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Prayer to the Lord Of Battle

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:58 pm
by legionetrangere
The sole candle resting above the altar offers solace with its dim light in the dark skaljardr lodge room. The blizzard outside pierces in through the small cracks of the wooden window. Its sharp melody contrasts to the deep tone by the dwarf's ominous guttural chant expanding through the incense consumed air with ease. A moment to breathe, he touches his necklace and bows his head. Eyes closed. After some time within the infinite expanse of this humble abode he begins a prayer:

"Blessed be the Father of Battle. Which has taught my hands how to war and my fingers how to fight. The mountain in which I dwell, the fortress in which i thrive. My shield and in whom I trust the swing of my weapon. Who has subdued many under me. Carry me in my struggles so that glory to thee and my kin I might achieve. Harden my heart and iron my wits so that I should not falter in the face of peril. For you, the Lord of War, is with me, and I rejoice in life or certain death. Onward!"

Prayer to the Lord of Battle,
by Lothair Ironarm, Alaghor of Clangenddin