Grubby Little Handprints

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Grubby Little Handprints

Post by Toukaze » Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:55 pm

Paper. New paper. That crisp, white, nice smelling stuff. The kind that's fresh from the tree and ready to be riddled with complex words, poems and stories. This is top quality stuff, the kind that you'd expect in a book or in the possession of some fancy Count in some far-off land.

But this?

This isn't that.

This paper is torn. It's muddy. Mucky. It probably used to be white, but now it's all sorts of stained. Reds, browns and even some purples? This paper has seen it all. But it's not the paper that is interesting (or the smell). It's the tiny handwriting in a black ink, with equally tiny, grubby hand-prints.

It's a letter home.
Hi Ma, Pa, Mudder, Leaves, Cotton, Uncle Stump, Cousin Lump, Other Cousin Bump, Grandpa Oak, Grandma Rose and George!

I know this letter is a TEENSY bit late, but I have been so, so, SO busy! You guys have no idea what it's like here! These big-folk are so funny, with their big houses and their shoes. It's crazy! I mean, really, it isn't like back home. No big mud piles to jump in, no tree-house to sit and drink cider in.. I kinda miss that cider, tell Grandpa to send me some more!

So, let's see. It's been a couple years now since I left, hasn't it? I haven't got much to say... I've been out hunting for treasure since I got here though! You'd never believe the things I've found! Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires! I even have a Runestone in my bag right now! Calls down Thunder or something, I'm not sure about this magic stuff. All I know is, I can use it. People have called me a Saucer Dress... I don't know what that means, but it's got something to do with magic? Still useless at that, has Cotton gone Mage Training yet?

I've met some right funny folk. Goldpants The Cleric, Coraline The Clever, Liz The Colourful, Tobi The Pickpocket, Shadow an' Miss Storm.. Or, Missus Storm now. Oh, and before I forget, I met a funny bloke called Rat who taught me how to look after my shadow proper! I'm going to make her happy as can be!

Before you ask, yes I've been safe, yes I've remembered my manners and NO I DO NOT HAVE A BOYFRIEND. Not like I have time anyway. Treasure is only there until someone takes it, and that someone is going to be me, Twiggy Gallowmere!

Love you all, big Halfling hugs!

P.S. I'm sending you some of my gold, I hope it's enough.

Jack Lynch - Elf on the Shelf
Gwendolyn Gallowmere - Justice Clown
Shanty - Holy Questing
Daniel Castemont - Historian

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Re: Grubby Little Handprints

Post by Toukaze » Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:35 pm

A shadow skulks through The Nomad. Jumping from stool to stool, wall to wall, table to table. It weaved itself through legs of people and object alike. The tendrils poked and lifted pouch after pouch, searching for a coin-purse that would make for a comfortable payday. Unfortunately for this excited shadow, the one it answered to was not interested in the coin of others. At least, not today she wasn't.

"S'typical, ye tell a couple'a big-folk ye need t'get t'The Red Dragon Isle, an' they ain' want any part of i'!" The tiny Hin shouted, to herself mostly, but it wasn't like any of The Nomad patrons wouldn't have heard her complaints. "S'not like I were gonna keep i' all t'meself!" The stomping of her feet wasn't exactly the loudest of things, but she was putting all of her strength into every stomp. The shadow mimicking the motion as it rejoined it's master.

With a slam of the door, Twiggy found herself outside The Nomad. Out in the stormy Cordorian outskirts. The harsh rain didn't seem to phase her whatsoever, the fact that she was soaking wet in mere seconds was something she didn't pay much attention to. "S'fine, I can 'andle Dragons. Ye'll ge' some righ' nice pay. Hell, I'll even pay ye outta me own pocket!" The shouting was muffled by the roars of thunder, as well as the rain attacking the ground. A long sigh escaped the small girls lips as she stopped under an awning. "At least I got you, right?" She patted a gloved hand on the ground, a movement that was once again replicated by her Shadow.

She slumped to the ground knowing that a great wet, muddy patch was waiting for her. As she splashed into it her shadow reached it's long fingers into one of her pouches, pulling out a rather discoloured piece of parchment. This action sparked the young Hin, her mouth falling to the ground. "Yer righ'... Ma is gonna love t'ear abou' you!" With those words, she jumped from her muddy spot and began a run toward the Speedies.

Jack Lynch - Elf on the Shelf
Gwendolyn Gallowmere - Justice Clown
Shanty - Holy Questing
Daniel Castemont - Historian

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