Arelith Updates!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Mon Jun 01, 2020 11:06 pm

Cordor: (From Anatida - after next reset)

- 27 Quarter interiors updated
- Removed tile 'features' that could not be interacted with.
- Replaced tile features with useable placeables.
- General updates with new custom content.
- All the rugs.
- Double-seater couches that match your decor.
- Changed door models to better match the tileset facelifts.
- Added some workstations.
- Cool new workstation appearances.
- (Northern Outskirts) House - Southeast corner of the map: Your storage chest got moved into the bedroom and the bedroom door now locks. So, you are now just as cool as all your neighbors. There shouldn't be any issue with accessing this, but let me know if there is!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:24 pm

A few (some important changes) from the team (As of the next reset)

- Greater Magic Weapon, Bless Weapon and Keen Edge spells cast from items such as scrolls and wands will not cast at a caster level higher than your character level.

- Greater Magic Weapon scaling weakened slightly, to (CL +3) / 4

- Items with a level requirement of 10 or less now have it set to level 2. This means Iron, Masterly Iron, Steel and Masterly Steel weapons are now usable by any level.

- PCs now return stolen items when subdued by the PC they stole from instead of just when killed.

- Hexblade: Curse weapon vfx only applies if hexblade level >= 21

Reward Changes:

- Fey is now Greater
- Firbolg is now Major

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:06 pm

Another wide-ranging cluster of updates, from an ever busy development staff! (From next reset)

From Danger Dolphin:

- Flame weapon and Darkfire now scale with character level

- Fixed an issue whereby an item could be temporarily enchanted then handed to a lower level character

- Traps set by players now give kill XP and writ progress

-hood command using new head models

Elf female:
New Model 21 (-hood 1)
New Model 32 (-hood 2)

Elf male:
New Model 22 (-hood 1)

Human female:
Default hood model changed to 12
-hood 1 is now model 143
New model 57 (-hood 2)
New Model 59 (-hood 3)

Gnome male:
Default hood changed from 6 to 14, as 6 was just a hat

Dwarf Male:

From Garrbear, Jack Oat & Myself:

-Divine shield no longer stacks with monk wisdom ac (you will use the higher of the 2 values)
-Quarterstaff now only gets 1x divine might scaling (previously 1.5x)
-Crossbows now get 1.5x divine might scaling (this actually was never changed with the other ranged weapons, but since no one noticed because no one actually uses crossbows, we're leaving it for now)

Characters with monk levels AND divine shield will be given an optional relevel. No rebuilds will be provided for this change.

Following Team Discussion:

- Number of property modifiers (i.e. to apply runes) removed from the following: Disciple's Garb (1), Disciple's Wraps (2), Aspirant's Sash (1), Aspect Beads (2)

- Note: Legacy items from above will be removed in a future update. This is a warning to allow you time to obtain other options.

From Xerah:

- K&I deity no longer required for mundane dweomercrafting. This was the only thing left that required specific aspect for a boon, so this was removed for consistency.


Gift of Devotion allows tending of plants with nature aspect
Aerdrie Faenya H&H to T&D
Kiaransalee W&D to T&D
Ghaunadaur Nature to Magic
Sheela Peryroyl H&H to Magic
Ghaundaur = war, magic
Oberon: allowed paladin
Other divine classes can reconsecrate desecrated altars
Desecrated altars no longer make things hostile, but cost 50% piety

New system: Heresy

Heresies use the existing deity system and are available for all characters. Gift of Devotion is only required for worshippers with divine class levels. A divine character following a Heresy can apply a heresy trait to a god’s altar for 20% piety; a divine character not following the Heresy can remove it for the same amount of piety (with a synergetic god). Both sides can tell who the altar is currently attuned to.

A character following the heresy can pray at an altar of the deity for max (0.4) points (i.e. Risen Sun worshiping at Lathander altar).

The following Heresies are Available:

Risen Sun (i.e. Amaunator) [K&I/W&D]
Alignment: Lawful good
Synergy: Lathander, Three-Faced Sun [Allow paladins]

Three-Faced Sun Heresy [K&I/W&D]
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Synergy: Jergal, Lathander, Risen Sun

Dark Moon Heresy [T&D/magic]
Alignment: Lawful Neutral, True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral
Synergy: Shar, Selune

Cult of Shared Suffering [W&D/H&H]
Alignment: True Neutral
Synergy: Ilmater

Harlot's Coin Heresy [Magic/K&I]
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Synergy: Graz’zt, Waukeen

The Freth Heresy [W&D/T&D]
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Synergy: Lolth, Baatorian Archdevils, Gargauth

From Aniel:

Hide in Plain Sight
Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 30 seconds.

• Spirited Charge has been shifted away from its awkward in between of being a toggled stance and is now instead a simple instant action cooldown ability. Its cooldown has been increased from 24 seconds to 30 seconds, and upon activation it will grant +4 AB. The ability will remain active for 6 seconds, during which your character will be limited to 1 APR. The damage remains unchanged, and after it expires, your APR will return to normal. The ability may also be activated while not mounted. When used this way, it may be used with any weapon. The cavalier will receive +1 AB and +50% movement speed for 6 seconds in lieu of the mounted benefits.

• The ride bonus from Practiced Rider now correctly contributes to the cavalier's ride skill. Whoops.

Bug Fix
• The command -pray will no longer remove the various -50 skill penalties imposed by being mounted.

From Myself/Grumpycat:

- Weapon crafting DC changed for low level items
Iron - 8
Masterly Iron - DC 12
Steel - DC 15

- Dust of Disappearance recipe changed to use Blood of a Magic Creature instead of Fairy Dust (As per forum suggestion)

From Garrbear:

- Fixed a bug where shaman and favored soul were not getting the proper duration illusion with ESF illusion.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sat Jun 20, 2020 7:56 pm

From Bat Country:

A massive overhaul to Dis has been completed. Details on our News Feed.

* Altar shrines to several of Xerah's new Heresies have been added in secret places.
* Fixed Babaus being set as 'Human' instead of 'Outsider'.
* Applied missing racial properties to several fiend spawns.

Baator (Dis)
* Total overhaul. Details on our News Feed.
* Abyssal Pact NPC has stepped out for some fresh air, been redesigned/rewritten, and can now be found Somewhere on the 363rd.
* 300% less screen shaking.

Cordor (The Fickle Finger)
* Fixture limit increased to 180.

Andunor (Devil's Table)
* Temple has had module altar installed for ceremonies and/or raising player bodies.
* House Freth chapel now has an altar consecrated within Xerah's new Heresy system (more to come elsewhere!).
Andunor (Greyport)
* Gondoliers ACTUALLY say "Greyport District" instead of "City Port" now.
* Added Town Crier NPC (sorry).
* Quest-related updates.
Andunor (Rothe Fields)
* Gondolier drop-off spot adjusted to reduce chance of PCs getting stuck.

Sibayad (Lost Desert)
* Can now be rested in (if no enemies remain nearby, and still best not alone), and it should be harder to get stuck in dead ends due to timers.
* New area content.
Sibayad (Garden of Respite)
* Fixture limit increased to 120.
Sibayad (Outskirts) Guildhouse
* Fixture limit increased to 80.

From New Developer Bjorn Blue Tiger:
Parry Shield AC
- When fighting with a one handed weapon in the main hand, and nothing in the other.
- When not using -twohand.
- +1 Shield AC Bonus per five hard parry skill points will be granted to wielder.
- The Monk class is unaffected by this update.

From Aniel:

Dispel feedback contains a list of spells dispelled rather than the total count dispelled.

The threshold base ability score for casting classes being considered mundane has been raised to 12 or greater.

Palemaster is now considered a mundane class unless the character has wizard levels. Melee palemasters rejoice.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:49 pm

From Bjorn Blue Tiger
Parry Shield AC V2
When fighting with a one handed weapon in the main hand, and nothing in the other.
When not using a weapon on which you can use -twohand.
When you are not a monk.
When your weapon requires martial or exotic proficiency.
When you are not using a ranged weapon.
+1 Shield AC Bonus per five hard parry skill points will be granted to wielder

From Xerah
--Added Harper priests and paragon to being able to re-consecrate an altar
--fix for ceremonies

From Zaphiel
- Knockdown immunity no longer granted to NPCs if they fail to resist.
- Barbarian rage bonuses now applies to unarmed attacks if has Improved Unarmed Strike feat. (Damage bonus, AB bonus, etc.)
- Quivering Palm is now on 5 minute cooldown.
- Empty Body can no longer stripped by Faerie Fire spell.

- Shadow Daze cooldown is reduced by 1 turn every 3 levels, starting with level 12.
Level 12 -> 4 min cd
Level 15 -> 3 min cd
Level 18 -> 2 min cd

- Fixed the issue that were causing the shadow summoned by a shadowdancer with epic shadow lord feat losing it's master's name.
- Shadow Evade can no longer dispelled.
- Shadow Evade can no longer stripped by Faerie Fire spell.

- Fixed the issue that were causing Vine Mine: Camouflage spell to grant unlimited uses of HiPS.

From DangerDolphin
- Conversation checks for Intimidate, Persuade, Perform and Bluff now scale based on character level. This does not affect PvP mechanics such as disguise and mimic

From Bat Country
Dis patches:
- Drugs supply increased to meet player demand
- Various price adjustments
- 33% less homicidal NPCs
- Chapel Prelate now issues all available wisdom
- Hoof Dancer no longer allowed to phase through solid metal bars
- Can you buy drinks now? Maybe, maybe not!
- Various other fixes

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Wed Jun 24, 2020 4:50 pm

Spellswords can no longer summon thing(s) via:
- Gate Spell.
- Palemaster Animate / Summon dead feats.
- Blackguard Create dead feat.

From Zaphiel (PGCC ONLY)
New Shadowdancer Ability: Shadow Displacement (PGCC ONLY)
Prerequisite: Shadowdancer level 10.
Specifics: The shadowdancer gains the ability to travel between shadows, by switching places with his summoned shadow as if by means of a dimension door spell.

It is an instant action. There are few conditions for being able to activate this feat. You need to find it out by yourself.

Cooldown: 6 min
Cooldown Reduction (1 min): Every 2 levels after level 10.

10 level: 6 min
12 level: 5 min
14 level: 4 min
16 level: 3 min
18 level: 2 min
20 level: 1 min

(Do not forget to create a new character.)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:27 pm

Live on Next Reset

From Zaphiel
New chat command is added.

Alias: -cd
Force system to check your cooldowns and restore them if cooldown has expired.

Currently works on:
- Tribal Call
- Summon Shadow
- Animal Companion
- Summon Creature (Warlock)
- Create Undead (Blackguard)
- Summon Fiend (Blackguard)

Shadow Displacement: (PGCC)
- Range reduced.

From Bat Country
Dis Arena:
- First round of tweaks: Announcer now uses Shout volume, and timers have been halved to reduce weird dead time. Feedback welcome!

Reverted temporarily

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:31 pm

Live on next reset

From Danger Dolphin
- Thieves Tools now weigh 0.1lbs instead of 0.5lbs
- Bless weapon scrolls now gives +2d6 damage vs dragons at level 18 (Even though the scroll is CL17). Enhancement bonus for the scrolls is still capped at +3
- Added two new Trapper's Toolboxes with reduced weight (Crafting recipes to follow soon)

From Bat Country
- First round of tweaks to the Dis Colosseum: Announcer now uses Shout volume, and timers have been halved to reduce weird dead time. Feedback welcome!
- More various racial type fixes for enemies.
- Arcanoloth model update.
- No more giga-Lemures (resizing fix).
- Minauros acid rain update, should flux normally. More tweaks expected to be necessary, so gameplay feedback welcome!
- Full candy support infrastructure.
- Cordor ambassadors recognizing phrasebooks again.
- It's portal lens, not portal lense.

From Zaphiel
Shadow Displacement now on live with next reset.

* Wholeness of Body, Empty Body, Quivering Palm and Divine Wrath has been added to cooldown restore list.

New command parameter added for -cooldown command:
-cooldown foci OR -cd foci
* Restores the infi cast spells that is granted by GSF.

Default -cooldown or -cd now changed to -cooldown all or -cd all. Instead, calling command without a parameter now displays active cooldowns. (See image below)

So... -cooldown or -cd will display your character's active cooldown(s). -cooldown all or -cd all will restore the uses of abilities if cooldown has expired.

-cooldown or -cd currently listing abilities at below when they are in cooldown:

//:: Knight
//:::: Heroic Shield
//:::: Rallying Cry
//:::: Inspire Courage
//:::: PDK Fear
//:::: Oath of Wrath
//:::: Final Stand (Last Stand)

//:: Blackguard
//:::: Bull's Strength
//:::: Create Undead
//:::: Summon Fiend

//:: Paladin
//:::: Lay on Hands
//:::: Remove Disease

//:: Monk
//:::: Quivering Palm
//:::: Wholeness of Body
//:::: Empty Body

//:: Ranger
//:: Druid
//:::: Animal Companion

//:: Swashbuckler
//:::: Acrobatics Mastery
//:::: Third Intention
//:::: Improved Acrobatics Mastery

//:: Cavalier
//:::: Spirited Charge
//:::: Summon Warhorse

//:: Divine Champion
//:::: Lay on Hands
//:::: Divine Wrath

//:: Shadowdancer
//:::: Shadow Evade
//:::: Shadow Daze
//:::: Summon Shadow
//:::: Shadow Displacement

//:: Barbarian
//:::: Barbarian Rage
//:::: Tribal Call

//:: Assassin
//:::: Darkness
//:::: Invisibility
//:::: Improved Invisibility
//:::: Ghostly Visage
//:::: Ethereal Visage
//:::: Assassination

//:: Red Dragon Disciple
//:::: Dragon Breath

//:: Feats
//:::: Blinding Speed

//:: Greater Spell Focus Abilities
//:::: Illusion
//:::::: Project Image
//:::: Transmutation
//:::::: Lesser Teleport (-teleport)

From Bjorn Blue Tiger

Parry Shield AC V3
- The AC bonus is now capped by the character BAB until it reaches 20. (+1 at 5, +2 at 10, ..., +4 at 20, then uncapped.)
- Special parry items now benefits from the parry ac bonus when dual wielded. The bonus is however halved in that specific case.

Tenser Transformation Rework - PGCC only
Spell requirements:
- The caster needs at least 80% of his levels as sorcerer and/or wizard levels combined. This is equivalent to 24/6 at level 30.
- The caster cannot be a spellsword.

The spell itself:
- The caster has 100% spell failure. He cannot cast any spells.
- The caster cannot use any scrolls, potions or wands.

- The caster BAB is set to a fighter of the same level - possibly raises APR, and raises AB.
- The caster gains a bonus to STR, DEX, CON, Natural AC and Fort based on a modifier. (1/2/3/4)
- The caster gains temporary HP based on a modifier - caster level * modifier. (At level 30: 30/60/90/120)

The modifier:
The modifier is based on the level of understanding in the transmutation school:
- Without spell focus transmutation: +1
- With spell focus transmutation: +2
- With greater spell focus transmutation: +3
- With epic spell focus transmutation: +4

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Sat Jun 27, 2020 8:35 pm

Live on Next Reset

From Zaphiel
* Shadow Displacement now should be useable. Apologies, I forgot the lift off PGCC lock.

Shadowdancer Shadow Changes:
* Shadow is now being teleported to the master automatically, again. (It was disabled but with further discussion with team, it is re-enabled.)
* Shadow is now scaled match the master's size.
* Shadow now equips the shield if the master has a shield equipped.
* Shadow now equips the cloak if the master has a cloak equipped.
* Shadow now copies the weapon VFX if the master has any. (Excluding Evil/Negative and Holy glow.)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Sat Jun 27, 2020 10:55 pm

From Zaphiel
Shadowdancer Shadow Changes (next reset):
* Shadow now copies the weapon VFX of Evil/Negative and Holy glow as well.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:47 pm

Mayfield's Junction has been renamed, and now features a PC run tavern, and a large festival grounds for player-run events.

Details on our News Feed.

Further to this a number of surrounding areas have been expanded to accommodate the update.

Please note: Arelith does not currently have a working 'Jousting' system, therefore until such time as one is written players are encouraged to roleplay such competitions.

While elsewhere, we have an update from RedRopes, and in keeping with its subject we have to be suitably cryptic...



People in the field have been repositioned.

Mother Base has been fortified and the dossiers on our oldest enemies updated.

Also there's free juice.


And to those that are awaiting the much teased new classes, we should be updating again within the next 2 or 3 days...

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:07 am

* Shadow Displacement should have now granted automatically with next reset.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Wed Jul 01, 2020 4:27 am

Live on Next Reset

From Bat Country
- Several Cordor NPCs, including Sgt. Reginalli, the Nomad Writgiver, Sewermaster Vastano, etc. will no longer broadcast player conversations to the immediate area.

From Zaphiel
* Hexblade Hex and Worms and Feylock haste cooldown has been added to cooldown list.
Last edited by Hoodoo on Wed Jul 01, 2020 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:29 am

From Hoodoo (With assistance from Bat)
Racial issues on CnP should be fixed. (Please report if otherwise!)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:39 pm

An incident has occured with the provider. It's known about and is being worked on. Please have patience until they have things up and running again, thank you!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:53 pm

(Please see above incident announcement)

Our next major class and area update. Details on the News Feed

Please Note: The Zhentarim (Classes) are a SECRET Society, and can only be joined by character taking the class, and existing character claiming to be a member of the Zhentarim (Especially publicly) will be considered a local splinter group using their name, and will NOT be recognised as Zhentarim (by NPC agents) - Edited for clarity, it was not my intention to undermine existing active factions, please see associated 'feedback' topic for further explanation.

Further Note: These classes should be added to PGCC during the course of the next day.


- Blackguard and Assassin Poison DC scaling changed to 1 / 3 levels.

- Harper Paragon: Removed tumble as a class skill. Removed bonus feats at level 1 and 5.
- Harper Priest: Removed tumble as a class skill.

- Harper knowledge now works properly for Harper Mage and Haper Priest for purpose of scroll usage. (on live server)

Brogendenstein (From Myself)

- Minor visual update to the Golden Halls, including a new NPC.

Cordor (From Bat Country)
- Several Cordor NPCs, including Sgt. Reginalli, the Nomad Writgiver, Sewermaster Vastano, etc. will no longer broadcast player conversations to the immediate area.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Thu Jul 02, 2020 12:22 am

Live on Next Reset (PGCC ONLY)

From Awan, Aniel, Garrbear, and RedRopes.
Zhentarim Naug-Adur
BAB: Middle
Hit Die: d6
Proficiencies: Simple weapons and light armor
Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier.
Skill List: appraise, bluff, concentration, craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, heal, hide, listen, lore, move silently, parry, persuade, pick pocket, ride, spellcraft.
Bonus Pre-epic Feats: As wizard.
Bonus Epic Feats: As Sorcerer and Wizard.

Alignment: Any evil
Skills: Bluff 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks
Feats: Great Fortitude, Thug
Classes: May not have any other Zhentarim class. Must have an arcane caster class.
Special: This class requires a permission token.

1: Skill Focus: Lore
1st Bonus Feat
+1 Arcane Caster Level
Spell Penetration

2: +1 Arcane Caster Level
Skill Focus: Spellcraft

3: +1 Arcane Caster Level
Epic Skill Focus: Concentration
Greater Spell Penetration

4: +1 Arcane Caster Level

5: Eschew Material - Does not require spell components
Epic Skill Focus: Spellcraft
+1 Arcane Caster Level
2nd Bonus Feat

Zhentarim Fear Speaker
BAB: Middle
Hit Die: d8
Proficiencies: Simple weapons and light armor
Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier
Skill List: appraise, bluff, concentration, craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, discipline, heal, hide, listen, lore, move silently, parry, persuade, pick pocket, ride, spellcraft, tumble
Bonus Pre-epic Feats: divine might, divine shield, extra turning, favored enemy, greater spell focus
Epic Feats: As cleric

Alignment: Any evil.
Skills: Bluff 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks, Concentration 8 ranks.
Feats: Great Fortitude, Thug.
Classes: May not have any other Zhentarim class.
Special: This class requires a permission token.
1: Skill Focus: Lore.
1st Bonus Feat
Extend Spell
+1 Divine Caster Level

2: +1 Divine Caster Level
+3 DC on Turning

3: +1 Divine Caster Level.
Planar Turning

4: +1 Divine Caster Level

5: Gain piety from all aspects.
Armor Skin
+1 Divine Caster Level
2nd Bonus Feat

Zhentarim Enforcer
BAB: High
Hit Die: d10
Proficiencies: Simple and martial weapons, all armors, and shields
Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier
Skill List: appraise, bluff, craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, discipline, heal, hide, intimidate, listen, lore, move silently, parry, persuade, pick pocket, ride
Bonus Pre-epic feats: As fighter, except for weapon spec
Bonus Epic Feats: As fighter and paladin, except for (epic) weapon specialization

Alignment: Any evil
Skills: Discipline 4 ranks, Search 4 ranks, Intimidate 6 ranks, Bluff 8 ranks
Feats: Great Fortitude, Thug
Classes: May not have any other Zhentarim class
Special: This class requires a permission token

1: +2 Universal Saves
Bonus Feat

3: +2 Universal Saving Throws
Turn Undead
Bonus Feat

5: +2 Universal Saves
Bonus Feat
Note: For non-blackguards, as long as your charisma score is above a base 11, the save progression will be replaced with Dark Blessing at Zhentarim Level 5

Zhentarim Operative
BAB: Middle
Hit Die: d6
Proficiencies: Simple weapons and light armor
Skill Points: 8 + Int Modifier
Skill List: appraise, bluff, craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, discipline, heal, hide, listen, lore, move silently, open lock, parry, persuade, pick pocket, ride, search, spot, tumble, use magic device
Bonus Pre-epic and Epic Feats: As rogue and ranger, except for two weapon fighting and ambidexterity

Alignment: Any evil
Skills: Discipline 4 ranks, Search 4 ranks, Bluff 6 ranks, Intimidate 6 ranks
Feats: Great Fortitude, Thug
Classes: May not have any other Zhentarim class
Special: This class requires a permission token

1: Skill Focus: Lore
1st Bonus Feat
+1 Caster Level
Use Poison
Rogue Affinity

2: Skill Focus: Bluff

3: +1 Untyped Caster Level

4: Epic Skill Focus: Bluff

5: Loviatar's Whip - +5 bonus to DCs vs Poison
+1 Caster Level
2nd Bonus Feat
Trackless Step

Zhentarim Enforcer and Harper Paragon changed as follows:
No longer granted divine might and divine shield for free.
Turn undead is granted for both at level 3.
They receive bonus feats at levels 1, 3, and 5.
Proficiencies granted: Simple and martial weapons, all armor, and shields
Tumble is no longer a class skill.
NOTE: When this goes in effect on the main server, current harper paragons will be grandfathered, although they will lose their grandfathered features if they relevel.

Zhentarim Fear-Speaker does not receive turn undead. That was a typo.

Harper Priest / Zhentarim Fear-Speaker will still get tumble as a class skill.
If you have at least 21 levels of paladin and at least 3 levels of harper priest, you will get 2 less CL towards dispels.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Fri Jul 03, 2020 2:17 pm

Live on next reset

From Zaphiel
- Racial Ability has been added to -cd.
- I sincerely hope this time new Shadowdancer feat will granted to eligible characters with next reset. If it doesn't, please send message to Hoodoo. (*grins*)

From Garrbear
Fixed dark blessing being inadvertently removed from hexblade and blackguard. Sorry about that!

From Morderon
New Chat command: -transfer
Lets you transfer your current PC to PGCC

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Sat Jul 04, 2020 9:01 am

Live next reset

From DM Hoodoo
Fixed major bug with updater. SD feats and dark blessing should finally be applied properly

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Sun Jul 05, 2020 12:47 am

Live Next reset

From Ærgnist:
It's no longer possible to exploit -alwayswalk to run while in stealth mode.

From Zaphiel:
* After 13251324234 attempts, new feat for Shadowdancer will be granted. I blame Hoodoo!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:20 pm

New class coming in today on PGCC from Zaphiel!
Be sure to check out ... loremaster for details!
Class specifics listed below as well.

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From Inf
The following spells now benefit correctly from Empower spell:
- Color Spray
- Cure Critical Wounds
- Curse Serious Wounds
- Cure Moderate Wounds
- Cure Light Wounds
- Daltims Fiery Tentacles
- Darkbolt

From Bat Country
Another set of Dis Arena tweaks:
- Pre-match timers are now 10s, matches timers themselves may last 4m, and between-round timers are still 2m.
- The arena now supports 'match ended by timeout' properly. Whoever has the least health at the end of the match will be declared the loser, and the Announcer will more clearly state this.
- Please continue killing each other for science thank you.

From Zaphiel & Irongron:


New Class: Loremaster

In a world where secrets abound, and knowledge has power, where few men travel to distant lands, and fewer still return, where frequent wars claim not only countless lives, but can eradicate centuries of learning, it is the Loremaster; the men and women of studious intent, that guard the ultimate treasure of civilization.

The role of the Loremaster can differ greatly between the nations & races of Faerun. In some they are tutors, sages, philosophers and explorers, while among others they inspire an almost religious deference and respect; the keepers of ancestral lore, ancient myths and heroic tales that may serve to define entire cultures.

In others still they are outlaws; dangerous free-thinkers and agitators, daring to challenge the established dogma of repressive regimes.

In all cases, however, they share one key defining trait, for it is in their commitment to truth, above all else, that the Loremaster finds their calling.

BAB 3/4
Hit Dice: d6
Pre-Requisites: Base Int 16, Lore 8 Ranks
Alignment: Any
Prociencies: -
Primary saving throw(s): reflex, will
Skill points: 6 + int modifier
Skills: concentration, craft mastery, disable trap, heal, hide, listen, lore, move silently, parry, persuade, pick pocket, search, set trap, spellcraft, spot, taunt, use magic device, appraise, craft trap, bluff, intimidate, ride.

Level 1 - Loremaster's Knowledge, Scroll Mastery I
Level 2 -
Level 3 - Secret Knowledge, Scroll Mastery II, Bonus Language I
Level 4 -
Level 5 - Scroll Mastery III, Bonus Language II
Level 6 - Secret Knowledge
Level 7 - Scroll Mastery IV, Bonus Language III
Level 8 -
Level 9 - Secret Knowledge, Scroll Mastery V, Bonus Language IV
Level 10 - Tutor, Bonus Language V

Special: At level 10, can learn an unteachable language via bonus language. (Animal language, drow sign language, thieves cant.)

[Loremaster's Knowledge]
This feat allows the character to identify items more easily than others. It grants the character a bonus equal to their class level to any lore checks.

[Scroll Mastery]
This feat Increases the caster level of all read scrolls by X. Grants a (X*10)% chance of not consuming a scroll upon use. (X = Mastery Level, For example: Scroll Mastery IV -> X = 4, Caster Level Bonus for scrolls: +4, Chance for not consuming a scroll: 40%)

[Bonus Language]
The written word and spoken word, all are made and formed to give meaning. With knowledge comes power, and the power to know that all language stems from the same roots, giving you an edge and ability to speak an additional linguistical skill. (Each tier of this feat grants you the ability to learn an additional language.)

Use -bonus_language command to proceed. It is instant learning.

Tried and tested terminology and a handy knowledge of indexes allow ones self to aid in tutoring the spoken word and written testimonial to others. Where some may spend time spewing drivel you spend your time teachings efficiently, and so your pupils learn faster. (Loremaster is twice as effective when teaching languages.)

Feats - Secrets:
[Secret Knowledge of Health]
The Loremaster is practiced in ancient rituals, dietary regimes and excercises intended to bolster the health of the user. (+30 HP)

[Secret Knowledge of Inner Strength]
Akin to the Slippery Mind feat, the Loremaster is well-versed in mental techniques of distraction and circular logic intended to provide protection from mind-affecting spells and psionics. (+2 Will Save)

[Secret Knowledge of True Stamina]
Just as for every venom there is an antidote, physical shocks can be counterbalanced by maintaining a careful equilibrium of dietary supplements. The Loremaster is keenly aware of the eco-system within their own body, and maintains it with a scientific exactitude. (+2 Fortitude Save)
[Secret Knowledge of Avoidance]
While some avoid attacks with a heightened instinct for survival or altertness to any attack, the skilled Loremaster is often able to stay two steps ahead of any impending theat; a knowledge of Newtonian Physics that allows them to correctly judge, almost immediately, the appropriate response to any unexpected change of physical circumstances. (+2 Reflex Save)

[Secret Knowledge of Weapon Trick]
The ability to know just when and where to strike is not purely the province of an experienced fighter, but can also be learned by studying the application of forces and physiology. Common in fencing, it can also be applied to a number of other weapons. By taking this approach a Loremaster can provide themselves a modest advantage in combat. (+1 AB)

[Secret Knowledge of Dodge Trick]
When one is aware of an attack, it is possible to maneuver in order to avoid it. A Loremaster skilled in this secret is able to recognise the common themes in a number of different defensive stances and tactics, and apply them holistically in a wide-variety of combat situations. (+1 Dodge AC)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:20 am

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From Bat Country
- Arrot'ol, Flayhold Financier in Dis, will now actually speak to you to tell you what he does.
- Skull Coin gambler payout slightly refactored. More representative, varied, and variable payouts should be more common

From BHR
Shadow conjuration: mage armor stacking with Epic Mage Armor removed to match regular Mage Armor.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Tue Jul 07, 2020 10:34 am

Loremaster adjustments (Launching later today on PGCC)

- Loremaster's knowledge now grants 2 points of skill bonus to lore per loremaster level. (It was 1 before)
Note: This lore bonus counted in purpose of determining if one can use a scroll or not.

- New class feat added: "Wand and Rod Mastery". It follows the same progression with scroll mastery. But it's bonuses are halved.

Wand and Rod Mastery I - Increases the caster level of wands and rods by 1. 5% chance to preserve charge of a wand/rod.
Wand and Rod Mastery II - Increases the caster level of wands and rods by 1. 10% chance to preserve charge of a wand/rod.
Wand and Rod Mastery III - Increases the caster level of wands and rods by 2. 15% chance to preserve charge of a wand/rod.
Wand and Rod Mastery IV - Increases the caster level of wands and rods by 2. 20% chance to preserve charge of a wand/rod.
Wand and Rod Mastery V - Increases the caster level of wands and rods by 3. 25% chance to preserve charge of a wand/rod.

New Secrets:
- Secret Knowledge of Abjuration
- Secret Knowledge of Conjuration
- Secret Knowledge of Divination
- Secret Knowledge of Enchantment
- Secret Knowledge of Evocation
- Secret Knowledge of Illusion
- Secret Knowledge of Necromancy
- Secret Knowledge of Transmutation

Pre-requisite: Greater spell focus on respective school.

This feat allows you to access the benefits of Epic Spell Focus.
For example: Taking Secret Knowledge Divination will grant access to -scry command without need to having Epic Spell Focus: Divination.
Note: Spellswords are still restricted.

- Added proficiencies: Simple Weapon, Light & Medium Armour, and Shields.

- Four Secrets now granted, at Level 2, 4, 6 and 8

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Tue Jul 07, 2020 6:57 pm

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From Zaphiel
* Loremaster now gains proficiency on simple weapons, light and medium armors and shields.
* Wand mastery is moved to level 2. And mastery level increases every two levels.
* Secret knowledges are moved to 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th levels.

Level 1 - Loremaster's Knowledge, Scroll Mastery I
Level 2 - Wand Mastery I, Secret Knowledge​
Level 3 - Scroll Mastery II, Bonus Language I
Level 4 - Wand Mastery II, Secret Knowledge​
Level 5 - Scroll Mastery III, Bonus Language II
Level 6 - Secret Knowledge, Wand Mastery III
Level 7 - Scroll Mastery IV, Bonus Language III
Level 8 - Wand Mastery IV, Secret Knowledge​
Level 9 - Scroll Mastery V, Bonus Language IV
Level 10 - Tutor, Bonus Language V, Wand Mastery V

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:17 pm

Live on Next Reset, From Zaphiel
ESF: Illusion clone changes:
* Can no longer deal any damage.
* It can now pass through creatures.
* It's duration is set to 24 hours.

Loremaster Updates: (PGCC Only)
* Mundane loremaster can now summon stronger undead through Secret Knowledge of Necromancy.
* Half of the loremaster levels are taken into account for purpose of calculating duration of -ward.

Every 3 levels of loremaster now increases the undead tier by 1. Max. tier 3 summons.
If you have caster levels and if they are greater than loremaster levels, you will use your caster levels instead of loremaster levels.

New Secret:
* Secret Knowledge of the Artisan: This feat unlocks all class specific recipes.

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