Respect the Arelith Setting.

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Respect the Arelith Setting.

Post by Irongron » Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:30 pm

While I understand that there are some players who would prefer that we were a full sandbox where players could direct development and exercise total control over the setting, that is simply not the case, nor will it be at any point in the foreseeable future.

This isn't a new problem but one that once again is being highlighted with the introduction of the new city given the surrounding narrative, and restrictions designed to ensure its inclusivity.

But it goes far beyond that, we still have problems with players unwilling to recognise the validity (or power) of NPCs, most notably the Peacekeepers in Andunor. Also, no matter how nuanced one's individual character concept is, there is simply no overcoming the inherent prejudices on the setting regarding the native races, and how they are treated.

If you spend a reward to play a good aligned 'evil' race then you should not expect the entire setting to adjust its outlook based upon your own character, in short, you should reflect the universal animosity in your RP.

If you decide to ignore the Peacekeepers and repeatedly conduct PvP in the hub you can now expect a reaction. Characters marked for this behaviour, upon review from the DMs, will now find themselves restricted from all Hub services - player shops, NPCs and even the portal.

While if those in Guldorand can't accept the restrictions placed upon them by the Founder's Charter or Council, or those in Cordor cant accept an NPC monarch, or in Brogrndenstein the Earthkin Alliance, or in The Sharps/Devil Table the power of the NPC drow houses, then I would strongly advise that you either reconsider that position, or consider migrating to a true sandbox server that might be more suited to your tastes.

To be absolutely clear there is nothing wrong with objecting to any of these things in-character, or attempting to roleplay towards their adjustment or removal, but to ignore them, or actively work to subvert the setting based upon what you do or do not approve of simply will not fly.

I dislike being so firm but this isn't a discussion. Players have an extraordinary amount of agency, play entirely for free, catered for by voluntary developers and staff, and are therefore expected to come in good faith. I develop this world based upon my own vision, and will often take inspiration from players and staff alike, but absolutely reserve the right to make the server i wish us to have.

When players ignore our setting, belittle the staff or 'demand' changes it is my view that they have lost sight of this unwritten contract.

I adore the community we have here, I can find them both inspiring and, at times, humbling, but that in no way means that Arelith will ever be run by mass consensus; we make and run Arelith, and will ultimately take our own council. If it gets to the point, for any player, that they cannot abide the server of its setting, there are many fantastically made servers that may be more a more suitable choice.

If you're demanding a vote on Arelith, then please, do it with your feet.

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