DM Reminders and Messages

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DM Reminders and Messages

Post by MalKalz » Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:09 pm

Hello folks,

The following thread is being created to manage all DM reminders and messages shared with the community. The attempt is being made to keep it all centralized in one location for ease of access so that players have something to fall back on.

First on the agenda:

Interactive Roleplay and PvP:
When initiating PVP, ensure that you go to all reasonable lengths to ensure the other party can respond and reply to the roleplay. This means, give them time. Leave openings for them to reply, speak in a language that can be understood - if your character wouldn't speak common, use emotes showing clear intent. It is essential to provide this opportunity, as the game is one we play in a collaborative manner. Your opponents are your co-stars.

If they are clearly pretending to be AFK to try and avoid consequences, this is also bad conduct and a reportable offense and should be flagged to the DMs. If they are refusing to respond to your character, you are within your rights to both kill and report them if you've followed the rules of engagement as far as possible. You should still give them the time and ability to react (with respect to slow typing, ESL, so on) but it will be taken into consideration and dealt with accordingly.

This is a matter of the BE NICE and PVP rules. We bend roleplay to include each other. We are all here to write a story and have fun. Please do your part to make sure the other party can be a part of the narrative in a meaningful way.

It will be handled, as always, on a case-by-case basis. Failure to interactively roleplay before PVP may be punished, including but not limited to: a chat on conduct, decreased RPR, Mark of Despair, potential ban.

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PG-13 Encounters

Post by DM Wish » Sat Dec 08, 2018 1:28 pm

Hello one and all, it has come to our attention that in recent weeks the number of inappropriate, non PG-13, encounters of an overtly sexual nature between characters has been increasing. The rules on this sort of conduct are very clear and it is expected that any characters involved in such a scene, which is about to devolve past the boundaries of PG-13, should ensure that the scene in question is “faded to black”; if this is not successful contact a DM and report the incident.

This is a reminder that we are watching and will be severely punishing any scenes held between characters which breach this line with appropriately measured punishments to ensure that this conduct is not continued.

For a more detailed explanation on our stance please see: Mithreas’ Comment
- DM Team

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by LittleWeasel » Tue Mar 05, 2019 11:08 pm

Rules Reminder:
Because there are once more a lot of shadow rules and a lot of misinterpretations of the PvP rules around, I am posting this as a reminder - I know it is a complex rule, I know it is a lot to read. That is NOT an excuse to remain blissfully ignorant about them and break them.
Note, there is no TLDR.
RULE 2: Abide by the Rules of Engagement

"Combat actions and political actions (using our Citizenship System) against other PC's (PvP) MUST BE INTERACTIVELY ROLE PLAYED. That means you interact, they interact, etc: BEFORE any action occurs. No exceptions. If your character is killed by another PC (or vice versa), you must wait one realtime day before participating in PvP or interacting in any way with that PC or other hostile PCs from the battle unless both sides explicitly agree to. You are always free to take flight from PvP. Having an opposite or evil alignment is not sufficient reason for PvP action. Before attacking another player the dislike/hostile state must be activated." [1]
  • Player versus Player Rule
  • Twenty-Four Hours Rule

Settlement Raids

All settlement raids must be DM approved, and overseen. These are the requirements to conduct a settlement raid:
  • Players must submit a request to the Active DM team on the forum with a minimum one week RL notice and wait for approval or
  • In the request, you must detail what roleplay it is generating, what purpose it serves and what people are planned to be involved.
  • You should put as much effort in to make it clear to the DM team that both sides can have the most fun out of it – not just to stomp all over your opposition.
As a reminder, a one-line DM channel notification that a raid is going to happen is not enough. And those continuing to raid without permission will be handed punishments accordingly. We are all attempting to tell a story and have fun, let us not ruin it by breaching the rules.

Note: A DM will likely reject continued raids on the same settlement and offer some peace to players enjoyment. We do not just want endless requests to raid.

Further: For the purpose of this rule, any NPC populated area counts as "a settlement". That includes: Arcane Tower, various Castles/Watchtowers, Lighthouses, Ports, Outlying Inns, etc. In short: You see NPCs wandering about a place you wish to attack, get DM approval.
Player versus Player Rule Clarifications wrote: Rules of Engagement are one of the 5 golden rules of Arelith servers. The following are few explanations and clarifications for it.

Player killing MUST have an roleplay reason supporting the conflict, and the reasoning of "Because my character is chaotic evil," is not reason enough. Being chaotic evil is not the same as being a certified psychopath, and psychopaths get themselves removed from society anyway, which, incidentally, is exactly what will happen to a character or player who chooses to act like one. Be sane and pick your battles. Challenging someone to mortal combat just because they called you a big old bed-wetting doody-head is ridiculous.

On the other hand, PvP is quite allowed. Don't be surprised if, after you've annoyed the nine hells out of someone who can wipe the floor with you, we rule your resulting death as "suicide."

Roleplay before PvP
Interactive roleplay before PvP battle is mandatory. The same applies to any non-lethal or simply aggressive action, such as Hold spells, Blindness/Deafness spell or Stunning Fist must all be roleplayed.

Tips for assassinations can be found in article about Assassin.

It is possible to attack a thief immediately after detecting Pickpocketing attempt. Just consider if such act is in character to do and if some other roleplay avenue is not possible instead. (Is the thief running? Can I alarm guards instead?)

Roleplay after PvP
Rules and tips about events after PvP are described in article Twenty four hours rule.
Twenty-Four Hours Rule Clarification wrote:
There are two applications of this rule, both related to player versus player conflict. The first is about killing and the second is for theft. Rules and tips about events before PvP are described in article Player versus player rule.

Death from PvP

If you engage in a player versus player conflict with someone and either of you dies, then do not interact with the other character for 24 Real life hours. You may run into each other by accident, but in that case, it's the responsibility of each player to quickly and quietly take their character somewhere else. This helps with the RP that someone did, in fact, die, and takes them out of the conflict for a while, without forcing anything as drastic as a permadeath on any player. It also gives everyone a chance to cool off a little, and avoid the nasty little scenario where the dead person immediately comes back for revenge, someone dies, they come back, wash, rinse, repeat. We highly encourage you to resist the desire to rush right back in to "finish business." Each player will be held accountable for their own actions in such matters.

The 24-hour rule applies to group conflicts as well. Regardless of who struck the blows, if the PvP event involved groups and/or sides, then any and all individuals involved in the incident must abide by the no-interaction-for-24-hours rule.

It is against rules to raise corpse of "enemy" character for future interaction after PvP without prior agreement.

DM Qizzia:

"Is it against rules to be raised without prior agreement?

It is not against the rule, if you do not interact in any way with that PC again. You may always say: Yes, but the raise is an interaction in itself, and, yes, in some situations, it can be, in others not. So again: Case to case situation.

If you wish to continue to interact with the killed PC, you must agree on it. If you raise someone, without the other part explicitly agrees to it, it's against the rule. Note the word explicitly. That means, that 'silence means yes', is not valid here.

As PvP almost always get some player upset, it's very important that both parts try to calm down. (Hence the 24 hours). From experience I can tell, that players acting whilst still upset, create loads of screenies and PMs to the DMs.

An advice for you (by all means, nothing you need to follow): If you feel angry, and feel that you are unable to calm down, log off, take a walk, do something else. Don't start sending angry tells to the other player. If you think there was a rule's break, screenie, and contact the DMs. If you feel that you hurt the other player, and believe yourself calm, try to apologize to the other player."

As a suggestion, If you accept an offer of resurrection from the person/group that killed you, remember that you are now their prisoner and consider refraining from playing any escape or rescue attempts for a while to let the narrative draw out.

Theft and PvP

The rules indicates that no character can successfully steal from the same player twice in one 24-hour period. This includes, but is not limited to, stealing gold from a dead corpse (whether you caused the death or not), disarming a weapon, and of course, pickpocketing.

Characters with Assassin levels are allowed to ignore this rule, so long as they are actively pursuing a target!
Assassins must abide to all but one of the OOC rules of engagement.

The exception is the interaction rule. Assassins, and only assassins who have taken the class, can interact with their target, and then afterwards, attack their target at ANY point WITHIN 24 hours. IF they die during any attempt, they must wait 24 hours. If more than 24 hours have passed, they must interact in some way again, and then they may attack without the usual RP beforehand hours later. Despite this grace, think very hard about how the interaction will be fun for your victim before you do the assassination X time later in the day. This will be asked of you to present in your application.

Bear in mind that this is something of an honor system. Just because you can, it doesn't mean you should attack your mark, lose the fight, raise and go chase after the mark again and again.
As an additional clarification in regards to 24-Hour-Rule: Interaction also means the use of Runners / Images / Messages / Letters, etc. in regards to POST PvP.
Runners / Images / Messages are NOT considered Interaction PRIOR to PvP and may NOT be used to initiate PvP.

Also: TLDR: There is none. Scroll up, and read!
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Apollo » Fri Mar 08, 2019 1:29 am

With an increase in raids recently, this is a reminder of the raid rules. Please read the entire rule, however the two key takeaways should be: 1. that any area with NPCs is considered a settlement in regards to raids, and 2. that there is a requirement of a minimum of one week RL notice and approval of a raid before it may take place.

If in doubt, please ask.
Spyre wrote:
Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:29 am
In the past several months there has been a significant increase in settlement raids. Not all of these settlement raids are with permission when all settlement raids must be. This message will serve as a reminder of the requirements to conduct a settlement raid:

- Players must submit a request to the Active DM team on the forum with a minimum one week RL notice and wait for approval or rejection.
- In the request, you must detail what roleplay it is generating, what purpose it serves and what people are planned to be involved.
- You should put as much effort in to make it clear to the DM team that both sides can have the most fun out of it – not just to stomp all over your opposition.

As a reminder, a one-line DM channel notification that a raid is going to happen is not enough. And those continuing to raid without permission will be handed punishments accordingly. We are all attempting to tell a story and have fun, let us not ruin it by breaching the rules.

Note: A DM will likely reject continued raids on the same settlement and offer some peace to players enjoyment. We do not just want endless requests to raid.

When it is done improperly, those involved risk getting themselves in the chaos and increasing the potential for rule breaks. And, it leads to a lot more work for the DM team to resolve issues and go over every report.

Admin addition:

For the purpose of this rule, any NPC populated area counts as "a settlement". That includes: Arcane Tower, various Castles/Watchtowers, Lighthouses, Ports, Outlying Inns, etc. In short: You see NPCs wandering about a place you wish to attack, get DM approval.
LittleWeasel wrote:Individual PvP within a city does not equal a Settlement Raid. This rule is particularly if you want to attack the Settlement ... Large group of people... attacking large area with many NPCs.

Raiding the two districts is a Settlement Raid. Trying to corner, and attack Uncle Bob who happens to be slinking around in one of the districts follows normal PvP engagement rules.
Original Source: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=21634

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Wraith » Sun Apr 28, 2019 10:09 am

Hi everyone,

The team has noticed that there has been an overall increase in community members that are rune chest/ore camping/logging,  and reset rushing the rune chests and resource nodes.

This is frankly, unacceptable. One thing I wish to clarify is that we are going to be taking a stricter approach with players who choose to engage in this behavior.  Moving forward, anyone caught chest/ore logging, reset rushing rune chests/resource nodes, and camping resources/chests will have all associated items removed from their inventory, as well as receive an experience penalty. Repeated offenses will lead to progressive punishments up to and inclusive of banning.

These resources are not meant to be hoarded by singular members of the community, but meant to be rewards for players whom have the skillsets and abilities to complete the epic level dungeons on Arelith. 

TL;DR - Don't Rune Chest or Resource camp, Its degrading to the community.  DM's will be stricter in these breaches moving forward.

DM Wraith 

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Axis » Tue Aug 06, 2019 9:23 pm

It is very exciting that we have new changes coming to Arelith, but please do not ask for releveling on an unprompted basis. Whether it is rumored or a new change has gone into effect.

Changes that are being tested in the PGCC or other test servers might not necessarily proceed into the live module. Please be flexible and understanding in this. Players are able to and should use the -losexp command to drop to the corresponding level.

If relevels are going to be granted this will be done so through the updates, announcement forum. Those that ask when one has not been issued will be denied.

Thank you.

Edit: For ease this thread will be kept up to date in real time with current relevel offers.
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Axis » Fri Sep 20, 2019 4:05 pm

Hello everyone!

Less of a reminder and more of a general message in light of the -losexp command, and other deleveling methods being removed from Arelith. Due to this now requiring DM direct assistance, some players might feel they are under the impression that any and all deleveling will need extensive justification to go forward.

I am here to plainly state, this is not the case.

The DM that does assist you may have a few questions at most, but unlike the PrC token requests, scene requests, raid requests, we as a Team are going to be a lot more flexible in this regard. If you make a small, honest mistake we're going to help you.
"It is evil things we shall be fighting against, brute force, bad faith, injustice, oppression and persecution."
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Atropos » Sun Nov 24, 2019 1:26 am

Hello once again, all.

This reminder should go without saying, but unfortunately with the uptick of punitive removals (read: bans), we're running into a problem wherein people are knowingly allowing friends to attempt to evade bans. Now, we also obviously often find the people who are evading bans, but it's becoming problematic that members of the community are actively aiding people, or passively doing so by not reporting when it happens.

It's hard to be the one to notify the Team that someone is evading a ban, and we're not ignorant of that fact, but the point of the ban is that the player who has been removed has broken our rules, and ruined fun for others. Allowing them to evade that does more harm to the community than it does good for the person who is evading.

To this end, we are instituting a policy. If a player is found to be aiding a ban evasion, either actively by assisting, or by the absence of reporting, we will have to remove them from the community as well, temporarily. The timeframe of removal will depend on the case, and this is not a decision we make joyfully. We want our community whole and as large as it can be, but we do have to think about how these people impact the community as a whole, and how enabling their covert (for the moment) return can damage many people.

As always, names of reporters will NEVER be released by the team. Details will not be released. Retribution against those who aid us in this will not be tolerated (even if it's wrongly-targeted!), but we need the help of the community to make this a safer, more enjoyable place for everyone here.

Thank you.
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:12 pm

Hello. The DM would like to remind people that they should please avoid having two characters in the same faction, especially at the same time. This is to prevent meta gaming, and muling of gold, information and favours, as well as other 'Big Brothering' Activities.

'What? Is this a new rule?'
Not particularly, but it's one we're going to be more vigourous about policing going forward.

'So if I have one character in a faction, I can't ever have another?'
'No, you can have another character involved later on. Just not two characters at the same time. And ideally I'd suggest also waiting a while before slipping right back into the same faction too. Try something else out first! It's healthy for your server experience if nothing else.'
This too shall pass.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Thu Jan 16, 2020 12:26 am

To be utterly clear, we are mostly referring to the mechanical -Faction.
Don't have two characters in the same -Faction.

With that being said, I'd also strongly advise against having two characters in the same group at the same time, especialy if it is small and close knit.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Thu Feb 13, 2020 8:18 pm

Hi everyone,

I hope this message finds everyone well in the new year. As it occaisonally occurs, and with many new players I want to impart upon everyone the DM team's expectations with regards to Language learning.

In this, we expect this to be treated as a roleplay environment. In that, organically attempting to understand conversations, exposing yourself to the nuances of different dialects and how different people may teach you various words, phrases, etc is the expectation. To give you an example of this, If Tel'John Archer'ii is an Elven ranger whom befriends a dwarf, then spamming letters, words, or phrases to simply check boxes is going to be frowned upon, and I will explain further the implications of that moving forward. That in mind, what I would hope to see would be perhaps a walking tour through Arelith forest where the Elf may point out lets say the rustic shack. They could then in common say that, followed by this is pronounced, -el Shack , and can briefly be further broken down into component words. This reproduces the arduous process that is meant to recreate what learning a language is truly like.

Now, due to this becoming a larger problem, the team feels it necesscary to curb flagrant abuses of this expectation. That said, from this point forward, if you are observed exploiting the language learning process, you are subject to RPR drops, XP loss, language removal, and in severe cases will will be implementing an object that will forbid you from learning languages as well as teaching languages to others.

As always, thank you all for your time and efforts in seeing this problem corrected. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to the Team.

DM Wraith

ADDENDUM: To be clear, we arn't saying that every language lesson needs to activly simulate a real life language lesson, with desks, and chairs, and talks of grammer, syntax, passive and active verbs, ect. What we're saying is that attempt should be made that there is roleplay, some roleplay, within the language teaching. That we no longer want to see spamming of random single words. We want there to be definate active conversation between the two parties using the languages involved.
That is all.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:11 pm

A reminder to players reguarding the Trap rules.

1) When used in PvP, the PvP rules still are in effect reguarding traps. Which is to say you must roleplay with the intended victim(s) first, before setting them.
2 ) Traps are not to be left unattended. You should not set traps then just leave them there.
3) Do not stack traps on top of one another. One trap in one place.

We've had reports of the above rules being broken. I'd like people to consider this an official reminder. If we have further reports of these rules being broken there may be punative measures. Thank you.
This too shall pass.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Rex » Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:13 am

While the forum is a fantastic way for us to reach out and collaborate on everything from real life events, to stories, to going over mechanics, people need to be especially mindful of what they post.

Lately there's been a lot of extremely negative, extremely emotional, one-liner, and/or detracting conversations specifically in the feedback threads of various classes. This needs to change.

Please take your time when responding in those threads, take five minutes before hitting the submit button. Ask yourself:
Am I putting my own personal gain or experiences into this post?
Does it contribute to the conversation?
Do I constantly feel like I need to clarify things when people disagree with me?
(Am I just fighting and distracting from my main intention?)
Have I already made my main point, and now I'm just repeating myself? (Even if it's in another thread.)

With three fantastic brand new classes, and of course all of our current accessible ones there is a lot of information that the Developers need.
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Wraith » Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:54 pm

Hi everyone,

First and foremost, I hope that in these trying times, everyone is safe and doing well in regards to the current Covid-19 global pandemic.

Times arise occasionally that the DM team does feel the need to provide reminders to players of conduct, integrity, and server setting.   The topic today arises from numerous monstrous races, that with Soulhaven being released, have been attempting to rush the portal location there.  In this, monsters have been noted to be claiming as or  spoken for as being neutral (a topic I'll touch on later) and that being a sufficient reason for them to use the portal; it is not.

Arelith abides by a server setting with Monstrous races.  Here, by choosing to play a monstrous race, players choose to abide by the code and conduct of playing a monster.  That policy can easily be found and referenced here  Neutrality is well and fine alignment wise, but this is the reminder that though neutral you are still a monster at the end of the day and need to be treated as such accordingly.

Now with that in mind, the onus is on every member of this community to appropriately roleplay these encounters and interactions.  To be clear this does not mean that, " OMG Goblin , you must die and proceed to killbash."  It does mean that kobolds, goblins, and other monstrous races are not permitted to openly walk through settlements etc (use of Bluff skill is ok so long as it is reasonable). At the end of the day, these encounters should be dynamic, tense, and reflective of appropriate gravity of the situation at hand. 

Failure to follow these established guidelines does have severe ramifications for the server.  We consistently have new players whom may see these interactions (which do not abide by the policies) and take them to be the standard.  These players may then subsequently find themselves being spoken with regarding this avenue of roleplay.  On Arelith, we also abide by Forgotten realms lore; and in that the lore regarding races is very well established.  To that, if you look to the server many of our dungeons are also themed to this setting as well, whether from Goblins and Kobolds being monstrous races that one may start killing in Cordor, to Minotaur's being a theme across various dungeons that are placed as antagonists.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to myself and the other members of the DM team with any questions.

DM Wraith

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Rex » Mon May 11, 2020 6:04 pm

Regarding Subdual mode, and keeping this here for posterity:
The GrumpyCat wrote:
Mon May 11, 2020 12:10 pm
I also really love this change. It's something I've really long wanted for Arelith, and that it is now in I'm a very, very happy kitty.

That being said.

One of the main 'concerns' about subdual has always been that as there was a narrative way to 'pvp without death' people would PvP all the time. That people would view subduing someone as nothing of note. The idea that suddenly Cordor would turn into a vast warzone of murder and mayhem, people subduing each other left and right because dude,, it's just knocking someone over.

Please, prove this concern wrong.

If this does become as said - a chaotic warzone where pvp doesn't matter cos 'lol it's only subdual' then I assure you, it will be removed. Remember subdual isn't 'gently knocking someone down' - it's Beating them into Bloody Unconciousness. It's bringing them to the brink of death, and possibly beyond if the other player wishes.

PvP - even subdued PvP is very serious business. It should still require motive, reason and prior rp. Going forward the Dms will be watching how you guys handle this new system. I have faith that you will use it as intended - as a tool to make death more, not less, serious. As a tool to enhance roleplay, and make great stories.

Please - don't prove me wrong.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Wed Jun 03, 2020 11:52 pm


Just a small thing, which I hope very few of you will ever find a use for, but!

Going forward we're changing a little bit of our terminology, just to be a bit clearer.

- The word Appeal should be used when referring to when a player needs to submit a formal writing to have a ban removed after fulfilling its time allotment.

- the phrase Decision review should be used for when a player wishes to have the Head DM / Admin team review the decision of a DM when handling a case

No change here - but just as an additional reminder whilst we're on it:

Appeals should be sent to the Dm who handled the case. Where that DM is unavailable, they can also be sent to myself and/or Atropos.

Decision Reviews should be sent first to DM Atropos, and then - if need be, escelated to myself.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:23 am

A reminder:

If you are describing a character (Especialy via notices) you must actually describe the character, not put up a note saying *Describes Bob Joe*.

The description may be based on what you see in the 'examine' window, or what you see on screen.

Notices found to have (describes Such and such) on them will be removed, and the posters reminded of this ruling. Repeated breachers may face punishments. Thank you.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM MoonMoon » Sat Aug 29, 2020 9:46 am

HELLO! Everyone!
It has come to our attention, some people have multiple characters in the SAME faction.
We would like you all to know, this is NOT okay.
Please make sure that you do not hold multiple characters in the same faction, as this leads to muling and other issues!
Thank you.
DM Wraith: @DM MoonMoon Nice one, Idk howl you do it, it does seem a bit furfetched

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM MoonMoon » Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:28 am

Hello folks! Me Again!

Please please PLEASE!
Remember, when reporting anything, to give us times and dates. (Screenshots help also if possible!)
This helps us drastically find the information to resolve your query MUCH faster!

Thank you!
DM Wraith: @DM MoonMoon Nice one, Idk howl you do it, it does seem a bit furfetched

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The GrumpyCat
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Fri Sep 04, 2020 8:42 pm

The 'RP before Exile' rule, is similar to the 'rp before PvP' rule, in that it exists so that exiles occur with narritive reason and story, and to avoid abuses. Whilst there may be no avoiding mentioning the mechanics of it ICly occasionaly, it is, none the less, an OOC rule.

Characters should not be acitivly avoiding the roleplay other characters because they know that they are about to be exiled.

We do expect that officials take due care and effort to seek someone out for exile rp however. We expect that they put time, effort, and multiple sources into effect.

However - if you susspect that someone is OOCly/ICly avoiding settlment officials just to get around being exiled, and you have taken time time and effort to contact said individual - you can report it to us and, if we deem these accusaions true, we will allow you to waver the above rule, or place the exile ourself.

Thank you.

Addendum - the same of course applies to Eviction, Pariahood, ect.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by Queen Titania » Sat Sep 19, 2020 2:47 am

Hello Arelith Players:

This is a ruling we are putting forward to help avoid breaks of our PG-13 Rule.

If you are a slave, or a slave owner, you cannot be in any sort of carnal/romantic/intimate relationship with your owner/slave respectively, nor anything in the spirit of this. This is because this would present dubious consent issues.

If you are found to be engaging in this action going forth, this will be considered a PG-13 breach. If you think that the RP is headed towards that direction, the slave owner should free the slave immediately.

If you have any questions, please message the DM Team.
Please don't feed my sister.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Rex » Sun Sep 20, 2020 12:29 am

Hello everyone, this is a reminder about something regarding out of game behavior.
Specifically the referencing of, threatening of action in regards of suicide.

The DM Team and Administrative Team have a zero tolerance policy for talk/behavior that is suggestive of suicide. Suicide is not to be used as an ooc threat, nor is it to be used as a thing one wishes upon others.

It is not a topic that should be joked about or taken lightly, nor should it be used as a means manipulating other players in any way, shape, or form. If you are at a point where you talk about this freely, you need to immediately reconsider your actions from this moment on, and if need be take a break from all distractions in your life and get professional assistance. The DM Team, Administrative Team, and Moderation Team are all volunteers, we are not professional therapists. If such behavior comes to light it will be acted upon with an immediate disconnect from the community. From the Discord, from the game, and from the forums. There will not be an appeal offered in these instances.

If someone is struggling privately with these sorts of thoughts, this announcment is not to target you. There is private help available, please don't let it get this far. Seek out local assistance, whether it's by phone, text, online, whatever means available in your area.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Mon Sep 21, 2020 3:19 pm

Dropping a big ol' reminder here
To conserve server resources for all, ownership of game property is limited per PLAYER (not character, CD key, login name, etc. Player. Real, flesh and blood player)."
any number of temporary shops (marked as such)
1 permanent shop (if that shop has a quarter attached to it, then that counts as your 1 quarter & 1 shop and you may not own an additional quarter or shop!)
1 quarter or 1 Guild House or 1 Ship
Exception: If you own a Guild house, you may own a quarter inside that guild house.
I'm noticing quite a few breaches of late, (noticeably in the second two points). Going forward I may be releasing certain properties that breach the above ruling. A ruling that you agree to when you enter the server.

So if you do own two properties (and yes, Vaults count as quarters and yes, even if the property is 'up for sale' in roleplay terms. It must be mechanically avaiable for any pc to purchase.) please take action now before we have to. Thank you.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by MalKalz » Wed Oct 14, 2020 5:28 am

General Reminder:

Utilizing -disguise to add AFK does not count as proper use. It will lead to RPR re-evaluations and a warning. If you must go AFK, find somewhere quiet or log out.

Determine your Public CD Key here
Can't see your vault? Have you migrated your accounts? If you have tried, and still can't see them, message me.

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The GrumpyCat
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:03 pm

With Rebuilds now automated, I want to just put a reminder of the following:

Things you get to Keep on your reamake
*Your characters memories, experiences and personality

Things you do NOT get to keep
*Any Gold! (No giving it to someone else to hold for you. Players found doing is will be penalized harshly)
*Any property (You may not rebuy your shop/home after - again we'll be monitoring this.)

A remake is more or less a fresh start but with the character. Please keep that in mind.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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