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Cedars Ablaze

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 4:29 pm
by S88

Broken Ouroboros

An old drow fisherman pulls his boat ashore just under a bridge in the Underdark, beginning to prepare a meal. He moves with long, gliding strides across the small shack, ducking his head unnecessarily as if the ceiling were lower. A young drow male, eyes an intense amber, enters the shack carrying a large bag. "Set those right over by the portal, Son. We're eating well this cycle," the fisherman directs.
The young drow lugs the bag under a large painting depicting a burning forest of tall cedar trees, the sky above a tumult of smoke and orange hues from the wildfire. The painting bears numerous scratch marks.
As he moves the bag towards the painting, the old fisherman examines his reflection in a mirror. It shows a fair-skinned being with eyes like pitch-black voids and pointed ears, his expression deadpan neutral, slowly shifting to subtle amusement.
In the mirror, the young drow stands far behind the fisherman, their reflections contrasting. The young drow's reflection remains static, unlike the fisherman's. Upon noticing a dead giant in the fisherman's reflection, the young drow's face twists in horror. He flees the shack instantly, as boisterous cackling emanates from within.

Outside, the amber-eyed drow runs, flames billowing around him, the cackling growing louder. The Underdark morphs violently, resembling a scene of tall, burning trees. As he sprints, the ouroboros torc on his wrist turns into a live snake, tightening painfully. He responds by severing it with a single slice of his dagger, releasing it in a bloody mess from his wrist. With renewed vigor, he sprints faster, the cackles turning more hysterical.

Re: Cedars Ablaze

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 6:48 pm
by S88

Debate of the Ages

A drow male with amber eyes cautiously surveys his surroundings, ensuring he's unobserved. Confident he's alone, he forcefully removes a single stone brick from the wall behind him. As the brick comes away, he sees another amber eye peering through the newly formed hole. Kneeling down to meet this mysterious gaze, he suddenly finds himself transported behind the wall. He hastily replaces the brick, sealing the opening.

Once on the other side, the drow is puzzled by the absence of the other amber-eyed being. He's greeted by a maze bustling with various figures moving between shops, pillars, guards, and bricks. The scene is illuminated by the purple glow of faerie fire braziers, casting an eerie light. He squints, blurring his vision, as a distant male voice echoes playfully through the maze, "Something tells me that we would debate against each other for quite a few cycles."

As his vision blurs, a rapid succession of images unfolds. He sees winding roads on the surface world at night, rain softly falling on the damp surroundings. A warded figure, glowing with an amber aura, speeds through the scene. The drow, now wearing an emotionless helmet, attempts to speak, but the figure is too far away for his words to reach. Resigned to silence, he continues the pursuit, the figure's amber glow taking him down winding paths. Eventually, the entire scene dissolves into darkness and rain. A light cackle echos through the rain with a static distortion.

Re: Cedars Ablaze

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 12:33 pm
by S88

Mirror Room

A drow male, adorned in rugged black and gold travel wear and a sallet helmet, stands motionless in a hexagonal room with walls which are mirrors. In his grasp is a nodachi, casually resting on his shoulder. Reflected in these mirrors are beings with eyes like dark voids, elongated ears, and varied hair colors, all dressed in vibrant, jester-like attire, some with bells on their shoes that chime and clang.

A cacophony of cackles, taunts, jeers, mocking bells, and curses floods the room from the mirrored beings. As the noise crescendos, the helmeted drow remains stoic, though blood trickles down from beneath his helmet and his body shudders violently.

These reflections engage in various enactments: some mimic councilors in deliberation, others form a discordant band, duelists spar under the watchful eye of a third, while some frantically pace, absorbed in reading and writing, some move about in a cautious party as if they are adventuring, some laugh hysterically and socialize while drinking, some embrace each other romantically, and others emit piercing shrieks.

Amber glints peek through his helmet's visor. He fixes his gaze on his own reflection, surrounded by whispering, taunting figures. As he concentrates on his helmet, reflected in the mirror, its surface gradually clears from muddy to pristine, revealing a sharp, clear reflection.

At this realization, the drow's eyes widen, and he inhales sharply. Suddenly, the trickling blood reverses its flow, his trembling ceases, and his posture becomes firm and upright. A blinding flash of light, followed by a thunderous boom, emanates from the space, shattering all six mirrors. More light floods in, engulfing everything in a brilliant radiance, accompanied by continuous thunderous roars.

In this overwhelming light, faces, both familiar and unknown, flash rapidly before the drow's eyes. A torrent of voices surrounds him, including his own, merging into a singular, thunderous voice that declares, "Lucidity expels the Fool, the Night of the Soul gives way to the Eternal Day, and the Soul realizes."