Fixture Walls & Barriers

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Fixture Walls & Barriers

Post by Irongron » Fri May 15, 2020 1:00 pm

Over the years this same point has needed to be reiterated time and again. Its is the subject of many rejected suggestions, and frequent DM cases.

Fixtures should never be used to place permanent barriers preventing traffic through areas where Artos have I have specifically left open. It is not only able to cheese the AI, but is also the absolute height of anti-social play - this game, its roads and dungeons are designed for anyone to traverse. Outside of actual quarters it is not for players to decide where others are able to travel - this should be obvious.

I understand some players may think it is logically sensible to do so, but to think in such terms loses sight of what Arelith is. For instance it may make logical sense for Cordor to block off all tunnels leading to the kobold infested Iron Mine, but from a gameplay perspective? It should be obvious this would be extremely short-sighted.

Any veteran player will recognise this issue, and know time and time again we have had to dismantle such structures.

In these latest cases, however, some of the responsibilities have been on ourselves, namely for adding a trapped cheval de frise fixture, intended for use in conflict scenarios or military camps, it has increasingly been used to block existing tunnels and openings.

This is unacceptable, and will not be tolerated. If you have a quarter or cell door, or lockable gate - use it, if you wish to hold a position for the period of an RP event then do so with actual characters on the ground, if you wish you limit someone's access to a settlement, use the exile system.

Because Arelith is very large, and DMs don't have time to patrol the entire module to determine which routes players have elected to seal, we are updating the cheval to deteriorate after 1game day, irrespective of repositioning. These should only be used for the duration of conflict events. Any further abuse of their use will result in their removal entirely from the module.

Key takeaway: it's not for players to decide who can travel where. No fixture walls.

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