Arelith Updates!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Tue Jan 10, 2023 3:27 pm

From Kenji
[Vigilante][Cause of Vindication]
* No longer gains Improved Sneak Attack feats, instead gains a streamlined and evenly spaced out Brutal Attack progression from level 3 to level 19:
- 3: Brutal Attack 1d6
- 4: Brutal Attack 2d6
- 5: Brutal Attack 3d6
- 7: Brutal Attack 4d6
- 9: Brutal Attack 5d6
- 11: Brutal Attack 6d6
- 13: Brutal Attack 7d6
- 15: Brutal Attack 8d6
- 17: Brutal Attack 9d6
- 19: Brutal Attack 10d6
This should allow Vindication Vigilante and Shadow Dancer levels to stack their total Sneak Attack progression

* Gains +3 Intimidation upon taking the Cause, and 3 more upon becoming fervent in the cause (Epic Vindication Cause at 11th level)
Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:33 pm

From Amnesy

In a reset or two:
With the use of icons -focus_bar now also shows:
- the number of blood stacks (with colour number icon).
- if Red Harvest is on cool-down (with number con greyed).
- if Elemental Overcharge is on cool-down (with a dedicated icon being in colour [ready] or grey [cd]).
Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Sun Jan 15, 2023 6:23 pm

From Twohand

As direct consequence from the choices and actions of players, you can now find a new island while exploring the sea: the Whaler's Home. Recently, it has served as one of the battlefields for the war between Amn and the Lords' Alliance, and who knows, perhaps it hides something under the waves too?

And Myon got its printing press back.

From CNS

Druid Plantshape

Removed Knockdown Immunity from Druid/Shifter Plantshape

Plantshape is an absolute beast of a polymorph and knockdown immunity is an incredibly strong ability that is part of what is pushing them over the line into too strong. There may be further adjustments to plantshape but I'd like to take it slowly and see how things change after removing knockdown immunity.

Notes: The main combat Plantshapes have a base strength of 56, this alongside a 33 point skill investment (obtainable by taking a class with disc as a class skill) leaves them at 56 discipline (39 if investing cross class) before buffs, feats and merge compatible gear, they are also large sized which are harder to knockdown

Blackguard Corrupt Weapon Progression altered

Previously +1 per 4 BG levels
Now 1 + 1 per 5 BG levels

This brings the BG progression more in line with other classes like spellsword and paladins and allows them to make slightly better use of their ability before epics.

Earliest possible unlock progression changes:
Old Progression: 8 +1, 16 +2, 22 +3, 26 +4, 30 +5
New Progression: 8 +1, 13 +2, 18 +3, 25 +4, 30 +5

Note: Level 20 BG's are actually at +6, as before, due to the bonus they get from the Unholy Accuracy feat.

From Inf
Class Adjustments
[1][Arcane Archer]
- Seeker Arrow now fires 1 arrow per 5 AA levels and chains to nearby targets losing one arrow per secondary target. Example: 3 -> 2 -> 1.
- Seeker Arrow now fires directly at the target (no more circling like Hellball).
- Death Arrow now deals bow damage plus 1d6 Entropy damage per AA level on hit (the Entropy damage can't crit).
- Death Arrow cooldown refresh changed from 10 minutes to 4 minutes.
- Imbue Arrow DC now scales off hard DEX or INT whichever is higher.

Also, new VFX for Death and Seeker arrows.
Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Kalopsia » Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:56 pm

From Inf
Class Adjustments
[1][Arcane Archer]
- Hail of Arrows fires 1 arrow per AA level at all enemies near a target location. Up to 1 arrow per 5 AA levels can hit the same target if there's less enemies than arrows present. The farther away the longer it takes for the portal to start firing arrows. It also respects LoS now (sorry).

[2][Arcane Archer]
- Imbue, Seeker, Hail, and Death Arrow now use a magical arrow VFX when fired.
- Seeker Arrow now highlights its target and all jump targets on hit with a VFX.
- Hail of Arrows has a new VFX where it opens a portal above the target then rains down arrows on nearby enemies.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Kalopsia » Wed Jan 18, 2023 6:45 pm

From Kalopsia
  • Epic Dragon Knight: When cast with the Dracolich stream, the spell now counts as a Necromancy spell, thereby bypassing some specialist wizards' spell school limitations.
  • Wild Mage: The Elemental Monolith wild surge will now vanish if the character already has a summon.
  • Divine Synergy: Fixed an exploit where using Divine Might bypassed certain Divine Shield limitations.
  • Food Poisons:
    • Fixed an issue where some poisoned foods were not being treated as such, thereby applying visible initial saving throws at low DCs.
    • Retroactively fixed an issue where food poisons applied to some consumables broke their effects.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Thu Jan 19, 2023 1:26 pm

From msheeler - per player suggestions
Dirty Fighting added to Usefeat commands
-usefeat dtf sandeyes: Sand In The Eyes
-usefeat dtf lowblow: Low Blow
-usefeat dtf pommel: Pommel Strike
-usefeat dtf nosebreak: Nose Breaker
-usefeat dtf headbutt: Headbutt

*Note you must be currently in combat and have the Dirty Fighting feat to use these. If the no matching substring (i.e. "sandeyes" or "pommel") is found it will default to Low Blow.

From Amnesy
Hostalizer writes to the user's system chat PCs who have been set hostile by using the feat.
Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Kenji » Thu Jan 19, 2023 7:39 pm

From Kenji
[1.][New Voice Sets]
The following voice sets from Icewind Dale will be available via both character creation and -soundset chat command:
IWD HoW Male 1 (451)
IWD HoW Male 2 (452)
IWD HoW Male 3 (453)
IWD HoW Female 1 (454)
IWD HoW Female 2 (455)
IWD HoW Female 3 (456)
IWD Male Fighter 4 (461)
IWD Male Rogue 2 (464)
IWD Male Wizard 1 (465)
IWD Male Wizard 4 (468)
IWD Male Wizard 5 (469)
IWD Female Fighter 2 (478)
IWD Female Fighter 3 (479)
IWD Female Rogue 1 (482)
IWD Female Rogue 2 (483)
IWD Female Wizard 5 (488)
IWD Female Sorceress (489)
IWD Yxunomei (496)

*Note: Existing characters can request voice set change using the Arelith support page.*

More IWD voice sets will be introduced Soon™️

Some of the voice set lines are cut, modified, or extended and may not match the prompt for command voice keybinds. If anything seems out of place, provide feedback with detailed report of which Voice Set, what particular line, and what the problem is will be much appreciated

[2][Vanilla Sound Set Availability]
The majority of vanilla voice sets will also be made available with this patch for those without a soundset.2da override. However, few animal and/or aberration soundsets are not included to reduce option bloat.

*Note: due to this change, a player's Soundset.2da in Override will no longer function. This only affects the choices during character creation and existing characters will not be affected. If one still wants access to certain animal and/or aberration soundsets for their new characters, use the -soundset command at the OOC beginning area to switch to those particular soundsets.*

Feedback in regards to what vanilla soundset should be added or removed to the list is welcomed

For you, the day Kenji overhauled your class was the most important day of your life.
But for me, it was Tuesday. :face_with_monocle: To-do list

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Kalopsia » Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:26 pm

From Kalopsia
  • Rogue & Vigilante: The Signature Weapon feat and its improved variant should now work as advertised.
  • Custom Damage Types: Fixed a rounding error that caused damage to drop by 1 against creatures with magic damage immunity or vulnerability.
From Inf
[1][Bug Fixes]
- Inflict line of spells and Harm no longer roll to hit if self-cast.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Kalopsia » Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:18 am

From Kalopsia
  • Cantrip Autocast Mode:
    • When enabled, casting a hostile cantrip will immediately queue another instance of the same spell (using the same metamagic), aimed at the same target.
    • If the current target dies and combat is still ongoing, the next cantrip will automatically target a new valid enemy within range.
    • The mode can be toggled on/off with the following command:

      Code: Select all

      -cantrip autocast
  • Dirty Fighting command: Improved target validation, thereby fixing some self-target issues.
  • Ki Barrier: Fixed an oversight that prevented many characters from activating the ability.
  • Ranged Weapons: Fixed a bug where larger ranged weapons granted two-handed weapon AB bonuses.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Kenji » Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:44 am

From Kenji
Class Adjustment: Harper/Zhentarim
  • Gains Method: Hidden Persona at 1, which improves unique disguise DC over time
  • Gains Improved Method: Secret Identity at 5
Mechanics Clarification
  • Method: Hidden Persona and Improved Method: Scret Identity
    • For every server tick under the same disguise name, the disguise name gains a point.
    • Every 12 points (1 hour active play time) in the same disguise name increases Disguise DC by 1
    • Hidden Persona has a cap of Character Levels / 3 (max of 10)
    • Secret Identity's cap is 20

For you, the day Kenji overhauled your class was the most important day of your life.
But for me, it was Tuesday. :face_with_monocle: To-do list

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:35 pm

Hello everybody.
If your soundset didn't get properly applied via
Please re-apply the ticket. I fixed the problem, but the tickets will have to be re-approved and applied after next reset.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:51 pm

From backlands:

## The Astrolabe:

A new website that we hope will help to unify the way everyone on Arelith accesses and finds information about the world we all play in. Lovingly named "The Astrolabe" in the hopes that one day this new website will be a central place for everyone to navigate to what they need, from wiki to forum, and everything in between.

At the moment two existing tools have been rebuilt in the Astrolabe:

* Portal 4.0
* An entirely rebuilt version of the old Portal showing players count and server status. This new version should refresh quicker and be a smaller memory impact on slower machines. The old portal will remain available for the time being until this version is more feature rich.
* Portraits are served when available on the server, otherwise they fallback to defaults, just like in game. Note that EPP portraits are not currently available, but may be introduced in the future.
* In-game date is now accurately shown in this version of the Portal with working Chronus link.

* Crafting Compendium
* Nearly identical to the previous version but with a unified interface and somewhat smoother animations.
* Improved some linking between inputs/outputs of recipes.
* Improved searching and links in the sidebar table of recipes.
* Now displays recipe "options" when multiple crafts can make an ingredient for a recipe.

The new Astrolabe will have light and dark themes to allow users to have their preference and your own default should load from your system preferences. In addition, the portal and crafting compendium have working mobile friendly interfaces (further improvements to come in time!). Also a custom favicon from DM Starfish, thank you kind Starfish friend.

Please provide feedback and bug reports to the forums feedback board.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Kalopsia » Sun Jan 22, 2023 12:25 am

From Kalopsia
  • The -mimic command will now remember settings on a per disguise basis:
    • When used while disguised, it will store the values for the currently applied disguise name and restore them whenever this disguise is applied.
    • When used while undisguised, it will store the values for the character itself and apply them whenever the character is undisguised.
    • After this change goes live, existing mimic values may be reset when you disguise for the first time, so make sure to validate your settings afterwards.
  • Death godsaves now apply a temporary +5 bonus to all ability scores. This is meant to offset the loss of essential spells.
  • Added Arcane Archer abilities to the -cooldown command.
  • Arcane Archer's reworked abilities now take into account all Enchant Arrow bonuses, not just the bonus damage.
  • Experimental fix for NPCs continuing to attack characters after a death godsave.
  • Banishment and Dismissal no longer affect non-hostile planar and planetouched characters.

From Twohand

New fixtures: Overgrown Altar (from your suggestions!), Overgrown Stone Column, Rune Stones, and Stone Urns.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:11 pm

Forum Update:

Markdown support enabled.
Syntax can be looked up from these resources: ... wn/Syntax/ ... es/Syntax/


Header 1Header 2
Cell 1Cell 2
Header 1Header 2
Cell 1Cell 2

Horizontal bars:

Easy headers:

This is an H1

This is an H2

This is an H6

Simpler Lists:

  • Milk
  • Bread
  • Nutella

Easy Blockquotes:

Deep blockquote

Shallower blockquote

No blockquote

You can disable markdown in your post by clicking "Disable Markdown" in options. (Also an example for easier image embedding)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Mon Jan 23, 2023 6:19 pm

From backlands:

Astrolabe Changes:

  • Portal
    • Added settings option beside player count (gear icon) to allow switching to a more compressed display of players.
    • New compressed layout allows seeing up to 200 players at once on a 1920 x 1080 display, even more than the old portal!
    • Fixed Support link, it now actually goes to support...


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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by DM Starfish » Tue Jan 24, 2023 9:52 pm

From Starfish

  • Appearances will no longer save or load weapon or shield items. This is an effort to stop character corruptions during niche interactions caused by the appearance commands.
Roleplay is a two way street.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Kalopsia » Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:45 am

From Kalopsia


  • The entire dispel logic has been rewritten to be more transparent, streamlined and easier to debug.
    • Dispel checks are now visible in full detail on the PGCC server.
    • Dispelling allies only attempts to remove harmful effects; dispelling enemies only beneficial ones.
      • Mordenkainen's Disjunction will apply its usual breach effect in either case. (Lore reasons.)
    • If you come across any issues or unusual behavior, please create a Bug Report on the forums.


  • Fixed an issue where automatically equipping a new stack of ammunition didn't properly initialise the custom damage on-hit effect.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:50 pm

From Amnesy, Kalopsia, Starfish, Sincra, sorrowkitten, et al

(of however many parts we are making...)
(... oh yes, we're not done.)

============= NEW SPELLS =============

A SLEW of new spells, 32 in total, some designed from scratch by staff members and some of your favorite classics from DnD!

These include:

  • Blur
  • Spider Skin
  • False Life
  • Baleful Polymorph
  • Dehydrate
  • Blades of Fire
  • Life Transference
  • Greater Life Transference
  • Blackfire
  • Sustain
  • Vicious Mockery
  • Frigid Darkness
  • Serene Visage
  • Withering Ray
  • Strangulate
  • Spinal Tap
  • Power Word Bleed
  • Stop Heart
  • Chill Touch
  • Vengeful Mount
  • Greater Chromatic Orb
  • Power Word Blind
  • Greater Mage Armor
  • Negative Energy Flood
  • Wraith Stride
  • Create Blood Homunculus
  • Pacifying Shackle
  • Eagle Sight
  • Solipsism
  • Phantom Wound
  • Mass Phantom Wound

Some credit goes to Party In The Forest for some of the icons, who did an amazing job on them! Thanks so much!

============= SPELL ADJUSTMENTS =============

Some additional adjustments have been made to spells that already exist:


  • Now applies undead summon warding to the area when cast. (Does not dismiss Undead, as expected).

Undeath's Eternal Foe:

  • Now locks the area from Undead Summoning for 60 seconds and attempts to banish hostile Undead from the radius of the spell.
  • It will banish up to CasterLevel*2 in Hit Dice.
  • It will not banish targets that have more than (CasterLevel-5) hit dice.
  • Will save. Scales normally.
  • Respects Spell Resistance.

Burst of Glacial Wrath:

  • Moved to 8th Circle for Sorcerers and Wizards.

Wail of the Banshee:

  • Now deals 10d6 sonic damage on a successful save.


  • Now deals 10d6 damage, fortitude for half. Previously 4d10.


  • Now deals 2d3 damage per CL.
  • A successful fortitude save will halve the damage.

============= NEW SPELLS, IN DETAIL =============

=== Blur ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 2, Spellsword 2, Warlock 2, Bard 2
  Spell School: Illusion
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Short
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A single friendly creature or self.
  Duration: 1 turn / level
  Save: Harmless
  Spell Resistance: No
  Description: The target's body takes on a magical blur that hinders attacks. They gain 30% concealment for the duration.

=== Spider Skin ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Shaman 3, Druid 3, Ranger 3
  Spell School: Transmutation
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Touch
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: Ally or self.
  Duration: 1 hour / level
  Save: Harmless
  Spell Resistance: No

  Description: The caster transforms an intended target's skin to be more like that of a spider, sprouting tiny hooks on their palms and feet that allow them to scale vertical surfaces more easily and granting them enhanced maneuverability. They gain +3 Natural AC and a +4 bonus to Climb and Move Silently for the duration.

=== False Life ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 2, Spellsword 2, Warlock 2, Cleric / Favored Soul 2, Bard 2, Hexblade 2, Shaman 2
  Spell School: Necromancy
  Descriptor: [Negative]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Personal
  Area of effect: Self
  Subject of effect: Self
  Duration: 1 turn / level
  Save: Harmless
  Spell Resistance: No

  Description: The caster uses necromantic energy to avoid death. They gain temporary hit points equally to 1d10 + 1 per caster level, to a maximum of hit points equal to their caster level. Cannot be placed on wands or potions.

=== Baleful Polymorph ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 5, Spellsword 5, Warlock 5, Shaman 5, Bard 5
  Spell School: Transmutation
  Descriptor: [Chaos]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Medium
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: One humanoid target.
  Duration: 1 round / level
  Save: Will negates
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: The caster attempts to transmogrify a single creature. If their target fails a Will save, they are transformed into a harmless animal or beast that the spell will decide at random.

  While polymorphed, the target can only perform basic commands such as moving and cannot revert back to their original form at will. They are only able to speak in animal language.

=== Dehydrate ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Cleric / Favored Soul 3, Shaman 3, Druid 3
  Spell School: Necromancy
  Descriptor: [Negative]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Medium
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A single target which is comprised of blood or water.
  Duration: Instant
  Save: Fortitude partial (see description)
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: The caster afflicts the target with a horrible, desiccating curse that deals 1d6+1 per 3 character levels (maximum 1d6+5) of Constitution damage. Oozes and plants are particularly susceptible, and receive 1d8 +1 per 3 character levels (maximum 1d8+5) of Constitution damage instead. Targets also have their water reduced by 1d20% on a failed save.

  On a successful save, the target instead receives 1d6 damage per 5 caster levels or 1d8 per 5 caster levels if it is an ooze or a plant subtype. Their water status is also drained by 1d10% on a successful save.

=== Blades of Fire ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 0, Spellsword 0, Warlock 0, Ranger 0, Elementalist 0
  Spell School: Conjuration
  Descriptor: [Fire]
  Components: Verbal
  Range: Touch
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: One friendly creature that is wielding any melee weapon.
  Duration: 2 rounds (+1 with GSF: Conj)
  Save: Harmless
  Spell Resistance: No

  Description: The caster ignites the subject's melee weapons, allowing each to deal an additional 2d4 worth of fire damage for the duration. The damage increases to 2d6 at level 9, 2d8 at level 18, and 2d10 at level 27. This spell does not stack with Darkfire or Elemental Weapon.

=== Life Transference ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 3, Spellsword 3, Warlock 3, Cleric / Favored Soul 3, Hemomancer 3
  Spell School: Necromancy
  Descriptor: [Negative]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Medium
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: Any friendly creature that is sustained by life force.
  Duration: Instant
  Save: Harmless
  Spell Resistance: No

  Description: The caster sacrifices some of their health to mend another creature's injuries. They take 4d8 Magical damage, which can't be reduced in any way, and the target creature regains a number of hit points equal to three times the damage you take. This spell will never drop the caster below 1 hit point, but if no damage is dealt to them, no healing will be done either.

=== Greater Life Transference ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 5, Spellsword 5, Warlock 5, Cleric / Favored Soul 5, Hemomancer 5
  Spell School: Necromancy
  Descriptor: [Negative]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Medium
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: Any friendly creature that is sustained by life force.
  Duration: Instant
  Save: Harmless
  Spell Resistance: No

  Description: The caster sacrifices some of their health to mend another creature's injuries. They take 7d8 Magical damage, which can't be reduced in any way, and the target creature regains a number of hit points equal to three times the damage you take. This spell will never drop the caster below 1 hit point, but if no damage is dealt to them, no healing will be done either.

=== Blackfire ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 7, Spellsword 7, Warlock 7, Hemomancer 8
  Spell School: Necromancy
  Descriptor: [Fire] [Death] [Disease]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Long
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A single creature.
  Duration: 3 rounds
  Save: Special
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: A line of black fire shoots out from the caster's hands and towards their target. The target must make a Reflex saving throw. 

  On a failed save, the target takes 1d8 Fire damage and 1d8 Entropic damage plus an additional 1d8 to each damage type per 4 caster levels, up to a maximum of 8d8 Fire damage and 8d8 Entropic damage. The target also begins to burn for 2d8 Fire and 2d8 Entropic damage each round for the duration. On a successful save, the initial damage is halved and they avoid the additional burning damage.

  Regardless of the result of the previous save, the Blackfire is a caustic and volatile spell, and enemies nearby the target must roll a Reflex save to prevent the Blackfire from spreading to them and inflicting half of the initial burst damage. Those targets it spreads to also begin to burn for the duration.

  All enemies struck on a failed Reflex save, regardless if it is on the initial cast or spread from the initial target, become Sickened, receiving a -2 penalty to Fortitude saves. Sickened creatures must also roll a Fortitude save each round that they are affected by Blackfire Burning and, if they fail, become Nauseated(Daze) for 1 round.

=== Sustain ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 0, Spellsword 0, Warlock 0, Cleric / Favored Soul 0, Hemomancer 0, Bard 0, Shaman 0, Druid 0
  Spell School: Necromancy
  Descriptor: [Healing]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Touch
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A friendly creature with less than 1 hit point remaining.
  Duration: Instant
  Save: Harmless
  Spell Resistance: No

  Description: The caster touches a creature and grants them 1/- Bleed damage resistance for a duration of 1 turn. Creatures with with 0 hit points or less (who are bleeding out) are immediately sustained this way, and then restored back to 1 hit point after 1 round. 

  This spell will also prevent the effects of the Stop Heart spell if used upon an afflicted creature and grant immunity to it for 1 turn.

=== Vicious Mockery ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 0, Spellsword 0, Warlock 0, Bard 0
  Spell School: Enchantment
  Descriptor: [Mind]
  Components: Verbal
  Range: Medium
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A single creature that is capable of hearing.
  Duration: Instant
  Save: Will negates
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: The caster laces their words with hateful energy and aggressively mocks a creature in range. The target takes 1d4 Psychic damage per 3 caster levels. They must roll a Will save or receive a -1 morale penalty per 9 caster levels to their Attack Bonus and a -2 morale penalty per 9 caster levels to Leadership, Bluff, and Intimidate for 1d2 rounds. This spell has no effect on targets that are immune to mind effects. The debuff is not applied if caster level is lower than the HD of the target.

  Vicious Mockery will remove Serene Visage from any target it strikes.

=== Frigid Darkness ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 2, Spellsword 2, Warlock 2, Hemomancer 2, Hexblade 2
  Spell School: Necromancy
  Descriptor: [Negative] [Cold]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Long
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A single creature.
  Duration: Instant
  Save: None
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: A sphere of darkness shoots out towards the target. The caster makes a ranged touch attack. On a hit, the subject takes 1d10 cold damage and 1d10 entropic damage and has its movement speed reduced by 5% for 1d2 rounds.

=== Serene Visage ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 2, Spellsword 2, Bard 2
  Spell School: Illusion
  Descriptor: [Illusion]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Personal
  Area of effect: Self
  Subject of effect: The caster.
  Duration: 1 hour / level
  Save: Harmless
  Spell Resistance: No

  Description: The caster enhances their appearance to appear more persuasive or interesting. They gain a bonus of +4 to all disguise checks.

=== Withering Ray ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 4, Spellsword 4, Warlock 4, Hemomancer 4, Hexblade 4
  Spell School: Necromancy
  Descriptor: [Death] [Negative]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Long
  Area of effect: Medium
  Subject of effect: Targets within the radius of the area of effect.
  Duration: Instant
  Save: Fortitude for half
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: The caster creates up to three rays of necromantic energy and hurls them at targets within range. They make a ranged touch attack for each ray and only one ray can strike a target at a time. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 Entropic damage per 3 caster levels up to a maximum of 10d8. Targets struck by the rays are allowed a fortitude save to only take half damage. If this damage reduces a living target to 0 hit points, it dies instantly and withers into a husk. Inorganic targets such as constructs do not wither but are not immune to this spell's damage.

=== Strangulate ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 3, Spellsword 3, Warlock 3, Cleric / Favored Soul 3, Hemomancer 3, Hexblade 3
  Spell School: Necromancy
  Descriptor: [Evil]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Medium
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: One creature within range.
  Duration: Concentration, 3 rounds + 1 round / level
  Save: Reflex, fortitude
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: An invisible hand reaches out from the caster, grabbing the subject's throat and strangling them. The target makes a Reflex save. If they fail, the target is restrained and can't speak or cast spells with verbal components. If the caster attempts to do anything else while the spell is active, their concentration may break and the spell may end. The spell takes no effect against creatures that do not need to breathe, like oozes, elementals, undead, constructs, air genasi.

=== Spinal Tap ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 5, Spellsword 5, Warlock 5, Cleric / Favored Soul 5, Hemomancer 5, Shaman 5, Druid 5
  Spell School: Necromancy
  Descriptor: [Negative]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Medium
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A single creature.
  Duration: 1 round / level
  Save: Will
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: The caster uses necromancy to reach into a subject's flesh and cause harm to their spine. The target rolls a Will save. If they fail, they are paralyzed for the duration and receive 1d8 Negative damage for every 3 caster levels. If they succeed, they still receive 1d4 Negative damage for every 3 caster levels. If the caster has Greater Spell Focus in Necromancy, the Negative damage instead becomes Entropic.

=== Power Word: Bleed ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 8, Shaman 7, Hemomancer 7
  Spell School: Divination
  Descriptor: None
  Components: Verbal
  Range: Short
  Area of effect: Short
  Subject of effect: A single hostile creature.
  Duration: Instant
  Save: Fortitude
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: The caster speaks a word of power upon a single target. If the target has 120 hit points or fewer, it is subject to massive bleeding, taking half of its current hit points in damage up to a maximum of 60. In addition to the damage, they must roll a fortitude save based on their remaining hit points (+1 to the DC at 120, +2 at 80, +3 at 60 or lower) or begin to bleed for 3d8 damage each round for 5 rounds. This spell has no effect on undead nor constructs.

=== Stop Heart ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 8, Warlock 8, Cleric / Favored Soul 8, Shaman 8, Druid 8
  Spell School: Necromancy
  Descriptor: [Death]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Touch
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A single, living creature.
  Duration: Instant
  Save: Fortitude negates
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: The caster attempts to stop the target's heart. This spell does not affect creatures that do not have a properly functioning heart, such as undead or creatures with Deathless Mastery,  nor creatures that lack a proper circulatory system, such as Golems. Additionally, creatures who have achieved Perfect Self are capable of using Ki to restart their heart before it stops, and will not be rendered unconscious by this spell. They will still receive all expected damage otherwise.

  The subject must make a Fortitude saving throw. On a failure, the target can only function normally for 2 rounds as their heart slowly stops beating, receiving 2d8 Magical damage each round leading up. After 2 rounds, they are reduced to 0 hit points and begin to die. On a successful fortitude save, the target instead receives 1d8 Magical damage per 3 caster levels. Since this spell does not produce an instant death effect, Stop Heart circumvents the protection granted by Death Ward.

=== Chill Touch ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 0, Spellsword 0, Warlock 0, Hemomancer 0, Bard 0
  Spell School: Necromancy
  Descriptor: [Negative] [Evil]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Long
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A single creature.
  Duration: Instant
  Save: Will negates
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: The caster creates a ghostly, skeletal hand in the space of a creature within range. They must make a ranged touch attack against the ceature to assail it with the chill of the grave. On a hit, the target takes 1d2 Entropic and 1d2 Cold damage per 3 caster levels and is sent into a shivering frenzy, receiving a -2 penalty to their Heal and Concentration skills for every 9 caster levels for 1d3 rounds. If the target is undead, it must succeed a Will save or receives a -1 penalty to its Attack bonus per 9 caster levels for 1d3 rounds. The debuff is not applied if caster level is lower than the HD of the target.

=== Vengeful Mount ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 3, Spellsword 3, Warlock 3, Cleric / Favored Soul 3, Bard 3, Druid 3, Shaman 3, Hexblade 2, Paladin 2
  Spell School: Enchantment
  Descriptor: [Mind]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Medium
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A mounted creature.
  Duration: Instant
  Save: Special
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: The caster tests the emotional bond between rider and mount. Targeting a mounted creature, they attempt to disrupt their mount's focus. The rider must roll a Ride + d20 check versus the caster's Animal Empathy, 1/2 Spellcraft, or 1/2 Intimidate (whichever comes out highest) + d20 or be thrown from their horse.

=== Greater Chromatic Orb ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 4, Spellsword 4, Warlock 4, Elementalist 4
  Spell School: Conjuration
  Descriptor: [Fire][Acid][Cold][Sonic][Electrical]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Medium
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A single enemy creature.
  Duration: Instant
  Save: Fortitude partial
  Spell Resistance: No

  Description: An elemental orb launches from the caster's palm towards its target. The caster must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit. Enemies struck take 1d6 elemental (based on the type of element: Acid, Fire, Cold, Electric, Sonic) damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 15d6).
  The target is given a fortitude save. If they fail the save, they suffer an additional effect based on the element used and take full damage. If they pass the save, there is no additional effect and they only take half damage.

  Acid: Blinded for 1 round
  Cold: -10% Movement Speed for 2 rounds
  Fire: -2 to all attack rolls for 2 rounds
  Electrical: Stunned for 1 round
  Sonic: Deafened and dazed for 1 round.

=== Power Word: Blind ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 6, Warlock 6, Shaman 6
  Spell School: Divination
  Descriptor: None
  Components: Verbal
  Range: Short
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A single creature.
  Duration: Special
  Save: Will negates
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: The caster utters a single word of power. A target with more than 150 current HP must pass a will save or be blinded for a duration according to their HP. Additionally, there is a small bonus DC relevant to the HP.

  HP above 300: No bonus. Duration is 1+1d4 rounds.
  251 to 300: +1 DC. Duration increases to 2+1d4 rounds.
  201 to 250: +2 DC and duration changes to 4+1d4 rounds.
  151 to 200: +3 DC and duration changes to 5+1d4 rounds.
  101 to 150: Automatic success and duration changes to 6+2d4 rounds. 
  Less than 101: Automatic success and duration changes to 7+2d4 rounds.

=== Greater Mage Armor ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 6, Spellsword 8
  Spell School: Conjuration
  Descriptor: None
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Touch
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: One friendly creature.
  Duration: 1 hour / level
  Save: Harmless
  Spell Resistance: No

  Description: The target receives +8 to their Armor Class bonus (+2 Deflection, +2 Armor, +2 Natural, +2 Dodge). Does not stack with other sources of Mage Armor. This spell confers no effect when cast from a scroll, but it may be scribed for the purpose of learning.

=== Negative Energy Flood ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 5, Spellsword 5, Warlock 5, Cleric / Favored Soul 5
  Spell School: Necromancy
  Descriptor: [Negative]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Long
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A single creature.
  Duration: Instant
  Save: Fortitude for half
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: The caster sends ribbons of Negative energy at a single target, striking them with 1d8 damage per 3 caster levels. If the target fails the fortitude save, they also lose 1 point of Strength per 4 Caster Levels. Strength bonuses from spells of similar types (such as Negative Energy Burst) will not stack when granted to an undead creature. If a target is killed by this spell, it rises as an uncontrolled zombie. This spell has a reverse effect on undead, healing them instead of harming them.

=== Wraith Stride ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 4, Spellsword 4, Warlock 4, Shaman 4, Ranger 4, Hexblade 4
  Spell School: Necromancy
  Descriptor: None
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Personal
  Area of effect: Self
  Subject of effect: The caster.
  Duration: 1 round + 1 round / 5 levels
  Save: Harmless
  Spell Resistance: No

  Description: The caster suffuses themselves with necromantic power, briefly gaining the traits of an incorporeal undead. They are rendered invisible, granted a 30% Movement Speed increase, Freedom of Movement, and are able to move freely through other creatures. Making a combat action while within the Wraith Stride will break the effect. This spell can be breached.

=== Create Blood Homunculus ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 9, Hemomancer 9
  Spell School: Transmutation
  Descriptor: [Blood Arcana]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Personal
  Area of effect: Self
  Subject of effect: The caster.
  Duration: 1 turn / level
  Save: Harmless
  Spell Resistance: No

  Description: The caster divides their current hitpoints in half to produce a homunculus constructed of blood. The homunculus will respond to commands as if a summon. Transmutation focuses will empower the summon beyond its basic capabilities similar to Conjuration focuses or Necromancy focuses for their corresponding summons.

  The strength of the Homunuculus is further increased by the amount of HP consumed upon casting the spell. It can also be decreased if the amount of HP is too little.

  - Tier 3: 240+ HP
  - Tier 2: 160-239 HP
  - Tier 1: 90-159 HP
  - Weakened: Less than 90 HP 

=== Pacifying Shackle ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Paladin 4
  Spell School: Abjuration
  Descriptor: [Law]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Short
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A single creature.
  Duration: Concentration, 3 rounds + 1 round / level
  Save: Special
  Spell Resistance: Yes
  Description: The paladin attempts to materialize shackles made of light to pacify the target. The mode of the spell is based on a few factors.

  Non-PC Target: A hostile target must make a Reflex save and, if they fail, they are restrained and unable to cast spells or perform actions for the duration.

  PC Target: If the target is a PC and both target and caster are not in combat, they are instead given a chance to allow themselves to be shackled.
  - If the PC chooses not to resist, no checks are made and the duration is extended to 1 turn / level. While shackled, the subject is permitted to move at a decreased rate of speed, but may not cast spells or perform actions.
  - If the subject chooses to resist, it will roll the save as normal.

  The DC of this spell takes into account the higher of either the Paladin's Strength modifier or their Charisma modifier and Abjuration spell focuses apply. Additionally, if the caster attempts to do anything else while the spell is active, their concentration may break and the spell may end.

=== Eagle Sight ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Ranger 4
  Spell School: Divination
  Descriptor: None
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Personal
  Area of effect: Self
  Subject of effect: The caster.
  Duration: Special
  Save: Harmless
  Spell Resistance: No

  Description: This spell can only be cast in a natural environment.

  The ranger calls upon the eyes of an eagle on high, granting them True Seeing for 2 rounds. They also receive immunity to blindness and a +15 bonus to Spot (does not count against disguises) for 1 turn.

=== Solipsism ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 7, Spellsword 7, Warlock 7
  Spell School: Illusion
  Descriptor: [Mind Affecting]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Medium
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A single creature.
  Duration: 1 round / level
  Save: Will negates
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: The caster manipulates the senses of one creature so that it perceives itself to be the only real creature in all of existence and everything around it to be merely an illusion.

  If the target fails its save, it is convinced of the unreality of every situation it might encounter. It takes no actions, not even purely mental actions, and instead watches the world around it with bemusement. The subject becomes effectively helpless and takes no steps to defend itself from any threat, since it considers any hostile action merely another illusion.

=== Phantom Wound ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 6, Spellsword 6, Warlock 6, Shaman 6
  Spell School: Illusion
  Descriptor: [Mind Affecting]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Short
  Area of effect: Single
  Subject of effect: A single creature.
  Duration: 1 round / level
  Save: Will negates
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: The target creature must succeed a Will save or suffer a Phantom Wound: a grievious wound that only they can see. Subjects affected by a Phantom Wound are convinced that their hitpoints have been reduced to 5d4 for the duration.

=== Mass Phantom Wound ===

Code: Select all

  Spell Level: Wizard / Sorcerer 9, Spellsword 8, Warlock 8, Shaman 9
  Spell School: Illusion
  Descriptor: [Mind Affecting]
  Components: Verbal, somatic
  Range: Short
  Area of effect: Large
  Subject of effect: All creatures in the radius.
  Duration: 1 round / level
  Save: Will negates
  Spell Resistance: Yes

  Description: All targets in the area of effect must succeed a Will save or suffer a Phantom Wound: a grievious wound that only they can see. Subjects affected by a Phantom Wound are convinced that their hitpoints have been reduced to 5d4 for the duration.
Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Fri Jan 27, 2023 3:07 am

It's always incredibly stressful for us to have to resort to restoring a backup and I'm incredibly sorry for all the progress people have lost in the last 10 hours, it was an extremely unfortunate necessity.
I do have means to verify certain claims, but if you lost anything significant in the rollback, please contact me on DISCORD (Hoodoo#4530) via PM/Message request.

I will currently be going to sleep as it's 8AM, but I will be working on your requests tomorrow onwards. I just ask that you be patient. Thank you.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Kalopsia » Sat Jan 28, 2023 5:48 pm

From Inf

Feat Adjustments

  • Weapon Finesse now works for all melee touch spells. Caster uses the higher of their STR or DEX mod.
  • Zen Archery now works for all ranged touch spells. Caster uses the higher of their DEX or WIS mod.

From Kalopsia


  • Palemaster: Restored missing Caster Level bonus to Necromancy spells.
  • Liberator: Fixed Divine Smite damage scaling with Liberator levels.
  • Elemental Meteor: This summon was affected by Epic Caster bonuses twice, which has been fixed now.
  • Already live:
    • Monk: Mordenkainen's Disjunction no longer lowers Monk spell resistance.
    • Turn Undead: Fixed Animal Domain's Animal Turning ability.


  • Breaches now reveal the amount of stripped spells to the caster.
    • In contrast, the target continues to see a complete list of removed spells.

from sk

Spell Changes and Fixes, phase 1



  • Now should gain refunds from most of the new [Negative] and [Death] spells.

Ranger & Hexblade:

  • Now have access to Cantrips and have been given a few cantrips in addition.



  • Removed fortitude save component.

Summon Blood Homunculus:

  • icon fixed.
  • Added a feedback message to show bonuses given by each tier.
  • Duration is now doubled on tier 3.
  • Fixed some bugs with bonuses not applying.

Blades of Fire:

  • Now has a Short range rather than Touch distance, allowing it to be cast from a safe space on your tanks and weaponmasters.
  • It also automatically imbues the offhand if there is one to imbue.

False Life:

  • Description updated for clarity.
  • No longer stacks with other sources of temporary hit points.
  • Should now be properly listed for Shaman.

Greater Chromatic Orb:

  • Now Evocation, as it's supposed to be.

Serene Visage:

  • Added to Warlock, level 2.


  • Should now be properly listed for Clerics and Favored Souls.

Baleful Polymorph:

  • Should now be properly listed for Shaman.
  • The spell has been redone from the ground up. There was a number overflow problem in a number of >highly specific< cases that was causing crashes and character file corruption. This problem should now go away.
  • Spell made slightly more fair. A target can only be affected by one Baleful Polymorph every ingame hour, and it is now removable by -pray and Remove Curse.
  • The spell is now a Radial menu which lets you select what polymorph you want to use. No more randomness. You choose.
  • You can now cast it on yourself, savelessly. Keep in mind you will still be unable to REMOVE it.
  • Prevented Animal Empathy from working on Baleful Polymorph subjects.
  • Spell save type was corrected.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Sat Jan 28, 2023 5:56 pm

From Sincra

Fixtures and Saving feedback:

  • Now warns you explicitly of the reason it could not be saved, these are:
  • * Too many fixtures in the area.
  • * The fixture is placed too close to another existing and saved fixture.
  • More importantly this comes with DM logging improvements so they will be able to tell easier what erased your fixtures!
  • If more feedback states are needed they will be added in future.
Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Kenji » Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:08 am

From Kenji

Feat Adjustment: Method: Signature Weapon

  • Can now choose Gloves as a Signature Weapon for Unarmed. Signature Weapon bonus for unarmed will only apply when equipped with a glove or a gauntlet
  • Now requires a second activation to confirm the chosen weapon. Note: Chosen Signature Weapons are permanent! (With the possibility of reset via -relevel)

Sound Set: Icewind Dale

  • All new soundset numbers are shifted up by 4 to revert certain erraneous edit on some preexisting soundsets (such as parrot, shark, or seagull)

  • Example:
    IWD HoW Male 1 was #451 before will now be #455
    IWD Yxunomei was # 496 before and will become #500

  • All current unresolved support ticket or requests for soundset changes should be cancelled or denied. Make a new soundset request with the adjusted values in mind

For you, the day Kenji overhauled your class was the most important day of your life.
But for me, it was Tuesday. :face_with_monocle: To-do list

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:01 pm

From backlands:

Astrolabe Changes:

  • Portal
    • Added a new background setting (gear icon) allowing players to choose a specific background to display (or none).
    • Worth noting that this setting and the "Layout" setting both persist between sessions on the same device.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Mon Jan 30, 2023 3:42 pm

from sk

Regarding Bard's Lasting Inspiration/Inspiring Minstrel bug:

Some characters who were in the midst of levelling bards or dirgesingers recently were not receiving the Inspiring Minstrel feat when they were meant to. This prohibited getting the Lasting Inspiration feat.

After some work, this bug was tracked down and a fix should be sent live with the next reset. However, if you were affected by this bug yourself, you may still need to -relevel in order to get Inspiring Minstrel. If you have the feat automatically or if it just suddenly shows up in your character sheet, you have nothing to worry about, but just in case it's not there, a -relevel should fix it.

Thanks for your patience.

More spell adjustments and fixes:

  • Pray should now remove Stop Heart properly. It does this by preventing Death on the final tick. You may still take a bit of damage while the heart is "fluttering" so to speak.
  • Baleful Polymorph now applies Spell Failure, so the chicken can't cast eldritch blast anymore.
  • Solipsism now has a feedback message on the subject and Blinds them to better simulate the spell.
  • Strangulate now has a feedback message letting the subject know they're being force-choked.
  • Negative Energy Flood damage improved to 1d6/cl to a cap of 20d6.
  • Fixed some feedback errors with Create Blood Homunculus.
  • Blood Homunculus tiers now scale a bit wider to better simulate the differences between HP consumed.
  • Sustain should no longer heal targets who are above 0 HP.
  • Withering Ray size increased to Colossal so that it actually hits targets in the region. Damage has been changed to 10 + 1d4 per cl (capping at 20d4).
  • Spinal Tap duration reduced to 1 round + 1 round / 4 caster levels (to keep Hold Monster competitive)
  • Frigid Darkness now deals 2d10 + 2 damage per 2 caster levels, half of which is Cold and half of which is Entropic. The target's movement speed reduction was increased to 10% (from 5%) and the duration increased to 1d3 rounds (from 1d2). On a failed fortitude save, the target also now becomes Blind for 3 rounds.
Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Sincra » Tue Jan 31, 2023 2:39 pm

From The Team


  • The change that allowed Banishment to block Undead Summoning has been reverted.
  • In the recent spell updates, we already added a more thematic option for doing this with Undeath's Eternal Foe.
  • After some consideration, we felt this created too many counterplay options for undead summons, which already have a great many.
  • It was also behaving weirdly and I couldn't figure out why. This saves me having to debug it at length.

From Inf

Subdual changes

  • Subdual is now the default mode for new PCs (you can still turn it off with -subdual and it will persist for your character after a reset).
  • PCs are reminded that -subdual is on/off on login to prevent mistakes.
  • When a PC uses -giveup to withdraw from RP after being subdued a message now states that they died from their injuries. Even with subdual on, there's a risk that a PC will be killed when subdued. This is played out using the -giveup command.
Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.

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