A Path Less Traveled

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A Path Less Traveled

Post by DeamonHeart » Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:28 pm

It was a dark time in the city of Malthy, Set in one of the seas of silt to the Far northeast of the blasted lands, Surrounded by blackened sand, and the living dead. You had to be tough to live here, Driven to succeed, and patient of all things because if you hasted yourself your end would be dire and imminent.

The City was dark, it was after moon raise and the doors barred shut, virtually every path out or into the city sealed. Now the right person with the right amount of coin could, purchase an after moon raise pass to exit the city through one of the few paths that dared to exit the city during the peek hours of Dead walk. SO few, dangerous and nearly crazy folks would do such a thing. Yet... It is happenstance that this night of all nights, Ronald was making his way to a place that offered a workable way out of the city, Young and ambitious, willing to -do anything- to get out of the City of his birth, tired of the drudgery of life and boredom that filled each repeating day. He moved swiftly to avoid the Sight of the patrolling guards, Ducking into shadowed alley's, moving swiftly as his lithe young body would allow. The Tavern back door was there, just ahead, the Dark Dagger, a place of ill repute, yet, it was his way out.

A nearly deathlike growl emits from behind the door, “ what do you want?! “

Ronald swallows hard and speaks softly almost timidly. “ I seek a place to work for my freedom “
The voice Replies “ dare you to come at night entrance is forbidden from this way “

Ronald Swallows hard, “ Master Fen Knows I am coming “ ...Moments pass as the door is heard a distinctive Clink and rumble as the lock is Turned and the door slowly swings open. “ enter as you dare “

Ronald nods swiftly as he enters the back door, the sudden shift from the darkness to a low lit room smoldering with ash and fire the scents of cooking swell over him as he takes a moment to take in the briefest of sights, right before he blacks out.... He crumbles to the floor and is dragged away.

The amount of time that he is unconscious is unknown, but when he wakes, the World is tilts and ringing loudly, the Smell of the desert surrounds him, he tries to move but finds his Arm shackled to a Wooden post the runs the length of bed he is tied to. He groans softly, as the ground moves every swaying back and forth, he can hear a few sounds occasionally from beyond the Curtain that opens every so slightly in front of him. It seems like hours pass before the swaying stops, the Sounds of movement are gone, the place he is at seems to come to a rest, and a voice booms out from beyond the curtain, “ time to check on our guest “

The curtain parts and a large burly man sticks his head through, “ Ahh your are awake, good I had though Markus had hit yo to hard “ He chuckles as he slides into the Wagons interior. He unlocks the Chain, “ Forgive me, I had to ensure you didn't fall out while in transport “ And unravels it from the post. And lays it in a chest across from the bed. “ We are making camp for the night in the Cavern of Bartigar, just a few hours from The city of Bartigar, where we will continue our journey “ Ronald looks up at him and smiles slightly, “ So we are out of the city? We are well on our way to travel then, yes?” His voice lifts slightly almost as if a joyous moment.

“ I am Culth, I am your employer for the moment and you are? “ The man speaks to him with a Low voice but soft almost caring manner.

“ I am Ronald, Ronald Markum “ Ronald says, rubbing the back of his head.

“ Good good, then we acquired the correct person “ He smirks slyly winking attempting to lay some humor into the situation.

“ How far have we traveled? I know little of the area out past Malthy?” Ronald inquires, his head swivels around as he looks around his head though still pounding slightly

“ I know lots of things are going to be knew to you Ronald, but relax and rest, you are going to need your strength for what we will be doing we can talk more one we have taken to the ship.” Culth says in an even tone, he still smiles as he looks down to the young man with a curious Look.

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