Truggug's Scribblins'

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Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Thu May 06, 2021 6:18 pm

Mean longpigs and pointy ears say "useless, Ugly!!" throw us off ship and kick hard.
Scary, big, city many streets and alleys. Too many faces too many eyes looking for our neck.
We no slave we strong, beautiful, we find others! many gobo's, strong gobo's!
FOUND CAVE, quiet, messy gobo's been here. smell em!!
Waited and waited cave too quiet, smell gone...
Pretty Crystals... a hole in the ground smells different. dont like city smell gotta find gobo's!
RUnnniiinG AwaAy Asnd Wreifing IiiSs HArhrdd HUGE WIXARDS ThRowing RoCKs... (the scribbles devolve into faint lines and ink dots then a blotch of blood )
Head hurts, our everythings hurt. Mine tracks we follow for days. Nasty LOngpig with very smelly undead look for Truggug, We are too small, too quiet to quick. WE GET AWAY!! No Gobo Smell but something else... something tasty??
We sneak quiet and slow for days we sneak, bears dont see us giants dont see us orcs dont see us.
SO BRIGHT!!! Truggug likes new big cave. Still no gobo's but we find many much critters to munch and tasty water to drink. Smells strong from over there smells like tasty tasty tasties but too many eyes.
Nestled in and cozy down Truggug find other gobo's tomorrow and maybe get tasties too!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Sat May 08, 2021 10:59 pm

We get away from nasty folks who hurt us and call us ugly!
Truggug not ugly, Truggug beautiful Gobo, all boy Gobo’s chase Truggug!
But now Truggug alone, we feast on flat grey fur meat and sometimes horn horses too.
We see many peoples running up and down the road, but they don’t see us!! no they don’t!
Yesterday meat and salt in pot? What a wonderful treat!!
Today, all day by fire and pot, we make many many meals.
Belly full and eyes so heavy, nights still so cold, wish we were many *the writing trails off*

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Mon May 10, 2021 1:21 am

Today we come very close to longpigs but too scared and run away.
Village full of baby longpigs. Succulent ? juicy? Truggug stay away for now.
Mean Master yell at Truggug, before we get away. He yells at us all day!
“Write!! Faster, Write!!” he say and the crack of the whip...
guess we happy for it now, write is only friend.
Today Truggug cross big bridge and find “Theater”
Not know what is but truggug sound bigger in front of benches.
We like this “theatre”, come back and play again!
Ooh ooh pretty flowers in a vase!! No one but stones to look at them!
Shame shame, Trugggug take beautiful flowers, we love them allll the time!!
Nightime turning to day, time for sleep and dreams of play in theatre!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Tue May 11, 2021 5:52 am

Nasty orcs shoot arrows at us and make us run away from cozy spot and pretty flowers.
The lady on the horse see’s us!! We run but lady catches us. Lady is nice, not want hurt Truggug.
Lady is DRAGON!! Beautiful lady, shiny scales, such big wings! Truggug still prettiest!
Dragon Lady take Truggug meet friends! Dragon Lady say want help Truggug learn words and cook!
Dragon lady protect Truggug and give Truggug Shiny golds. But not to eats no no not tasty.
We give longpig man shinies and he gives us “hot-Chocolate”. We do not like this “hot-Chocolate” it burns us and tastes of yucky sweet beans.
Short fat longpig sees us and is very angry. Truggug smile and dance still fat longpig angry and not nice to new friend lady.
New lady friend say Truggug need more friends, That Truggug need go back to Cave town and get stronger sometimes too.
Truggug tell lady She not want to be slave. Truggug want stay in up place.
But Lady say Truggug be brave and quick and clever and sneaky, very sneaky. Lady tell us “always have a way out, a plan, another path, a portal lens something...” Truggug not sure what all means but Truggug be brave and clever and sneaky.
Maybe Truggug right behind you now??!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Wed May 12, 2021 1:38 am

Back to Camp and talk to flowers!
Pretty face and and messy place, perfect!!
We try make flower grow like lady say.
We find tasty rock close to camp, is hard work breaking big tasty into little ones.
Many more cooks we do, throw in maggots mould and fungus too!!
BOOM!! CLAAAAP!! Big cave angry!! Angry at Truggug??
Water and cold hard water fall from sky!
We hide in tent but wait too long Truggug bored…
Truggug want explore!
We RUN!!! Truggug find very angry fairie she chases us and makes us bleeds.
Truggug dead!
Only Truggug not dead, Shargaas Protect Truggug! WE FLEEEE!!!
Try to find lady but too scared to go inside and no one around…
Near woods Truggug see chair… nice chair for camp!
We heads back to camp to make new big bowl for flowers!!
Lady finds us and kills nasty Orcs keeping Truggug in camp!
Lady says go back down to cave town and get strong!
Truggug sad but understand, Truggug be brave!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Thu May 13, 2021 1:03 am

Truggug back to camp and very sleepy!
We do big work in sewer and cave
Nasty small fat man give us many shinies
And even more more for stinky heads!
We read books and learn many things
Even find a friend with wings!!
Lady right to make us go.
When Truggug come back to camp
We find it full of nasty orcs and bugbears,
and pretty place full of bitey magic flies too!
But Truggug and friends strong now!
We too strong, too sneaky too smart, we kills them,
and we takes all their wonderful shinies too!!
This Truggug’s forest now and Truggug keep safe!
Not Stinking Hu-man or Dworf or pointy eared Alf, no!
Strong Truggug, Sneaky Truggug, Pretty Truggug!!
We keeps it safe, and messy just like we likes it!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Thu May 13, 2021 8:28 am

Bright fire in “Sguy” (Lady call it that, say it never end)
Go out and Truggug play!
We hunt nasty orcs and flat grey furs and horn horses,
And spindle legs too! they new, we not like they nets!
We hear voice from road when fight orcs.
Little pretty lady?? How she see Truggug??
Truggug quick, Truggug sneaky, fuzzy face helping Truggug.
Yes, yes she see fuzzy face not Truggug… no, no!
Little pretty lady help Truggug kill Orcs, make Fuzzy Face not hurt.
She not know where to go, too many orcs.
Little Pretty lady not strong, not quick, not pretty like Truggug but we no tell.
Truggug Strong, Truggug quick, Truggug smart, Truggug hungry…
Maybe Pretty Little Lady like to meet Pretty lady?
Truggug remember nice house with tasties and “hot chocolate”
We not try that one again, many other tasties to try yes!!
Truggug know forest good, keep Little Pretty lady and Truggug safe to nice house.
Nice house not nice!! Shiny lady want hurt Truggug.
We eat tasties before she sees us, nasty lady not see us when Truggug not want see.
Nasty Lady not know where Truggug go. Nice lady take us away show Truggug secret place.
Where Little Pretty Lady? Truggug find DEAD!! Gobo’s on fuzzy faces kills friend!
They no see us take body. They no see Truggug read words from book.
Truggug Quiet, Truggug Sneaky, Truggug make friend not dead and no one see!!
Lady wrong! dead not need be dead, Truggug find more book Truggug learn, Grow like lady say!
Pretty flowers grow, Truggug grow, Pretty flowers not die, Truggug not die!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Fri May 14, 2021 5:56 pm

Truggug keep nasty orcs out of our forest.
We put many traps, orcs get surprise if come back!
Truggug do big work again, how sewers and cave always so full?
Truggug look for other Gobo's in cave town.
Only find one, "independant contractor" he say.
Truggug not think he want gobo family.
Cave for gobo's still smell of fungus and wet only, where all other Gobos?
We try do more work for nasty, little, fat, nasty dwarf man.
Job too hard, we lose too many Fuzzy Faces, Truggug sad for all of them.
Truggug want make all fuzzy faces not die!
We go back to camp, Truggug pray, Truggug write, Truggug kill orcs and spindle legs and nasty magic flies!!
Pretty Flowers grow, Pretty Truggug Grow!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Tue May 18, 2021 1:46 am

Truggug very busy, up and down, up and down!
We find other gobo's in cave town, together gobo's stronger!
We write many writes, we make plans for tribe and leave scribblins for other gobo's.
They find Truggug we make strong tribe.
Why Hu-man Gunn in Trugggug's forest??
He not scary, him fighting nasty orcs too, we show him big orc cave.
We hope he kill all orcs and leave shinies maybe...
No "not right cave he say" Truggug think... there orcs and dis cave what not right?!
Truggug find more books and learn word of Alfs.
We learn big magics, like how cover Truggug so arrows just bounces off us!
Truggug want learn more but too scared to talk to up wizards.
Down wizards not seem be around, and more scary than up wizards.
Truggug learn on own for now.
We find place with lots bones... maybe we start there.

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Tue May 18, 2021 4:56 pm

Bones, Bones, Bones but Truggug not find answers.
Truggug meet new friends! Z and Spriglet.
Z say Truggug "you are a my tea Al lie!!",
Truggug not understand but we guess it means we very pretty!
Mr. Stab Stab There too but he old friend, nope not new!
OOH OOH and new friend Lady Miss Holtz!
Truggug smart Truggug know Lady need things for shop,
We show lady things we find from up place.
Truggug no take shinies for stuff no, no. Truggug read ladies signs, see ladies shop.
Truggug think lady know about big dead magic, and TRUGGUG RIGHT!!!
Lady Miss Holtz teaches to move dead energy around Truggug.
Truggug make head move, TRUGGGUG DO!!!
Lady Miss say Truggug learn become "Pail Mustard?".
Lady Miss say imagine strings, go slow, flesh, then bone, then limbs, then bodies.
She also say many, MANY bodies in ladies basement.
We not sure how last thing help, but she say and we remember!
Spriglet killed by big bone man!! We kill bone man and take body, keep safe.
Lady Miss will know what to do! Give friend strings maybe?
She not there but Lady Miss's friends help, they bring Spriglet back!!
Truggug see now... under stand.
Gobo's like flowers, Gobo's grow, Truggug grow!
Flowers not die, Gobo's not die?!?!?

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Sat May 22, 2021 8:45 pm

Truggug find big fuzzy man at camp.
He say he "Gnoll" but me think he big fuzzy Gobo,
Truggug Fuzzy gobo, join Tribe? and he say yes!
More friends come to camp, Pretty Lady too!!
We so happy see friends at camp, we do runs! around and around!!
We share many meat and maggit stew
Everyone say flowers pretty, Flowers happy, Truggug happy.
Truggug even meet Hu-man who speak Gobo at camp.
He say he help tribe make "Trade" in up place towns!
We tell him he pretty much Gobo, want join Tribe? He say yes too!!!
Everyone want help Tribe, Help Truggug.
Truggug importantest? Truggug Master now? no buuuutt....
THAT BE IT!!! everyone ask what tribe called?
we not know, Trugggug know now!
It be Truggug's Tribe, everyone say "The Tribe"
Everyone in Tribe know it Truggug's Tribe
Truggug prettiest, Truggug Importantest, Truggug Tribe Mother!!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Sat May 29, 2021 12:21 am

Truggug do it!! Tribe kill nasty Gobo's, lots and lots dead gobo's.
Truggug try again and again make other gobo's not dead.
Last time it not be like Lady Miss Holtz say.
Truggug not need strings, Truggug push energy, Pretty purple-black-pink energy!
Push energy to dead Gobo's. That not enough no! no!
Dis big Secret Truggug learn.... Truggug call dead gobo's to Tribe.
Dead gobo's listen and not be dead no more!
Not dead gobo's join Tribe!!
Truggug find not need all dead gobo too, just few bones even.
Tribe not die, Truggug not die!
Truggug show new gobo camp and see man take Tribe's traps!!
New gobo and Truggug kill man! *snap* too quick to see.
No one take from Tribe, maybe Truggug make into not dead gobo for tribe?!
No is only work for gobo's.... we try again some time.
Spriglet come Truggug full with fear, not know how go back big cave town.
She say "Up place too scary, dangerous need get strong like Truggug!"
Truggug say use shiny doors. Spriglet not see shiny doors before!!??
Gobo Leskas say he know way find big cave town from up place but be dangerous.
Truggug say "Tribe Strong, Tribe protect Sprigglet, Tribe go!"
Tribe do! Tribe find big cave town from up place and not use shiny doors!
Pretty Lady leave flower for Truggug it taste not so good!
BUT Truggug notice when chew is pretty green!!
AND Pink flowers, smoosh make pretty mud!
Truggug always have prettiest make ups now!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Sat Jul 10, 2021 2:27 pm

Truggug find new town in down place. It be full other down place people too.
these ones not like big cave town people, dese ones... nice?!
Little dwarfman and tall lady help Truggug do jobs for little fat man in big cave town.
...Tall lady not like not-dead gobbo's though.
Truggug be very sneaky kill with sneaky pokes!
BUT THEN! we go bad house in Melt! Ladies wood kitties go "POOF!" gone!
Lady SO SCARE! truggug little scare. Truggug reach into pocket, find bones.
Gobbo bones, warm bones. Truggug whisper to bones...
Asks "help tribe once more?"...
we throw bones at feet of nasty Grimlocks, dey laugh but bones moves.
Not-Dead Gobbo's saves us!!!
Lady not say "put away" no more. Truggug show, Tribe Strong!
Den other time, Truggug get lost many days, find ooze temple, but is ok!
after find temple, find quiet cave, do big thinks.
Remember what lady miss Holtz say, "flesh, bone, limbs".
Truggug think why not try. It take long time.. need read many, many, book.
It VERY boring... Truggug not understand all but make own book.
Also make Truggug foot not dead.
Now back at cave... is still mess, need more plant... but smell changed.
Smell of what? truggug not sure, then we know...
It OTHER GOBBO SMELL!! ...and lots of orc smell *Yuck!*
Queen Gobbo leave Truggug message. Is trap??... But smell nice...
Truggug be prettier den Queen yes?
Truggug prettiest Gobbo!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Mon Sep 05, 2022 2:18 am

Truggug Try long, long time find "Queen".
Never find. Maybe "queen" not exist?
Maybe Truggug "Queen" now??

Pretty Truggug still Prettiest Gobo.

Trugggug try long times find old tribe, new tribe, friends... but not finds, or finds one cycle... gone next...
Only not dead Tribe stay with Truggug.
Truggug does works with not dead tribe, we finds others do works for little nasty fat man in big cave town. Others not want be in tribe...

Truggug always do writes but scribblins always gets lost. Pages is like flies? Truggug not like lose all scribblins all times, decides make book put all scribblins in.

Books helps Truggug be stronger, makes tribe not dead. Maybe Truggug book help Truggug finds more Gobo's?
Pretty Truggug find Tribe some day... Make grow like flowers...
Pretty flowers grow, Pretty Truggug grow, Truggug Tribe grow.
Pretty Truggug not die, Tribe not die!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Wed Dec 28, 2022 4:29 am

Truggug make books... truggug writes books... Truggug loses books... Truggug makes books...

Truggug find way to cozy up place camp. Flowers still there, still grow!

Truggug stay in up place some time... Truggug read all books... Truggug Bore...
Truggug go big down place city... ""anne Du-Nor"" Truggug not knows why it named after lady or what she do.
We finds Lady Napp or Naff or pann? She do works for little fat mans too... truggug do many works with hers yes!
Truggug show lady tribe very strong now!

Truggug walk all way to up place again... this time NO DIES!!
OK Dies little bits but Shar, Pretty Shar, Powerful Shar, Secret Shar bring Truggug backs!!
Truggug fight BIG longpigs with lots magic, dem giants or ogres maybes?
many caves full nasty giants and ogres, Tribe fights way up and up and up!!

OH NO!! UP PLACE PEOPLE FIND TRUGGUG!! but they say ""not want trouble"". Elf say it in down place speaks even.
We thinks they afraid of Truggug and Tribe... they say ""you go down"" but Truggug VERY SNEAKY, Truggug go UP!!
Yes up and uP and UP Trube goes!!

Truggug find Truggug forest full with nasty orcs's agains but we kills thems quick, QUICK!!
Lil Dragon lady doing a helping too! Forest safe, Truggug safe!
Resting agains at Up place camp, maybe finds new flower make Truggug even more Pretty...
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Dat not possible!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:26 am

Truggug back down and try sell up place treasures but not much sellings.
Truggug sees other gobbos and says hello's. Other gobbo's "Glubbdubdrib" and son "Took" be "saylors".
Glubbers be Captain biiig ship in "Anne Du-Nor" is Drednoughts??!!
Truggug say can't go with Captain Glubbers, have to watch shop. Maybe next times?!?!

"next times" comes, Truggug goes for "sale"!! We see's Senncliffs and oceans!!
Nasty other ships's that wants sinks us but Truggug Make big "gun" do big boom, boOM, BOOM!!
We make lots moneys and Captain Glubbers say Truggug in "crew" he say it be like Tribe but "connected by sea".
Truggug not think she feel connection. Was ok be with other gobbo's, Captain say Tribe not need be same race...
Truggug think that be making lot of senses.

Truggug walk back up place, take gobbo Pyt with Truggug. Truggug think more Gobbo should know way go for up place.
Pyt slave, he say it for protection... Truggug sad, Truggug remember when Truggug slave. Truggug not like be slave.
Truggug show Pyt crystal caves and giant homes but Truggug not know what happen.
Everything go dark and Truggug wakes up in Sencliffs. Maybe Shar not happy, truggug do more make Shar happy.

Back in cozy camp and doing prays to Shar when Lady and wolf sees us!!
Says not wants interrupt prays but Truggug "not welcome". Truggug run fast and sneaky!
Truggug stop in favourtie hidey spots. Truggug think "no!" this Truggug forest!
Truggug coming to forest long times, Truggug not hurt no ones, Truggug only hunts flatfurs and horn horses.
Truggug stays in forest. Stays quiets, stays sneakies. Lady not make Truggug leave.
... But lady come back with lots others, SHINY others's.

They finds Truggug!! Truggug is ready for being kills, but they speaks to Truggug insteads.
Trugugg tells! Says Forest safe, Truggug safe! Say Truggug not hurt no ones and be very quiets.
They nice and not do hurtings! Little longpig "Digo" cute... for little longpig... he like handsome Gobbo!!
He see Truggug Pretty and good at cooks too!! Truggug feel weird feeling when Digo talking.
Digo say Truggug need go "back down for now". Truggug say ok but Digo need make promise!
Digo need promise tell Pretty Lady Aigyr Truggug is missing hers.

Truggug excited see Digo again soon!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:47 am

Truggug make book all things Truggug sees for long times in Anne Du-Nor.
Truggug send Lil Dragon Lady at gates of ""Ben Deer DAle"" give message ""Truggug wants meet Digo's Have informations""
Mister ""Sharreff"" say Digo's be gone long times.
Truggug take books to Sharreff and wants ask when Digo comes backs but big scary mans there.
HE say ""GO!!.. and cause no harm!!"" Truggug think that very vague but say OK""s and RUNS away!!

Truggug finds Lil'Dark lady ... ""Jenla""? She sneaky like Truggug but not as pretty nope nope!
Lil'Dark Lady and Truggug find others do works too. Dwarfs and ""Drows"",
Truggug learns not all knife ears same ""some darker"". Smelly Dwarf man smell soooooo good!!
Truggug wants Sniff, SNiff, SNIFF!! Smelly Dwarf Growl and shout at Truggug ""don't touch me there!!""
But Truggug VERY sneaky do sniffs when he not lookings.
Next time finds Smelly Dwarf we takes peice of coat, hairs ooh.. skins!
Truggug want smell all times!!

OH yeahs almost forgets, Truggug brings Drow man back make him not dead!!
Truggug bring him backs after killed by something unkown, big mystery. How Drow man die?
It not Truggug make magic fire arms from ground kills him. nope NOPE!! BIIIG MYSTERY!!
Important part be Truggug make DROW MAN NOT DEAD!! Truggug BIIIG BOOGIN!!

Truggug finds slaves doing works for fat mans and tries help. We go killing mini-gones.
Not know where they going?? truggug and Tribe kill lots but then magics not works!!
Truggug not get good feeling about this!
Ha!! Everything fine, Truggug wake up in Anne-Du Nor maybe was all bad dream?
Truggug very tired now go home to Nest in Locks for big big rests!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Thu Jan 12, 2023 9:08 am

Trugug go slavers tower find lots books about how make not dead tribe even stronger!!
Harkusiar's Elevation of the undead mind" be very good readings!!
He say "While the Universe shall pass into but a single cloud of dust,
I intend that part of it which is my own shall continue to think, feel and bear witness to the end"
Truggug want always be bear witness.
Truggug even finds "vol.2 nature of arcane rituals" already has "vol.1" excited read next ones!

Tribe breaks prison doors downs and finds other gobbos!!
Truggug send other gobbos homes get stronger maybe joins tribes later?
Truggug and tribe go up up up the tower until finds strange noodle face mens.
Tribe doing good jobs then all of suddens Truggug wake up in Anne Du-Nor agains.
Truggug think maybe was dreams again?? But no! Truggug has books!!
Not Dream Truggug very mad with slavers want go kills agains!

Truggug finds Pyt!! PYT ALIVES!!! Truggug hears dark elfs and lizard mans say they go kill Formians.
Truggug have job for kills formian Queens asks go and Dark Elfs say's yes!!
Dark Elfs and Lizard mans be very Strong. Stronger than tribe maybes?
All go, kills lots formians! gets all ways to "queen's chamber".
Truggug run fast hear lots clicks and next things is awakings near altar.
Dark Elfs "Ambros" and Lizard mans "Nirgrul" Says Truggug be deads.
Say Truggug not see traps and runs over too manys. Then say "we'll go back"
Ambrose and Nirgrul and Truggug and Tribe do big killings of queens!!
WE DO!!!

Truggug leave notes in anne Du-Nor tell other gobbos where find Truggug and Tribe.
Say "Tribe be Strong, come be TRIBE" and tell how finds Truggug and camps.

Truggug go back camp for prays and rests, gets big surprises.
Pretty Dragon Lady come visit and brings beautiful Makeup pot for camps!!
Truggug show Pretty lady not dead foot and tribe. Lady say very proud!
Truggug proud too. Lady say see Truggug soon again!!
That make truggug very happy's. Now Truggug need find cutie Digo agains!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:57 pm

Truggug go for walkies climbs big big mountains finds cozy spots for next camps.
Truggug see beautiful Blue Dragon Truggug think maybe is other Dragon lady?
Truggug finds bones from pouches fast, FAST and yells HALLLLLPPSSSS!!??!!
Tribe protect Truggug! Truggug and Tribe KILL DRAGON!!!

We go sees Broke Tooths and Many Eyes's next give Other gobbos chances to join tribe.
Truggug Say VERY LOUD:
"Hey other gobbos you wants joins Truggug tribe? Yous put stabbies and pokeys downs.
You's not puts downs Truggug make bones be Tribe!!"
None joins... Truggug make lots other gobbos dead.
But later Truggug make not deads!!

Truggug find big pile shinies in forest. Truggug think is good signs.
Many Eyes Tribe has many many booyagh but Truggug Bigger Booyagh!
Truggug talk to ""cheef-tan"" Many Eyes want Many Eyes join Truggug tribe...
Something wrong, he not right...
Truggug keep going think find way out but finds Many Eyes big BIG Booyagh.
Truggug wake up Senn' Cliffs very surprise...
Thinking Dropped something heavy in Many Eyes forest maybes we go's checks again?!
This times we makes them all runs aways!

Truggug meets Skabbs The Dragon Killer he best Shoota Gobbo... be in tribe now!
Odrar be big rainbow Cutta-Booyagh gobbo and makes pretty Dress for Truggug... be in Tribe now!

Pyt, Skabbs The Dragon Killer and Truggug go up place.
Truggug take for give Many Eyes chance to join tribe agains.
Pyt very sneaky and make big Stone gobbo for fights. Is very, VERY strong!!
Pyt's very goods at makes things him "Thing-Booyagh" up place people say ""En-jynn near"" maybes?
Skabbs The Dragon Killer great at shoots Truggug not even see giants so far aways then...
Pew PEW PEW Skabbs kills with Dragon Killer bow!

Truggug stay long times in camp tries find cutie Digo but nowhere to find...
Truggug makes Drum and shelves for books and even seats for Truggug sits in...
Still Truggug not happies... cozies but misses Pretty Dragon lady and cutie Digo...
Finds adventurers in Truggug's forest they give all teeths to Truggug.
Truggug give nasty stinky skins of dragon.. is so heavies!
Truggug think is very good deals!

Pretty Purple makeup case from Pretty Lady be very beautiful and Truggug keep read words all days:
""The forests grow. The rivers flow. The winds blow. The stars continue to glow.
Despite the ever changing years and march of time one thing will never change: You are beautiful.""
Truggug not know why eyes gets wets when reads.

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:39 am

Truggug finds Sister in up place She want make "stonehold work" again.
She nice but Truggug think her head not right...
Truggug take woods and Skulls and Marbles and bones for Sister Lady.
Sister Lady give Truggug spices for on weapons and foods and stinky leader heads...
Truggug say wants teeths and spell bits but Truggug think lady not listens.

Truggug meet Spruce and Shareff Will They says Digo not backs yet... Truggug waits and waits...
Big party happens at Truggug camp yep YEPS!
Pretty sweets lady and pretty feather lady and pretty lights lady all do dances at camps.
They is helps Truggug fix signs be breaks by nasty breakers in forest.
When Truggug and Tribe finds nasty breakers maybes Truggug and Tribe breaks thems?!

Truggug try do big ritual many times but always not work... maybe giant head be too old.. too stinky?
Maybe nots enough fires? Truggug makes "ritual circle" and burns offerings like books says...
nothing works Truggug is can feels big dead energies but cants finds ways to touch.
Maybe is needs be done different place. Truggug forest not "not-dead" enough.
Truggug make whole forest not dead then maybe is works?!

Truggug go hills for kills giants and finds big not-dead castle!!
Truggug learn lots bout how make things not dead be stronger...
Even finds ways make not dead booyagh be in tribe! Tribe be big BIG now!
Truggug think is ok not NEEDS be Gobbo be in tribe yes!?

Truggug still waits for Shareff Wills and Cutie Digo's... maybe needs go visits them soons!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Sat Feb 04, 2023 3:49 am

Truggug spend many days make signs, fix signs, fix signs makes signs...
Why nasty's do so much breaks? Truggug not knows.
Truggug even tries makes message boards and bookshelves for can leaves messages.
Truggug make more camps, yes nastys cans breaks heres but not finds all camps, no, NO'S!!
Even finds place Truggug feel BIG not-dead spirit in ground.
Maybe Rituals works theres, maybes?

Truggug think it be's too long Shareff Wills and Digo's not come sees Truggug like says will.
Truggug even do like they says and gives book, says everything Truggug sees in down place.
Truggug Take big BIG tribe go see's Digo's and Shareff Will's!!
Not understands why everyone so angry and scare of Truggug...
Big glowy Mans says "hope this isn't why I was called here, for a single goblin"
Other Lady say "was told there was an army of goblins attacking..."
Truggug just wants see friends, show big big tribe... maybes...

Maybes wants Show how strong tribe be... show Truggug Tribe cans be breakers too.
maybe's just littles...

Truggug go back big not-dead castle finds lots about Lady Miss Manfred.
She probably big booyagh too, maybe pretty like Truggug evens?!
Truggug read books Lady Miss Manfred writed. dey not very good.
den!! Truggug finds Lady Miss Manfred doing big not-dead dance!!!
Truggug do big not-dead dance too and Show lady Truggug's having not-dead foot.
Lady so impress she come with Tribe too!
Maybe she like come see camps, do's big dance parties at camps?!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Sat Feb 04, 2023 3:59 pm

SO many breaks, ALL times, same things overs and overs.
Many maNY MANY days Truggug go's kills giants gets spears...
Goes big scary forests gets woods and skulls for fixes signs.
only comes back and more signs is breaks...
Truggug think up place people all nasty too!!
Truggug wants breaks all things sees all times!!

One days Truggug comes camp and finds HORROR!!
Pretty purple make ups pots that Pretty Lady makes for Truggug is breaks...
Dis too much!!
Truggug take all broken things go Ben Deer Dayle gates and DUMPS its ALL!!
if up place peoples wants brokens things all times cans has!!
Truggug cry screams ""WHYY YOU DO THISS !?"" but no one is answers...
Truggug wait for while having big cry in bushes by gate...
den big storm come. Truggug hide back at camps.

After storm Truggug see little lady in forest maybe she breaker?!
She is kill nasty orcs and is not breakers!!
she say name is "Come Man Deer of Fort Ben deer Doom'eela"
Come man Deer say not right be doing big breaks all times.
She teach Truggug word "Laws" mean "how force others do things"
Truggug say not like "laws" Truggug do what Truggug wants.

Truggug go get woods for fix breaks but when comes back camp...
Come Man Deer Doom'eela and Little sparkle lady be's there too says:
"you missed the attack on the dayle and your camp"
Truggug kind of glad not have to fights, big orcs looks NASTY'S!! (ooc: very, very sad I missed it)

Den all of sudden whole forest go quiet and calm. Very bright little man comes to camp.
Him say is "Brother Chirp Notaman Ahin" and wants have talks, helps Truggug...

Truggug says happy have talks, Truggug like talky party's!!
Bright man say lots things, Trugggug say lots things... is good talks...
Truggug not remembers all things but somes...

Chirp Notaman say he and others live "here" and wants Truggug follow "laws"
But Truggug say Truggug live where Truggug is...
if mans can makes "laws" because is lives here Truggug cans too yes?

Chirp Notaman say he want go live orc cave but orcs not lets hims...
Chirp Notaman say he wants go down place use sun magic...
Says if do Nasties will kills hims, push hims outs...
Chirp Notaman say these things for explain why hims and up place people not wants Truggug be's arounds.
Truggug ask...
If man knows things nasty why man wants do same things in up place or protect peoples who do's?

Chirp Notaman say he not nasty...
Truggug not believes. Truggug think him not wants hurts with hands but wants hurt with "laws"
"Notaman" come Truggug forest and ask Truggug not be Truggug... How dat right?
Truggug be's angry nows Show all teeths collectings from all nasties in forest... BIG PILES!!
Say "This Truggug work NOT Ben Deer Dayle work." Is Truggug "lives here" not you's
Truggug say "Truggug, Queen Brambles, Big BOOYAGH, QUEEN OF TRIBE, PRETTIEST PRETTY OF ALL PRETTY'S!!"
Truggug have many forest, many camp you never finds them all's!!
Truggug LET's up place people move through Truggug forests for long times now. Not have to's!

Truggug say, Truggug not come in Ben Deer Dayle ask "Notaman" not use sun magic or whatevers make him so shinies!
Why he be's nasty to Truggug's? Truggug think it work...

Chirp Notaman say he sorry, will talk ats other up place peoples about breaks and not asks Truggug not be's Truggug.
Truggug not understand what big deal, Truggug just wants be's... forevers...
do walks through all lands forevers with tribe...
Truggug be Queen all lands!! make all lands not-deads FOREVERS!!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Wed Feb 08, 2023 2:59 am

Truggug spend many days be's very sneakies around camps and signs...
Truggug see's, see's NO BREAKS!!!
Truggug so happy is dance!!
Maybe is Brother Notaman Chirp and Sparkle Lady and Doom'eela do?
pffft nah!! is Truggug make do!!

Truggug start packs immediately and prepare big trips go finds Pretty Lady!!
Truggug takes foods and waters and book: "Arelith Travel Guide"
Book be almost falls aparts Truggug is use so much, maybe shoulds makes copy??
No's Truggug not be able draw maps again, dis one haves x for Pretty Lady evens.
Come Man Deer Doom'eela is shows Truggug place calls "Joe Tune Hold" on maps.
Many peoples say Pretty Lady be's there... Truggug goes finds.

Truggug do big BIG travels... starts goes throughs Shar-eff Wills cabin caves.
comes outs in little hills, then goes up, uP, UPS into big BIG mountains.
It be very colds there and Truggug use many many bones for tribe.
Truggug even find biggest bridge Truggug ever sees it go over BIG nothings.
On bridge be biggest snowmans Truggug ever sees!!
Truggug and tribe kills big snowmans and little snowmans.
Dem has nice warm furs skins, Truggug take and wraps around for warms.

Truggug spend many days in Big BIG mountains not finds "Joe Tune Hold"
Den Truggug be sneaks when ALL OF SUDDENS there be peoples behinds Truggug.
Truggug RUNS FAST AND SNEAKIES, hides behinds walls, hears lady say at others:
"I saw a goblin he went left" Truggug want say "Hey, is LADY!!"...
but is not times for thats!! Truggug be's smarts lets peoples goes...
Deys goes lefts looking for Truggug but Truggug go back where dey was!!
Finds bush for hides in but Ghosty Lady in mask see's Truggug!!

But Truggug so sneaky!! How see's?!?!? Truggug says just wants find Pretty Lady.
Dere be's many many MANY's people and fuzzy faces. All lookings ats Truggug.
Truggug think all wants eats Truggug....
Dem says is "Skull Craigs Rangers" and "Grey Guard". Says Truggug in dem lands!
Says wants kill all gobbos and Annie Mators "dead on sight"!!...
Truggug think dem very nasty, Annie Mators must be's more nasties evens.
Truggug not wants meet her's and not wants be "dead on sight"
Truggug break go anywhere Shiny and POOF is somwhere's else...
is like Pretty lady say many many year ago in camp:
“always have a way out, a plan, another path, a portal lens something...”

oh yeahs dat what dey called "portal lens"!!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Thu Feb 09, 2023 5:33 am

Truggug gets message from Cutie Digo's him wants meets at camps!!
Truggug finds Cutie Digo's, him says can show Truggug inside Ben deer dayle walls!
Say can make Truggug into sparkly lady and shows pies!!
Truggug so happy is wants show cutie Digo's Truggug camps but when gets there...
Truggug see "Eviction notice" it say Truggug camp be's destroyed if Truggug not leaves.

Truggug very very sads and angry's not wants leaves camps...
Cutie Digo's gets Come Man Deer Doom'eela and wise man Eckso...
Dem says will helps Truggug finds new spots outside Dale lands.
Truggug be thinking is already in "outside Dale Lands", is Truggug forest!!
But... truggug see is fight can't wins...

Doom'eela and Eckso and Digo's shows Truggug many places but all is Truggug sees already.
All is bads places... So bad's Truggug have to drinks yucky potions, but...
Potions make truggug SPARKLY LADY!! Truggug so extra BIG PRETTY!!
dem says is for elves not sees Truggug... Truggug see places and says:
These all too far from friends in Ben Deer Dayle... Truggug not go so fars!
Dem says has ideas then poof is gones!!

Den Truggug be pulled from forest all way to inside shack somwheres!!
Wise man Eckso and Come Man Deer Doom'eela say this land "no man's land"...
Say is between "Myon" (Cutie Digo says is super special secret elf place!!)...
... and Ben Deer Dayle Say is used to belong Rangers but dems not arounds no more so...
IS TRUGGUG LANDS NOW!!. Truggug not thinking it be goods place but nots haves choice...
Truggug say is will "Try" for nows but wants talk ats "Bendir Council".
Truggug says is has 14 orc teeths from Truggug Forest if council is can show more...
Then Forest be Ben Deer Dayle's if nots is be's Truggug's.

Doom'eela say "Truggug need defend new lands"
Truggug say Ben Deer Dayle need help Truggug. Is Ben Deer Dayle is puts truggug here's.
Is Ben Deer Dayles evicts Truggug and Tribe "by order Bendir Dale"...
Now is can helps Truggug and tribe keeps new lands "By order Bendir Dale"...
Queen Truggug put lots signs up in new lands and even makes own "laws"!!

1: You's no hurts Queen Truggug.
2: You's no Hurts Queen Truggug Tribe.
3: You's no be's NASTY BREAKERS. You's not Breaks Queen Truggug things!!

Maybe's you's come visits Queen Truggug some times in lands yes?!
You's be sures bring lots teeth!!

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Re: Truggug's Scribblins'

Post by Grimspark » Wed Nov 15, 2023 2:37 am

Truggug is not knowing what is happenings.. One moment is doing patrols in new “Shacklands” and next is floating sleeping deads but not deads and not enough energies for comes back... Is taking long long times for put back together “Truggug puzzle” and learn how bring energies back to shape of “Truggug”.

When finally comes backs from deads sleepy not deads place, world is be’s differents.
YEARS have been passings.
Truggug’s forest have candles all in .. is makes Truggug not feel welcomes…
Truggug go check Shacklands where mean man Exo’s and Nasties Doom-eela tricks truggug into going. They says “is better spots” them says everyone be’s leaves Truggug alones more and they’s says will helps Truggug.
But they’s be NASTY LIARS!!!
Is not help Truggug.
Little longpigs is CHASE Truggug.
When Truggug say is only trying go “Truggug’s Shacklands” they is be mad’s. Pretends not knows its be promises to Truggug… Truggug never trusts tiny, little, stinky, nose in the airey, Stoopid rulesy, NASTY, NASTY little-longpigs agains!!
AND "Shacklands" is being use by “rangers’s”. Lot’s rangers’s! Truggug leaves notice “By order ben Deer dayle” on boards for reminds is still Truggug lands.

Big down place be’s only safes places nows lands be takens from Truggug. Truggug not feeling goods about goings downs… never finds tribes or peoples not looking for Truggugs necks. Except “Lady Miss Holtz” she best teacher, Show Truggug how move not dead energies.
And guesses what’s? Truggug finds agains!! IS!!
Truggug see’s “Lady Miss Holtz” and meets “Lady Boss Vanna” and finds “Mr. Lady Miss Holtz” but now he be’s “Mister Swirly Colours” insteads. Oh and meets “Missuz Swirly Colours” and “Charging Bulls” and “Jolts, fast jolts!!” and “Little Dragon Sawtooth’s”. And handsome "Master Fisher Tiznak". And "Not Dead Leg Sister"!
Truggug is spends some times gets knows peoples in down place… is seems not all is nasty's!!

Then Truggug have best cycle of all's evers! Finally gets meet “LEGENDARY QUEEN SPETS’” of OOGOOBOOGOO’S Tribe!!! She proper Gobbo royalty not like Truggug's. Truggug give self crown, is OK buts “Legendary Queen Spets’” be givens crown by ALL other Gobbo’s long, long, LONG times ago. “Is so’s!” even befores floods!! Legendary Queen Spets’ drive hard bargain but after many's negotiations we’s decide unify Tribes… Truggug and tribe’s becomes Oogooboogo and Truggug keeps crown for own up place lands and will be’s helps Oogooboogoo’s grows strong agains and comes to up place.
You's know what dis mean now yes? YES? No?!....

TRUGGUG FIND TRIBE!!! After many searching, long long times! Was 172 whens Truggug comes first to bigs down place caves. Is nows 182. Is TEN YEARS beings big alones with only not dead tribes amd being sleeps in fears... but now’s…


Truggug Still be taking back up place lands when can. Is be owed by stoopid, tricksy, NASTY little-longpigs who makes promises and not keeps!! “Is so’s!!” Theys comes for lands long long times ago and do’s again and again on all Gobbo’s… Truggug is thinking is Gobbo turn. Truggug do with tribe! Together be’s not dies and grows.

Tribe Grow, Truggug Grow, Truggug Not Die, Tribe Not Die!

Last thing’s to remembers is “notes to self”:
Truggug is thinking “Life” be’s “broken”. Is not works rights because “Life” has ends. Truggug wil fixes.. Make EVERYTHINGS not dead then can never be’s “broken” again and Gobbo’s and all not dead’s can has up places for all times!!
Truggug only wishes could find "Pretty Lady Aigyr" agains for shows how strongs she makes Truggug... always be thankies for hers most.

"A Crude heart shape drawn in coal with a large T in the centre serves as signature"

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