see them doing is sit around campfires in cities and bicker. Has the standard dropped so low?

Sometimes I wonder if I am the only creature on this isle whom care about others, as its all "Me, me, me", whenever I speak to someone.
Its no wonder I am drinking, Forgive me Shaundakul. But I try to live my life by example, but its getting harder and harder.

Re: The Journal of Garon Quickstride

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 10:50 pm
by ForgottenBhaal
Entry 3.

There are some good people out there. People whom extend their hand out to those whom are in need, and help others without expecting something in return. Im glad I've met them.
Got a place for a shrine to Shaundakul finally. Now just to find a cleric.

Met a legend. Rhaeg. The hero of the slums. He was taller than I thought he would be.

Re: The Journal of Garon Quickstride

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 5:56 pm
by ForgottenBhaal
Entry 4.

Meetings are boring. Amn came to visit to explain their relation to Cordor. Its not the first time they've done it. People of course took this as a chance to attack the Amnian ambassador with accusations, and inane questions.

At the least I got to meet some intresting people. Brasi - A cowled wizard whom worked as a magical security bodyguard for the ambassador.
We seem to share the same dislike for adventurers, so we got along just fine.
I need to remember that I owe him a favour.

Re: The Journal of Garon Quickstride

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 6:04 am
by ForgottenBhaal
Entry 5.

Sannish. Thats whats circulating the streets of Cordor these days. Must look into it. Where it comes from, but I have my suspicons. It leads towards Sibayad.