Arelith Updates!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Thu Jul 09, 2020 8:09 am

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From Aniel
Mounted charge AB increased from +4 to +6.
Unmounted charge AB increased from +1 to +2, and duration increased from 6 seconds to 12 seconds.
"Critical" damage on the charge has been increased from x1.5 to x2.
Improved critical, and the keen item property Will now contribute to the critical range. This means the charge damage can potentially be 18-20/x2.
The cavalier's warhorse will have 50 temporary hitpoints permanently applied to it upon being called to help prevent accidental PvE deaths.

Developer commentary: Since cavalier's release, its performance has been carefully monitored. While it's been successful in cattering to a particular playstyle, it's found to be largely underwhelming in its number output. While the first update to cavalier was to assist with clunkiness in how their abilities functioned while giving them something to use if unmounted, this third pass is to tune up their numbers to be more competitive, and to expand on their dismounted utility. Cavalier will remain under observation to see where it ends up with these adjustments, and will continue being adjusted as appropriate, whether that be scaling back these improvements, or looking to other flaws and means of improving the class.

From Zaphiel
ESF: Illusion Clone Changes:
* Keen Senses feat is removed from clone if caster has.

Loremaster Changes:
* Some of the Secret Knowledge of [School] feat names (and their descriptions) has changed to better represent what they do.

Note: Those feats do not grant bonuses to spells. (Only exception is Enchantment and Evocation. Enchantment only grants bonus to Dominate spell. Evocation removes backlash damage from hellball and greater ruin.)

For example:
Secret Knowledge of Divination (It is now renamed to Secret Knowlede of Scrying) only gives access to -scry command. It does not increases the duration of True Seeing.

Name changes:
Secret Knowledge of Abjuration -> Secret Knowledge of Warding
Secret Knowledge of Conjuration -> Secret Knowledge of Summoning
Secret Knowledge of Divination -> Secret Knowledge of Scrying
Secret Knowledge of Enchantment -> Secret Knowledge of Domination
Secret Knowledge of Transmutation -> Secret Knowledge of Ley Lines

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:35 pm

From the next reset.

From Danger Dolphin

- Trap damage now based on d4s to reduce the spike variability (Suggestion by Joe)
- Player set trap damage now scales with the character's invested Set Trap skill points. Bonuses from items and abilities do not count.
- Traps are still not triggered by party members, but the effects can now hurt them if they are too close to an AoE
- The Set Trap skill can now used for crafting traps if it is higher than the craft trap skill (Temporary, intended to be moved eventually)
- Minor, Average and strong traps set by players have had their damage significantly increased
- If you have detected a trap, the save DC is reduced by 5
- For each 5 levels in Rogue, Assassin, Zhentarim Operative or Harper Scout, the saving throw DC on traps they set is increased by 1
- Traps now show the saving throw of the victim to the player that set the trap in the same way a spell would to a caster
- Traps now report damage and successful stunning effects to the trapper
- Player set tangle traps now entangle instead of slow (You cannot walk/run, but can take other actions)
- Holy traps damage is doubled vs undead
- Holy traps are now AoE in a 10ft radius
- Holy traps now have a reflex save attached
- Spike traps now hobble for 5 rounds on failing the reflex save, similar to a called shot: leg (-4 Dexterity, -10% Movement speed)
- Sonic traps now only stun for 2 rounds on all tiers, but leave a lingering deafen effect
- Negative traps now have a reflex save to avoid all effects
- Increased scaling for strength drain on negative traps (Suggestion by Jack Oat)
- Acid splash traps now blind for 2 rounds (Suggestion by Jack Oat)
- Acid blob traps no long paralyse, but have a lingering damage over time effect (Suggestion by Sockss)
- Trap Stacking: Characters immune to all traps for 2 seconds after stepping on one. Applies only to player set traps.

This update also appears on our News Feed

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Fri Jul 10, 2020 4:41 pm

Live on next reset
From Hoodoo

Added Roushoum, Deep Imaskari language
Quick command -ro

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:11 am

An update to Brogendenstein's Hall of Legends.

Details on the News Feed

Please note I will be making some minor fixes and adjustments over the next day, and that fixtures previously in this area has been safely stowed by DMs and will gradually be replaced.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:04 am

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From Ærgnist & Red Ropes
* New Language: Druidic [-du]
* New Language: Gnoll [-gl]
* New Language: Sylvan [-sy]
* -language list is now grouped and filtered

Druidic granted to: Druids
Gnoll granted to: Gnolls
Sylvan granted to: Fey, Feylock, Forest Gnome
Animal removed from: Feylock

Dev Comment: Animal Language has for forever been a really ambiguous thing on Arelith, representing animals, beasts, fey, druids, gnoll, and probably more. My hope is that splitting Animal into some of its more appropriate bits will provide tools that strengthen the RP of characters, races, and classes that are often defined by those languages. Animal itself is less useful, but I think it still has a place as a bridge between woodland folk, as well as for just communicating with animals.

From Dangerdolphin
- Lowered "Very High" damage traps in dungeons only from average damage 100 to 62.5
- Negative trap strength drain doubled to 2/4/6/8
- Negative trap strength drain is no longer permanent, but wears off after 3 turns (3 Minutes)
- Acid blob traps now paralyse again for 1/2/3/4 rounds
- Reduced the damage over time of acid blob traps
- Sonic traps now only deafen if you fail the saving throw

From Hoodoo
Deep Imaskari are no longer trapped in the entry room, doomed to forever talk to the help desk clerk.
Half-orc can once again become an outcast per award creation.

Developer Commentary (Since everyone is doing this now): Bug fixes make people happy and stuff.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by The GrumpyCat » Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:49 am

Irongron wrote:
Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:11 am
An update to Brogendenstein's Hall of Legends.

Details on the News Feed

Please note I will be making some minor fixes and adjustments over the next day, and that fixtures previously in this area has been safely stowed by DMs and will gradually be replaced.
A small note - home owners would do well to check their chests. If there was room in them, we placed some of their fixtures in there.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:03 pm

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(PGCC Only)
From Zaphiel
Loremaster Changes:
Skill Changes:
- Hide, move silently, pickpocket, taunt, set trap, bluff and intimidate removed from class skill list.

Feat Changes:
Secret Knowledge of Artisan:
- Now bypasses race restriction(s) on recipes as well. (Only was class restriction(s) before.)

Secret Knowledge of Ley Lines:
- Renamed to Secret Knowledge of Teleportation.

New Secrets:
Secret Knowledge of the Mechanical Animator:
- This feat allows you to make golems.

Secret Knowledge of the Explorer:
- This feat allows you to gain 100% more adventure experience from exploration and portal discoveries.

Secret Knowledge of Gathering:
- This feat allows you to gain 25% more resource from plants, woods, common tier ores and minerals. This effect reduced to 10% if gathering high tier ores or minerals. Minumum of 1 extra resource is guaranteed.

Secret Knowledge of Crafting:
- This feat allows you to add your skill ranks and bonuses on lore divided by 5 to your crafting points. Calculation is (Base Lore skill ranks + Skill Focus + Epic Skill Focus + base int mod. + Loremaster's Knowledge) / 5.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Tue Jul 14, 2020 10:44 am

Live On Next Reset

From Zaphiel
Cooldown command (-cd) updates:
* Altered Shape added to cooldown list. (It indicates some racial polymorphs and totem druid polymorphs.)

Zoo Spell changes (bug fix rather):
* After getting max bonus, next cast will no longer replace the current effect. Instead, will refresh the duration. (For example, you casted bull's strength for two times, got +2 in first one, +4 in second one. Total of +5 due to stacking. Casting this spell again was resulting in losing the current bonus if roll was lower than +5. So if you rolled +3 in third cast, your +5 bonus was being replaced with +3. Now, this is fixed. And will result in refreshed duration at +5 bonus.)

From Ærgnist
Language adjustments/fixes:
* Animal colour changed to Agrellan Earth™️
* Druidic colour changed to Light Green
* Minor thematic changes to some languages
* The Lore skill is no longer able to translate certain languages
* Bugfix: Giant's tag/text colour now matches
* Bugfix: Undercommon's tag/text colour now matches

Thanks for feedback!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:44 pm

Live On Next Reset (PGCC)
From Zaphiel
Loremaster changes:
* Secret Knowledge of Crafting is removed. Instead, it is merged with Secret Knowledge of Artisan.
* Secret Knowledge of Artisan no longer unlocks race specific recipes.
* Secret Knowledge of Explorer: (Updated, read the full description.)
This Secret allows the Loremaster to gain +100% Adventure Experience Point gain from area and portal discoveries. 25% of this bonus Adventure Experience Points is granted as an immediate XP gain, and the full amount also gets credited to their bank account in gold as a result of their selling maps.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Tue Jul 21, 2020 9:18 pm

From New contributor Kenji!
Altaholics rejoice!
Blank Description at Character Creation Screen:
All races no longer have their vanilla description in character creation screen but blank ones.
Note: only available on PGCC, live server changes will go along with Loremaster and Zhent release

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:07 am

From Inf
Subdual Changes
Subduing a PC now applies the following penalties for 5 minutes after getting up:
- 100% spell failure.
- All ability scores drop to 6 except CON. STR applies a damage penalty instead so you can still move.
- Attack bonus reduction of -20 to -40. The +/- attack bonus cap of 20 means this will reduce your AB by at least 20 but possibly 40 if you have positive increases to your AB.
Note: the character sheet won't reflect this; to see your 'true' AB you'll need to attack something and read your combat log.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Sun Jul 26, 2020 1:59 am

Zhentarim and Loremaster:

- Zhentarim and Loremaster classes are now live.

Harper Paragon:

- Paragon no longer receives Divine Might / Divine Shield for free.
- Paragon receives turn undead at level 3 instead of 4.
- Paragon receives bonus feats at levels 1, 3, and 5 instead of just 1 and 5.
- Paragon no longer receives tumble as a class skill.
- Paragon receives simple and martial weapons, all armors, and shield proficiency.

NOTE: Current paragons will be grandfathered. These grandfathered features will be lost if you relevel your character.

Portal Lens

- Portal lens will close after 1 minute.

Radiant Heart Ring nerf:

- Removed all properties from RH ring.
- Adds back +2 Disc and tags as no upgrades.

Upgrade options are :
- +1 ability or all save
- +2 to two skills
- 1/day lesser planar binding

NOTE: only 3 stats max allowed

Cure Light / Moderate / Serious / Critical Wounds

- The above will now use the target's hitdice instead of caster level, if the hitdice is higher.

Assassin Improved Invis:

- Should properly block FOIG mechanic now.

Arcane Archer:

- Arcane Archers should be able to use their Create Ammo feat found in their radial menu.

Determine your Public CD Key here
Can't see your vault? Have you migrated your accounts? If you have tried, and still can't see them, message me.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:27 am

Live Now
From Ærgnist (descriptions by Mythic)
Minor Fighter Additions:
* New Feat: Armored Vigil
- Granted at fighter level 3.
- Rest in medium and eventually heavy armour.
* New Feat: Field Maintenance
- Granted at fighter level 10.
- Slightly repair some equipment on rest.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:44 am

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From Spyre + Hoodoo (Spoodoo)

Bank Transfer

- When attempting to send a player money, it will now filter with the most recently played characters of that name query to give the most accurate list. All the while not displaying characters who have been inactive for a set time.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:00 am

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From DangerDolphin
Healing potion cost updates

Cure Light Wounds potions from 14 GP to 70 GP
Cure Moderate Wounds potions from 23 GP to 110 GP
Cure Serious Wounds potions from 46 GP to 196 GP
Cure Critical Wounds potions from 196 GP to 280 GP

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:10 am

As of now:

Zhentarim Class Permission Tokens

- Tokens are now live. DMs can be contacted to award the permission token to approved applications. Please use the DM Channel and your -badge dm to notify the DMs and give them enough time to respond.

Determine your Public CD Key here
Can't see your vault? Have you migrated your accounts? If you have tried, and still can't see them, message me.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Tue Aug 04, 2020 4:19 pm

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From DangerDolphin
Item Weight Reductions

Darts from 0.1 to 0.0
Throwing Axe from 0.2 to 0.1
Wand from 1.0 to 0.3
Book from 1.0 to 0.5
Trap Kit from 0.5 to 0.3
Key from 0.1 to 0.0
Spell Scroll from 0.1 to 0.0
Gloves from 1.0 to 0.5
Bracers from 1.0 to 0.5
Grenade from 0.3 to 0.1
Cloak from 3.0 to 2.0
Belt from 1.0 to 0.5
Misc Med from 0.5 to 0.4
Misc Small from 0.3 to 0.1


Dart stack size increased from 250 to 500

From (Not)Aniel
Bless Weapon
When targeting a dual-wielding character, if their primary weapon is already blessed, the off-hand will be blessed instead.

From Hoodoo
Upped bank cap to 20 mil

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Fri Aug 07, 2020 9:48 pm

From Garrbear
Hexblade Rework

New Spells
1: Shield, negative energy ray
2: silence
3: Negative energy burst
4: Shadow conjuration, haste

-Change the base hex effect to -AC
-PreEpic Bonus Feats: 5, 10, 15, 20
-Epic Bonus Feats: 23, 26, 29
-Hex and Curse Weapon moved to level 2

-All hex abilities will scale at 1 (3% if percentage based) per 5 hexblade levels (minimum 1) unless noted otherwise
-All damage except curse of sacrifice (magical) will be a damage increase effect that now works with critical hits (flat 2 damage, unaffected by damage resistance or damage immunity/vulnerability). Hex of duality and hex of elemental decay will increase this damage by a flat +1 for each damage effect in addition to their normal effect of damage vulnerability.
-Removed the pure class DI
-Added a new curse which grants DI (curse of life)
-Change curse of neglect to do physical vulnerability (previously AC), min level 23
-remove level requirement from curse of sacrifice
-1 more max spell known and spell/day for each spell level
-Change curse weapon to last 5 turns. Cooldown 2 turns
-Hex cooldown lowered to 2 turns
-Prevent hex debuffs from being removed by lesser restoration. Hex will still be removed by restoration
-Maledictum of Worms removed from selectable feat list. It will be available from a FOIG location for PCs with at least 25 levels in hexblade. This is not yet implemented, and will be added and announced in a separate update.

Developer Notes:
Hexblade was very strong in regards to DPS in PVE, but fell behind in mostly every other area. These changes will make spellcasting useful for it, make it more survivable and better able to multiclass, and give more synergy with strength builds and anything relying on crits. Additionally, they allow for lower level investments to be more viable. A 5 level dip can give you -1 AC with Hex, dark blessing, proficiencies, and 4 damage via curse of Duality.

These changes will be on PGCC briefly to allow for testing and feedback before moving to the live servers.

Current hexblades will be granted a relevel when these changes go live, but we will not be offering full rebuilds.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Sun Aug 16, 2020 8:41 pm

Some modest Andunor/UD updates from me, live next reset.
- Miscellaneous fixes to several areas in Andunor. (ex.: Hub loom now reliably accessible, Inner Hub furniture stuck in crates, Gracklstugh Embassy's throne no longer bugged, etc.)
- Added seating/emissary representation for Greyport to Andunor's Meeting Chamber.
- Roster changes in the Andunor Slave Arena.
- QoL changes to the Derro dungeon, less puzzles (for now...), easier to complete the writs there.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:21 pm

Live Next Reset

From DangerDolphin
Fix bug where characters with high bluff/perform always failed the check to avoid exile

From Xerah
-Fix for stopping people in stealth from getting -project_image; this makes it consistent with other messages and blocks an exploit people used to check for stealth people

-Spells that have been targeting fixture (corpses are also considered fixture) have been adjusted to not target these now.

From Aniel
Class level and ability score checks are removed from dispels. Once again they will use a character's total level for their dispel resistance, or if that character has casted a spell from a spell slot it will use their appropriate caster level instead versus dispels until a server reset occurs.

From Bat Country
- Fixed stack sizes in Andunor NPC shops.
- Fixed stack sizes and rebalanced prices in Dis NPC shops.
- Fixed dynamic spawns in Shadow Plane Scriptorium.
- Fixed Paush Lair exit portal.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sun Aug 23, 2020 4:48 pm

From Bat Country
- Total visual overhaul/expansion using new hak content.
- Pretty fog.
- Pretty stalagmites.
- Pretty ruins.
- Still going to get ambushed by river slavers though.

- The Outpost is receiving a new NPC ("Marigorn the Overseer"), who is managing a construction project to be carried out there. He will receive bribes from UD characters for their choice of the completed Outpost's eventual 'theme' (i.e. trade, military, sea exploration, etc.), with all character choices and the sizes of their bribe recorded. You can pay into this NPC once every 14 RL days. We'll base what gets built in the end off the results we record. This is a new system being experimented with, and we're interested to see how well it helps in-game, in-character activity to inform and influence area development.

Details of this on News Feed

From Xerah

Fix for light hammers, which never got adjusted to be small race hidden danger weapons

From Myself & Msheeler

We continue to add areas to the new city, as we move ever closer to being able to open it to players.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Wed Aug 26, 2020 12:54 am

Live on next reset

From Xerah
RH ranking changed:

Initial: Junior Squire
1: Squire
2: Senior Squire
3: Companion at Arms
4: Standard Bearer

Now explicitly stated you are a member of the auxiliary in your examine tag.

The following are now also allowed to join:
-Non-evil, non-chaotic nobles
-Harper Paragons/Priests
-LG/NG Gift of devotion characters

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:05 pm


Nobles: Noble-Only Properties
- Several quarters/guildhouses on the server are being made purchasable by Nobles only, and cannot be bought by characters without the Gift/Background/granted Nobility, etc.
- NOTE: This will NOT affect ANY current ownership! If you own one of these properties now and are not a Noble, you will NOT lose it.

Cordor (The Walled City) Cultural District (Noble Estate 1)
Cordor (The Walled City) Cultural District (Noble Estate 2)
Cordor (The Walled City) Nautilus Street (Noble Residence)
Cordor (The Walled City) Norquar Street (Noble Residence)
Cordor (The Walled City) Seragrino Street (Guild)

Underdark (Andunor) Devil's Table (Mansion)
Underdark (Andunor) The Deep Gate (Mansion)

Landed Noble system:

- Landed nobles have to be in the settlement faction. Are granted by the settlement leader
- 4 Nobles Max. Can remove 1 noble once a year.
- Landed Nobles have 1 extra vote if citizenship count is above 50.
- Landed Nobles cannot be exiled/evicted from the settlement.
- Landed Nobles receive 5% of tax revenue.
- They can grant minor forms of nobility (akin to the reward) by owning special nobility property (4 slots, via faction menu).

Irongron Note: read more about this here: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=29925

New Skill: Climb

(After 2nd Reset)

Climb is rolled in order to... Climb.

Fighters, rogues, rangers, assassins, arcane archers, harpers, zhents, monks and barbarians no longer receive +1 per climb per level.

Air genasi and level 12+ swashbucklers no longer automatically pass climb checks. Instead air genasi receive half of their total level as a bonus, and swashbucklers receive half of their class level.

All of the aforementioned classes have Climb as a class skill. All other classes can pay the cross-class tax.

Irongron Note: While the addition of a new skill may be frustrating in already tight skill economy, this system is actually unchanged from before. The chief difference now is that it is no longer an absolute, binary calcuation. Whereas before you could either make the climb or you could not, now all characters, either by direct investment or the use of items will be able to increase their roll, and thus, be able to access climb points. With the upcoming new city, and especially the 'Deep Wells' I am making far greater use of climb, and moving forward would like area developers to have it as a new feature at their disposal in all dungeon and wilderness design.

As stated late last year, this is one of a number of skills I wish to see added/expanded. One these are all completed, I will consider an adjustment to skill points, though for now, it is still too early to make any such decision.

Dweamorcrafting (Enchantment)
- This is once again ONLY possible at basins (except rename/redescribe function)

Faith & Divinites (From Xerah)

Rename Toril to Nature & Beast Spirits

Removed "neutral" options from fiend worship. [Demons / devils are a step up from even an evil deity]

Sebek now LE, NE, CE and any racial restriction removed (Sebek has the worship of scalykind and foreigners outside of Mulhorand)

Set added Chaotic Evil and racial restriction removed (Set has the worship of Scalykind, yuan-ti, and foreigners outside of Mulhorand)

Vergadain racial restriction removed (Vergadain has an aspect in the Mulhorandi pantheon of Bes)

Added a number of Demonic deities + a few others (more to come):

Grond Peaksmasher (CG, NG, CN) Nature, War (Druid Deity) - Symbol: Silverhaft axe overlaid on a mountain - Demigod - Moonshae Isles - worshippers: firbolgs, Battleaxe - FEY ONLY

Sekolah - (LE, NE, LN) Nature, War (Not Druidic) - Symbol: Great White Shark - Demigod - Worshippers: sahaugin, evil sea people - Trident

Auppenser (TN, NG, NE, CN, LN) K&I, Magic - Symbol: An eye centered within a hexagonally shaped gem - worshippers: duergar, monks, psions, psychic warriors, titles: The Master of the Invisible Art, Lord of Reason, Serene One,Master of Thought - Kukri

Poseidon (CN, CG, CE) Nature, Trickery (Druid Deity) - Symbol: Trident, worshippers: Fishers, sailors, coastal dwellers in Impiltur – Trident

Malkizid (LE, NE, CE) Trickery, Magic - worshippers: corrupted elves, drow, titles: The Branded King - ELVES ONLY.

Zuggtmoy (CE, NE) Nature, Trickery (Druid Deity), Worshippers: Evil & Mad Druids, Depraved Magi, Occultists, titles: Lady of Fungi, Demon Queen of Fungi, Lady of Rot and Decay

Juiblex (CE, NE) War, Magic - Worshippers: Madmen, Ooze Enthusiasts titles: The Unspeakable, Lord of Ooze, Slick of Foulest Humors

Paush (CE, NE) War, Magic - Symbol: A Burning Palace with a fiend fiddling outside, Portfolio: Pride, Conquest, Music Worshippers: Madmen, Tyrants, Muscians, Would-be Conquerors of Arelith, Titles: The Magnificent, the Overlord - Scimitar

Eltab (CE, NE) Trickery, Magic - Worshippers: Madmen, Magi - Titles: The Hidden One, Lord of the Hidden Layer

Pale Night (CE, NE) Trickery, Magic - Symbol: A billowing white sheet draped over a starry field, Worshippers: Occultists, Fiendish Deviants - Titles: Mother of Demons, The White Lady, Queen of Night

Obox-ob (CE, NE) Trickery, War - Symbol: A scorpion hanging from its tail, threaded in the sockets of a jawless human skull, Worshippers: Occultists, Fiendish Deviants, Assassins - Titles: Prince of Vermin, Prince of Poison

Abraxas (CE, NE, CN) Magic, K&I - Symbol: Demonic face encircled by a serpent with two snake tails descending from the mouth, Worshippers: Magi, Scholars, Forbidden Knowledge Seekers - Titles: The Unfathomable

Kostchtchie (CE, NE) War, H&H - Worshippers: Evil Giants, Barbarians - Titles: Prince of Wrath - Warhammer

Archer Damage:

Max damage with archer templates from greater magic weapon set to +4 (was +5)

Ranger (archer) bonus damage halved (max of +4, previous was +8 @ lvl 28)

The complex template removed from crafting options.

From Bat Country
- Ettercaps and Hook Horrors now drop Animal Sinew.

Minor Bug fix
- Ironhelm ship will not longer have an inaccessible skiff at Skaljard docks.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sun Sep 06, 2020 7:11 pm

From Anatida:

- 32 new placeable chairs (that work), and two new tilesets including WORMS slightly modified Fantasy Interiors and Sen's Rural Inn Interior.


We'll be slowly adding recipes for these chairs in the coming weeks, and they will feature in many new areas.

And also from Anatida

- 2 new tilesets added, to be used with the new city.

Irongron Note: Ana really has been working extremely hard in her role of art director, making sure all of our new HAK resources are properly vetted and fixed before sending them live. The new city, and much is else so much improved due to this work, and I'm thrilled to be able to work with so many new tilesets. I'm enormously grateful for that work, and much of the reason we are all seeing this amazing EE content is due to her diligence in ploughing through the simply huge to-do list that we area builders throw at her.

From Myself:

- Fixture Limit raised both in Radiant Heart Keep and the nearby Cave.
- Yet more Guldorand City areas added, to be tested by patrons in the coming weeks before the city finally day.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Tue Sep 08, 2020 12:13 am

From Merry:

-An Update to Bendir's Tavern.

From Red Ropes:

- A number of fixes to Banite Temple and dialogs.

From Myself:

- The gate to the Halfbreed Camp has been reinforced, and can no longer be bashed down.

All live after next reset.

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