Election Shenanigans

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Election Shenanigans

Post by Irongron » Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:23 pm

The word 'shenanigans' is likely a little too playful for something so harmful...

The election system, and accompanying settlement mechanics (often being updated) in Arelith is something we're proud of. It gives players active in a settlement a chance to get more deeply involved, and some real agency to make changes.

It is therefore really quite saddening to see certain players so determined to undermine it.

One of the most needlessly antisocial actions I witness on Arelith is when I see players log in to settlements they do not actively play in to frustrate the ambitions of roleplay of those that do.

And we do see it.

We see the tells or discord screens where a candidate forgoes any roleplay, whatsoever, to get their OOC friends to revive characters purely to cast their vote.

We see them log in, without a word, and leave.

We run the logs to see how many lines RP these voters have done in the last month (often 0 lines)

If you're doing this PLEASE take a moment to ask yourself why?!

Why go out of your way to undermine any meaningful roleplay in a settlement just to see your clique buddy win, yet again, despite having little or no support from fellow players?

It stagnates the server for no reason, at all. It's a kick in the teeth for those players actually making a genuine effort.

And worse still it compels us to make clumsy mechanical limitations to make up the shortfall in basic civility.

With this final point in mind, we will soon be introducing fixed term limits per character, and using a tool so we can flag certain Game Keys so that players found to be gaming the system will find themselves permanently unable to interact with elections and settlement mechanics.

And of course, as before, we will reverse elections, and remove votes where they were made in this fashion.

Log checking, coding, individual chats with offending players, and of course the lengthy policy meetings.

All time far better spent elsewhere if we had simply chosen play a little more respectfully to one-another.

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The GrumpyCat
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Re: Election Shenanigans

Post by The GrumpyCat » Thu Mar 05, 2020 11:02 pm

Just bumping this message

All election work should be handed IN CHARACTER

Not organized via Discord or any other OOC methods.


We carefully monitor for this sort of thing. When we discover people doing this (and often we do) we will remove your (you, the players) ability to vote or take part in elections, as well as removing any votes gained in such a manner.

So if you are trying to gather or organize votes via discord, know that you've automaticaly doomed your faction to loss.

Your CHARACTERS should be working IN GAME, via IN CHARACTER methods to gain votes. It is really that simple.

Please remember this going forward.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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