Arelith Updates!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by DM Starfish » Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:59 am

Added new overheal VFX that should perform better on lower end machines. Please reach out to Starfish if you encounter any issues.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by backlands » Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:41 pm

From backlands

Astrolabe Account Profiles

The Astrolabe website at now includes an overall account profile page for players. This page provides details about your account, such as your public CD-Key, characters, support tickets, and awards on your account.

To access your account profile visit the Astrolabe and login, you will be redirected there automatically and it is available under Tools > Account in the menu.

Feedback is of course welcome as always, please let me know if you run into any bugs! Enjoy going down memory lane with your character list.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Thu Mar 28, 2024 3:57 pm

From the Team, as of next reset:
2 New Recipes:
::Greater Sacred Offering (DC 30, CP 400, ID: 2199)

  • Emerald
  • Holywater x10
  • Moonstone
  • Sunstone
    Classes: Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul

::Greater Seagod Offering (DC 30, CP 400, ID: 2200)

  • Pearl x10
  • Kelp x10
  • Bluestone
  • Azurite
    Classes: Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul
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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Mon Apr 01, 2024 12:42 am

Guldorand Freeport

  • A portal outside the wilderness gate.
  • A new exterior seating area
  • A new guldhouse, with player run exterior bar attached
  • A fishing merchant with fishing spots

Note: Due to the presence of an exterior bar the entire of Freeport (exterior) is now considered a 'tavern' for purposes of rest/food meter sustain, RPR and drink effectiveness. When it is possible to change to the area just around the bar I will do so, but will require some new coding to achieve as currently set on an per-area basis

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:57 pm

Skaljard Dun Erin

From myself:

  • 6 new writs added to Skal, to complete the large update there. Details of that now found on our News Feed

  • Work upon rebuilding and refurbishing the chapel continues

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Mon Apr 01, 2024 9:32 pm

From Amnesy

This reset:


  • Invoker Feat Spells: being able to be cast when polymorphed, not taking spell components, not respecting spell mantles.
  • Hemomancer Feat Spells being weakened for Shadow Magic users.
  • Blade Barrier not affecting entering creatures.
  • Glyph of warding not being added to Wiz/Sor spellbook.
  • Cone of Cold not being recognized as the Elementalist water-theme spell.
  • Harbinger Improved Weapon Hex not granting Massive Criticals once PC reaches past 20th level.
  • Loremaster PrC being selectable for PCs below mandatory 16 hard INT.
  • Herald Of The Grave rumor of war still unselectable on Harbinger.


  • Invoker Feat Spells and theme spells are no longer suffering the cost increase by consecutive spellcasting penalty.
  • Gedlee's Electric Loop (spell) friendly fire is disabled for casters with Greater Spell Focus Evocation (previously required Epic Spell Focus).
  • Harbinger Dark Seraph, Black Blade of Disaster duration lowered to 1 turn.
  • Specialist PrC requires additionally: Base Attack Bonus: 2.
  • Knight (PrC) receives Mounted Combat Feat at level 1, Summon Warhorse at level 5. Levels of Knight and Cavalier stack to determine Horse Tier.
  • The chance of being thrown down from the horseback is slightly reduced.
  • DMs can place custom narrative curses on NPC and PCs (not mechanical). Detect Curse will reveal them.


  • Harbinger is available on live for newly created PCs. The team will look to migrate existing Hexblades in the coming days.

New Hexblade PCs created on live servers will be deleted.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Mon Apr 01, 2024 11:21 pm

From MalKalz

I am aware of an issue with Hexblade with the new update - we are working on patching it. Please avoid logging into your Hexblade until advised else it may be deleted. If you have been impacted, please contact me.

Thank you.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Tue Apr 02, 2024 12:57 am

From MalKalz

The earlier mentioned issue with deletion of hexblades should be resolved. I’ve restored those I became aware of. If anyone else is impacted, please reach out.


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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Wed Apr 03, 2024 12:34 am

From Sincra:

Dweomercraft Patch 1.1.1[PGCC as of a reset]


  • The following Vs Saving throws have been added with costs:
    Name Points
    "vs Acid" 1
    "vs Cold" 1
    "vs Death" 2
    "vs Disease" 1
    "vs Divine" 1
    "vs Electrical" 1
    "vs Fear" 1
    "vs Fire" 1
    "vs Mind Affecting" 2
    "vs Negative" 1
    "vs Poison" 1
    "vs Positive" 1
    "vs Sonic" 1
    "vs Law" 1
    "vs Chaos" 1
    "vs Good" 1
    "vs Evil" 1


  • All basins should now use the new system as we approach the final tests.


  • Darkvision should now correctly have a 2 point cost
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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by DM Starfish » Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:16 am

From Starfish

  • Fixed Spelunker catch table, it is now properly catching UD fish
  • Adjusted global sailing map climate zones to better represent my initial intention, the top and bottom two rows are now cold and warm respectively
  • Removed fishing debug output
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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Sun Apr 07, 2024 1:12 am

From the Team:


  • Deep Imaskari: Award tier reduced to Greater (was Major).
  • Fey'ri: Now require a successful application to be played.
  • Genasi: Award tier of Human Genasi increased to Greater, now matching other races (was Normal).
  • Half-Giants: Moved out of rotation. May be available again at a later date.
  • Imp: Award tier reduced to Greater (was Major).
  • Ogre: Award tier reduced to Normal (was Greater).
  • Shadovar: Award tier increased to Greater (was Normal).


  • Bugbear (No Award Requirement):
    • Alignment: Non-Good
    • Stats: +2 CON, -4 CHA (or +2 DEX, -4 CHA with Bloodline of the Skirmisher)
    • ECL: +0
    • Feats: Darkvision, Use Poison
    • Skills: +4 Hide
  • Grodd Goblin (Requires Normal Award):
    • Alignment: Non-Good & Non-Chaotic
    • Stats: -2 STR, +2 INT (or -2 STR, +2 WIS with Bloodline of the Adept)
    • ECL: +0
    • Feats: Darkvision, Small Stature, Stealthy, Weapon Proficiency: Simple
    • Skills: +2 Listen, +2 Spot
    • Special:
    • Shadow Affinity: Can innately detect Shadow Doors
    • Automatically worships The Iron One, a new Goblinoid deity addition for this update.
  • Snow Goblin (Requires Minor Award):
    • Alignment: Non-Good
    • Stats: -2 STR, +2 CON (or -2 STR, +2 CHA with Bloodline of the Warlord)
    • ECL: +0
    • Feats: Darkvision, Small Stature, Stealthy, Weapon Proficiency: Primitive
    • Skills: +2 Intimidate, +4 Climb
    • Special:
    • Damage Resistance: 10/- vs. Cold
    • Innate Ability: War Cry (DC scales with CON)


  • Hobgoblins and Seelie/Unseelie Fey: Added new, fully customisable character models!
    • Existing characters will automatically receive the new model on login.
    • Big shoutout to DM Starfish for their work on the awesome head and wing models I needed to make this happen!
  • Ogre: Added several new character models. Existing characters may contact the DM team to change their appearance.
  • All Dynamic Character Models: Added default color tables. These only affect new characters and work as follows:
    • On creation, characters with dynamic models will automatically be assigned a random, lore-accurate color scheme if their current one is unsupported.
    • They may, of course, adjust these using the mirrors at the Character Creation Area. Available options will depend on the character's race and subrace.
    • Are you missing your favourite character color? Feel free to reach out on the forums - we're be happy to consider additions requested by the community!
    • Big shoutout to Twohand for their help with the initial lists of lore-friendly colors!
  • Size Adjustments:
    • To further improve visual consistency with lore material, we are resizing the models of Elves/Drow (+5%), Half-Orcs (-10%) and Shield Dwarves (+5%).
    • These changes will automatically be applied to existing characters on login.


  • Seelie/Unseelie Fey: Alignment requirement changed to non-lawful.


From Ice:

: -Disapportal has been properly rebranded -disaportal.
: Two new readouts in the rest menu readout settings: List CL of all your classes and list dispel resistances bonus. The latter will also show effective dispel resistance.
: With help from Sincra, -language will now display how many current bonus languages you know and what your cap is, and some nifty formatting.

: The Invoker Binding cloth and the elemental runestaff had its rune type corrected to Thorass

From Sincra:

Dweomercraft Patch 1.1.2 [PGCC as of a reset]


Groups for saves are now renamed:

  • Universal saving Throw -> Specific Saving Throws
    ::- These are all "vs X" saves and "Save vs All" or as we know it "Universal"

  • Specific Saving Throws -> General Saving Throws
    ::- These are actually Fortitude, Reflex and Will so are more general


  • Universal save should now correctly have a 6 point cost, as intended

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Mon Apr 08, 2024 4:58 pm

From Sincra:

::Wizard & Sorcerer adjustments [Live as a of a reset]


All Wizard CL:

  • Now gain +3 CL at 21.
  • Scales down towards 30.
  • Dispel cap is increased to 33 for Wizards.
  • Gains Dispel CL proportionate to scale down, following table explains:
    │ Level │ CL Bonus │ CL vs Dispel │
    │ 20 │ 0 │ 0 │
    │ 21 │ 3 │ 0 │
    │ 22 │ 3 │ 0 │
    │ 23 │ 3 │ 0 │
    │ 24 │ 3 │ 0 │
    │ 25 │ 3 │ 0 │
    │ 26 │ 3 │ 0 │
    │ 27 │ 3 │ 0 │
    │ 28 │ 2 │ 1 │
    │ 29 │ 1 │ 2 │
    │ 30 │ 0 │ 3 │

Abjuration Specialist Wizards:

  • Now gain +1 Breach resistance at level 20
  • Gain a further +1 Breach resistance at level 28 (As current).
  • Dispel CL at 20 removed.

Sorcerer Spells Known:

  • Sorcerers gain an additional 3rd level known spell at level 13 for a total of 5.
  • Sorcerers gain an additional 6th level known spell at level 17 for a total of 4.
  • This will require a re-level if you are at or over 13 levels in Sorcerer.

Dweomercraft Patch 1.1.3 [PGCC as of a reset]


  • Runes will now impose an Item Level Requirement (ILR) on items they are used on.
  • Progression is as follows:
    Tier 1 = Level 16
    Tier 2 = Level 21
    Tier 3 = Level 26
  • This will not stop you applying runes but the application warning messages will now include if this will make you unable to equip an item.
  • Only applies for those placed by players, pre-runed or "innate" runed items will work as usual for ILR.
Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Tue Apr 09, 2024 1:34 am

From Amnesy


HARBINGER Balance Patch Based on Mechanical Review from Live Data

  • Skill points per level lowered to 4 from 6.
  • Whispers of the Past - Modified to: Grant secure use of Blood Arcana (no longer provides +3 Lore).
  • Accused Will - Modified to: Grants +1 to saving throws vs Curses (+2 at Epic Harbinger)
  • Gruesome Method: Removed.
  • Cursed Armaments: No longer provide Epic Prowess.
  • Misfortune's Favor: Now provides +2 to saves and evasion. (is considered to open new multiclass synergy in the future.)
  • Improved Weapon Hex: Vampiric property scales 2/4 instead 3/6.
  • Hex of Rust - Debuff to AC is capped at -2.
  • Hex of Hallucination - Debuff to AB is capped at -2.
  • Hex of Arcane Hunger - Breaches 1d2/1d3+1 effects from the target instead of 2/4.
  • Hex of Oath-breaker - no longer provides bonuses to Harbinger. Damage lowered to 5d6.
  • Hex of Black Diamond - Blurr and Displacement spells are not removed.


  • Spell Book and Spells Known should be correctly reflected now.
  • Knight of the Dragondown: The addition of damage vs Monster Types should apply in full, not just 1 effect at random.
  • Illusory Fall should not fail Scribe Scroll attempt.
  • Weapon-on-hit damage applied on top of Atrocity Strike should also count now to apply the bonus from killing the claimed target.


  • Dark Claim VFX resized to 80% of the original.

Hexblade Migration

Once this patch is applied, we will look with Kalopsia to issue Hexblade migration via automated -setclass.

Class Alignment

DM Team and Dev team are reviewing the quality of class RP. A decision could be made in the future to only allow for neutral Harbinger upon using a reward. For RP guidelines please see class wiki.


After some in-depth review of the number of competing classes, the team has decided to adjust the class. Should the tone-down be too harsh, one by one the features will be brought back.

Due to Skillpoint change all Harbingers will face a relevel.


  • Flesh to Stone was added on tier 6 (was missing in the previous patch).
  • Spells added to theme buckets (% values represent a discount to Focus cost when used by Elementalist of the proper path):

Flame Arrow - 33%
Fire Shield - 10%
Fiery Tentacles - 10%
Water Breathing - 33%
Frost Shield - 10%
Sound Burst - 33%
Lightning Shield - 10%
Acid Fog - 10%

Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Wed Apr 10, 2024 9:40 pm

From Kuma, Irongron & Sincra:
Chests, Parties & Search [Live as of a reset]
- Parties no longer take only the highest search into account for a bonus.
Instead they will check all party members search score.
This is limited by:
> How many people are in your party (Only checks PC members)
> Successful search checks that get consecutively harder
> A max of six successful bonus chest items

- All chest items that are equippable have an enforced Item Level Requirement (ILR) of 3.
This means items that you find in chests which normally would require a level above 3 will instead require level 3.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Wed Apr 10, 2024 11:06 pm

From Ice:

: Added a little pip on -language to mark which ones are learned

Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Thu Apr 11, 2024 7:01 pm

From Kuma, Irongron & Sincra:

Bounty Heads & Unique "Yellow" Enemies [Live as of a reset]


  • Unique Enemies will now drop a Bounty head with a value proportional to their difficulty.
  • This will function like all other heads you may find except the name is "Head of a Bounty (Enemy Name)".
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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Kalopsia » Thu Apr 11, 2024 7:51 pm

From Kalopsia


  • Hobgoblins: Can now ride horses.
  • Rakshasa:
    • Fixed default character scale for some base races.
    • Fixed various issues with polymorphs into the updated Hobgoblin model.
    • Polymorphs now respect default scaling factors of available races.
  • Green Hag: Retroactively fixed an exploit that allowed for larger hag shapes.


  • NPCs now default to the same scale a player character of their subrace would, if no scaling factor has been configured for them.
    • If you notice any NPCs whose model size seems off, please let us know on the forums!
  • Developed a new framework for dynamic NPC appearances. You'll soon see the results in-game!

From Svrtr:

Elemental Avatar Final PGCC Update Before Live Release

After a series of bug fixes and some internal discussion, a number of changes have been made to elemental avatar for its live release, these are outlined on the PGCC feedback thread: viewtopic.php?f=37&p=337686#p337686

I have collected notes from the PGCC feedback thread to keep in mind for any future changed and the thread will be left so others may see it, but locked once live for a more focused feedback thread

Likewise, concerns about the VFX have been heeded and new VFX are being worked on, and will be released in a future update.

Final note: As with all things, I will be attempting to closely monitor and follow feedback on all changes, and will closely work to balance this as I am able to be it buffs or nerfs.

Please leave any feedback as we near the live release

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Fri Apr 12, 2024 4:35 am

From Sincra:

Search and Bounty Fixes [Live as of a reset]


  • Will now search based on least to most skill, to give everyone a fair shot.
  • Will no longer say who helped, to obfuscate and help alleviate concerns about meta-parties.


  • Normal Boss heads will once again give gold when sold from the headbag. (Sorry! My bad!)
Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sun Apr 14, 2024 6:30 pm

From Irongron & Twohand

Andunor & The Underdark Changes

  • The Sharps Update:
    • A number of buildings added, alongside a visual overhaul
    • The Sharps Theatre (A rework of the Nomad theatre system which should have the same functionality. One side is a bard only guild, the other can rented akin to a temporary shop for staging performances.
    • The House of the Troglodytes. This has troglodytes mercenaries for hire in the public area, and a private area for troglodyte PCs behind.
    • Private Members' Club - Are you a member? If not. STAY OUT!
  • Spiders' Web:
    • This now has a larger storeroom, with actual treasure for the treasure rat. Keep in mind the new area has some 'wall flicker', this is an issue with that tileset that I hope to see fixed eventually.
  • A number of QOL and Bug fixes:
    • A lot of visual fixes
    • Various bug fixes including a make safe waypoint added to the Crinti Manor
    • Both the start ship (Underferry) and the merchant in the East Wheel now sell the full range of Arelith weapons, including colossal.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Tue Apr 16, 2024 1:37 am

From Sincra:

Golems & Abilities:


Stone Golem:

  • Loses Slow Bolt (x5)

Iron Golem:

  • Loses Poison Breath (x2)

Bone Golem:

  • Loses Howl, Fear (x3)

Spell like abilities as these were causing the Golems to waste time during windup, either doing ineffectual actions or getting stuck in an AI loop.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Kalopsia » Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:11 pm

From Svrtr: Elemental Avatar Live Release (for real this time)

Elemental Avatar Changes

  • The scaling of Air AC has been increased to 1/3/5 as per the Earth1/Fire and Water/Air streams
  • The cooldown (CD) after stance is toggled off is now 12 seconds.
  • A bug that previously made stance CD 4 seconds has also been fixed.

Seeker Cleric Balance Changes

  • The threshold for the Dexterity bonus from divine power has been decreased from 18 to 14.
    • Previously, if your Dexterity was under 18, it was increased to 18, and if it was 18 or higher, you received a flat +2 bonus.
    • Now, if it is under 14 it is increased to 14, and if it is 14 or higher you receive a flat +2 bonus.
  • The scaling for lightly armored has been removed.
  • For transparency with all changes the rationale is outlined here: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=44179&p=337905

Divine Power Bug Fix

  • Divine power now correctly reads your HARD (base) ability score instead of SOFT ability score for the sake of the bonus.
    • For example, if you previously had 10 strength buffed to 15, divine power would read the 15 to give you +3 strength to reach 18 instead of reading the 10 to give you +8 strength to reach 18. This bonus is still subject to the ability bonus cap of +12

Please use the following forum thread for live release feedback: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=45461

From Kroatius

Plantshape Changes:

  • All Shapes: Reduced Bludgeoning Vulnerability to 10%, Fire Vulnerability to 25%.
    • 56 Str -> 46 Str (+2 Soft, Total 48)
    • 38 Dex -> 16 Dex (+2 Soft, Total 18)
    • 36 Con -> 24 Con (+2 Soft, Total 26)
    • 56 Str -> 38 Str (+2 Soft, Total 40)
    • 32 Dex -> 24 Dex (+2 Soft, Total 26)
    • 40 Con -> 26 Con (+2 Soft, Total 28)
    • 48 STR -> 36 Str (+2 Soft, Total 38)
    • 38 DEX -> 20 Dex (+2 Soft, Total 22)
    • 36 CON -> 20 Dex (+2 Soft, Total 22)

From sk

Undead Summons

  • Undead summoned by items will no longer use the caster's general UCL and thereby exceeding the caster level tied to the item.
  • Instead, the UCL tier will be defined by the caster level of the item in the question. This means it could create a stronger summon than you're currently able to, if you're lower level, or a weaker summon than your spell would normally produce.
  • Loremaster CL bonuses should count for this on wands and scrolls in addition.
  • This adjustment helps to bring undead summon spell behavior from items in line with other summon spells, rather than being an exception to the rule.

From sk and Irongron

Disguise Check Equalization

Disguise Checks now use an equalization formula to allow lower level characters who have invested in disguise to defend against spot checks of higher level characters. What this means...

  • Characters who are lower than level 30 will receive invisible bonuses to bring them in line with level 30s for opposed Disguise checks (Spot and Bluff/Perform respectively). This only functions for the disguise checking mechanic on examine and nothing else.
  • The invisible bonus gained is based on the character's RANK INVESTMENT in these skills (meaning a mechanical investment is actually required to receive the bonus).
  • You won't receive the benefits of feats you don't have, such as Epic Skill Focus.


  • A level 15 character with all ranks placed can take 18 ranks in Perform.
  • Because this character is fully invested in Perform, the difference between their current level and maximum level (30) will be provided as an invisible bonus. In this case, this character will receive +15 to their Perform (for the purpose of disguise checks only).
  • This would mean that this character would have an effective base skill rank of 33 before any bonuses from gear, spells, attributes, etc. They would then still count all skill bonuses/feats/gear/etc normally on top of that.
  • This has been reflected to Spot as well, meaning that a level 15 character who has invested in Spot can actually oppose a level 30 character.

The detailed equation is as follows:

Code: Select all

[hard ranks] / [possible max ranks per level (or level+3)] * [level difference between now and 30]

From Kenji

Weapon Animations:

  • Animation will now change according to wielding style - dual-wield, twohand, or sword and board - regardless of original weapon size animation.
  • Single-wield or Dual-wield Katars now use unarmed animation instead.

From Starfish

  • Kingfish have been upgraded to rarely drop all scale types

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Thu Apr 18, 2024 8:23 pm

From Myself


  • Skaljard Chapel
    • Work has now been completed with help from players. The location now provides full temple services, shops, and henchmen.
  • Tower of the Unsealed
    • In addition to a visual upgrade this has been updated to provide an extra quarter, and easy travel to and forth for deep immaskari characters.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Fri Apr 19, 2024 9:03 pm

from sk

UCL Tiers

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where UCL was not scaling with certain classes: Palemaster, Dirgesinger.

From Svrtr

elemental avatar bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in which the piety drain per round actually granted piety per round

  • Fixed a bug in which activating elemental avatar cost 5% piety as if casting an epic spell normally

From Ice

  • PC corpses that you are carrying will now be displayed in your examine description, so everybody can know how metal you are

From Sincra:

Containers and You:


  • Stacked containers will no longer function in any regard.
  • All stacked containers must now be un-stacked to function.
  • This will erase any of the contents in said stacked containers as such was an exploit source.

Spell Components and Gonne Slugs Value:


  • Now set to 500 gold value.
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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by DM Starfish » Thu Apr 25, 2024 12:39 pm

Enchanted Elite Sling recipe changed:

  • 1 Elite Sling
  • 1 Dragon Hide
  • 1 Dragon Oil
  • 1 Greater Catalyst
  • 1 Scroll of True Strike

And 300 CP down from 900 CP

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by DM Starfish » Thu Apr 25, 2024 1:20 pm

Code: Select all

From Kroatius and Starfish
### Crafting Recipes for New Weapons (See Astrolabe for DCs and Point costs)
**Bill Hook, Hookhammer, Yari (Smithing)**
  - Bronze 
  * 4 Coal
  * 2 Bronze Ingot

- Iron
  * 4 Coal
  * 2 Iron Ingot

- Masterly Iron
  * 4 Coal
  * 2 Iron Ingot
  * 1 Silver Ingot

- Steel
  * 4 Coal
  * 2 Steel Ingot

- Masterly Steel
  * 4 Coal
  * 2 Steel Ingot
  * 1 Silver Ingot

- Green Steel (Also Greensteel Cane)
  * 4 Coal
  * 2 Greensteel Ingot

- Damask
  * 4 Coal
  * 1 Iron Ingot
  * 2 Steel Ingot

- Masterly Damask (Also Masterly Cane)
  * 4 Coal
  * 1 Addy Ingot
  * 1 Steel Ingot
  * 1 Silver Ingot

**Cane (Carpentry)**
- Cane
  * 1 Hardwood

- Sturdy Cane
  * 1 Hardwood
  * 1 Bronze Ingot
  * 2 Coal

- Hardened Cane
  * 1 Hardwood
  * 1 Iron Ingot
  * 1 Topaz
  * 2 Coal

- Enchanted Cane
  * 1 Hardwood
  * 1 Steel Ingot
  * 1 Topaz
  * 1 GMW scroll
  * 2 Coal

### Weapon stats
- Billhook
  * Base Damage: 1d8
  * Base Critical Threat: x3
  * Base Damage Type: Slashing
  * Weapon Size: Medium
  * Finesse: No
  * Weapon Proficiency: Martial
  * Weapon Focus Group: Polearm

- Cane
  * Base Damage: 1d4/1d4
  * Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
  * Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
  * Weapon Size: Medium
  * Finesse: Yes
  * Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Druid, Monk, Rogue, Wizard
  * Weapon Focus Group: Polearm

- Hookhammer
  * Base Damage: 1d8/1d8
  * Base Critical Threat: x3
  * Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning and Piercing
  * Weapon Size: Medium
  * Finesse: Yes
  * Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Gnome
  * Weapon Focus Group: Polearm

- Yari
  * Base Damage: 1d10
  * Base Critical Threat: x3
  * Base Damage Type: Piercing 
  * Weapon Size: Medium
  * Finesse: Yes
  * Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Monk, Cavalier
  * Weapon Focus Group: Polearm
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