Cloud hosting costs & donations

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Cloud hosting costs & donations

Post by Mithreas » Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:56 am

Hi folks,

We've now been on the new server for over six months, and till now we've been able to pay every bill wholly off donations - so thank you to all of you who have contributed. However, the account is a little low right now, and won't cover the coming month's bill (at the end of August).

I've been posting the bills in this thread month by month - you can see that the cost is usually in the $170-180 range per month. Since we've had around 650 players in the last month, 460 of whom have played characters of at least level 6, the cost of hosting is under 50c per month per active player, which I think is excellent value.

Since we can't set up Paypal subscriptions without paying for a premium account, I've promised to let you all know when the account gets low to remind people to donate. So... consider this a reminder, please, and let's see if we can top the account up again.

To donate:
- Send money via Paypal to
- Include your forum name in the donation message or PM me on the forums with your Paypal name or email address to get a contributor badge added to your forum account.

Thank you all!
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Re: Cloud hosting costs & donations

Post by Irongron » Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:17 pm

Well we're not on the cloud anymore, as some of you know, and instead I directly rent the server Arelith uses. Performance is up, costs are down.

Since taking over I've been covering that myself, but Mithreas will transfer the current balance to me soon. I do know that it is a low amount. It's been a long time since our last donation drive.

With that in mind...


There's a button somewhere, or you can look at Mithreas' post above. You get some kind of shiny thing next to your name, and a signed picture of the Squig of Andunor (Hrm, just only get the first of these)



You know what, if you're on low income or have children to feed we don't want your money.

Arelith is there to be enjoyed, whether you donate or not. There is absolutely no shame in not giving us your money. If you can, sure I'd appreciate it, and the long term future of the server will be more secure, if not, well you already do a lot when making the game for those around you.

Currently costs at around one third of what Mithreas detailed above, so a handful of regular donations and we're good. There's a plan on the new website to show how much of the latest month has been paid for, and any excess money (which there isn't currently) will be used to ensure Arelith never goes dark on us.

End of fundraiser.

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Re: Cloud hosting costs & donations

Post by Irongron » Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:39 am

We've received around $80 since april, while the current balance in the Arelith account of $250.61, that will (just about cover my costs) since taking over.

Though given the figures for the last 3 months, at that rate it would still leave me paying around 50% of the server costs personally.

We'll look again at setting up some monthly payment at some point, but until then one can follow the instructions in Mithreas' post above.

EDIT: Seems the balance is actually $366.67! Which does leave us a little over what has been paid, with enough for the next month or two.

Much appreciated to those that donated. Your badges will be added soon.

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Re: Cloud hosting costs & donations

Post by Irongron » Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:25 pm

Donations to Arelith are now to be made via Patreon, and this will be linked to via the new website as soon as we launch.

I do on plan on continuing the forum badge reward, though will also discuss other ideas such as access to online development polls, views of upcoming content etc.

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Re: Cloud hosting costs & donations

Post by Irongron » Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:36 pm

I saw we had a few more donations come in while I have been away, I'll add badges and patron forum access once back from holiday, as can't do it from here.

Also going to pop into the local RPG shop while here and see about giving them some of our fliers!

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Re: Cloud hosting costs & donations

Post by Irongron » Thu Jul 27, 2017 4:40 pm

Back from my holidays, and been working this week on the next batch of updates.

There are still some new patrons who do not have their badge, mostly due to the Patreon names and names on the forum being different.

I'd like to get everyone their appropriate badges before doing more testing with the patrons, so if you've donated and aren't activated here yet please let me know.

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