Truescribe Source Book: Arelith

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Good Character
Posts: 898
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Truescribe Source Book: Arelith

Post by Good Character » Sun Nov 29, 2020 9:58 am


Here lies within the experience, knowledge, and insight of House Truescribe of Waterdeep. A trusted reference for the observations and gathered studies of the world of Toril. Mind the titling of pages, as this source book has been fashioned with all the affairs of the members of House Truescribe. The mighty struggle to differentiate truth from fiction and opinion is and continues to be House Truescibe's legacy.

Good Character
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Re: Truescribe Source Book: Arelith

Post by Good Character » Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:22 pm

RECORD OF EVENT - Month 12, Day 14, Year 167

Upon my departure from the Longhouse of Skaljard with the elven male Evanis, we were met with an exorcism in the unofficial square of the town. The local pastor Ap Owen, a devout of the Furies, was set upon a horridly damaged man. The man was beset with abhorrent injuries placed upon him by both nature and something nefarious. The man was absent of a few digits, and appeared stolen from an unknown place and dropped into the unforgiving cold unprepared. As the man lie dormant on the hardened though melting snow, given the vicinity of a nearby fire, the pastor stripped a ghastly being from the man. What arose from the man's back was a whirlwind of tentacles until a beast completely formed. The man had previously proclaimed the appearance of a "worm" per the words of the human Eranor, the individual who had found the man stumbling through the northern gates of Skaljard.

The creature that formed was an amalgamation of parts not recognizable, but flesh, nonetheless. It towered easily nine to ten feet and weighed at least five hundred pounds. With combined efforts it was thwarted by elf Evanis, human Aleia, dwarf Oakenfoot, human Eranor, and myself, Parvin Truescribe. It was thwarted without a word a few words spoken, "The light! The heat! End it all!"

Immediately as it fell it was burned with the aid of human conjurer Yari, possessor of a fire elemental. As the beast was incinerated, the man was awoken by the aid of the pastor. When the man awoke he appeared dazed and confused about where he had arisen. He identified himself as a lone trapper hunting on the west-end of Skal. With no luck on his hunt he found shelter in a nearby cave for some rest. Quickly he saw the outline of a dark beast that matched his eye-contact, and in his head he could hear it beg, "Let me in! Let me in! Let me in!"

The trapper awoke in Skaljard, and that was the last he could remember.

Good Character
Posts: 898
Joined: Mon Feb 10, 2020 11:37 pm

Re: Truescribe Source Book: Arelith

Post by Good Character » Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:32 pm

RECORD OF LOCATION - Old Stonehold - Month 12, Day 3, Year 168

Old Stonehold is a fort constructed with the purpose to act as the opposite of the now defunct and fiend-overrun Benwick, also known as the "Light Keep". Texts and remaining supplies and equipment inside of the fort depict the fort as having been constructed by Banites. In its current derelict state, the fort has been flooded by magma. The magma has yet to spill out of the fort into the neighboring highlands due to the walls of the fort encasing it. Given the occupants of the fort, undead and fiends, the current presumption is that the magma and occupants are incapable of escaping the fort by magical means.

The fort in its entirety is composed of four accessible floors - top, ground, dungeon, and cove - and one inaccessible floor that lies beneath the cove. The top floor is where the fiends, generally chain devils, primarily present themselves leading one to believe that there is a hidden portal accessing a fiendish plane on the top floor. The ground floor is where the magma is encased. The ground floor hosts lesser undead. The dungeon is composed of multiple cells and hosts a being of greed and self-interest. Finally, the cove encases a large, rotating jewel in the center of the room. It sustains a weak magical source. Another floor, the inaccessible one, is underneath the cove, however has collapsed upon itself.

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