Neverwinter Nights 20th Anniversary Weekend Event Template

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DM Herald
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Neverwinter Nights 20th Anniversary Weekend Event Template

Post by DM Herald » Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:08 pm

If you are a player interested in hosting an event for the Neverwinter Nights 20th Anniversary Weekend, please send DM Herald the following information on the forums to have your event added to the event calendar:

- Event name
- Event date(s)
- Event start time(s) (Please provide this field in UTC)
- Event end time(s) (Please provide this field in UTC)
- Event start server
- Event start location
- Event details/description

Please note that multiple events can occur during the same timeslot(s), but the event dates are restricted to June 18th and 19th. Special venues such as arenas, theaters and taverns will be given on a first come first serve basis. If an event is cancelled for any reason, please notify DM Herald as soon as possible.

Event calendar link: ... YWlsLmNvbQ
Last edited by DM Herald on Wed Jun 08, 2022 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Neverwinter Nights 20th Anniversary Weekend Event Template

Post by Irongron » Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:26 pm

This is the text from the Event Calendar on Discord.

A number of significant events, both players and staff run, held across both servers over the anniversary weekend.

A number of prizes on offer, and other exclusive features.

Players will be invited to book slots for Arelith's main venues (theatres, arenas etc) to run their own events via a special calendar.

Main celebrations will be centered around the Festival Grounds (Surface) and a new 'Dark Bazaar' area (Underdark)

Further Details to Follow
I can also confirm that one of the venues, likely the Magpie Theater, will be given over for an OOC venue for some of this where we can host special invited guests.

The first to confirm are: Fantasy Author and NWN Veteran Luke Scull, and Soren (Zarathustra), NWN developer, and Lead of Neverwinter Nights Server Ravenloft - Prisoners of the Mist.

Beamdog are also providing game prizes of Steam, GoG and Switch Keys, and providing their promotion

Having seen many amazing player events over the years here, I hope this can be a chance to showcase what you can all do.

The venues available are not just the Festival Grounds and Dark Bazaar (Each with 2 event tents), but also our in game theatres, arenas and taverns.

Ideally I'd like to see different events taking place simultaneously in different venues.

When we have more of a list of events I'll produce something for our home page with a proper timetable, and ensure it is published and spread on social media.

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