Looking to Expand My Build Team - Creature Builders

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Looking to Expand My Build Team - Creature Builders

Post by Irongron » Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:42 am

While it can sometimes be difficult to manage, I am aware that Arelith is often at its best when our existing community steps in to bring fresh ideas and new work to the server.

I am hoping to recruit two dedicated creature makers from outside of our current stable, to work together on creating new monsters and mobs for use both in the random encounter system, and to replace some existing groups.

This is something that would really suit the 'gamers' among us; the character build experts, and those players who know their way around the dungeons and have an insight into what can make them enjoyable and challenging.

It is an area where I know Arelith can be improved upon, and it requires a special skill set; here are a few key points:

- It's not 'official' role, and you'll work purely with myself, and purely to bring new and exciting creatures to the module.

- As I indicated above my emphasis here is on the challenge and enjoyment of combat with these creatures, and while inventive descriptions and concepts would also be useful they are not essential; I can always adjust these things here if needs be.

- Using the NWN toolset is not difficult for creature making, if one already knows what the various feats and abilities are, then it is not difficult to pick up; therefore previous knowledge really isn't so important.

- Same goes for scripting/coding and general knowledge of the NWN engine, it really isn't a must. This is only about creating and testing monster builds.

If anyone is interesting in trying this out, send me a PM here on the forums marked 'Creature Making', and include a few ideas. You can either apply in groups of two, or singularly, and in the latter case I'll team the two best suited togeher.

I'm hoping to find people that haven't worked for Arelith before, and are outside the current DM/Dev team.

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Re: Looking to Expand My Build Team - Creature Builders

Post by Irongron » Thu Nov 05, 2015 12:14 am

I had a really big response for this, far larger than I imagined. Was really very welcome to have such a burst of enthusiasm for the playersbase.

I won't take applications anymore, though for those who have already applied and are under consideration, you should have about another couple of weeks to send me something to look at.

And for the 4 people who have already been accepted, you'll find yourself with a new forum area to discuss and move forward with this.

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