The Songbook of Vra'thriel

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The Songbook of Vra'thriel

Post by MoreThanThree » Tue Jun 02, 2015 6:17 pm

In the center of the inside cover, the author introduces herself in perfect Xanalress, with every letter the exact same size:

"This is the songbook of myself. I am Vra'thriel without a Quéllar, the Handmaiden of La'laskra. I am not a Ssin. I am not a yathrin. I am not a yathril. I am Vra'thriel. If lost, return to anyone in Quéllar Xun'viir and they shall return it to its rightful owner."

Each song is written in Drow musical notation, with the first line containing the symbol of the appropriate Drow scale (each scale containing 11 tones, one for each limb of the Drider including the head). The first page of the songbook is simply scales, with the appropriate fingerings for guitar, flute (at least two kinds), and a harp. Each song hereafter is written with a combination of guitar, flute, harp, and vocal notations, though not every song has a part for every instrument. With the age of the book, the message on the inside cover has bled over the middle of the first page.

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