New Year Community Meeting.

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New Year Community Meeting.

Post by Irongron » Fri Dec 31, 2021 7:44 pm

To mark the new year, looking forward to the next and taking stock of the one just passed, I'll be holding a community meeting, in game on the Guldorand Server tomorrow at 21.30 GMT, to run for approximately 6 hours.

It's a chance for players to come and discuss anything directly with myself or other attending staff members, be it development plans, staff policy, server rules, individual concerns and so forth.

So long as players remain civil with staff and fellow community members nothing Arelith related is off the table, and I hope everyone will get the chance for their voice to be heard on a range of subjects.

For anyone that hasn't attended such a meeting before, these are OOC Q&A sessions, generally held outside of regular play areas.

I look forward to seeing you there, even if some of you are nursing a hangover from the night before.

Happy New Year everyone, thanks for joining us throughout 2021, and I hope we can all continue to play together throughout the next year.

Edit: Meeting will take place in the Magpie Theatre.


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Re: New Year Community Meeting.

Post by Irongron » Sat Jan 01, 2022 9:11 pm

The meeting will begin shortly in the Magpie Theater on the Guldorand Server.

Due to the difficulty for Underdark characters to access it, or any other player unable to easily reach Guldorand, one may also create a new character on the Guldorand Server, remain in the entry area, and use the DM channel to ask a DM to port you directly to the meeting.

See some of you there in 20 minutes from now.

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