A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:58 pm

Springtide 102

Lathander's warmth graces the hills of the Bramble once again. This tenday we continue among our kin the peace heralded by the Shieldmeet. The Springtide feast was Natalia's idea, bringing in a Forestarm tradition that I had missed since the days of my own youth under their tutelage. She made for a decent planner and hostess as well.

Though the attendance by those outside was small, it was, at the least, a time of fellowship and growing closer for our own. Despite some who would say that all our kin do is sit round the campfire and talk, that is far from the case - particularly with this troupe of younglings and the things that seem to be poising around us. This was seen by most of our kin as a pleasant break.

It seems Springtide even brings union to some of our folk. I had noted that Will and Natalia seemed to be growing close, and they confirmed it with their words during the feast. I'm happy for them, and it will give them something even more to stand together for.

Though it did make me long for my own heart and soul's return. Springtide finds her somewhere upon the seas between Faerun and here, and in spite of the matters around us keeping us busy, and the happiness found in this new season, I had to escape the chance of melancholy dampening the core's celebration.

I reckon they'll forgive me. I truly did look forward to finally resting and soaking here in the pond without freezing my arse off. I can relax knowing my pack thrives, and are enjoying themselves in spite of me. I would wait forever for her return, if need be, but I pray it be soon. I am content, even in the midst of my longing.

*the ink here pools somewhat, as if the writer might have dozed with the pen rested upon the page.*

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:35 am

10 Alturiak 102

I'm speechless. T'is the only word for it.

The gifts that Greathouse gave to the Bramble, they are a work of art, but this.

T'is twenty feet high, and my visage upon it. I do hope I've not offended him, asking him to at least de-personalize it. To make it a gift to the whole of the pack, not just a single man. I have done no more than my kin for him, or these woods he has pledged a blade to. I reckon in my younger, more impetuous years I might have puffed out at the gesture, I do not embody the cause, I merely serve it.

Impressive at t'is, I was not the first Warden, and I'll not rest til I'm assured that I shan't be the last.

It also seems my meeting with the Knights of Mystra now sealed an alliance, they are now patrolling our woods along with my own kin. And the unseelie presence within the deep thicket is now known and we have their attention upon it as well. As for the third altar, the one I suspected was consecrated to the Spider Queen, it will darken our forest no longer as the knights severed it's connection and it was reduced to rubble.

T'is an alliance sealed none too soon, as I spoke with the brothers of my third oath upon this isle of another bid for freedom. The Knights could very well be a crucial element to assure it's success.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:26 pm

1 Tarsakh 102

We shall live and stand as a pack. We shall fight as a pack. And if need be, we shall die as a pack. Our cause rises above that of a single person.

Took the moon away to myself elsewhere on the isle. Reckoned the pack had things well enough in hand, what with the reports and all. When I arrived home, I was greeted to the sight of my heart and soul returned. I could scarce contain my emotion to see her again. I longed to hear of Annalynne and how she fared upon being placed in the Oghmans' care. I wished to hear of the journey, and tell her of the much that has happened. Most of all, I wanted to hold her, or just to keep her within my touch.

The emotion was dampened by the bustle upon the hill, but as we promised, the cause comes first.

Even more so, the concern turned toward the threat of division among the pack. More concerns that we may lose Daemonia over the disagreements about her company, including that of the Nightseer. She snaps at every word spoken in warning, so I've given her space. I am not the only one watching her though, and not the only one concerned.

At the same time I've strife risen between the other two sisters of the new circle. What seems to be a misunderstanding taken too harshly by both. This led to mistrust. I hope, I pray, that I've at least mediated the mistrust between the two, so that they can work it out. I pray Catalin's words, and Carla's to muster her own trust again, will seal it back up.

Trust is a choice. Not just a gift to be earned. We must both offer it, and earn it, for it to flourish.

I fear I may yet still need to swallow this myself. T'was my own mistrust that last sundered our pack, and left it without its heart. T'is the thing the Dark Sister thrives upon to do divide and conquer. And Her darkened wench uses it like a paintbrush.

I will not see her have the satisfaction again.

The pack needs its heart. Without it, it will again degrade into a bickering morass. I truly believe the pack's new heart may well stand among us, even now. I only have to get her to believe in it of herself, in order for her to embrace it.

Lady Moonlight, keep us from sundering again; I reclaim, by your Light, all that which the Dark Sister has taken.
Last edited by KregorRanger on Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:23 am

15 Tarsakh 102

Finally a proper reunion, in the place that will one day hold our cabin, the foundation is laid - a surprise done just for her return - and talk of the future.

My heart and soul.

My only.

My always.

May our foundation be strong; not only that of our cabin, but our forever.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:35 am

23 Tarsakh 102

Trust is a choice.

Those that I trust, I trust not to betray me, or our cause. I reckon I do not always trust them to act in the best interests of that cause.

I reckon I do not always trust them to choose their battles well, or their allies, or their tactics.

To work against villainy and wickedness wherever it may be found, being ever mindful of the consequences of what we do

To know that someone supposedly made this very pledge, who has caused more collateral damage in her direct actions than she has prevented as a result, has collaborated with the very same wicked folk that should be opposed, has herself committed acts of wanton slaying and torture, now puts me in conflict with my own convictions, and whether these folk truly practice what they preach.

I reckon I made a blind assumption that an oath, and a token, assured a like mind. T'was a pretty foolish and simple presumption on my part, truly. Now I question who among them I truly could trust. The ones I did trust among them have either gone away, or are conspicuously absent - all except for one. Someone among them had to make this farcical choice. If I'm to understand the process, it took multiples of them to make the selection.

"If anything, ye should be grateful for someone to go against a slaver, even if t'is in a vile or heinous way."

I cannot rationalize this. I cannot justify it. The end does not justify the means. Evil acts are not justified even against evil folk. As Lane said to Greathouse, when he thought he could use the taint of the black blood against Torvas - fighting fire with fire, only yields a bigger fire.

To leave the oath behind now would be rash. I have promised myself, and my heart and soul, that I will not judge without knowing the full story of that which I might judge. I have been told people can change. People can also lie. Some can even look in the eye someone they call friend and drive a knife into their heart.

I will reserve my final decision 'til I have the whole of the story, and whether the one who has called the validity of my third oath into question can truly deserve to share it.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:14 am

3 Mirtul 102

Met with the one who has called my last oath into question. Was her statement of regret for her actions sincere? Quite frankly, I can't even tell. Has my mind been put at ease over doubt of others who share the oath? Sadly, no. As it now comes to my attention other hair brained ideas for thwarting an attempt to maintain peace between the settlements.

All beings should be free from fear, to live their lives as they wish.

Councilor Terringale's attempted murder, and other efforts seem focused on stopping the effort to cleanse Benwick. I've seen the man and his desperation to give some distraction from other conflicts. Rumors and evidence mount of the Dominion's reformation - how uncanny to happen as the darkened wench takes reins of the High Watch on the mountain once again.

They need something to rally behind and fight for, Terringale has said to me. It Benwick the best idea? Possibly not. Destined to fail? Quite possibly. Regardless, this is not something that should be meddled in by those of the oath. No one is forcing anyone to join this crusade - t'is their freedom to do so, and we are about defending said freedom, so long as they do not encroach upon others' freedom to do the same or harm the balance of things.

Quite frankly, the legends have begun to fall far short of the reality. Yet, I will not abandon the oath, or those of like mind. But what I do is for the sake of the oath itself, not for the sake of the others who have spoken it.

In fact, perhaps in spite of some.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:16 pm

15 Mirtul 102

A second retreat in as many moons, may begin to spoil me. I feel I owe it to myself, however, and to her, for the two seasons spent apart. Annalynne is safe, til the day no one shall hunt her any longer, and we can bring her here to be with us again, to someday, perhaps be a family.

Time for talk and contemplation, for baring our souls, more than they have been before. I had yet to see her cry before, now I see the full frailty of her heart. I had yet to know the hatred and guilt she harbored for herself - the things she did for others, done with a drive to repent for the one in a mirror whom she felt deserved penance like a forsaken soul. I knew not that when the walls around her heart finally came down, the reflection I would see for all of that would me mine own.

For the heart she holds for others, to find even the slightest glimmer of light, within even despicable souls, I saw in reverse my own shortcoming. For the refusal to turn away, so long as she felt that smallest glimmer could still be found, and so long as they could find a heart for the cause, I saw my own betrayal of the very same. To see her call herself a monster, because she dared to seek said light within, to the disapproval of others, and now to loathe herself for it, and feel helpless to change it, my own heart broke in two again, knowing that I myself would have at one point turned away as well.

We both have run from ourselves and our pain, and only somehow managed to run into each other. Together, we can both finally heal.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:05 pm

19 Mirtul 102

Returning south from retreat, brought news of upset within the Cordor Council. First word I read upon the board was that Councilor Colt had fallen to a large blue wyrm, whilst leading a campaign against the the union of Talassan and Aurilite forces in the mountains. The dragon, it seems is allied with the Furies' lot, and devoured the remains of the Councilor before any could rescue him.

I wonder of Gabe, and whether he's yet received the news of his brother's passing. In the news, I found memories of my own loss when I was young, before I became a hunter of black bloods - when my brother fell, defending our home from a pack of lycans that made a raid within the Gate. I shared with Cat my memories, and perhaps found the strength to mourn, finally, rather than concealing the pain with rage and hatred.

The second upset came when we were foraging and received a call from our sister Daemonia that friends had fallen within the Keep of Benwick. I had a sinking suspicion of at least one of the fallen, which was confirmed when we arrived.

Devin, and Yuri rallied with us at Burrowhome, along with Daemonia's orc blood friend, and our sister Carla. Councilor Terringale at fallen, along with our friend Anthony Greathouse and another. Apparently Cordor had led a prior press into the Keep whilst away. This was the second such salvo into the damned place, with far fewer numbers, and they were no match for the hellspawn forces.

When we entered the Keep, hells had broken loose - literally. It was far worse than when Ser Roland fell when we accompanied him. They were even larger, and more indomitable than before, and they poured out in droves. I was subdued, twice, and others among us were brought down at least once. It was an infernal wave of chaos.

I awoke outside the keep, Terringale was still not among us. Not only could we not reach Greathouse deeper within the Keep, but we could not even reach the Councilor to save his remains. Out of supplies, scrolls and even ammo for some, we had no choice - to fall back.

As we left the perimeter of Benwick, we were greeted by a curious figure. A hellspawn noble, of some sort, is what I'd reckon. He offered a treaty - to exchange the remains of Terringale, for an agreement to cease the campaign to cleanse the Keep.

The question seemed to fall upon me, and there is only one answer I would have given. I will not sign an infernal contract. Terringale would not have wanted his existence bound by a pact with hellspawn, and I would not commit him to that. With that, I gave the order to fall out, and withdraw.

We left to take news to Cordor of the falling, without a trace of the Councilor, or my friend. Perhaps if their gods be willing, they might find some way to return. For now, however, the seat of Cordor lie in a vacuum.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Wed Nov 12, 2014 5:56 pm

Terrigale was revived. The Hawk'n Captain Maggie managed to get him out and away from the hellspawn infested keep, and he was restored. As cat relayed it to me tonight, he stepped down from Council, and named three others to serve til the next election - and he named me as one of them. Perhaps, t'is just a jest, and I shall find differently as I arrive south again. We should dock at the other end of the isle come the morrow.

I spent the last few at the Dreaming Tree, and then into the Heartwood where I found Stormwood and took the time to talk, and resolve a few misunderstandings and perhaps mend a few ties with Heartwood. Our young pack spends much time between, and I've yet to read a report from them that doesn't make it's way to the grove as well. They are young and less colored by the past and prior conceptions. They may well be the bridge between our forests that was needed sorely.

Threats that Stormwood and I recalled, like Cassima's attempt to take reign over the whole of the wylds, might not have gained as much footing or momentum, had there been less of a divide to take advantage of. Between the Dreaming Tree, and the new blood that cares more for the wylds and fellowship than politics, perhaps we truly are on the way to mending.

Our talk was punctuated by a message of a drow movement, which we answered quickly. A scouting run, we concluded - as there were many tracks that emerged and as quickly doubled back on themselves. Possibly to gain portals, as the report was that it was the new house poising to take the thunder from Vh'larra - led by a human, no less. Ironic, as betrayers to the surface pile into the underdark like rats, that the proud darkskins who would seek to topple the surface races, may well find themselves conquered, by surface dwellers as vile as they are.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:09 pm

25 Kythorn 102

She would deal in the business of slaves herself, and yet, she comes for aid when t'is one of her own on the wrong end of a slaver's clamp.

I can scarcely believe she had the nerve to come begging someone else for an aid in this. Is it some ploy, to again make herself look the victim, or is it merely the double standard common to all of her lot?

Still, she'll not find my mate an easy pawn in her game. Not only is she resistant to the double talk, but she also has conceded what I've myself for a while now - some who are in captivity are there because they choose it. T'is not a punishment, as vile or dire as a situation may be, if one's own choice places them there.

Free to live their lives as they wish.

Sometimes, t'is not a heroic principle. Sometimes, t'is only concession.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:02 pm

8 Flamerule 102

Called the pack together to respond to a Malarite threat in our wood. This is the second time the one known as Virgil has been a thorn in our side. The first was three winters past, when he was making a free reign over the wildlife within - defying our right, or our ability, to defend it. He was seeking to amass his own pack to oppose us, based out of the western marshland. He never gained momentum in this last effort, and I'd thought he vanished, hopefully for good.

Apparently, he just skulked off to wait for better timing. He is back, and this time, seems he's resorting to press gang tactics to try and gain followers for his god. He threatened our youngest, a hin named Drei, trying to get him to join, which our brother refused. He was defended by two wanderers within the wood - one of them Lyra, the ranger that Lily tells me wishes to join up with our pack. They were also attacked by the Malarite, but assured our young brother's escape.

I put a call out to the rest of the folk, and all of the core rallied to the hill. T'was heartening to see them all call in response to a need. They've all agreed to home more upon the Bramble, so long as the Malarite roams. A good thing, I'm persuaded, as t'is also heartening to see them all gathered round on occasion. They are growing stronger, and there are new younglings to teach. Thank the Maiden, I believe we might have a core that will perpetuate itself once again.

There should be a gathering again, something to keep the cameraderie flowing. And another event now gets to be planned. The date is finally set.


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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:00 am

11 Flamerule 102

An unlikely ally against the Malarite — at the least, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. Whether this burgeoning force of arms poses a threat in and of itself, is yet to be seen.

On the one hand, I thank the gods I am not a Councilor. On the other, the ease at which martial law found a foothold in the city, at the hands of one of the protem Councilors, is unsettling at best.

Worse, the new stable of Councilors includes a known abyssalist, who shouldn't even be able to hold an office within Cordor. She was also declared a foe of the brothers of my first oath upon this isle. Commander Lily is working on using the city's law against dark agencies to remove her. But this shows yet another glaring hole in the workings of the city's government that can be exploited to compromise freedom.

I despise politics. As a ranger, it shouldn't have to be on my agenda. And yet, my oaths have once again thrust me into the center of politics and intrigue. At least, this time, I am not alone in the midst of the machinations — I have at least one whom I trust, without measure.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:33 am

13 Eleasis 102

More light shone upon a job offered to Cat, to map out the Iron City, in hell. More like an insanity, or a death wish, or both. And for the benefit of an infernalist who wants to break free of their pact. Funny, how many of these people who sold their soul for power run about this isle, then seek to find someway to welch of it once their power is gained, and realize they can't take any of it with them. So they scurry around trying to find some means of escape, some hope, something they wouldn't need, if they hadn't sold out in the first place.

T'was one of these, as I found out, that led to Kaliyah becoming the pariah she has become. She lay her own soul out to save another who wanted out - one who could have been saved by an alleged Paladin who refused to give up her weapon in exchange for his deliverance. I would think, at some point, I could have been told this - given it as an explanation for Kaliyah's behavior, when faced with the question of why I would doubt the very legitimacy of the oath she and I share. I need disclosure, and we need to fix the situation - not just sweep hair-brained mistakes under the rug.

So now we face the choice of aiding yet another pacted fool, to the possible detriment of ourselves. Further, knowing that the potential escort for said expedition is now a dog for the Underdark, it reeks of a setup, or at the best, a plot to benefit and better arm their lot. Cat at least, sees the choice in its weight of possible consequences. All I do know is, if she is to go, at all, it will be after Harvestide, and she will not go without me.

This past day, we were also met at the workshop by my brother of two oaths, Alair, who began to bequeath belongings to us, including the tome which records the way shrines of the isle - the tome which is borne by the leader of the Knights of the Road. T'was at this point, that I knew the next words he would speak. He is going away - like Euclio before him. T'was my fear that is now confirmed - he is broken beyond mending.

The Alair I spoke to this night was not the one with offerings of hope, who aided a lost ranger who washed up on the isle some fifteen or more winters past. He was as a shell, with no hope left of his own to save himself. I was remiss to take the time in these many winters to share of my own losses and full circles, which might have shown him a hope in return for the time he helped the hopeless. I was not soon enough to lend our hand to the Order's in order to buttress the well-being of each. I pray he finds solace where he goes, when he goes.

Thus, has the Fifth Order of the Road dissolved. But its oath and spirit will not fade with it, so long as there is at least one who carries it's oath forward.

Be without fear in the face of your enemies,
Brave and upright, so the gods may love thee.
Safeguard the helpless and their roads.
Do no wrong in your travels, shield the traveler and pilgrim both.
Wield the sword of peace, not of war.
Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death.

The roads of this isle join the wylds and the settlements between. T'is as much a part of the balance of the land. Perhaps our kin are not knights, of the classic sense, but we will defend any and all of the outlands of this isle. And someday, as I promised Alair, I will assure the blade and tome he bequeathed to me, shall pass on to one who is worthy to rally the Order once again.

All in all, it was a somber cast upon the final, belated exchange of nameday gifts - our nameday. Cat had no nameday of her own. So I think it only fitting, as the one who rescued me from my nameday being a day of curses for me, that she should celebrate one with me.

The bow is a work of art, I dare say it even pales in beauty the bow made for me by the same hands that crafted the one I wielded in the Hullack. Pales the simple craft I made in return even, but both were crafted from the heart.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:10 pm

HIghmoon Eliasis 102

A myriad of reports greeted me on my return to the hill from my quarterly sojourn, along with another to join our pack. Cat had just recruited Lyra to our ranks before I'd arrived. T'was good to talk to her further and get a better assessment of her. She truly seems to have a heart for the wylds. And certainly no love for those who would tread upon it with malice.

Among the reports were that of a witch and a necromancer, both staking claim into the lands within the Bramble. This, along with the Malarite Virgil making the Bramble his hunting ground. Worse, t'was reported by one of our kin that he has contracted the taint. Confirmed, by my own eyes, as we patrolled the wood in search of evidence of the witch's treading.

I know not how recently he gained the taint, but it has surely rooted firmly, with little resistance, thanks to his thirst for blood and the hunt already stirred by his patron. We were able to fend him off from a couple of younglings wandering the wood, before he made another hasty retreat.

So much for thinking that peace and quiet might herald our way to Harvestide. Hopefully, there is a some resolve to at least some of the strife, that we might still justify the celebration.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:33 am

Harvestide 102

The hope that a moment of peace might grace us to hold our ceremony has been, for now, dashed. News had come of the gnolls around Minmir spreading into the falls of Nexus. So we'd intended to scout out the area to assess. Were it just a few gnolls, or even a pack, for that matter, it could be cleared within the tenday, surely.

Then a hin brought us further news from a young wild elf whom I'd met previously for a crafting commission — an attack from some form of spirit that commanded nature against her, seeming to have a vendetta against folk who walk the wyld path. Being the more clear and present danger, we headed for the dwarven stronghold, where we were summoned. Myself and Natalia arrived to a gathering of folk discussing the matter. It seems the force was awakened by digging, somewhere, and an expedition of surrounding digs by the dwarves had turned up nothing. Nothing much is still known about this spirit, only known as "The Mother." As typical, too many points of talking, and not enough organization, and the only first hand account was by the young elf who refuses to talk aloud.

Natalia and I scouted the higher mountains, on the way toward the old Dwarven ruins. Twas the first time I'd traveled with her enough to see how much she's already grown in her commune. We found no sign, no spiritual disturbance, but we did find a runaway population of mountain barbarians. We almost cut through them, but their numbers were too many. I barely withstood their assault, and I ended up carrying my fallen sister to the Dwarven monastery at the peak.

After reviving her, I knew she was weak from the falling, and I feared Catalin, who had lagged behind and said she'd catch up, might try to follow us. I gave Natallia my portal lens, and sent her back to Brogdenstein, and told her I would find my way under cover.

After rest, and recovery, I easily tread past the hordes, and down the mountain to the Golden Halls, where I found my two sisters waiting, and talking. Seems they knitted well in the time waiting, and any wonder I had, whether my mate was worried for me, was answered in her embrace as I emerged.

So our hunt for the spirit that seeks vengeance against nature folk bore no fruit. Neither did the hunt for gnolls after. However, what we did confirm, was the Banites presence around Nexus and Minmir. They have apparently, claimed their control over the land, and are "taxing" folk to wander through it. I'll not see the Nexus come under control of oppressors, nor will I stand for them resorting to threatening travelers for tolls, like some bunch of trolls on a bridge.

Worse, I have also received reports of the Banites assuming patrols and defense of Wharftown — the same way they once wormed their way into control of the town before. If t'is true, then I may well have been a fool to allow their mayor another chance to prove my initial decisions about her wrong. Mayhap since her old recruitment techniques for the Waymen are no longer being doled out, and her former Captain is now in bed with the darkskins below, she is in a pinch for recruiting their own militia.

Natalia has offered to assess the situation — apparently already having established communication with the Banites' Inquisitor. Seems, I may not be pressed for a diplomat to take my place someday after all.

However, til we can assess the situation, and truly know the Banites' hold on the land, my mate and I cannot chance to host our union upon Nexus lands. I reckon she could see the disappointment, from her own reaction, and desire to somehow make it right. I hope that I assured her, that I am well to wait.

We still have forever.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:54 pm

17 Marpenoth 102

Was summoned this past tenday to the Dwarven halls again. A new theory arose on the spirit called "Mother" that threatens nature folk — that it may be an avatar of the Frostmaiden. The goal was to rally folk to make an expedition up to the mountaintop temple, but the only ones to show up were Mila, and one of her rangers, whom I didn't recognize offhand, Amana, and the Malarite. Amana herself would not be attending, but was there to give the news, and I reckon, delegate.

Considering there is an elder blue wyrm now in alliance with the Aurilites, the numbers we had were insufficient to chance the press into the temple. The Malarite yielded to his black blooded rage to accuse the rest of inaction, and to stalk off in the temple's direction by himself.

I truly hope the wyrm ate him. One less pain in my arse.

While the situation is pressing, I was needed at home to deal with our latest trouble — a group of bandits calling themselves the Tax Men. Nothing more than highwaymen threatening folk, not only in the city but on the roads, for coin. I posted our latest roster in the city, along with the offer to any folk who seek escort along the roads to summon one of our rangers. At least the folk of the settlement might feel secure, in knowing ours will stand for them against being waylaid.

Safeguard the helpless and their roads. Shield the traveler and pilgrim both.

One alliance falls, whilst another rises.

The Mystran church has left Cordor, and the isle. Due to the darkened wench's devisings. As I heard it, she baited them yet again by entering their church, and as they drove her out, led them out into the streets to continue the battle. Collateral damage was unfortunately a matter of course, and the leaders of their fellowship were exiled from the city as a result. The church was vacated, and their shops and altars abandoned.

To work against villainy and wickedness wherever I find it, but ever mindful of the consequences of my actions.

Anthony joined me on the hill thereafter to offer his blades, both against the Malarite, and the bandits. His church now resides where the Mystrans had their sanctuary. And he has pledged to supplement the flagging roster of the Cordor Guard with his folks' number. Sadly, I will not have an ally against the Dark Sister's church in him, as he considers the wench to be a friend.

However, I have others, in positions less trumpeted, who are wise enough to her machinations. Against her, subtly and surely is a better tactic.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Thu Nov 27, 2014 2:45 pm

12 Uktar 102

Six days hence saw the Malarite threatening folk near the Pax once more - my own kin among them. Apparently the strength of the taint has pervaded him to the point that an entire group was sent to flee. I left the Nomad where I heard the news, to find him myself, on my own. Sadly, my search proved fruitless, he had passed without a trace. At least, the incident had earned him the final exile from the Pax. Now at least, I have reason or cause to show mercy when I do find him.

I reckon it might have been considered reckless, or foolish to set out alone against him, but I do so for a reason. Besides being free from the noise of voices saying to do one thing or another, I need to assess him, one on one - to measure him, to know his strengths without a group to dilute it. I need to know my prey. He is right in one way, we are both hunters. But I am a hunter with cause, and when needed, mercy.

Forward to this day, finding my mate, and knowing her past days of desire to wander and map had likely gone unanswered, I met her with that singular goal. Our destination, to the mountains above Guldorand, to scout the peak she'd not yet ascended.

When we reached the Crags, we were greeted by scores of the Stormlord's faithful. They'd been mounting their ranks, and apparently had little to check them in some time. We managed to pierce their scouting parties, little by little, and even found what appears to be their stronghold. Sadly, we could go no further than the barricaded great hall, and found no other accessible entry, and no key. So we proceeded back down the opposite descent.

I was too bold at one point, and refused to step back from in front of her against a hail of missiles. Despite her pleading to do so, I refused to let her be their target. It might have been my undoing, but my faith sustained me, and where I was once pelted almost to defeat, I was healed, and even strengthened. The Maiden was with me this day.

Our journey brought us to the Lake of Minmir, and to the small campsite where we found our first retreat, which back then was peppered with hin messengers, instead of Talassan and gnolls. We managed to find a reprieve in the hordes of the latter this time, to at least afford a moment in that site where I found my heartbeat once more - a moment for the kiss the Speedies never allowed us.

We stopped here within the Dreaming Tree after to rest, which sadly didn't come to fruition for her, as a message of warning came from one of our sisters of the oath. She left with a lense to warn others of a threat likely from the Underdark, whilst I rest here and post alert of the growth in hostilities in the mountains.

Pity is she should be the one resting. My lady's favor still has me fueled for now. I reckon I shall find her in the morrow, and she will rest after the messages are sent, as she said.

I am a Needle of my Maiden. Should I ever doubt, Her favor finds ways to shield me from my own mortality.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:03 pm

15 Uktar 102

Apparently Catalin did not make it to rest in Bendir. As I send her a messenger to inform her I'd posted the alerts at the Dreaming Tree, I received not a hin in return, but an image of the Commander. She beckoned me to her dwelling, where I found Catalin, laid up, and battered. And getting little on the matter from Lily, save for an advice not to go near the Forest of Despair and Old Stonehold.

The Commander had been drinking - rather much, I'd say, and she beckoned me to stay the eve to tend to my mate. When I attempted to decline, she became despondent over it. She would not take no for an answer, said Cat and I have something that will someday be gone when one or both breathe our last. For her sake, perhaps as much as my own need to tend to my love, and see her recovered, I allowed the Commander to leave us together in her abode.

I fear the position of authority is taking its toll upon her - much like I saw it do to Jenna. The drunken stupor I saw Jenna in the day of her demotion at the false paladin Hawklight's hand, was unsettlingly similar. I've not seen my sister of my third oath in many moons. I fear she, too, may have gone the way of Euclio, and Alair - giving up. I saw a frailty to the Guard Commander tonight that I'd never truly turned an eye to before. The city may well ruin her, as it does so many others.

For now, I will tend to my mate's wounds, and rest myself once I am certain she will. Hopefully, when she wakes, I will get an answer to what happened. For now, whatever it was, I am just thankful that I am not mourning yet again.
Last edited by KregorRanger on Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:04 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:04 pm

16 Uktar 102

I have no names, save the house - Xun'vir. The house that was formed by a traitor to the Light, who now masquerades as a darkskin, with a self-concocted, bastardized drow aspect of her b*tch goddess. T'was at this new dominant house's hands that my mate almost found her way into a collar once more, baited by another fecking witch who was collared into their service.

Worse, I've learned the fund which has been rebuilt for the slaves' freedom, has yet again become a liability. There is now a price on the heads of those known to contribute. I know not if Cat's name in on a list for this, or not. If she took my warning, it should not. I learned my lesson of letting allegiances be known too easily, even among purported allies to the cause. My betrayal upon the mainland, is why none would see the Banner of the Road upon me, when I used to watch Wharftown under the Banites; to watch the infernalist Jel during her dealings with them, or with the Liberated Territories as they seized the bridge upon my Maiden's land. T'is why I not only accept my distance with the others of my last oath and oft have to hear news second hand, but prefer it. I am a Sword of my Lady and a Needle of my Maiden, a simple scruffy ranger who looks over the wylds. I prefer it that way.

This business of freeing those that want not to break their shackles has got to stop. It almost came at the expense of my heart and soul. We have reached a point where we cannot tell who among the alleged captives is on our side, or theirs. Direct assault will also fail, as all that Kaliyah's rampages upon the deep city have done, is to cause collateral damage, and bring retribution upon innocent folk.

Whatever it takes, I will do.

Be ever mindful of the consequences of my actions.

Part of assuring victory, is knowing when to fall back from certain defeat. Part of success, is not being blind to failure. Part of freedom, is allowing those captive to retain their shackles if they so wish it.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Sat Nov 29, 2014 8:00 pm

25 Uktar 102

The Malarite confronted me within the bounds of my home again. Once again to taunt me and my kin, and this time, I had the rule of exile on my side to do as I wished to remove him. Even still, I gave him the warning, gave him a way out. He said he only needed one shot - for me to shoot him once, to take a stand rather than just threaten, and he would walk away. So I gave him what he wanted - landing an arrow into each knee. He limped off, at which point I allowed him.

It was not over, however. He only doubled back under cover of the trees, to ambush me as I approached my own hill again after I'd made my patrol. I saw a good display of his fury, and his prayers, as it was finally clear that he is truly a High Huntsman, not just a hunter. I reckon I startled him again as I charged him - whether t'was simply for making the advance with an eye to end him, or because I actually weathered his prayers, and his crossbow, as I ascended the hill. My charge was cut short by a final prayer that struck my sight, and the bloody Malarite moved too quietly for me to still make my mark true.

Still, I advanced upon him, and each time he spoke I homed upon him again. He called it having our fun, and challenged me to deny the race of my heart and the thrill of the hunt. Hearts racing, the adrenaline, the rush of strength into ones veins — the reaction of fight, or flight — tis all but a reaction to the stress of conflict, not a religious experience. As my sight began to return, still blurred and distorted, he said he found me worthy prey — one that he would not seek to end, nor allow to end him. We shall see, and I have gained what I needed by facing him alone, I have assessed my quarry.

Why I continue to give so much rope to those who would be my enemy, and then I kick myself for it afterward, t'is a tumult in my mind still. I tell myself t'is the mercy that sets me apart from them. For all the fear I've held in my heart, of becoming that which I stand against, becoming a slave to hatred and vengeance, for taking out my grief and pain in a fee of blood, I have to keep my grounding.

Wield the sword of Peace, not of War.

Maiden of Autumn, show me the point of balance between?

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Tue Dec 02, 2014 6:13 pm

2 Deepwinter 102

I reckon I can fully agree with the Guard Commander when she says she wants not to do what she does anymore. And frankly, I hadn't foreseen the day that happened today.

An attack upon the Mage Tower by a force of Cyrists and other wretches. Seems the tower had a rogue warden - a forlorn elf named Zet, whom my sister in faith Angela warned me of. Uncanny that the same day, said rogue warden walked into the tower using her ward stone to allow in this procession of madmen led by Elzi.

We had been alerted of a movement by the Cyrists by messenger, as had apparently half of the isle. Sadly, we were directed to the wrong target, and began a fools' chase to catch up with them. Uncannily, the Banites seemed to know exactly where to head, as they seemed to beat everyone else to the tower to offer assistance.

It smelled funny from the beginning that the ones who sent out the alarm were both dressed in the Tyrant's colors - including this young elf who is scared of her own shadow, whom I now only ever see in Banite company. I'll never understand those of the elder race who forsake their own for the company of dark human gods, and I'm a round-ear. We were summoned and escorted from one settlement to the next, til the news finally arrived that the attack came to the Mage tower, and the Banites had already made their presence.

The attack had been suppressed by the time we arrived, and several Cyrists killed in the process. What I did not expect is what happened next - when the Archmage Willow shook hands with the High Inquisitor to seal an alliance with the Arcane Circle, and told they can come and go as they please to aid against a "common enemy."

I wonder how my sister of the Moon will settle with that, since they waited til her departure to conduct this negotiation. The only two Archmages present were the idiot Willow; and Tholen, who has harbored and protected the lecher Jahverel from justice, after the bastard assaulted no less than two of my pack, and enslaved and done gods know what else with Councilor Terringale's wife.

So the Cyrists have only succeeded in giving the Banites another foothold on this isle - add that to Guldorand, according to the Inquisitor's own boast, outside the tower. The Cyrists couldn't have done a better job for tyranny if they'd been working together on it.

There can be no peace, so long as tyranny flourishes. I cannot be passive and subscribe to the doctrine of apathy, regardless of who is in charge.

The rule of law fosters peace and freedom, so long as the law is just, and those who enforce it are lenient.

I have sworn an oath to freedom, as well as to protect my Maiden's creation. Something has to happen to put the opposition to freedom in check.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Sat Dec 06, 2014 6:20 am

***A letter tucked into the notebook***
Dear Kregor and Catalin,

I am departing now. Arabella Levigne has created a life for me in Deepingdale, and I hope to settle down and establish the Order of the Road there alongside her.

I humbly thank you, for all of your support and care over the years, and I implore you to visit someday. I may have once renounced my oaths, but I never forgot then. I pray you will always remember them as well.

Much Love,

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Fri Dec 12, 2014 6:53 pm

28 Tarsakh 103

This past tenday have convinced me that I stayed away too long for my retreat this time. I thought the forest to be well under the watch of the younglings, and now one of them lie in shackles for it.

The Malarites have grown in number, one of whom has taken Lyra captive down into the dark. I learned the news from the Lily two tendays past, dampening the night of Amira's return, as we both answered the Commander's summon. We both left after that, somber and unsure of the next step we would take.

Since then, I've brought the news to the rest of the wylds' reaches as I could - including our wayward High Druidess, Atasha, who had also returned this moon. Just when I fear that they to whom I am closest have faded, they again return in the times of need. The word was carried to Heartwood, and those who wander in between, like Yuri, in the spirit of the Dreaming Tree we shall band together for the sake of kin.

I will not proceed blindly, nor alone, as I made a promise to the one I love. And now, that promise multiplied over to Amira. Most importantly is to assure our sister is safe - and to assess how she can be freed. Whether this possible link who came to our shelter will grant us eyes in the darkness, or merely be a trap, I've yet to see.

Wield the sword of Peace, not of war.

I came back south from my retreat — from our retreat — gladdened at the progress of our final home, leaving Cat behind to find her own solace for a while. What seemed the herald of soon retiring and handing down my mantle will have a setback, yet again.

There can be no peace without freedom. So long as the black bloods will seek to harm goodly folk, and our young, there is no freedom. I will end this threat. No matter what hole I have to dig it out of.

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Mon Dec 15, 2014 3:52 am

**A letter is removed from the board and tucked into his journal*
To Kregor and Catalin,

I regret that my time with you and the rest of the Bramble Watch was so brief. I am told you still hold some interest in my well-being, and for that, you have my thanks. You are good souls, and I still think of you fondly from time to time.

But if you harbor any plans or thoughts of rescuing me, I must ask you to put them aside. My master, Mikasi, will never see me free of his hold — that is a fact I know well. I don't want you to waste your time and resources on a futile effort. Nor can I ask you to risk your safety for my sake.

I belong to Mikasi now. That is my fate, and it cannot be changed. It is likely we may never meet again, and so I ask you to think of me as dead. It will be easier that way, I hope.

I still think of the Bramble Wood as my second home, and its good-hearted citizens as my friends. Please take good care of them. Goodbye.

Lyra Heartwood

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Re: A Ranger's Repentance - The Journal of Kregor Boldheart

Post by KregorRanger » Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:05 am

24 Mirtul 103

My first words heard first hand of Lyra's fate, come from her own hand, and mysterious informant from below — neither of which I will accept for face value.

Both accounts were too conceding. Too simple. The eyewitness account of her condition flies in direct conflict with the other accounts I've heard, and comes from someone I've little reason to trust. Her plea to leave the present situation be, and let the Malarite keep his hold on her as the lesser of evils, and the words from Lyra in her own letter seem already defeated. Perhaps she is already broken. But she lives, and she breathes, and she can be free again.

I will not see her as dead. She is one of our pack.

I am a Sword of my Lady — a trained hunter of those of the black blood. And I have tempered myself too much against those who would harm us. T'is time for action, not diplomacy.

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